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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Preparing the invasion  (Read 8988 times)

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion
« Reply #15 on: 12 Aug 2007, 01:43:02 »
Tested the new version:

ArmA v1.08 (No hotfix), Original: 1.06 Atari Download, Using ModWar Sound Mod, Veteran Mode.
The mission refused to work until I downloaded the sandbag fix addon, which I had downloaded for one of Cheetah's missions, btw. :)


Now there is no overview? It looks like you made it into a single mission campaign, too. Placeholder?


Good. I think this is the same intro from the old version. The RHIB took a little while to start moving though... maybe have it start moving before the camera switches?


moral -> morale in a couple places.
We have a team of 1 Lieutenant, and 5 Sergeants... Some here may say that that is 'unrealistic' but most US Army SF are E-5 (Sgt.) and above, so I can live with it. It's ArmA's fault that there is no true rank structure. :) (They're missing quite a few "in between" ranks... E-6 to E-9 in this case.)
I like the weapons selection, but maybe add some more silenced ones? In case the player wants to go for the totally stealth approach.


I see you've locked the shilka! :) I won't get a free pass to finishing the mission this time. No problem.

I think that the opening music may go on too long... gets a little tough to concentrate. ;)

I left all but my sniper (#2) at the insertion point and we went off up the hill to get a good overlook. Saw the first Shilka with all its crew and three additional infantry hanging out near some buildings. I can see the second Shilka from here as well, but that comes later.

I positioned my sniper up on the hill with a good view of all the infantry & crewmen, and moved myself down towards them under the cover of the buildings. See video. :) They were pushovers, and I placed a satchel next to the Shilka. I don't want to detonate just yet so as to stay hidden. I call my #3 man (who has an M136) to join us, and we make our way in a wide arc to the second shilka. That was easily taken care of (see video again.)

Problem here: When I killed the second Shilka, the radio option to call Alpha and the ensuing radio chatter showed up, even though I hadn't killed the first shilka. I suppose since there was no crew for it, that it was OK... but I'm not sure if you meant for that to be the case. (See video.)

Anyhow, I detonated my satchel, and the other Shilka goes up.  I decide to go ahead and call in the reinforcements, but there is no confirmation... so I'm not too sure that it worked until I hear the helo a while later. Maybe add some radio chatter here?

We fight off some infantry that are moving in on us, and I order the other 3 men in my squad into better strategic positions. When the helo drops off the reinforcements, they are quickly wiped out. I could see them getting killed one after the other through my binos as they got out of the Blackhawk. They had no chance. :( The helo pilot could've picked a better insertion point methinks.

Poor bastards. Anyway... soldier on. Lots of infantry and a couple armed UAZs give us some trouble, but we've still got plenty of AT rounds for that BRDM that makes an appearance. Eventually make our way to the guns, and satchel them all. The officer has been killed somewhere in the fray, so that's a bonus. We make our way back along the coast to the exfil point, cleaning up some stray infantry on the way.

Exfil, ending fires OK.




None. :(


I like the changes you've made. A rather challenging mission on Veteran mode. Kept me busy for a bit! It was rather fun.
I would love to see some custom voices and music, though. Putting voices on all the radio chatter would be a big plus. I didn't notice any bugs or showstoppers. Only thing that got me was the whole Alpha squad getting mowed down when they landed in the middle of a group of SLA infantry. If there were an RPG nearby I think the chopper would've been smoked, as well.

VIDEO: Download here! Taking out the shilkas. Notice at the end that I get the option to call Alpha after killing only the second Shilka.

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« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2007, 10:06:16 by Cheetah »

Offline Cheetah

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion
« Reply #16 on: 12 Aug 2007, 13:36:25 »
Preparing the invasion


Readme is alright, could use a more unique name, like "invasion_readme.txt". We have enough readme.txts already :).
Also, please including some images for advertising purposes. A screenshot and the overview image for example.


