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Author Topic: [SP] The Red Wave (final) - (Review Complete)  (Read 15709 times)

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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #15 on: 17 Jun 2008, 19:58:12 »
Don't worry, nothing has been taken personally.
This mission has been designed in 1.14 from the outset (I think  :whistle:).

"sandbags deleted" , it only happened once! a bug
It only happens if the especas arrive at the sandbags and are able to work for 30 seconds undisturbed.  :D
Which appears to rarely be the case.

Offline schuler

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #16 on: 18 Jun 2008, 05:40:18 »
Ok got ya!
I thought is was the mines. But I understand now.
I still think the map is a bit messy,
There are markers on top of markers

And what about that Abrams tank, it would be nice to see it in action
There is a m113 in the back flank ,
I really like the briefing!!!!!

good action and firefights!!!!!!
Cheers schuler
Semper Fi

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #17 on: 21 Jul 2008, 00:11:53 »
Just to make you guys notice: I have put up the Beta 2 of my mission to the first post of this thread.



Offline Cheetah

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #18 on: 21 Jul 2008, 08:05:56 »
Is vila's weapon required?

EDIT: removed vila_wpn from the mission.sqm addon list and she works. Uploaded that version as an alternative to your 1st post for others to use without the addon requirement.

EDIT2: beta report of The Red Wave v2.

Intro  Looking good.

Briefing  No weapon selection, although plenty of weapons are around. You might want to add it? Markers are quite clear, you might want to change a marker's position depending on how far the enemy got into each of the three paths.

Mission  I still find it strange to find myself on the left flank instead of in the center, 2nd position. Every time I try to run to the center, my team has a lot of trouble following me through those buildings, they get stuck between the buildings - useless but it kept them alive. Those low warfare walls do a great job for the AI as they are able to shoot over them while being seriously protected. Only the left flank collapsed and I had to help them, boats were of no problem on that flank. The other side, right flank, got threatened by the boats as the Especas ended up behind the soldiers guarding the wall - luckily I managed to save two of them. They did a great job before those pesky Especas showed up (see attached picture).

Mission ended upon the right flank cleared of boat Especas. Pretty easy, no losses in my team (all stuck in an attic.. so) and moderate AI losses. Some things to improve it (in my opinion). Instead of a message as soon as an event is going on 'right flank breached', have regular messages which indicate the overall situation. That would be easier to follow, not I get the feeling that Crossroads isn't the most gifted Intel boy our there ;).

Also, you might want to increase the difficulty. I felt like we could take the enemy on whole day, previous version was a lot harder due to the right flank always getting overrun. You might want to simulate this, randomly let one side break and let the enemy forces rip the other defenses apart from the inside. Before reinforcements (M113 with half a squad) move in to close the gap after a few minutes of the player experiencing chaos. Something like that maybe?

Outro  Fits the mission.

Debriefing  All ticked off, 12 minutes of playtime.
« Last Edit: 21 Jul 2008, 10:33:59 by Cheetah »
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #19 on: 21 Jul 2008, 23:50:45 »
Hi Cheetah,

just a few comments. What is the advantage of continously appearing messages about the status of troops behind the front? Wouldn't that be a kind of a "god mode"? Besides I think these continous status reports are tricky to script.
The reason for the player being on the flank is that I want to avoid some nasty surprises with AI and bridges, namely, squads being stuck at the bridge because they cannot pass a burning tank. I set up additional reinforcements behind every crossing but have not tried it out yet. I think that it is easier to throw some waves of infantry towards the player on the flanks. I will see what this additional wave does to the difficulty, since I have no idea to kill off the flank guard at random.

Offline Cheetah

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #20 on: 22 Jul 2008, 07:15:16 »
What is the advantage of continously appearing messages about the status of troops behind the front?

The advantage could be that the mission feels less like a chaos and can prevent the player forgetting about clearing a flank. However, it might make the mission easier and can remove some of the atmosphere due to less chaos present which can be good. It was an idea to think about, not something that has to be in, as it has advantages and disadvantages.

The reason for the player being on the flank

I read the briefing as if the player has to be on the central position? So I move there with my squad, I probably misread. Oops.
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #21 on: 22 Jul 2008, 19:10:29 »
Just put the Beta 3 to the first post, happy testing.

Offline schuler

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #22 on: 22 Jul 2008, 19:17:32 »
Nice overview, oil, a daily topic!!!!
tie in to game play cut,,, well done ,,, well wrote, very good, oil,,, damn oil,,, hehe,,, :clap: :clap:

Everything looks in tact,,,, i hope i d'load v3
Rear flank assaulted be boats,
     nice radio info updates.
  Save games by user work quickly, that's a plus....
I in countered one enemy soldier with no weapons killed him :good:

After a while things went a bit silent, good effect I hope everyone else can enjoy that, some don't like that reality effect. They still have Miss Packman in there mind but never played it ;)

