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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] The Fortress  (Read 8252 times)

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Offline gambla

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(Review Completed) [SP] The Fortress
« on: 04 Sep 2006, 12:14:01 »
Update 15.02.2007

Please get the latest version of the mission at:


Edit: This mission has been reviwed and is available, with required addons, from the Missions Depot.


editorupdate102   (05.02.04)   included !
BAS DeRa v1.55   (07.05.04)   @ http://www.gotf.net/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=26&func=fileinfo&id=7
JAM2                 (04.10.03)   @ http://www.gotf.net/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=26&func=fileinfo&id=30

Please report me any bugs and feel free to give me your personal thoughts and suggestions
to improve it. Your corrections for a good and realistic English is also appreciated.
A little intro is in progress too.

You play a Ranger scout-sniper and Teamleader with the task to do a CRT (close target recce) on a
well defended russian base. See yourself!

Thank you in advance.

« Last Edit: 14 May 2009, 01:24:40 by Walter_E_Kurtz »

Offline burroughs

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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #1 on: 04 Sep 2006, 17:50:42 »
Cheers, mate!

 I found it a good attempt to mimic the real - life Ranger assignment and decided to give it a go.  :thumbsup: I'll write my report as soon as I beat the mission; as for the moment I run into an unfortunate starting position, ending up in a fierce firefights each time when I restart the mission from a save position and it's not on my ground ...  :confused: It's going to take some time this time ... Just to think it had supposed to have gone smoothly ...
"...1st rule regarding SpetsNaz: you do not talk about SpetsNaz.  2nd rule is: you do not talk about SpetsNaz.  3rd rule is to obey the first two. ... "/ V.Suvorov, "SpetsNaz; the story behind the Soviet SAS."

Offline Cheetah

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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #2 on: 04 Sep 2006, 22:48:14 »
The Fortress

Package / Addons :check:
It's good that you included the editorupdate, although I suggest using mikeros one (editorupgrade103), I find it a bit better than the others. I already had the other two addons (Jam2, but I'll be using Jam3), and DeRa, but I noticed that the download links were not working. Might be a problem with my computer, but I suggest that you find their links on the BAS website, or on ofp.info maybe. But again, I don't know if it's a problem with my computer.

The package misses some pictures, always good to add a few nice ones and it's necessary if you want your mission to be reviewed by OFPEC.

Your readme is okay, but I suggest that you include a more specific release date, so also include a day and add a version number to the readme and your package. This way we, beta testers, can see what version we're testing and if there's a new one released.
The rest of the briefing is fine.

Overview  :check:
A good and clear picture with a border.

Intro :redflag:
In my opinion an intro is a good addition to any mission, so why not make one. Doesn't have to be a long one, and I think that there's plenty of stuff you can show for a mission like this one. But it's still what I think and you must do what you want :).

Briefing :check:
Please remove all the dots in the first line, it looks bad. You can start a new line, or use a comma or a dot, but please not a whole bunch of dots.
I miss a link to the insertion point on the objective page, it can be handy for the player to know this and get to the spot on the map with one click in the briefing, without using a link to another page and then pressing the link.

The plan is clear, a well written detailed orders section. The only thing that you might want to do is to remove the text on the last page or at least make it so that there's not two lines on one page. Doesn't look good.

Don't get the TEXT at the end of the notes section, is it a special word or..? The weapon selection is fine, though you might want to equip us with LAWs as default equipment. Just in case someone forgets to take a LAW (or/and for his spotter).
The others guys of my team just get the default stuff, only one gets a Carl Gustav launcher. I'm not sure if it's going to work out good, leader/ spotter and squad will be separated after a while, well probably. From what I read in the briefing.

Oh, and you might want to remove the binocular from #2. I find it highly frustrating to see my teammates looking through their binocular just when bad luck strikes and there's a full squad attacking.. ouch. I prefer not to have those binoculars on AI teammates.

Another thing, you might want to lower the ranks of myself and my team a bit. Five LTs in one group commanded by a colonel, well it looks pretty weird. But I'm glad that they're all experts.

Mission :check:
The mission starts and I put everyone except #2 and myself in team yellow, so I can get easy access to #2 and I don't have to bother with the others. The ammo box at the start is well though off, but I think that it has a too wide range of weapons. The satchels are good, but only a law launcher is enough on top of the sats.