Title is there, an arrow is there seems to link to the second page, but doesn't.


Bug: sandbagfix required. Moved it into an addon folder and played the mission.

Pretty basic camera moves, you might want to add a few more spectacular moves. The intro starts with NVG on, and gets turned off later. Why?

The intro shows pretty much all of the base, well done. A bit like a video briefing. Weird to see the map of Sahrani out in the sun together with the officer, maybe you can put them in a tent?


"therefor" -> "therefore"

I like the additional information with the pictures about the squads!

The objectives are easy to understand, you might want to use a few more paragraphs for the text in the plan and notes sections. The markers could use a few tiny texts, the insertion marker points at the wrong direction!

Weapon selection is somewhat limited, I miss weapons that I'd like to have on myself and on my teammates. (M4 Acog, hand grenades, more heavy stuff)


The skirmish at the farm is pretty enjoyable, I lose one teammate. The shilka gets blown and I take the UAZ MG to flank the enemy base while keeping my teammates at the farm to provide supporting fire. It seems like the enemy attacks the farm position as I lose my teammates one by one during the mission :(.

Back to the UAZ ride, I come across a shilka and after a few retry I manage to destroy it before he kills me. So far, there are two of my teammates down, the AI is pretty strong. You might want to turn their skill down, as they are superb shooters at the moment.

Now that I have destroy the 2nd shilka, there are a few good radio messages shown on the screen. I am surprised that I still have to use the radio to contact my support, why don't they move in automatically? Have to say that I say a chopper move in, but never saw a single friendly soldier from that squad lend a hand.

I continue my ride to the town, striking from the back - almost no enemy soldiers in that area so it's easy to establish myself in there. The officer was easy to get rid off, objective ticks of nicely. Good to see the BRDM patrolling the perimeter, I take care of it with my M136 as it's too risky not to take the shot. This means that I need additional weaponry to tackle the 2nd gun (took four rockets, -2 shilka, -1 brdm). Luckily I find a RPG which I use to take care of the 2nd gun.

Pretty enjoyable to see all of the soldiers coming back from the farm (all teammates down) while I was trying to get rid of the infantry guarding the guns.

Bug: [west,"HQ,[ #]],"....."     - could be a typo in one of the messages?

I would love to see a voiceover on those radio messages, would add a lot to the mission! Anyway, I take the jeep back to the boat and complete the mission there.


None. You might want to add one showing the invasion (or start of it)?


Enjoyable mission with superb enemy shooters. For me, this was one of the downsides of the mission - the difficulty was somewhat high - or appeared to be so :). Could be my rambo style - anyway, I enjoyed it. But it needs some polishing.

The mission starts to get easy once inside the enemy base.

« Last Edit: 13 Aug 2007, 00:38:41 by LCD »
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Offline Gielovic

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion
« Reply #17 on: 13 Aug 2007, 23:26:15 »
hi guys...thanks for the tips

it is meant that if the crew of shilka 1 is down...the shilka is down, so you don't need to blow it up any more (i think that's realistic)
i will extend the weapon selection and try to make some more new radio messages. Voices would indeed be a cool thing but I'll have to find some actors first.
I'll try to get the sandbagfix-addon out as it's is not necessary in my opinion. Overview image will come with the new package (tnx cheetah)
The insertion-arrow will be placed at the right spot.

uploaded a new version
« Last Edit: 18 Aug 2007, 14:27:04 by Gielovic »

Offline Gielovic

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion
« Reply #18 on: 18 Aug 2007, 14:33:06 »
I updated the mission and added some voices. However...if you are a talented voice actor, you're very welcome:D. Please contact me with a PM

Offline LCD

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion
« Reply #19 on: 21 Aug 2007, 03:50:08 »
betaed new ver...




