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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Nightmare  (Read 6700 times)

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(Review Completed) [SP] Nightmare
« on: 03 Jun 2005, 16:43:01 »

Czech server ZIP
Czech server EXE
RapidShare ZIP

Edit: This mission has been reviewed and is available, with required addons, from the Missions Depot.

Mission size:
4,4 MB
Addon requirements:
BAS Delta/Rangers pack [16.5 MB]

BAS Littlebirds [6 MB]

JAM2 Addon

MT-LB pack by Sebastian Müller [16.65 MB]

Other addons are attached to mission.
This mission was been released in Czech Republic two weeks ago and after good ratings I decided to release it to whole community. So I need to help with correcting my English translation (probably very bad) and with errors in mission. In czech version of OFP it run without bugs and I hope then in english version it will be same.

Text from readme file:
The Nightmare mission itself is over one and half year old. I was created asi single player mission, but on the end of year 2003 was inserted into Battlefield 2006 campaign. B2006 project were been cancelled in the middle of 2003 and fate of mission was unsure. Some months ago, I founded Nightmare in one old folder and I decided to prepare it to release.

Thank you all for playing.
« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2009, 17:43:46 by Walter_E_Kurtz »

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« Reply #1 on: 03 Jun 2005, 17:43:49 »
The link for the MT-LB is dead, looks like I'll find it from somewhere else and test.  :)
The Unsung Campaign Team Leader


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« Reply #2 on: 03 Jun 2005, 17:50:57 »
The link for the MT-LB is dead, looks like I'll find it from somewhere else and test.  :)
It was'nt dead, but local forum including http syntax before whole adress. So the link was "http://ftp://....". Now it's correct.
« Last Edit: 03 Jun 2005, 17:51:29 by Gaia »

Offline 456820

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« Reply #3 on: 03 Jun 2005, 20:12:20 »
well since i have most of thses addons why not have a go ill test when ive installed the mission

EDIT - this might take a while the mission is transering at 5kb a second wich with a 2mb broadband speed is quite poor how about a better link might be faster anyway i can wait

EDIT2 - first download link gave me a corupt file half way through so im trying the second YAY its very very slightly faster

EDIT3 - To help with english translation have a go with Microsoft word it will simply underline mispelt words and gramer you probaly already knew that though

EDIT4 - in your first post a bit of text to explain briefly what you do in the mission
And now its finished downloading extract cant be read invalid data
okay i cant play the mission now
« Last Edit: 03 Jun 2005, 20:21:26 by 456820 »

Offline MachoMan

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« Reply #4 on: 03 Jun 2005, 21:30:18 »
Gaia try uploading it to rapidshare or yousendit, the download speeds are really low on your server.
Get those missions out there you morons!


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« Reply #5 on: 04 Jun 2005, 06:37:38 »
1) Mission was on the czech free hosting server, where I have my pages, and it's not really good for downloading files. Sorry for it, I placed mision to RapidShare (http://dl2.rapidshare.de/files/2163132/34165267/gaia_nightmare.zip).

2) MS Word is good only for correcting words, but I have problem with making sentences.
« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2005, 08:46:10 by Gaia »

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« Reply #6 on: 04 Jun 2005, 08:41:50 »
anyway ill test in a bit

okay review time

Nice pic withborder and shadow followed by nice text
good work on the overview

I press start and it goes back to the main screen
« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2005, 09:22:44 by 456820 »


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« Reply #7 on: 04 Jun 2005, 09:29:34 »
I press start and it goes back to the main screen
Do you have all addons? Two addons are included with mission (gs_b2006.pbo and Hunter_anims_static.pbo).
Returning to main menu is mostly caused by missing addon.
« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2005, 09:29:57 by Gaia »

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« Reply #8 on: 04 Jun 2005, 09:30:30 »
im pretty sure i installed them all unless they went into a folder ill have another go

EDIT - yep they went into there own folder anyway review time

Overview mentioned above

Wow amazing work great music nice use of animations good camera work great great work here if the rest of the mission is like this its going to be very good

fine all makers work i didnt check the gear, notes, or any of the deatiled plans though but good never the less

RAAA im leader i hate being leader not your fault thoguh anyway
We diesembark and get some text on the screen the second piece appeared staright after the first make a small delay
Anyway i order my men into a staggered colum and relise waypoints havent been translated
I now hear firing but a good 300metres from my first waypoint what going on here i htouhg this was meant to be covert no one shoot till youre all in position
Im now told to attack but in the radio message he gives away that its a go code so if Russians were tapping us frequencies they will all be in danger mode and wating for us
Im now advancing towards the town checking through my binocs ever so often
I get a rado message saying we attack from the eastand im going to wrong way
ell acording to the map im dead iin line with where im meant to be
A savegame could of been nice on the hill because ater i dided and i wouldhave to begin from the begining
Nice screen K.I.A instead of you are dead
Anyway ill tackle the rest of this mission some other time when im a bit more a wake