Anyway I leave with the PBR with #2 as a gunner. He reports an enemy boat and starts shooting at it once we're close enough. Their gunner shoots back and injures my teammates. Luckily he gets both the gunner and the driver pretty fast and we get on shore right behind the fence to make sure that I don't have to blow something to pieces.

We're now at Bi38, which means that I'll only have to head south to get close to the base. The problem is that there's an enemy squad in combat mode in my way. I'm trying not to engage, but it can turn out in a firefight. I'll give them a few minutes to get away.
Oh, there are two bmps coming down the hill from the base, going to move a bit further west to evade them as good as possible. I hope that I don't have to engage. Ah damn, no way there either, there's a bmp and a boat in the sea. So I can't head west. I'll have to wait how this will turn out. I prefer not to call in my squad as I can't see in what situation they will get / are.

I'm thinking of saving the game and using our LAWs to take the Bmps and the boat out, but this would leave us without rockets (only four being carried by #2 and myself). Well, I can always try it, but only after saving.
At the last moment I told #2 to hold fire as I saw that the bmps were going away. This meant that I had a clean (almost) way towards the base. I ran with my spotter towards the rocks at Bi42 and we lay there awaiting the enemy movements as the alarm had been raised. Probably by us, but I'm not sure about that. I didn't see an enemy, the only thing I heard and which may have something to do with it is a rocket impacting about three minutes earlier. It wasn't a guy of my team, so it'll have to be a fellow american soldier of another team. Or maybe a russian seeing our tanks? Don't know. Now moving on on my own, because I want #2 to cover my route back.

After some crawling I have a pretty good view on the base, altough limited (cannot see the ground in the base, only objectives that are high enough). What I suggest is that you remove a few of the lone M2 positions, or let them be guarded by a few solders. A lone M2 looks bad, especially without any form of static protection. The shilka posts look good and the tank patrols make it harder for me too. Which is good.

I see scuds and order the radio. There's a weird message about three soldiers on Bb40? Don't really understand that one. Might be that I missed something. And you might want to make it impossible for the player to use the radio (scuds one) until the player can actually see them. It's always nice to have a few M1A1s helping you out to advance.
Anyway the tanks are moving in and I let my squad come to my position. Enemy tanks are about 50 metres away from me, I see a few spetz natz and a lot of enemy infantry as well as some shilkas. This will be a tough battle, but I'm sure that I can win this one.

The MG, sniper and a few guards in the towers are all sitting ducks for my sniper. I'm moving in with my #2, he's covering my back and I'm getting as close as possible. A few things: you might want to make sure that once I attack everyone gets aware at least, there were still a lot of guys in safe mode, not good. Another thing you want to do is to send a few patrols out to look for me. It's pretty dangerous and enemies going nothing are easier for me to kill than walking guys.
Oh and I think that you should warn people that you need two rockets to destroy a shilka or bmp (with the M136 launcher).
Anyway, took a dragunov, saw two pallets flying? Killed a few soldiers and I'm wondering why the friendly tanks take so long to assist me. I'm going to stop for now, going to sleep. Will continue tomorrow (probably).


Okay, resuming play.
I get a radio message that the friendly tanks, bravo squad, are down and that I have to cover the retreat of the crew members. But the problem is that the abrams tanks didn't shoot a thing. So there's still a lot of soldiers, a lot of tanks and only #2 and myself. Because the rest of my team has a long walk to go, they only ran 200 metres until now. So they'll be at my position in about 10 minutes, which is a bit too long for me to wait for.

I'm going to try and disrupt most of the base, only attacked lone units until now. Saving the game with a cheatsave (I think that it's okay to do, because the abrams didn't come even close). A UAZ came close and I used my M9 pistol to take care of the four passengers. Spetz Natz with good weapons, but not for my this time.
There's a full squad at my position (back near the rocks where #2 is) and they don't detect me so this allows me to pick off a few units (notice only now that the heavy shaking is caused by an arm injury, from the boat fight probably). My M9 and sniper are enough to kill most of them. As I'm killing some soldiers there's a mission update, a new objective has been added.`
Seems like bravo ran on a minefield and I have to try and rescue a few of the surviving crew members. First I'll get rid of the scuds, then I'll get back to my boat and I'll pick them up before returning to the evac point.

