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Author Topic: AMAZING IDEA!!  (Read 3674 times)

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Offline Pr0ph3t

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« Reply #15 on: 23 Mar 2005, 01:02:19 »
Well maybe we should use your neighbour's dog then!

Offline Pr0ph3t

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« Reply #16 on: 23 Mar 2005, 01:02:55 »
Well since the physics engine is shit, we can design one of those asian taxis (You know the carriage with the guy running) that would rule

Offline Roni

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« Reply #17 on: 26 Mar 2005, 08:01:14 »
So what's so hard about this mission ?  It sounds like a fantastic idea (great thinking p-man !), the scripting sounds easy too.

The players could play against each other with the AI there just as a reality check.  The AI taxis would be on an endless cycle at (say) limited speed and safe status.  They would get points just for passing each waypoint, whereas players would have to do pickups and drop offs.

You could ram the AI guys off the road but another little script would automatically fix them up, and if they died then they could simply respawn.

It's all doable !

And imagine - the final purchase would be a helicopter - massive running costs, massive fuel costs, long maintenance leads (60 seconds to repair ?) but can pick up and drop off passengers anywhere in minutes !

If anyone needs scripts for this . . .   ;D


Offline dmakatra

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« Reply #18 on: 26 Mar 2005, 12:03:13 »
I really feel like spending 60 minutes on a MP game, driving/piloting! :o

Seriously, do you guys think it's fun to drive cars in OFP?

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Offline Roni

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« Reply #19 on: 26 Mar 2005, 13:40:26 »
Driving fun ? - No.  Driving, ramming, shooting, stopping and spraying your opponents with lead fun ? - YES !

I've had a long standing idea for a race type mission - nothing flash, just 2-3 guys racing around the island.  My problem was always that once one player got ahead of the rest there was no way to catch up to him.  So I came up with a few "levellers" . . .

First off, I designed a "fuel burn" script.  Dead simple, all it did was check the speed of each vehicle every few seconds and if this was greater than zero reduce the vehicles fuel by a fixed amount.  The neat thing was that the amount of the fuel burn was proportional to the vehicles speed CUBED !

This meant that if you sprinted you burnt fuel REAL FAST.  A decent clip would see you get half the length of the island, but a full bore sprint would see you make only a few k's.  Of course this is where the fuel depots and the "Jerry can" addaction came in handy . . .

The second was some form of forward firing weapon.  I never got this far (I lost interest in the idea), but the idea was going to be mounting miniguns on each vehicle so if you got in front on a straight stretch of road . . . ("After you, sir !",  "No, no, after you !", "No, I insist . . ").

You could put both of these in to this mission and really rock.  Imagine -

A script runs continuously, spawning cab fares at random spots on the island, with random destinations and random priorities (eg Le Moule to Montignac, VERY URGENT = will pay triple fare !, etc).

These come up as hints visible to all.  The first person there can pick up the fare and run with it.  If you're late or can't get there in time you can wait for the next fare, or you can race ahead and wait in ambush, place mines on the road etc.

Meanwhile, the guy with the passenger knows this, so what does he do ?  Take the long way round ?  Go cross country ? (in a Trabant ?!)  Screetch in to town with guns blazing ?  Dump the fare and head for the next guy in the rank ?

You can always pay to get your car repaired but once its totalled there should be an addaction to pack it in and start again (start with basic trabbie, full tank of gas, $500 in cash and a debt for $2,000, growing at 20% per day !).

No, the driving would not be fun.  But everything else would be !



Offline Pr0ph3t

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« Reply #20 on: 27 Mar 2005, 22:05:15 »
Seriously it could work...

The only thing that makes driving boring in OFP is the speed and gradient challenges..

The cars drive like old Ladas. But with a nitro system (in my case camcreated shells in your setvelocity) it wouldn't be so bad.

OFP goes nicely with freelance implementations. Besides, you can custom make an island so suit this. Original ofp islands are full of hills and difficult roads. Obviously driving through that would be as fun as stapling yourself repeadedly.

