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Author Topic: Melee Weapons  (Read 2627 times)

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Melee Weapons
« on: 10 Mar 2005, 07:04:53 »
I would like to see the ability to use melee weapons in OFP.
Preferably something that works in version 1.46, as that is all I have.
If melee weapons are too hard to make, then maybe someone could design a weapon with a range of 0.25 meters.
What do I know, I've never used a 3d design program in my life.


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #1 on: 10 Mar 2005, 09:40:59 »
There is melee weapons in FDF-mod, baton and axe. They are clumsy byt they do work, but still I dont think melee weapons are useful in OFP.


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #2 on: 10 Mar 2005, 12:13:16 »
i dunno i think melee weapon would be a good thing in one of my missions i have created a prison break mission and i think its a bit stupid to put a gun near the prison a knife would be a more realistic choice as they would be easily obtainable.


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #3 on: 10 Mar 2005, 19:17:39 »
yah i knife to cut and hack away at peaple with

Kyle Sarnik

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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #4 on: 10 Mar 2005, 20:52:58 »
1. V1.46 especialy won't do, you need v1.75 or higher in order to use knifes or anything hand held, since you need to class them as a hand gun.

2. There allready is a punch weapon and a hit weapon (with your gun) that you can use when you are out of ammo. The classname is "StrokeFist" or "StrokeGun" and either will work for both punch and gun hits. Also these are weapons and need magazines.

3. Even though it can be done, its clumsy, and usualy doesnt work. You can almost never kill your enemy with it.

4. OFP is not the kind of game for such. Maybe a bayonett or Kabar knife here and there, but for the most part OFP is a more large scale land and air combat game meant for longer range engagement, no CQB or melee BS. OFP infact handles those very BADLY.

5. I know I allready said this but BUY RESISTANCE, you will need it for almost every single addon that came out after it did. That is the main reason you are allready out of the loop.

6. Someone made an addon where you can throw knifes, but they are very hard to use and have a short range, and have no practical use in missions.

@ Pollocks, prison break missions are damn hard in OFP, since players can ALWAYS exploit every situation, you can even get out of a locked cell by yourself in OFP if you tried hard enough. Use a pistol, since a knife would take way to long to kill an enemy.


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #5 on: 11 Mar 2005, 06:53:50 »
KEEEERRRRRRIIIIIIISSSSTTTTT, is that reply long enough?
Yes, I understand that OFP has been designed for long range firearm combat, but when on those black ops missions where you get a stupidly small amount of ammo for your weabons, you really start to want something as backup. BTY, you (Kyle Sarnik :-X) really seem to like wheedling out the faults in peoples suggestions. You're not admin, are you?

Offline Planck

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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #6 on: 11 Mar 2005, 20:26:33 »
This is the Addons Ideas board.

If an idea is not feasable then it is perfectly in order to say so ........and to give reasons why.   :)

On the other hand, if an idea is possible with limitations then it is also perfectly in order to say so.

Thats why its called Addon Ideas.

Unless of course you just want everyone to agree blindly that every idea is possible and should be done right away.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Kyle Sarnik

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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #7 on: 11 Mar 2005, 21:47:36 »
No, I am someone who understands OFPs limitations and what can and can't be done and what is and isn't worth doing.  ;)


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #8 on: 11 Mar 2005, 22:56:28 »
No, I am someone who understands OFPs limitations and what can and can't be done and what is and isn't worth doing.  ;)

My mistake!


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #9 on: 11 Mar 2005, 23:55:47 »
The Project UK forces had a bayonet that worked rather well. Everything was done in one anim.

@all this back & forth
Deathinmyhead, OFPEC's been around awhile and you can imagine how many ideas we get here. Just a guess but I think melee has been brought up in at least 10+ separate topics over the years and like the editing general board, some topics can make us a little annoyed because it keeps coming up again and again. :P
Adding to what Planck said, if someone does say that it won't work, then it may be because its been brought up before and simply didn't work.

Get your arse's to the beta party! ;D
« Last Edit: 11 Mar 2005, 23:59:29 by GuiltyRoachKillar »


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #10 on: 12 Mar 2005, 00:43:32 »
Melee weapons IMO (Too) are useles..
two seniraios..
1. You've ran out of ammo
2 You start with a melee wepaon..

1 - You've obviously killed atleast one enemy (I hope...), so go over to them and take their gun.. Much easier
2- Your not going to live long, AI can see behind them.. Even with them set to carless, you can't slowly crawl up behind them without them seeing you, or shooting you though a wall..
Also OFP gets clumbsy at very closee quarters

The FDF stuff works okay.. but most of the time you end up running though an enemy and missing..

My advice, bring more pistol ammo :P (Okay, better advice : If you have less than 2 mags, and see a dead enemy, take his weapon as long as it is sutible)
- Ben

Lean Bear

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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #11 on: 12 Mar 2005, 11:50:07 »
It is perfectly possible to make melee weapons work effectively.

I've even developed a way so you don't even need extra anims.

This will allow fluent combat with melee weapons (be it lightsabers, spears or your gun) to take place with both blocking and ramming your weapon into your opponent possible.


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #12 on: 14 Mar 2005, 08:20:28 »
Lean Bear:

Please let me know if and/or where I can download that stuff of yours.


The idea is to make flashpoint work with the melee weapons.
Perhaps rather than actually have to hit the fire button, is to just do damage to the enemys automatically when within a suitable range.

GuiltyRoachKillar (you should come to my house...):

How the gefrichen am I supposed to tell whether this idea has been brought up before. As far as I know, there is no forum dedicated to "old and dusty piecees of history" forum to check up on. And what about those "sneak through enemy lines quietly" missions where you only have something big and noisy and you cannot alert the enemy to your presence. And somebody should fix that annoying eyes in the back of your head thing!


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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #13 on: 14 Mar 2005, 08:24:22 »

Get your arse's to the beta party! ;D

Why do you use "arse" in the plural form? Are you insinuating that I have more than one arse? Well I don't, at least not to my knowledge.

Offline greg147

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Re:Melee Weapons
« Reply #14 on: 14 Mar 2005, 08:57:40 »
A katana sword was just released at http://www.ofpbase.com/  ;)
« Last Edit: 14 Mar 2005, 08:59:02 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg