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Author Topic: Begginers questions :)  (Read 4139 times)

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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #15 on: 27 Jul 2007, 11:20:27 »
I have two teams, one west and the other east, and none can see the objectives of the other one. May be it is a bit more tricky with resistance because it may be ally of west, east or none.

Offline noobefier

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #16 on: 27 Jul 2007, 12:10:59 »
I can also see East's objectives if I add any :dunno:. May I see your briefing file please?

Offline Mandoble

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #17 on: 27 Jul 2007, 15:08:42 »
Code: [Select]

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
<title>OFP Mission</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<! --- ----------------------------->
<! --- "Notes" section >
<! --- ----------------------------->

<h2><a name="Main"></a></h2>
<h2 align="center">RIO console for Su34</h2>
<p align="center"><img src="rio.jpg" width="312" height="312"></p>
Left panel shows actual radar contacts with their ranges. Contacts closer than missile's seeker range will be shown with an "A" (active seeker shot), the rest with an "I" (inertial guidance shot).
To fire a missile, first select a contact clicking on it and click Target Selected Contact button. The right panel will show updated information about the target. When TTI (time to impact) is smaller than missile's endurance, you may fire a missile (make sure the aircraft is heading to the target, else the missile will lose its track). After firing a missile, the system will take two seconds before allowing to fre a new one (you will see the fire missile button grayed meanwhile).
A missile fired against a target beyond its seeker range will fly in inertial modes 0 and 1 untill it reaches the pre-caculated seeker activation point (the altitude above sea level of that point may be entered manually), then the missile will switch on its own skeeker to pursue the target. If the target changed its course drastically while the missile was in inertial mode, probably the missile will see "nothing" when it activates its onboard seeker.
If your vehicle has a driver, you may order him to move anywhere right-clicking over the small left panel minimap. Meanwhile you will be free to keep tracking targets and firing against them.
To help you to identify the contacts, you may use NUMK +, - and * keys to zoom in, out and reset MCC camera zoom.
<h2 align="center">WSO and Anti Radar consoles for Su34B</h2>
<p align="center"><img src="wso.jpg" width="312" height="312"></p>
WSO is similar to RIO console but better suited for ground attack. When you right-click over WSO console map, the navigation MAP mark will be placed over the clicked point and that MAP mark may be selected as current target from the target list on left panel. So you may click over ground structures while having the MAP mark selected as target and then fire missiles against it.
Anti Radar will list only surface active radar contacts, so you may try to engange and kill enemy SAMs. As it is based on radiation, its range is not limited by onboard radar range, you may detect radiation sources anywhere but you should check the TTI (time to impact) so you dont fire before TTI is smaller than the endurance of your missiles.
Note that WSO and Anti Radar cameras are placed below aircraft nose.
Important note: Su34 and Su34B heavy missiles fired from RIO or SWO/Anti Radar consoles drop in free fall for 1 second before activating their engines, if the pilot dives at this moment, the plane may hit its own missiles.
<h2 align="center">Su34 and Harrier Pilot's systems</h2>
AV8 or Su34 pilots will control short range missiles or bombs, as well as countermeasures. The pilots need to lock on a target getting it close to its pipper sight and clicking the LOCK ON key. Once a target is locked on, the upper-left panel will show target data in the form of angle deviations (H for horizontal and V for vertical) and distance. Negative angles mean the target is to the left of the aircraft, positive for the right, that way the pilot may turn in the correct direction to engange and fire his missiles. If the angle deviation with the target is small enough, the pilot will see glowing marks in the HUD following the current target (green for friendlies, yellow for others).
Depending on the aircraft the pilot may select different target types from menu actions. For example, to target a building a harrier pilot must first switch to "Structures" before locking on one. For the Su34s, if the pilot didnt lock on any target, the RIO or the WSO current target (if any) will be used.
Both, pilots and gunners (WSO or RIO) have incoming missile alarm and visual signal systems, but only the pilots are able to use countermeasures. There is a glowing red mark visible from the cockpit that marks the direction from where is aproaching the last missile fired against the aircraft (external view may help also to identify it). When dropping countermeasures, the pilot must consider that the missile will not be deviated if the distance between missile and target is smaller than distance between missile and dropped countermeasures. So the pilot should drop countermeasures and try to do a break turn to make sure he is not between the countermeasures and the incoming missile.
The current keyset for pilots is:
LEFT CONTROL: Lock on target
LEFT SHIFT: Drop flares
<p align="center"><img src="av8.jpg" width="500" height="500"></p>
In the image you can notice the target info box in the upper left corner and green glowing marks over the current target (which is friendly).
<! --- End of Notes>

<! --- ----------------------------->
<! --- Missions plan >
<! --- ----------------------------->
<p><a name="Plan.west"></a>
Read notes section for information about weapons systems.
<p align="center"><img src="hangarse.jpg" width="128" height="128"></p>
For a full battle play with six players, four for OPFOR Su34s and two for BLUFOR Harriers.
OPFOR forces are reduced to one Su34, one Su34B and a short range SAM. But these two aircrafts have state-of-the-art offensive systems. Su34 RIO is able to engange and destroy enemy planes at long distances, while Su34B WSO has a quite accurate targetting system for ground units or structures. In both cases, pilots have also a pair of short range missiles.
To compensate the overwhelming OPFOR thechnology, we have a patrol of two AI harriers protecting our airfield. These Harriers are armed with short range but powerful missiles. Another harrier will try to infiltrate and destroy the hangars and facilities at the enemy base. We also have a light AI SAM with a range of 4 Km. Our human pilots have two harriers, an AV8B armed with four guided bombs and two short range air-air missiles and an AV8B2 armed with four air-air missiles. There is also an ammo truck from where to reload weapons and countermeasures.
Our pilots may also practice targeting <a href = "marker:mk_practicew">here</a>.
<p><a name = "OBJ_WEST_1"></a>We must destroy the hangars and nearby buildings of the <a href = "marker:respawn_east">OPFOR airfiend</a> while protecting <a href = "marker:respawn_west">our airfield</a>.