Overall so far
Superb mission very nice maybe some flares when the alarm is raised and no bugs found just a few things that could be improved some real voices would make this mission amazing
Keep up the good work

EDIT - Please can you explain how you did the KIA thing i can a bit i just cant get the text in the right position i just what to know how big to do the text and what position to do it at
« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2005, 10:05:43 by 456820 »

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« Reply #9 on: 04 Jun 2005, 11:22:44 »

the mb_mt pack listed above is an EXE

I strongly  recommened you do not touch it

instead., grab the zip from here

Just say no to bugz

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« Reply #10 on: 04 Jun 2005, 16:03:23 »
OFP1.96, Vetmode, Bench 5896, no super ai


Not so much the lack of one but a poorly organised zip folder. An immediate and worrying content where it appeared that the mission was supplied in both pbo, and non-pbo format. No sense in placing a stand alone overview in there which needed an unreadable paa file.

zip ->

is the way this should be organised

Basicically, just niggles, because ultimately, everything that should have been included, was included, just messy.

BOTH readmes are professional, albeit with gramattica in the english one, but professional all the same.


Irrelevant, noisy centred title when it is already part of the picture. Considering the precious real estate of an overview page, this centred title should not be there.


Great picture, dreadful format. As far back as the Greeks, and separately the Persian empire, conducted surveys among their citizens on which geometric shapes most appealed. 'Squares' were universally rejected. This knowledge was passed on to us, along with the concept of zero and mathematical numbers by the Arabs. The reason for our 2:3 ratios for televisions, books, picture frames, windows, is because of our preference to rectangular dimensions that approximately equal the Phi (a formula for deriving a circle, not to be confused with Pi)

Put in plain speak, this picture is ugly.

text: rather difficult to read, but a great ending phrase.

Version number is missing


Impressive. I adore intros that tell a story. This one builds the theme somewhere between well, and  beautifully.

Immediately a nice take to 'please wait...' what a refreshing thing to see from the normally boring get ready.


a Gais's mission=A Gais Mission.

It is instantly apparent that this mission will consume more than one review, there's a lot that is right, and a few too many things wrong.

The English Grammatica is understandably dreadful. This is not a criticism, it is a statement of fact that the author is aware of. It is only just readable as mission flow, this will get fixed and for this post I wont clutter it with the enormous amount of alterations required textwise.

This author has made a huge effort to Internationalise his mission. He has earned my respect.

the GS logo is brilliant. Much MUCH more should have been done with it. It should be plastered in the overview AND the briefing.

I am cynical to leery to downright annoyed by promotional advertising, BUT, when it's going to be done, this folks, is a good way to do it. Grab this intro people and start learning how to improve your own Intros in the same way. This, is a campaign intro, not a mission intro.

Camera work: Impressive use of the up button, a refreshing change from a sideswipe-scan, nice.

There is too much stall, too staggery. A lot is being told here, it is a HUGE intro, and the flip to the next scene has not been done well. In fact, no thought has been put in here at all. Just a let's get-on-with-it switch to the next scene.

Music choice is excellent.

Storyline is excellent and well told.

Get rid of that IDIOTIC year date. Who are you to tell me when this all happened?

Scenes themselves, the camera work, is way above average. SOME scenes suffer from being pregnant and just waiting at the finish line.


there is none. This is not good(tm). I always like to see who we are and how smart or otherwise.

Gear and Selection:
well thought out.

some of us are armed with handgun ammo and no handgun

missing bis_ whatever on mission start. This is because a handgun has been selected, but no addons[]=  in the mission.sqm


that GOD DAMN year date is CRAP!

Little hard on the English reader but nicely done. Missing target markers which make it a frustrating read.


target markers are either missing (Petrovice) or don't work (intel report). It is 'ok' as a briefing goes, but is immediately confusing to not get the whole picture. (Petrovice eg)


Fine, but just a little confusing and noisy with the use of COC indicators.


phantom cannot load bis_weapon_pack


Confusing beyond credible. Noisy messages telling us to wait for something, other messages saying Eva is good to go. It is only the Eva codeword that gave me a clue not to stick around.  This has nothing to do with poor english. The rush rush sequencing is bad.

Throughout, the messaging and radio traffic is so poorly thought thru, i wonder why you bothered. There is NO reason for all this noise simply because we land, there is GOOD reason, to get us into position first and let the player absorb what's being said and what's happening. This was lazy man's territory, very badly done for no senisble reason and no thought put behind how it 'feels' to play it. There was NO reason to artificially start Eva when it happened. Silly. The player needs situational awareness, needs to 'see' Bor (with hold fire) needs to grasp the attack content happening elsewhere, and THEN Eva.

The attack on the town was predictably dull. At no time, throughout the mission were any of the armour aggressive. They were there as eye candy only. All they needed was to blow them up, they made little attempt to attack us. Boring.

Although not quite so bad, most of the enemy ai were looking for contact lenses. In most instances (but not all) I simply walked up to them and shot from point blank range. They, and for that matter me, may as well not have bothered being there.

