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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Abandoned Armies  (Read 220169 times)

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #495 on: 09 Apr 2005, 06:12:33 »
rushes back to computer, trips into keyboard, qwerty indelibly printed on foreheaad.

The Russian can't be alone. He's atoning for his sins, nursing badly wounded civilian, probably female. She can't speak till medic'd. She tells player the airport wobble, the thing to stop the Chapoi assault being a certainty. She joins the squad if numbers are 'right'. Civilian must be in crawl mode, transport needed. And, they can be safely left where they were found in mad rush for ambulance bmp at trinite (eg).

Just say no to bugz

Offline General Barron

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #496 on: 09 Apr 2005, 10:07:17 »
WOW! I suppose I'm 'getting on board' with this mission a little late in the game, but god damn, its good! The intro sucked me right into the mission like you wouldn't believe. By the time I saw whats-her-name get shot, I was ready for blood. I'm ready to kick every damn ruskie and yank off of this island! Take back the land for the dozen-or-so remaining civillians! YEAH! Then SOMEONE will have to repopulate the human race...  ;D  ;D  ;D

The camera technique for the intro could have been better, but then again I'm not that great myself with cutscenes, so I don't have much to suggest!

I rescue the first batch of civillians, but some of them decide they don't want to get into the truck. After fiddling around for a while, I kick out two of my allies, and tell them to grab a Skoda. Right as I start pulling away, I notice an enemy squad about 50 meters away! I decide to just gas it, and I plow thru a good 3 or 4 of them in my escape. HAHAHAHAHA! I better turn on the windshield wipers to clean off the blood.  :o

Funny, I would have expected them to react quicker and send some bullets my way, but they didn't. Nor do they shoot my friends in the Skoda, thank Jeebus. Nor did they shoot me when I was escaping from the very first town... I'm beginning to think their blinders may be on just a bit too tight. Then again, I suspect I'll need all the help I can get in this fight.  :-\

Later, I reach the second batch of civilians. I tell corporal whats-his-name to take the civies back to our mountain hangout, and after the cutscene I see a few people running off into the fog. I guess they would rather go by foot? Oh well, I hope they don't get shot along the way...

I suppose I should rescue that little girl's parents... problem is, I've got ADD, so I've forgotten where she said they were! I check my briefing, but no marker, nor any notes! What the heck am I supposed to do? How come I got a nicely updated objectives page for the first two 'rescue missions', but not for this latest one? ???

Oh well, I suppose I'll head for the town to the NW (forgot the name). I hop into my truck with my newfound sidekick (the rest of my squad being back at home base), and start driving. I happen to check the 'group' tab of my notebook, and it looks like there are about 6 people in my truck! I thought they went off on foot?!?!

Now I'm really confused, because I don't want to take civillians into battle with me.... After sitting around for a little bit, I get a message that all the civvies are safely back at camp! Well who the heck is in my truck?!?! Ah well, I'll sort it out later. Right now I've got some rescuing to do.

I arrive at the town, which was closer than I expected. Good thing there weren't any soldiers on the outskirts of it, or else I would have been an easy target. I disembark and do a sweep of the town with the corporal. I see Ivan up ahead... perhaps I should save now. Right after I finish saving, the dung starts hitting the fan, as an enemy patrol squad waltzes right into town, while my buddy is right in the middle of the road. He dies no matter how many times I retry, but I take out the rest of the soldiers pretty easily.

I decide to stick around for a bit afterwards, and extract a little vengance on anyone else that wanders by. Another squad comes in--they never know what hits them. I pick up a Strela launcher off of one of them, and hope to take out that damn bird I hear flying around all the time. It's all in vain, because I can't see a darn thing. At this point I've searched the town, and I don't think her parents are in it... I guess they were in another town?! Damn ADD! Oh well, I'll have to pick it up again later.

Issues summary:

:hmm: No updating of the briefing for the 'rescue the parents' sub-mission
:hmm: Civvies don't wanna get in my truck in the first sub-mission
:hmm: Some civvies run to safety by foot in second sub-mission, but some of them are also in my truck. Objective completes while I've still got them in my truck

Damn fun mission! It totally reminds me of an old Amiga game I always wanted to remake in OFP: "Midwinter". Its plot is somewhat similar to this, only on an arctic island, and with only one enemy army. This mission truly makes the most out of OFP, and I look forward to continuing it! :thumbsup:

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Offline THobson

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #497 on: 09 Apr 2005, 10:30:21 »
Great thank you.

When you say don't hold your hand - do you think I am doing that?  Is there too much use of flags from your perspective?  I have one at each base and one for the leader of each vehicle group.  I can see why you suggest using them as the overview picture, the trouble is I really like my current one.  

Great suggestion, some voice over and maybe a savegame.  The bodies only feature in Stamenov's part of the island.  He is evil, Andropov is just ruthless.