1) da cam cut 2 da boats a lil 2 quickly... so i get 2 see da boats b4 da cam actualy cuts
2) have da officer walkin 2 da shore not runing... (set his behaviour 2 careless... speedmode 2 "limited")


1) "Shilka's" shud b "Shilkas" (uve got dat twice)
2) "a ,boat" shud b "a boat"
3) mark da insertion point (i know u got a link 2 da boat... but have a link say u insterted here... or somin like dat)
4) u dont need da extra arrow on da insertion point... 1 is enough
5) explain y alpha squad can b called just after da shilkas (u dont mention dem comin w/ choper)
6) mebe add date @ notes section
7) u didnt give grenades 4 da grenade launcher we got on da rifles... u shud add em 2 weapon selection
8) mebe u cud split da shilkas objective into 2....


1) u shud have a callsign 4 da players group (use setgroupID command)
2) da 1st shilkas crew (1 on da farm house) runs away instead of tryin 2 go into da shilka (i killed 1 of em about 200 Ms away from da farm)
3) in da same farm... try 2 make da place look more alive... right nmow all soldiers r static near da fire... have couple of em circeling around others sitting etc... also do da same 4 all da places in dere
4) i think dere shud b radio msg after destroyin da 1st shilka too... (im not talnted voice actor... but im willing 2 help....)
5) mebe u cud add a medkit script 2 da playrs group.... 1 for each....
6) da players unit is not named jones... u cud use da setidentity command 2 change dat...
7) dere was 1 soldier holding just a handgun... i think he went 4 a swim nd lost his weapons... if u want ill send u a lil script i made dat returns da soldiers weapons wen he gets out of water
8) i think da officer runs away 2 late... have him run away sooner 2 make dis lil harder on da player
9) dere is also a radoi line w/o voice (when i call group alpha)




im stil havin fun playin dis  :good: nd it aint got nothin major... but polish never hurt ny1 :D


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« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2007, 05:34:11 by Denz »
"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline Gielovic

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion
« Reply #20 on: 21 Aug 2007, 13:35:31 »
Many thanks for this review..The swimmer uses the Urban Patrol Script, so perhaps that's the reason he swims. I would like to try your script though.
I agree on almost all points, only i don't understand the following:

1) u shud have a callsign 4 da players group (use setgroupID command)

can you please explain this to me.

I'll polish the rest of the mission and upload it for review i guess...still thinking about a small outro though  ;)

Offline LCD

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion
« Reply #21 on: 21 Aug 2007, 21:52:24 »
1) u shud have a callsign 4 da players group (use setgroupID command)

dis will help u name da players group (so when player says a radio thingy... it will show as dis name nd not only 1-1-somin)

and do add an intro... itwill count 4 ur review score :P

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline Gielovic

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion
« Reply #22 on: 22 Aug 2007, 10:41:33 »
aha now i see...thanks again

Offline Gielovic

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion (Review Please)
« Reply #23 on: 22 Aug 2007, 21:11:29 »
review please

Offline Gielovic

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion (under review)
« Reply #24 on: 23 Aug 2007, 14:01:27 »
thank you :D I hope it will be better than the only OFP-mission I released which got a 2  >:(

Offline sharkattack

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion (review on hold missing addon)
« Reply #25 on: 29 Aug 2007, 18:56:35 »

missing addon RAE sanbag fix

Its only a small file  3.54 kb  why not include it in zip or at least a link
"HOLY SARDINE" - see Shark-Attack meet his match

Offline Gielovic

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion (review on hold missing addon)
« Reply #26 on: 29 Aug 2007, 20:12:17 »
ow sh*t...i removed the addon but i guess it's back in the new build, i will include it in the zip as soon as i get home...sorry >:(

EDIT: i included the sanbagfix
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2007, 23:28:53 by Gielovic »

Offline Cheetah

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Re: [SP] Preparing the invasion ( under review )
« Reply #27 on: 07 Sep 2007, 23:19:54 »
Shark attack reviewed the mission, published here.

Let the post-review discussion commence!
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2008, 13:05:01 by Cheetah »
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