The area is full of spetz natz and normal soldiers, as well as several tank patrols. This will be tricky, I managed to get a RPG launcher, this will help me take care of shilkas and bmps more easily. My squad has almost reached my position, I hear them firing. I'm glad that I can finally push a bit more, I'll need the AT stuff. But, they're not at my position, yet. My #6 takes down a bmp from the other side of the valley. I order #2 to take out the T72 that's left of this tank patrol. While I'm going to take out a few remaining soldiers in my vicinity and that of #2. Before I do this I notice that the M136 rockets #2 fired (two of them) weren't enough to destroy the T72, he probably didn't hit one of the rockets that good, but anyway I killed the crew that jumped out.

Killed a few soldiers at long range with my sniper and destroyed a shilka that was on my side. Looks like that my team yellow is having trouble getting to me, probably because of the fence. Took down two bmps, the other patrol with two satchels, which I found on the body of a dead spetz natz. Going to use another satchel to blow a hole on the fence to let my teammates come through. Good that I blew those bmps, because there were some regular soldiers in them, better to get rid of them this way.

Used two satchels to blow the fence and took care of the guards in the towers. Heard a machine gun (m2) firing and saw some tracers, but I don't know from what unit (friendly/enemy) they come from. Six, my medic, had some problems with getting back in formation, pretty frustrating.

Got to him and healed myself and let #2 heal. Saw a friendly crew walking 100 metres away from me, at bi42. Don't know what he's doing here? Anyway, we continue our way towards the base.

Took out a few spetz natz arriving with a BRDM, lose #3 as he's trying to blow a shilka, he uses two rockets and it doesn't blow. Damn, I hate these AT weapons of the weapon pack (always did). Have to blow it myself then.
Destroy the shilka and a brdm with rpgs, go to the fence and place a satchel, timer 60 seconds. Want to blow a hole in the wall to get in faster and easier. I have set up a defensive circle near my rock position which my squad will defend, each teammate has an own direction to guard. It's my fall back position, in case there's a bit too many soldiers chasing me down when I attack.

I take out a sniper on a hill before he finally kills me, took three hits. Pretty lucky that I'm alive. Take out a few soldiers, the satchel explodes and blows a hole in the fence, killing a few guards too. Destroy a T72 and with it a number of trucks (probably fuel / ammo ones) go up in the air, blowing a huge portion of the wall. Now out to destroy the scuds.
Destroy them with my rpgs (thank you for the ammo truck/crates), nice sounds coming from the radio.
Objective 3 completed. Now going back to the boat with my team, I'll let them walk back to the evac zone, might keep a few in the boat. But I think that I need a lot of the places, might be not though. But it's nice to have at least a gunner.

Damn, my boat is gone. I order my men to walk back to the extraction point while I get towards the point of the crew. (4x speed).
Lose a lot of my men this way, only #2 survives and he isn't even behind the fences. It's quite frustrating that they can't find their own way through, or well not a good way.
After a lot of problems, I manage to rescue the soldiers (crew) with a truck.

Debriefing :check:
57 minutes, 26920

Conclusion :check:
A pretty entertaining mission that has a few problems.
The addon you use has some law launchers that are weaker than standard ofp ones. You should mention this in the briefing (maybe) to let players know. There's a large number of tanks you may have to destroy in the mission, you could reduce this amount. Starting with the shilkas seems like a good idea to me, that many shilkas aren't needed, I suggest you remove one or two of them.

Another thing you have to fix is the amount of soldiers in safe mode after you start fighting, put them in aware mode once the fight starts. It's weird to see safe soldiers near the sea after destroying the whole base.

One of the most important things might be the fence you have to get past. For a player this isn't much of a problem, for the AI it is. They just wouldn't go through the hole on the way back. Wouldn't it be better just to send the player in with an observer, and have a squad, that the player can call by using the radio, to assist. This way you can script them blowing a hole in the fence. Of course this takes away a lot of fire support near the player, but you can always let the squad coming to aid go towards the player and provide a base of fire or whatever.