A Fiction:
I am really glad someone liked that.  I had the idea when I realised I was basing the names in the mission on real people.

Leon Stamenov, from Leon Trotsky;

Vladimir Ilich Andropov from Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Andropov from the former head of the KGB

Other names I got by looking in telephone directories and selecting combinations that pleased me.  In the end I don't think the extent to which the key players have names comes out very much.

I agree.  I have already spent more time at the keyboard on these than all the rest of the mission put together (and believe me that is saying something!), and the main factor driving the size of the download is the cumulative size of all the voice files, but it does need more.  This was meant to be a tip the toe in the water exercise for me.  This is my first ever attempt at cutscenes with voices but some leviathan got its tentacles around that toe and I am now in deep ocean.

In v1.00 the player had an infinite number available.  There was push back from beta testers about this, so I limited the number and then added a new one every 90 minutes or so.

Your logic is powerful.  I will take out the 90 minute ‘reward', but add them elsewhere when the player has done something worthy of one.  As you say it would improve player feedback which I agree does need boosting

I don't know if they can be prevented, the player can always <Alt><Tab> out and rename the savefile.  That is what I do when I am testing, but I really do want to get the number of savegames sufficiently well balanced that it is not necessary.  Vain hope maybe.

x4 crippler:
My hero.  If you read the early posts on v1.00 you will see that this was hotly debated. My instinct was always that to create the type of atmosphere I wanted accelerated time had to be prevented.

The Abrams are real bastards, but paradoxically they are some of the easiest armour to capture.  A mine or satchel charge will kill anything else but with an Abrams a well placed mine or satchel charge together with a repair truck gives you your very own battle tank.

I have some concerns here that I need to think on.  The mission is pretty well balanced as it is and so to start swapping M1A1s with T80s might have some other unfortunate consequences.  Set against that is the effect the tank had on your enjoyment and also Student Pilot also stopped when he saw Andropov still had one active.

I have made a change between v1.00 and v1.10 that might be an influence here.  In v1.00 all the armour on both sides was committed either to the north/south battle, or to defending their base when it is attacked.  In v1.10 each side has one armour group that is only committed when that side enters its endgame (<50 living loons left or leader killed or Alexi detected in the base).  This significantly increases the likelihood of the player having to deal with it.  â€˜It' being a T80 + Bradley with onboard infantry in the north and an Abrams + BMP with on board infantry in the south.  Perhaps as a minimum I need to go back to the set up used in v1.00.

There is also a huge amount of variability.  Sometimes the choppers rule the island blasting all the armour away, other time they are taken out so quickly there is a lot of armour left.

The simple act of writing this has helped me clear some thoughts.  My current inclination is:

- Reinstate the arrangement in v1.00.  That way there is a high probability that all the armour of each side will have contact with armour and possibly air units of the other side before the player needs to deal with them.

- Otherwise leave them in to reinforce the need to hit and then run away.

This is not a ‘decision' it is meant to be a suggestion for comment.

I think this was a good idea that might just not be good enough.  In v1.00 these mines were a mess.  You could place them at anytime, you did not need specific items of inventory {you could even place them when you were in a vehicle!) and there was no disarm option.  Yet they were useful and fun.

In v1.10 all that has been fixed, but they are now worse than useless.  I have just completed my run through of v1.10 (you will understand I don't do a full run through that often!).  I placed two AV mines deliberately and several accidentally.  Of the two I placed deliberately one destroyed three M2 jeeps and the other remained un-detonated at the end of the mission.  I did not place a single AP mine.

Options I am thinking about, and on which I would welcome comment, are:

Option 1: Just get rid of them

Option 2: Put a safe option as the top action (I like Planck's suggestion of a hint giving the number left) and remove the need to have some specific items in inventory - this is what makes the AP mines useless and the AV mines so annoying when placed accidentally.  But this change does reduce the realism significantly.

Option 3: At La Trinite instead of forcing them on the player, give the player the option to take them or not and also give him a radio command that lets him throw them away.

Option 4:  Option 2 and Option 3 combined.

I understand what you want.  The scripting challenge is immense, I would have to be monitoring and fixing problems with the OFP engine (I am already doing that a lot just to keep the convoys and jeep patrols running).  That was difficult enough and I know what they are supposed to be doing.  Monitoring units that may or may not be in a vehicle, and may or may not be trying to get somewhere is a task that is currently beyond my energy level.

In v1.00 all the towns were empty once the fighting started and the soldiers there went off to war.  In v1.10 Goisse is the one border town I forgot to put in some permanent guards.  Sorry, now fixed for v1.11.  I have no idea where the solitary soldier came from.

The location of base camp is , well, at worst! perfect.
Thanks.  In the earlier threads there was a lot of discussion about this also, mostly not supportive.  Your comments help reinforce my view to go with my instinct.