Offline Roni

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« Reply #21 on: 28 Mar 2005, 03:21:24 »
Like I said, forget the driving - that's be the least fun way to play the game.

Far better would be to lie in ambush at a well-used crossroad and either run guys off the road or spray them with lead as they pass by.  And where IS that guy that sells mines based again ?  How tough would it be to write a script that lets you tow junked cars to the wreckers for cash ?  And who is that suspicious looking guy hanging outside the wreckers . . . ?

This could be a cross between The Great Race, Mad Max and The Wild Ones !  Sure, go ahead and move those pasengers if you want.  OTOH, if that starts to get boring you can go on a rampage and trash AI taxis, blow up pedestrians and raid fuel depots.  And if THAT gets boring you can head to town, hire a few goons and try and try to raid one of the Army bases.

Look upon my T-80 and tremble, mortals !   8)

Just make sure to keep enough in the kitty to pay those goons - once your money runs out they will swap sides in an instant.  Once the money gets critically low it might pay to line up all your charges in a row - the first man to flinch gets drilled !

But don't shoot too soon - if you drill em before they turn on you you'll have every guy on the island hunting for you ! OTO-OH, maybe that's what you want - is there an award for having the highest bounty on your head ?    :P

Yeah, I'd love to script this !   :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:


Offline supershooter

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« Reply #22 on: 28 Mar 2005, 21:52:18 »
Sounds pretty cool. i think it'd be best to use a custom island, have it all perfect and have have nicely laid out ambush sites. It'd be a big trashy pile of scripts but id't work if everyone was enthusiastic enough.
I'd certinaly want to help out. Cars and ofps s**t engine ain't much of a prob. How about some guys joining the police force and their objectives are to actually stop the road hogs at all costs. They could use their squad to set up road blocks etc. be mint however its done. But be careful not to get anything wrong, beacause it could also be very crappy.

Cool Idea

SUPERshooter  ???

Offline Pr0ph3t

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« Reply #23 on: 29 Mar 2005, 02:02:27 »
SO what happens now?

Offline Roni

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« Reply #24 on: 29 Mar 2005, 05:04:49 »
Okay, here are some thoughts for what's required.

15-20 named game logics or triggers for each origin/destination town on the map.
6 (?) players, starting at a random town
1 starting trabbie taxi for each starting player.
Some cycling AI taxis.
Some mingling civvies for the major towns, or perhaps one group for each player, automatically placed to their nearest town.
A box load of AI "resource" dudes, each with an associated sale or rent addaction - eg Buy Pistol, Buy Sniper Weapon, Hire Goon, Rent Jeep etc.
A couple of well stocked and well armed bases with local move and patrol cycles

Time dilation script
(Already written !)  A script to make each day pass in (say) 15 minutes.  Time dilation is determined by and passed to client machines by server so players always in sync.

A Dispatch script
This will run continuously, spawning a fare paying customer every 30 seconds or so.  Simple to write, it will simply exec a new script and send it the fares origin, destination, group size (1-3 passengers) and priority.

A Local Fare script
Same as above, but will work only when the player is in town and next to the town trigger or game logic.  All fares here will be local (ie from this town to a nearby town) and low priority (ie low tip).

The Customer Spawn script
Called via either of the above scripts.

This will take the randomly assigned fare origin, destination group size and priority inputs and use these to camCreate or createUnit the requisite number of civvies with one or more associated addactions ie Pick Up, Drop Off, Dump etc.

This script will also determine the relevant cab fare (fixed) and tip, which will depend upon priority and time to expiry.  For example - a very high priority fare will have a very high tip, but this will decay very quickly, much faster than a normal fare.  A low priority fare will have a low tip, but will decay very, very slowly.

Once a fares tip goes below zero (or some negative amount) the script will deleteVehicle all its waiting passengers and close down.

Pick Up, Drop Off, Dump scripts
See above.