Hope that I didn't forget something in this summary, it's a good mission but it needs work.
« Last Edit: 05 Sep 2006, 20:24:15 by Cheetah »
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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #3 on: 06 Sep 2006, 12:26:13 »
Thanks mates !  :)

I'm quite happy that you like it. Yes, the fence is definetly an issue. The AI "walking in" doesn't work for sure, i may add another boat for them, in case the player (like me) prefers to call them in later.... Ok, these days i'll go through your reviews and continue working on the mission.   :wave:

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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #4 on: 06 Sep 2006, 19:38:35 »
   Fair enough as there's nothing special to complain with, but I do entirely agree that a resonable ammount of a certain self-adsvertisement would be a nice eye candy. I had all of the addons already installed in one of my sub-folders and therefore I can't be quite sure which of the editor upgrades I was actually using while playing, but the interface didn't require anything

   OFP 1.96, ECP 1.85, Llauma sky, DMA animations, AshRealism Pack, NIM weather and Sanctuary pistol animations, lpswd_materials, -nomap (-nosplash

   Clear, with a nice picture within the borders and good positioning of the entry description; that definitely reassured me that decision to play it was right. I like the care of details as it is often follows throughout the rest of the mission. :thumbsup: 

I didn't see any and I think there's none. Not willing to restart the mission due to the reasons that follow a little bit later.

A decent one and I had no doubts to what and where and how I am supposed to fulfil the task. However, I didn't like the idea of maritime insertion. I was considering entering the AO headlong in a stealth mode, but - knowing the terrain and infrastructure details I came to the conclusion that I might not work for me that way this time. As always when I perform special operations behind enemy lines I appreciate the selection of weapons. :good:

I had supposed that I was to operate in a two-man sniper team, performing pre-assault recce and combat assistance in preparation for an armour strike, but to my astonishment and disappointment I realised that we are accompanied by a small strike team. I didn't like the idea as it's not my favourite hard core real-life style, following the real-life Rangers tactics, but I might be wrong or perhaps have missed something.
I performed the infiltration and the insertion itself in a very safe manner, but first time we were picked by a Shilka of theirs and our boat got battered badly and unable to manouver with a few dead onboard. Restart. :confused:

Next time we were moving far offshore and landed safely, far enough from the main base to remain unnoticed. Anyway, we got in contact pretty soon and had to take one of the patrolling BMPs down. It caused a little unrest at the fuel station and the checkpoint nearby. However, we managed to escape the hasty ambush and the chase that followed. :laugh:

Nearing the base, I ordered the majority of the main force to wait for me under the cover of the trees in a hold fire mode whilst me, my spotter and the radioman were scrambling up the hill to get a clear view of the target area. There were plenty of them; grunts, snipers, SpetsNaz and the higher rank cadre. Plenty of armor and AA defence. I was accepting my teammates reports on targets in range, but they filed to traget the SCUDs and I had to make an assumption that I was to make the decision so as to whether and when call for the assault. It wasn't quite confusing to me as I was sure that the launchers had to be there and I saw them on the spot as soon as I've reached the hilltop. I assigned the targets, called for reinforcements and as we were waiting to join the fun, I started to receive strange messages - bad eneough that there were no voiceovers at all as it was a little hard to keep an eye for all that hostile movement downwards and read the text. I was puzzled how the hell that tank crew survivors got so fast to the other side of the island, taken POWs, if they have just started to push from the opposite side. Well, decided that my duty is not to consider but to obey the orders so we went in and got mowed down a few times; the strike team , even in the open fire mode, somehow resisted to pick up their targets ( maybe that ever present anti-war propaganda finally played on their minds... dunno ... ) so it didn't take long befor the OPFOR neared them and mutilated with several hand grenades. That was the most confusing part and I attempted many times to survive the unfortunate course of action - suprisingly even in the middle of a fierce firefight some of the guards were still calmly patrolling their route, looking round lazily and being snuffed one by one by me and my spotter. Needs some improvement on that one. By the way - I am not quite sure but I assume that you utilized some custom scripts in the base area as the stuff got blown up suprisingly easily inside the base even when the satchell charges were placed up the wall outside the fence. It really helped to get rid of that nasty T-72  when we were running out of anti-armour ammo. :clap:

After we finally took over the base, killed everyone in sight and destroyed what was in our way, I got my men loaded on a URALtruck and we headed westwards to rescue the survivors. Two dumb guards got driven-by before they realized what hit them, we secured the area and gave the tankers a lift. Once again we had to take down the checkpoint at the fuel station where the rest of the strike team got themselves killed and then me, my spotter and the cargo headed for the extraction point, passing by the leftovers of the tank battle. As soon as we raeched the extraction site and got off the truck, my OFP crashed to the desktop. Damn!! :banghead:


