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Author Topic: Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing  (Read 4315 times)

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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #15 on: 05 May 2005, 07:56:34 »
Thank everyone for their support, i'll begin soon. Since dmakatra feels that the he is unable to test and see if the scripts work, I will think about creating program that validates the scripts and makes sure that all the syntax is correct, so that you can rest assured that your scripts are organized correctly.

BTW, this program is obviously not meant to be used to completely build a mission, but to rather get everything organized for you. And the point of the program is to make a program small enough to be booted from a disket. If a preview ability is included, it would basically have to include the OFP engine in it, all the graphics for addons would be needed to be included and so on...thus totally missing the point of the program. It will be for those cruddy computers that you find at some internet cafe in Bratislava or where-not.



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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #16 on: 05 May 2005, 14:12:59 »
sounds like a cool idea  :) i took with me ofp to my grandparents place when i stayed there over the summer once and the computer had some serious lag trying to cope with even running with the normal islands and almost no addons at all  ;D
it was a 300 mghz or something slower than that  :P
i ended up with making missions ut not prewieving them so much.
your program sounds like a intresting idea  :D

Offline Flauta

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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #17 on: 09 May 2005, 01:43:31 »
This is a Really good Idea!! I got thisb idea a few years ago.. but I dont know a Shit about programing.... so let others do it :P  
But this wont be Exesively Great.. Because the preview Improves the mission in the 90% so it is a bit dificuklt to made a mission whitout teste every change you made,

IT MUST HAVE a spalling cheker, like the fucking "error type number; expected nothing" etc... and also a Script and mission Interaction Cheker...

Sorry if mi englishj isnt clear... (sometimes sounds agresive :P but that is not the point...))




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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #18 on: 14 May 2005, 00:44:00 »
Hmm, sorry if my post sounded negative, I would use the program, mainly because making missions requires to alt-tab out a lot, and I normal do this while normal computery stuff (Talking on MSN, posting on forum etc), and when alt-tabed out, the gamma correction make windows hideiously bright, which gives me a headache in 10mins..
If your felling ambicious, how about a 3D view, like WRPTool, no textures. Could be very helpfull for making bases and stuff up (Lining fences up is horrible with the ingame editor, for example). Just a simple boxy model for each addon. Probobaly not very feasble, just a suggestion

Two ideas that would be very usefull, a grid-snap for placing objects (Changeable what size, so if your fence is 1.2 meters, you use 1.2 as grid snap).
And the rotation setting for... erm.. things (Everything, really), not make them 142.433232*, instead make it 142. Round them up/down :)

As for the external addons, maybe have a file listing of the display name, addon type (Person/Car/Tank/Plane/Object), the class name, and maybe a picture (Again, like WRPtool's object preview, or the editor picture you see in the in-game one).

You could also, maybe, in the edit unit screen, have a "Height" box, that automaticly does the
this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, height-number]
I've typed that so many times it's getting annoying..

Also, if you copy/paste a unit, keep the playable attributes :)

Little things like this would make it nicer to use that the in-game editor.. Really I'm just listing things I dont like about it, and hoping you can incoprate it into your program :P
But if you make this, I, and other people will use it :)

..:hmm: is that the time..
- Ben


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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #19 on: 14 May 2005, 01:41:57 »
This would be great...
now when i have nothing to do at school i can go to the lab and make missions!!!!

If you make it people will use it.

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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #20 on: 14 May 2005, 06:05:48 »
I cant get the prograam, to work,

where does it go and how do I activate it please


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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #21 on: 14 May 2005, 18:19:33 »
That is the exact type of feedback I wanted. ;D
I will take those updates into effect.

From what I believe you want, a generic model should be used in-place for a soldier, or tank in the preview. Trees might also have to be created, and buildings, and other models. Thats sort of tough.
However, I don't know much about JAVA 3D...but I'm willing to try, or fail.

It should work like any other program. Just double-click on it. Some compression tools interpret the .jar file as an archive, and will open it like a zip file. If that is your problem, I will just paste the classes themselves to this post with a little double-click start-up runnable.

The program itself is useless, so no big hurry. :P



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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #22 on: 15 May 2005, 17:00:22 »
From what I believe you want, a generic model should be used in-place for a soldier, or tank in the preview. Trees might also have to be created, and buildings, and other models. Thats sort of tough.
However, I don't know much about JAVA 3D...but I'm willing to try, or fail.
Yup, that's the idea, dont know if it's possible, but.. In the list of addons, maybe have a lenght/height/width entery, and you create a box that's the correct size.
Saves having a model for each house, object etc..

It should work like any other program. Just double-click on it. Some compression tools interpret the .jar file as an archive, and will open it like a zip file. If that is your problem, I will just paste the classes themselves to this post with a little double-click start-up runnable.
I had the same problem with Winrar :P
- Ben


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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #23 on: 16 May 2005, 18:01:30 »
That makes things much easier. Boxes are much easier :P
Only problem is terrain elevation. I've never tested this, but using a textureless wire mesh could be used as the terrain, but that still leaves getting the elevation measurements.

Okie, here are the classes. And the source code for the frame. This is a little more different from the previous file posted.

Offline Flauta

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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #24 on: 16 May 2005, 22:30:49 »
but... still cant test it!!! do I have to download a program first??? .. sorry I dont get it!!! emh.. ad the first post I have the ame problrem as ONIX.....

Cheers and good programing


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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #25 on: 17 May 2005, 07:49:17 »
oh ya, forgot to mention that you need to run the program from the command prompt. Just go into the command prompt and find the location of the file called UnitCreationFrame.class

then write java UnitCreationFrame into the command prompt. This should run the program. However, you must have the PATH variable in the environment variables set to the location of your java runtime environment folder named "bin"
eg. C:\jdk5.0\bin\

if you don't want to change the variable then write something like this in the command prompt

C:\jdk5.0\bin\java C:\downloads\Frame\UnitCreationFrame

this should work if your java runtime environment is installed in the folder "jdk5.0"

Sounds a bit complicated because I'm making it seem that way.

Else, you'll just have to figure out a way to get around the archive problem.


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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #26 on: 19 May 2005, 11:49:48 »
heh. I'm just waiting for the port to my cellphone. Scripting in T9 -- now that would be nerdy.

Offline Flauta

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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #27 on: 19 May 2005, 18:03:58 »
emh.. blulikeyou, I still cant test it  ;D
jejeje in te Zip file there is alot ofd .class and .java files... so... what do I have to do whit them?!?!??!? do I need a extra program??? Mi english sucks.. je that complicate a bit the thread.... But I hope this program will be great!!! ::)

Keep it working! ;D


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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #28 on: 21 May 2005, 10:17:33 »

If you are using Windows operating system,

Click the start button

Click "All Programs"

Click "Accessories"

Click "Command Prompt"

If you know how to run Java programs through the command prompt then do so.

The name of the file to run is "UnitCreationFrame". So, goto the folder where "UnitCreationFrame" is located through the Command Prompt. Then type "java UnitCreationFrame" and the program should come up.



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Re:Out of Operation Flashpoint Mission Editing
« Reply #29 on: 03 Jun 2005, 22:59:34 »
I'm getting an error when running it...