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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] UK Covert Operations  (Read 4171 times)

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Offline Hoot1988

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(Review Completed) [SP] UK Covert Operations
« on: 15 May 2007, 00:13:18 »

this is my first published mission for armed assault, thought id let it go through beta testing before i release it on the BI forums.
Its a simple covert operation, the first of a mission pack I'm hoping to put together, or a campaign. At the moment the units and weapons are US, when and if UK units and weapons are released i will update the mission.


« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2008, 12:37:51 by Cheetah »

Offline Cheetah

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Re: UK Covert Operations
« Reply #1 on: 15 May 2007, 00:41:53 »
Will try this mission as soon as I have sufficient time. By the way, you can let OFPEC review your mission too after you feel like it's free of bugs. Just attach the latest version (final version probably / hopefully) and put a (Review Please) in the thread title.
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: UK Covert Operations
« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2007, 02:22:35 »
Rumpidy bumpidy...Catching this thread before it gets out of sight, out of mind...


Not so good, just a picture, aligned too close to the top and no text...but you did supply an Overview with your package - I suggest you re-pbo your mission with that one, it looks good.


None present, but I would have liked to see one.


The markers on the map are alright, but I would suggest to put the detailed info into a subsection and the objectives on the first page. The information provided was quite good. Notes could be filled with some kind of diary for immersion or with extra hints. No weapons selection, but I think there can be none once you are inside a vehicle (parachute).


I liked the para insertion, not many missions feature one. Advanced towards the village, killed a few guards and the patrolling UAZ. Then I planted 2 satchels, kept some distance and detonated them...it turned out that the shack lay in ruins but the stacked weapons caches still stood. Here I advice you to delete all the other weapons caches but the "tower" because I wasted satchels by spreading them too far from it. Fortunately I scavenged some from the weapons tower itself. Then I made a rapid dash towards the chopper only to be shot by the guard. Ok...slow crawl from 150 m out, killing the guard that tried to get me from behind and grenaded the one at the chopper.

A hunter force appeared lightning fast. Fortunately, you provided a pickup as a means of escape, becaust I did not make it on foot (tried it twice). Got out about 200 m away from the Exfil point, and some enemies greated me. I wasted them, wondering if the mission would end in captivity...But no, a lone soldier of my supporting squad survived. This situation is quite illogical, I suggest to remove the waiting squad and replace them with one chasing you before you are able to get off the island. Then I boarded the boat, loaded the second guy and off I were to extraction point. Mission over.


An entertaining and challenging mission, not too hard but nothing I would play without retries. Just fix the overview, add an intro and outro and make the ammo dump smaller - then it would be a great mission.



Offline Cheetah

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Re: UK Covert Operations
« Reply #3 on: 26 May 2007, 11:57:13 »
UK Covert Operations


I suggest giving the pbo a different name, something like CovertOperations.Sara.pbo. Instead of arma_c.. forgot what the rest was. Anyway, it's good to see a picture in the package, but it would be better if it were a bit larger and could show more of the atmosphere (dark).

Don't know why there is an overview in there? Although it looks better than the included overview.


Same as mathias. Picture isn't aligned well. Mission name is too long to be displayed correctly in the list. No text.


Please change the title from Covert Operations:- blown away to Covert Operations: Bl.. or "operations - blown away". Don't like the use of ":-".

There is no weapon selection, although there are tutorials for it. I suggest creating another page in the briefing, adding all the additional information there, the sitrep / infil / exfil so that the objectives and a little introduction text can be displayed in the plan section on one page. You can then link to the additional information.


Like the insertion, well done. Feels good to go in with the parachute, alone in the dark. I miss a binocular.

The guards are placed pretty good and are with enough, not too many. I suggest waypointing the UAZ to drive outside the town or occasionly inside it. Right now, it's about useless - easily taken care off. Think that I saw reinforcements coming towards the town seconds before I was going to blow the satchels. Well timed.

After blowing the first objective the alarm went off. That's good but I suggest that you keep the alarm on for a longer period of time. It's too short now and it seemed to me that some enemies go back into safe mode after the alarm stops. Seems odd when they have to guard those objectives and something just blew up.

Could complete the mission in 12 minutes, 5500 score. Bravo got eliminated so the 3rd objective was ticked off false. The fourth objective wouldn't tick off, please look into that.


Enjoyable mission. Not too long, difficulty is moderate to low. Some enemies respond well to the alarm and the player, others remain in safe mode. Objectives are easy to take out as they aren't too well guarded. It's the patrols and reinforcements that make your life hard. Had some cool encounters in which I almost got killed, but managed to kill the enemy before I even got injured. Yes, that sounds weird.

Please fix some of the errors, get a few more tests and this mission seems ready to be reviewed.
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Offline Hoot1988

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Re: UK Covert Operations
« Reply #4 on: 20 Jun 2007, 22:33:14 »
thanks for the testing, sorry i not been arround been moving flat and had no internet, ill work on some fixes when i get back to my flat next week. ill sort the bugs out, as soon as i can, is selecting weapons in briefings done the same as it is in ofp?

yeah theres a large squad patroling the islands perimiter and the UAZ i agree isnt really doing much, will play the mission in 1.08 and see if any Ai improvements improve the mission. might add teamswitch capability at the beginning of the mission so you can be Alpha or Bravo, and add extra objectives for Bravo.

ill upload the next version probably with the next mission too, seeing waht i can do with the arma engine i like what blood sweat and tears did for the mission, but not sure what direction i want to go in with the missions yet, i may just release ones that ive played arround with, its all about experimneting at the moment.
« Last Edit: 20 Jun 2007, 22:44:29 by Hoot1988 »

Offline LeeHunt

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Re: UK Covert Operations
« Reply #5 on: 24 Jun 2007, 19:28:13 »

hey Hoot,

Downloaded and played the mission.  I enjoyed it.  I agree with the comments from Cheetah & Mathias, no need to repeat those. I have additional observations:

1) I did like that it wasn't super hard (though it required some thought and was a challenge)- i find many "Black Ops" mission verging on the ridiculous in their difficulty- what commanders would throw their troops away on so many suicide missions?  Why not just an air strike? etc etc

2) I completed the objectives out of order and that seemed to mess up the mission path.  I blew up the ammo dump and then went to blow up the helicopter with an RPG i stole from the dump.  That saved me some messy firefights with the patrol. However my next waypoint was to "WAIT" at the ammo dump, which was impossible because this waypoint now was 15 feet up in the air and would not register when i walked near it.  So i could not get a boat or anything etc.

But its getting there, keep it up! :)

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] UK Covert Operations
« Reply #6 on: 04 Apr 2008, 21:20:51 »
I'll review this one.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] UK Covert Operations (Under Review)
« Reply #7 on: 08 Apr 2008, 00:49:05 »
UK Covert Operations has been reviewed.

Feel free to open the after-review discussion.
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2008, 12:39:31 by Cheetah »