I have to delay the last three section due to the software failure that happens to me once in a while ... Certainly, I am not going to submit it as a formative beta test - I only wanted to provide as much support on improving the mission and the gamplay  as soon as possible as I am only able to ... Therefore I am planning to continue and complete it later on when I will  have come to terms with my equipment ect.
Got to close for now. Cheers and keep an eye for the update.
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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #5 on: 06 Sep 2006, 22:16:02 »
   Allright, even if I am still having an issue with my gameplay and its smoothness in its technical details, it seems that I have managed to come to terms with it at least. Back to bussiness then with the remnants of my team. :wave:

   I used a cheat code at the beach hut turned int a makeshift prison. I loaded my teammates along with the tankers onto a truck and off we went to the extraction site, not bothered at by a BMP and a patrol boat passing by, but twice we got pinned down and blown up in an exploding truck by an OPFOR hunter - killer party.  :weeping:
Afer we took down a fuel station checkpoint again we headed for a safe zone and reached the extraction site where I unloaded my men and called for an evac chopper that came not later than in a few minutes. Onboard I chcecked the team and gave a signal to lift off and di di the area via pre - planned E&E route. End of mission. :clap:

    Score: 26780, mission time: 2h 20 min. :-[

   That's a good mission with room for improvement.
I didn't like the method of insertion: for the sake of that part of the mission I would prefer fully manned boat with a crew that temporarily falls under my command so I could order them where to go to.
The level of the alertness and certain behaviour of the units and squads in a safe or aware mode would be better; those lazy guard should become a bit nervous and react to danger when shot at or just alerted via alarm going off. I saw a squad from the hilltop, standing in the middle of nowhere  in an aware mode in a default formation - that didn't look good and didn't convince me neither.
I noticed that an assault didn't bother the base crew that much. Since it didn't even cross the fence checkpoint, maybe they decided that it's not worth treating seriously and remain calm ... Boy, they got that coolness.  :o

It's good that I was the one to decide when the evac chopper is to get going; too many times it turned out in the course of action that after I had secured the extraction LZ and loaded my team onboard, the heli took off immediately.
 I play in a realistic way  - secure the LZ, pop a smoke etc. - it would be great if I would choose more or less when and where the chopper is to touch the ground to collect us. Besides, the chopper landed far away from our position designed on the map to be the LZ for an extraction chopper and we had to run on full speed to get our ride home. That was frustrating and spoiled my gameplay - just a little bit because in such actions s**t happens and you have expect the unexpected, but  it could have gone better.
Right, that would be more or less what I felt about this mission. Consider it or not, thanks for the fun of playing, testing and reviewing anyway. Cheers, mate. ;)  :goodnight:
"...1st rule regarding SpetsNaz: you do not talk about SpetsNaz.  2nd rule is: you do not talk about SpetsNaz.  3rd rule is to obey the first two. ... "/ V.Suvorov, "SpetsNaz; the story behind the Soviet SAS."

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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #6 on: 12 Sep 2006, 15:50:57 »
Hi burroughs and Cheetah,

once again, thank you mates for your time testing my mission, even when i hope you had some fun too. :) Until i've finished a little intro for it, if you like, give my updated beta another try:


To summarize it, i've worked through your reviews and hope to have sorted out the major issues ,but the little things too.


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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #7 on: 14 Sep 2006, 07:50:19 »
Here's an updated beta

And, here's a clearer than clear example of why you need to introduce version numbers.

Having just downloaded this mission yesterday (I think), I have no idea if I have do do it again! Ok 153k is no big deal, but it illustrates where you will lose customers. Many will hold back and wait to see if this is really new new or what they have.

You should, change the zip number, not the pbo, that's fine.

change the readme if you haven't done so

put a version number in the overview.html. There are many of us, you included, who have at least three versions of a mission available in the ofp display screen, for many missions. Yes, we need to clean them out, but which one? do we clean out? differently named pbo's wont help us there.


I've had a quick play of this gambla, it's a tough mission and challenging. I like 'em that way. But for me, the lag is pretty bad, making it un-enjoyable. Sadly, you may have to reduce the eye candy. I understand choppers and ammo boxes (of all things!) cause most lag. Also, my experience, choppers cause AI to turn totally dumb.