At the end of the game it came down to looking for those last 2 or 3 soldiers, like last time I played. I thing I got killed once, witch is good for a 1st mission in a campaigns!!!!!
          1Missions just need to tie together, the oil thing is good and up to times.
           2Dates between missions with Cheetah need to tie together!!
Overall well done
Cheers Schuler
Semper Fi

Offline Cheetah

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #23 on: 22 Jul 2008, 22:42:42 »
@schuler, which dates don't match the timeline?

played this one through and it was a lot tougher then last time. a lot of breaches, all 1st defense lines were breached. right flank was defended by one soldier at the end, only some soldiers delivered by boats got quite far on that side before being taken care off.

center was alright. They got all the men there, but were left with nothing to occupy the position.

left flank was the weak point in our defense this time. Two tanks got through with a lot of infantry. One tank got destroyed by the M1A1 before it blew up. That left a T72 and infantry to take care off. Nice play.

Two things I came across. One soldier running around without a weapon (he came on the left flank from the harbour) and the mission ended only as I got towards the enemy line and took care of an enemy soldier under the central bridge. He had a wet pants and smelled, so I guess he was just scared and got down there ;)

Other than that, well done  :D
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #24 on: 22 Jul 2008, 23:17:14 »
Thank you for the test!

So I basically need to apply a "save your weapons script" to the amphibious soldiers (provided that it works for AI)?
And up the treshold numbers of enemy survivors before the mission is ticked off as complete?

Do you think we should go public with both our missions or should we wait for a third one?

Offline schuler

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #25 on: 23 Jul 2008, 07:53:44 »
@schuler, which dates don't match the timeline?
i was thinking is was the years, i might be wrong,,, sorry
   i like the concepts of oil and the prince!!!!!!!!
good work guys
cheers schuler
ps i have yet to play yours again Cheetah, should be good we only crashed twice, out of about 10 times , might just be a fluke. i was more concerned with that lock at that w/point.
Semper Fi

Offline Cheetah

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #26 on: 23 Jul 2008, 08:14:44 »
"save your weapons script" ... treshold numbers .. complete?

Save your weapons script: yeah. Treshold requires more work than just a number. If the player has a visual on a few soldiers, that could be nasty. What could work is the same trigger, only with a count instead of a 'not present' (I suppose it there right now). Then a script is launched with one, two or three guys left, if all three are > 200m away from the player and static for example, the mission can end? Something like that maybe?

Do you think we should go public with both our missions or should we wait for a third one?

Hmm, more is better I guess. But it could take a while before we have another one finished, and would we try to get new ones out or is someone else in a far stage of the campaign.

Denz and wolfrug are both making a mission, right? What missions are left that we could develop?

was the years

That could very well be the case. Have we agreed upon a year? I might have forgotten to change that one.

lock at that w/point

If the wrong helicopter crashed (1 out of the 4) you could indeed get a waypoint lock. Shouldn't happen now.
« Last Edit: 23 Jul 2008, 08:20:27 by Cheetah »
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #27 on: 25 Jul 2008, 00:26:04 »
Hey, I just put Beta 4 to the first post.



Offline Cheetah

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #28 on: 25 Jul 2008, 10:02:07 »
The Red Wave, v4.

First I helped clear the center crossing, all good - #4 got killed in the initial firefight. As it became clear that it was going to be the easiest position to defend, I moved to the right flank on my own letting my team help the center. Before I arrived the enemy was assaulting in pure Soviet style - en masse. It seems that this was to be their major break through point and we desperately help them off. At one moment the street was more or less clear so I moved to the water and took care of the men just dropped of by the boats and the boat drivers were a piece of cake. Think that I suffered a leg injury due to one of the soldiers. Got back to the right flank defense and it was pretty quiet - tried taking some ammo but there was none to be found so I guess the two soldiers left took all of it. We used up a lot of ammo in that position.

Got to the center, healed up at my medic and rearmed (spent all my 203s and only had two 20rd magazines left). There had been a break of the left flank so I expected the worst. Luckily it seemed that little had gone wrong over there for us, the more for the enemy. The two or so infantry soldiers that were wandering around forgot to clear the first walls so there were two T72s waiting to move into our part of the city. They were taken care off pretty easily. A bit later one BMP showed up with a squad coming from the harbour, another was on the edge of their part of the city (on high ground, above the underpass). Couldn't get any clear shot off to take care of the BMPs so naturally I shot all the soldiers I could see.

As soon as I shot one soldier, there immediatly was a radio message telling me that we had completed the mission.

Two things. You should put a 'timeout' in the trigger, like 4 seconds. If you do, it prevents the mission immediatly completing upon an enemy's death. Second, there were still two BMPs one of them close to me in the harbour. I also think that they showed up a bit late, after most of the enemy forces had been killed. Problem might have been the soldiers forgetting to clear the roadblock at the left section. If they had, the T72s had gotten through to our part of the city and the BMPs and the one squad might have followed them instead of doing little to nothing.

Seems like you are almost there though, it was enjoyable  :cool2:
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #29 on: 26 Jul 2008, 12:24:15 »
Beta 5 can now be found in the first post.