Civvie mingle script
(Already written !) Creates semi random movements among civvies groups.  Civvies will doMove to a random nearby building or the location of another civvies, centred on Waypoint position.  Every so often WP pos moves a bit to shake things up.   :)

Some custom "Buy" scripts
Very easy to implement.  Simply an addaction on an appropriately styled civvie (gun runners always wear shades ?  goons for hire always wear leather jackets ?), eg "Buy Revolver" etc.  Script reduces players cash (if he ahs enough) and equips player with item.

Each seller will have (say) three items for sale - cheap and nasty, average, and excellent (eg AK47/Steyr/M24, Grenade/Mine/Satchel charge, Trabbie/Sports Car/Hummer etc).  Sellers won't actually "have" the items until the player uses the action so players won't be able to roll sellers for their guns . . .   ;D

Hire Goons
Per the above.  Creates new units in players group.  Units suck cash from player every day until let go (via radio call or addaction tied to a designated spot, eg pub in major town) or player out of cash.

Player bankruptcy will make player renegade - ie subject to attack by ALL units on map.  Player may shoot own units before this happens but a few too many such shootings may make him renegade anyway !   :gunman:   :noo:

Release Goons
See above.

 Fuel burn/fuel monitor/repair monitor script
Script will continuously check vehicles velocity and reduce fuel by a set amount - sprints burn more fuel, slow crawls burn much less.

Script will also monitor vehicle fuel and damage levels, if fuel goes UP or damage goes DOWN then player must be refuelling or repairing - cash will be extracted accordingly.

Jerry can script
Simple addaction - use to give vehicle a quarter tank of gas.  Use once and addaction deletes itself.  Can be refilled as an addaction at fuel depots.

Refill Jerry can script
See above.  Addaction at fuel depot reassigns addaction to vehicle.  Reduces players cash accordingly

Pack it In script
Run at start as well as any other time player chooses via personal addaction.  Equips player with standard starting kit - car, full tank of gas, $500 cash and a debt of $2,000.

Debt goes up each day, cash can be used to repay via an addaction next to a bank (?).  Once debt goes above deemed level (dependant upon group size/assets available?) player Packed In automatically.   :tomato:

Repay Debt
See above.  Addaction on Bank building in all large towns.

Check cash/debt/fame/notoriety balances
Radio called script(s).  Simple player side chat displays of current balances.

Repair Car script
Upgrade car script
Trade up car script

Addactions tied to car yard.  Will repair, upgrade or trade in car for better model.  Fixed trade in and upgrade progression or player choice (?).

Some sort of scoring script
Must keep track of fame as well as notoriety - players should be able to become famous for running a good business (lots of assets, fastest fares, biggest tips etc) or killing everything in sight.  Notoriety should be winnable from opponents (ie kill the Road Warrior and become known as the Man Who Shot Liberty's Valiant)   ::)  :P

That's about all for now.  A lot of scripts but most should be simple to implement and write.  I won't ask for volunteers you all know how to contact me . . .   ;)

cheers all

« Last Edit: 29 Mar 2005, 05:16:30 by Roni »

Offline Roni

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« Reply #25 on: 29 Mar 2005, 05:14:26 »
Oh, I almost forgot -

A respawn script
To restock all those civvies, AI patrollers, gun merchants and base members that players will keep shooting up.

Rate of respawn will depend upon type - civvies most quickly (you can't kill em fast enough !), gun runners etc the slowest ("Thanks for the shotgun, here's your tip !").  A valid tactic might be to buy out a town and then burn it to the ground so the other players won't be able to buy items there until the next day . . . ?

Some sort of fixed establishment repair script
See above.  To stop your fellow sociopaths from filling up their jerrycans then blowing up every fuel depot from St Pierre to St Phillipe !

Again, a valid tactic ?    :booty:   :gunman:   :noo:



Offline Pr0ph3t

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« Reply #26 on: 29 Mar 2005, 20:46:00 »
Maybe we can turn OFP into gta


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« Reply #27 on: 29 Mar 2005, 21:30:22 »
GTA in ofp....sounds fun ;D