The briefing and notes confused me, as i wasn't sniper and spotter, just a full team. Also, nothing *made* me get into that boat, so I didn't. Preferring some nasty stuff at the front gate instead. I think, for what you wanted to achieve, lone sniper and spotter, join script would be better. Or, some really good notes or readme to use your yellow white blue team abilities. Nothing's obvious there.

I never found the scuds, but could radio that I did, regardless. Some strange message about only three men left kicked in.

Somewhere later a squad of (i think) black ops joined me, all of them without weapons.

I also don't know how I kicked the objective one complete, it seemed to be a time thing, rather than a specific area I went to on the map, and confused me further.

All in all, no matter how this mission pans out, I am unable to play it satisfactorily with the lag.
Just say no to bugz

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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #8 on: 15 Sep 2006, 16:21:50 »
Ok, i see the point, you're right. The latest and only version online is:

Version:    beta 2.0
Release:    September, 15 - 2006

This is already stated in the readme that is included in the .zip.


If you have such a bad lag, please give me your sys-specs. Comparing with other missions, there isn't much
eye-candy in and i didn't use any big AddOns. By the way, i'm running it on an old Athlon XP 3200+ /
GeForce 6600GT  ? What's your view-distance ?

In the mission, you start as a Ranger-Sniper, Nr. 2 is your spotter. Beside this, you're the CO of the team that
supports you. AFAIK, a sniper and spotter are often escorted to their area of operation by other soldiers.
Please explain the confusion ?

- By the way, this is just one example of a player's choice how to play this mission.
I personally prefer missions with more than one straight way to complete it. -

I've rechecked the boats (2 PBRs in the latest version). I easily could enter them  as well as my team could ?
What can i do now?

Sure you can report the scuds without having found them ? But why should a player do this?

"Some strange message about only three men left kicked in.": I've corrected this now.

"Somewhere later a squad of (i think) black ops joined me, all of them without weapons.":
Did you receive the objective to rescue the tank-squad?

"I also don't know how I kicked the objective one complete, it seemed to be a time thing, rather than a specific
area I went to on the map, and confused me further." :

Objective 1 is to infiltrate the enemy's area. The trigger is area-based, not time-based.
Ahm, what is confusing here ?

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(Please review) >> Re: "The Fortress" - FINAL
« Reply #9 on: 20 Sep 2006, 13:02:32 »
                                         Final version: "THE FORTRESS"

Please download it here:


The zip-file contains:    TheFortress.cain.pbo, editorupdate102.pbo, picture, readme


editorupdate102   (05.02.04)   included !
BAS DeRa v1.55   (07.05.04)              @ http://www.gotf.net/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=26&func=fileinfo&id=7
JAM2      (04.10.03)                            @ http://www.gotf.net/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=26&func=fileinfo&id=30

Thank you! 

best regards,

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Re: "The Fortress" - beta
« Reply #10 on: 20 Sep 2006, 13:05:46 »
Gamble, you have  to edit the first post with the (review please), not a reply. If you mod a reply, only the reply will have in the title "Re: (review please) the fortre.." you get it?
So you have to modify the first post and change it's title to let it show up with (review please) in the beta board.

You already did it while I was typing his reply. But could you mod it again, and remove the "re" and the ">>" please. That way it looks better :).

Do note that this reply doesn't mean that I'm reviewing it.
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Re: (Please review) "The Fortress" - FINAL
« Reply #11 on: 20 Sep 2006, 13:57:21 »
ok, done. That was remodding the 17th...... Don't we love to edit and modify ?!  :laugh:

Offline Jimboob

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Re: (Please review) "The Fortress" - FINAL
« Reply #12 on: 21 Sep 2006, 19:58:23 »
Undergoing a review.

Edit: Check your PM's.
« Last Edit: 22 Sep 2006, 02:29:42 by Jimboob »

Offline gambla

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Re: (Please review) "The Fortress" - FINAL
« Reply #13 on: 19 Oct 2006, 19:11:52 »
Just replied again to your PM!  The first reply, weeks ago, didn't make it ? :(

BTW: "mfcti11" is part of WGL-mod... ???

Offline gambla

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Re: (Please review) "The Fortress" - FINAL
« Reply #14 on: 06 Feb 2007, 12:00:25 »
Help ! 
Can anybody get in contact with the reviewer please ? I'm giving up now that my mission will ever be released.  >:(