Again, a mess with the introduction of reinforcing bmp and, some idiot spetz chopper that landed on top of some sort of SA-75 thingo and let it's people out. Nothing inspiring, just a rather dull hunt the last loon. All of it happening at a ridiculous pace as if it didn't matter too much whether I was there, or not.

Confusing as hell additions to my troops in two sequences. Some arbitrary trigger, backed by radio traffic to have them added to me.

NOTHING wrong with the spetz chopper, the bmp, NOR the added troops, just a rushed mess of putting it all together. No rhyme, no reason, to what's all happening. You are willing the player to get on with it so YOU can introduce the fun bits, instead of the fun bits happening because the player is playing well. A mess.

Drove to St Sedlo, confused about Okinohrulo assuming it will have to be attacked, but having experienced the dumbness, the total stupidity of the enemy at Bor, I wasn't expecting much. Sure enough, more or less walked around and shot things that were crawling. A bmp minces up to us, does nothing and minces away. Same for T72 which doesn't respond, same for sniper that looks at us while we shoot him.

The counter attack may as well not have happened for the sorry efforts of the tanks. They did nothing except to be blown away.

Very familiar territory of using battle music because the mission is so dull, it's there to try, desperately, to make it interesting.

Unwarranted use of dead Nato guys at St Sedlo. God knows why they attacked before us. IF they had failed and we were called in, it would have made sense. But, considering the general rush of radio traffic (the eva trigger), the rush of adding in a spetz choppper, i reckon you just rushed them into this town before we got there. Hardly a spectacular visual. Would have been nice to see a firefight, a bit of action.


MUCH slicker than the Intro. Camera work was far better in terms of moving from one scene to the next. Soon as I saw Ali Mag in the credits, knew why.

Both the Intro and the Outro are better than average, better than ok, they are immersive and need much more polish but not camera fixes, just some seamless integration between one to next.

Music throughout was excellent in choice and positioning (except battle music which is intolerable)

BUG cannot find addon bs_b2006


A mess of instant action with enemy ai so dumbed down they may as well not be there. Breathless over use of eye candy without consideration of how it plays for the player.

But, the scene, the setting, the overall construct is better than most missions out there. Half the dissapointment comes from what should have been great was frustrating and poorly choregraphed. You have spent so much time designing this mission, you forgot to play it.


A two. Which is defined as "playable but you wont enjoy it"

I should have enjoyed it, but the author forgot to play this mission for himself.
Just say no to bugz

Offline 456820

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« Reply #11 on: 04 Jun 2005, 16:24:07 »
a 2 i would of given it around 6 or 7
but i supose i havent finished it yet but will do tonight
Also mikero those bugs you mentioned i didnt get any of them when i tested it maybe you didnt install the addons right ?

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« Reply #12 on: 04 Jun 2005, 16:32:00 »
>I would have given it a 6 or 7


nothing wrong with an obviously opposite opinion. That *is* what we're here for.

>i didnt get any of them (bugz) when i tested

because you didn't select a handgun in the briefing. This (type of) bug only happens if you do and forget to add the necessaries in addons[]=

As for the outro bug, it happened twice (I tested twice). This is *generally* a wrong folder name in the intro or outro cutscene .sqm's because they are handled differently to the mission proper by the editor.

The outro bug happens because I play all addons in a mods folder, the outro is not pointing to the 'correct' place.

« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2005, 16:33:12 by Mikero »
Just say no to bugz


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« Reply #13 on: 04 Jun 2005, 19:53:05 »
EDIT - Please can you explain how you did the KIA thing i can a bit i just cant get the text in the right position i just what to know how big to do the text and what position to do it at
Just look to stringtable: STR_MISSION_KILLED,"K.I.A.","K.I.A." - It will replace original text. In czech it is well known and frequently used method ;)

One czech reviewer give 88% to this mission, but it was czech version. I know that my english is bad and it is bad for mission atmosphere, but you are first who are bored during attacking the Bor ;)

Year 2006 is there because mission was attached to Battlefield 2006 campaign (my old project which was cancelled) and it is reason why the mission was published now and not before 18 months.

Soldiers have not handguns because they would use only them and no rifles. And it was strange when sniper use pistol instead of his sniper rifle. But I removed only weapons, noit magazines - my fault ::).

Oh, waypoints, I dont noticed them after months. I dont use them now, infact I dont remember them ;D.

And thanks for positive rating of intro, in my opinion it is not so good ;)

Finally, sorry for that bad ZIP structure, it is because I made EXE file, which self-extract to OFP automatically. I will make another version with better english translation.

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« Reply #14 on: 04 Jun 2005, 20:27:39 »
Code: [Select]
Just look to stringtable: STR_MISSION_KILLED,"K.I.A.","K.I.A." - It will replace original text. In czech it is well known and frequently used method
i wish i knew that ive spent days on trying to get everything right using Rsctitles thanks alot also i cant review mission tonight so maybe tomorow morning