<! --- End of "Plan" section>

<! --- ----------------------------->
<! --- Missions plan >
<! --- ----------------------------->
<p><a name="Plan.east"></a>
Read notes section for information about weapons systems.
<p align="center"><img src="hangarsw.jpg" width="128" height="128"></p>
For a full battle play with six players, four for OPFOR Su34s and two for BLUFOR Harriers.
Our forces are reduced to a Su34, a Su34B and a short range SAM (Shilka). But our aircrafts have state-of-the-art offensive systems. Su34 RIO is able to engange and destroy enemy planes at long distances, while Su34B WSO and Anti Radar system are quite accurate targetting systems for ground units, structures or surface radar sources. In both cases our pilots have also a pair of short range missiles. We have also an ammo truck from where to reload weapons and countermeasures.
The expected opposition is composed by a patrol of three AI harriers protecting their airfield. These Harriers are armed with short range but powerful missiles. BLUFOR has also a light AI SAM with a range of 4 Km. BLUFOR players have two harriers, an AV8B armed with four guided bombs and two short range air-air missiles and an AV8B2 armed with four air-air missiles.
Our pilots may also practice targeting <a href = "marker:mk_practicee">here</a>.
<p><a name = "OBJ_EAST_1"></a>We must destroy the hangars of the <a href = "marker:respawn_west">BLUFOR airfiend</a> while protecting <a href = "marker:respawn_east">ours</a>.

<! --- End of "Plan" section>

<! --- ----------------------------->
<! --- debriefings --->
<! --- ----------------------------->
<a name="Debriefing:End1">Mission success</a>
<p>OPFOR airfield is not operational anymore</p>

<a name="Debriefing:End2">Mission Failed</a>
<p>BLUFOR airfield is not operational anymore</p>
<! --- end of debriefings --->


Offline noobefier

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #18 on: 27 Jul 2007, 16:22:13 »
Ah, thank you! I guess something was wrong with the formatting. It almost works now ;)

Civilian and RACS seem to be connected, somehow. They see each others' objectives, but they have their own briefing and notes.  :blink:
My guess is that the Objectives aren't defined correctly for them.

I have OBJ_GUERILLA_1 and OBJ_CILIVIAN_1, for example. I assume they're not called that in objectives? Those names (Guerilla and Civilian) work for the mission plan and notes though. Any idea what I need to use for objectives?

Offline Tyger

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #19 on: 27 Jul 2007, 16:35:16 »
I think that the resistance objectives are OBJ_GUER_1 etc. Not sure civilian is but I'm guessing it's a 3/4 letter abbrv. as well. You might try OBJ_CIV_1.
"People sleep soundly at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

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Offline noobefier

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #20 on: 27 Jul 2007, 17:06:44 »
Thanks :)

Ive tried different things and came up with CIVIL for Civilian. But I can't figure out the RACS.. :( Anyone has any idea?

Offline Tyger

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #21 on: 27 Jul 2007, 17:17:08 »
Can you dePBO a BIS mission that has RACS troops in it and view the briefing?
"People sleep soundly at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

MSG Mike Everret - We Will Never Forget - '75-'08

Offline noobefier

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #22 on: 27 Jul 2007, 17:58:20 »
Ah.. I don't know what missions have RACS, or how to dePBO something. ???

Offline Denz

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #23 on: 27 Jul 2007, 18:04:47 »
There are a few tools to dePBO files. I use Eliteness as it'll cope with all 3 games
It's available here in our Tools section
It's fairly straight forward to use. Instructions in the rar file.

Edit: Ok download for that doesn't work. Get unPBO here
Similar concept
« Last Edit: 27 Jul 2007, 18:10:28 by Denz »
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Offline Planck

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #24 on: 27 Jul 2007, 18:44:50 »
Download for Eliteness does work, but because it is a rar file it seems you will need to use 'Save Link Target As'.

Another 'feature' of our system software.   :(

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Offline Tyger

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #25 on: 27 Jul 2007, 21:19:56 »
Don't know about you, Planck, but I don't have to Save Target As ... for Eliteness?

Works fine for me...  :dunno:
"People sleep soundly at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

MSG Mike Everret - We Will Never Forget - '75-'08

Offline Planck

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #26 on: 27 Jul 2007, 21:25:53 »
I imagine you are using IE, or even possibly FF.

But pressing the download icon produces a page full of a text representation of a rar file on SeaMonkey.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline Tyger

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Re: Begginers questions :)
« Reply #27 on: 27 Jul 2007, 21:30:34 »
Ah, THAT stuff. I see.  :whistle: Appologies mate. :P
"People sleep soundly at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

MSG Mike Everret - We Will Never Forget - '75-'08