Here's my scripts for secondary explosions attached to ammo boxes and vehicles. This is featured in my Last Tango in Bagango mission.
Updated Sept. 3, 2007: Now MP compatible thatnks to Mondoble's suggestion.Previously updated to work on vehicles as well as ammo boxes (Thanks for the suggestion Bardosy!)
To use:
1. Copy these two scripts into your mission folder:
ammo_burn.sqf, ammo_burn_replace.sqf2. Put this code in the ammobox init line:
this setdammage .9; dummy = [this, 90, true] execvm "ammo_burn.sqf"; Or, put this in a vehicle init (an ammo truck or stryker for example):
dummy = [this, 90, false] execvm "ammo_burn.sqf";The setdammage line is optional, but makes it easier to destroy the box, and activate the secondary explosions.
The parameters to the script are:
1. The ammo object (ammo box or vehicle)
2. Duration in seconds for how long the secondary explosions will last.
3. Disappear Boolean. For ammo box, use true, so ammo box removed at end of script. For vehicles use false, as you want the wreck to remain.
The secondary explosions will be intense at first, and then lessen frequency over time. After the duration expires, there are no more explosions, but the fire will continue to burn another 60 seconds.
Note that this is NOT MP tested, and likely needs work to be MP compatible, since I am using createVehicle to replace the ammobox every 15 seconds (to keep it burning).
The funniest thing that happened while testing this, was an AA rocket that shot out of the box actually took down a helicopter flying over head. I did not expect that!
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