What happens when I accidentally shoot my Russian? Do the rest of my squad/some of my squad desert?
It is just the same as accidentally shooting anyone in your squad in any standard OFP mission.  Do it too often and you get shot.  Killing one of the civis you rescue though is different - killing one is one too many.  Also killing anyone at the mountain lodge before the cutscene is also fatal.  Otherwise I have just gone with standard OFP.

civils enter the area, why cant one/ two of them, start replacing my dead medic if I 'learn' to go back to passagne. (repopulating means dead ai can be put in graves and buried from cpu cycles)
That is a tough challenge.  I don't want just to have random people there, if I have them they will need to interact with the player.  The closest I got was in v1.00 I had a couple of mad women running around the island.  At the time I did not have the energy to make them interact with the player so took them out.  I am certainly thinking of bringing them back.  They seemed quite popular.

I do like your concept of the player learning things.  That needs more thought on my part.

There is no consequence to the player if he starts killing surrendered soldiers ( or escaping soldiers at Chapoi).  This was one of those - I will do it later - tasks that I didn't get round to for v1.10.

Dourdan is a border town and so must contain a significant presence.  Houdan is the sort of place a deserter might go to.

On the counterbalance issue with the airport:
The Russian can't be alone. He's atoning for his sins, nursing badly wounded civilian, probably female. She can't speak till medic'd. She tells player the airport wobble, the thing to stop the Chapoi assault being a certainty. She joins the squad if numbers are 'right'. Civilian must be in crawl mode, transport needed. And, they can be safely left where they were found in mad rush for ambulance bmp at trinite (eg).
Is a stunning idea.  Thanks.

Arudy Snipers:
They are gone in v1.11.  On the suggestion of having more infantry groups in the mountains - I too was wondering about that, not in the context of the Arudy snipers, but just generally.  You make an excellent case that would improve the atmosphere of the mission.  The mission certainly has the capacity.  Would you believe that excluding the small groups that guard the towns, but including all the soldiers in each base and the soldiers that travel with each convoy I only use 18 infantry groups for each side?  I laugh when I see people complaining that the OFP limit of 63 groups per side is too small!

The thing that stopped me doing this earlier was a concern about lag, but that seems not to be a serious problem.

There are somethings I need to give thought to:
- Are they to be a force early on or throughout the mission?  In other words do they join the general north/south war (and so get neutralised) or do they stay put so requiring the player to deal with them.
- Their location - I don't want them getting in the way of the armoured groups that attack each others base.

Tough / Too hard:
If the yes refers to Tough - fine; if it refers to Too Hard - then not fine.

My conservative estimate is you would had to have played 100+ missions before this one to have any chance of 'understanding' what tools to use. Mgun vs rpg vs Snipe vs use terrain, vs vehicles. Buildings are both friend and foe. What do black ops really mean. You need to know what chopper + truck + clear skies mean. You especially need to know the differences between rpg/law/gustav and AA. You would not introduce a friend to ofp via this black hole.
That is what I want.  I started building this mission thinking there might be one or, if I was very lucky, three people in the whole world that would enjoy and finish this mission.  I have been thrilled by how wrong I was.  

But it is too tough. I met it at Larche, MacGuba at Arudy. All of us at airport / chapoi. The saving grace is that ai wont hunt you to extinction. When you 'learn' this, it's manageable.
I have tried very hard not to play the player, not to make assumptions about what he will or will not do and to make it easy or difficult for him.  I have just tried to create a realistic island and then give the player an impossible task.  I mean - you arrive on the island that has two large and well organised armies (each with a head count of 280+ in v1.10) all you have is a pistol and a couple of magazines and your objective is to ‘kill them all' or as near as damn it.  It forces the player to learn new ways of playing.

It is still a huge regret of mine that I could not keep the size of the squad down to seven.  Then I could have made oblique references to medieval Japanese samurai.

I do like your idea of multiple minefields - with real mines this time so the player can see them.  Concerns I have about this are:
- They could seriously inhibit the north/south war
- They must not get in the way of the armoured assault each side makes on the other's base - and this then makes me feel like I am making a map that is deliberately contrived.
- It would not be realistic for armour to be oblivious to the location of their own minefield.  The way the mission works the armour goes where it sees fit.

This is another idea I need to soak on.

mikero - you have really ‘done me proud' as they say where I come from.  Huge ego boosts balanced with comments that bring me back to earth and some excellent ideas for the next version.  I am truly grateful.

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #498 on: 09 Apr 2005, 11:03:24 »
My test.  You will I hope understand that I do a lot of testing by running through individual parts of the mission separately and only occasionally do I do a complete run through of the whole thing.

I have just done a run through of v1.10 and I have a long list of little things to change but there are some other more significant ones that deserve comment and discussion - several raised by mikero above.  A couple more are:

I believe I should remove all the vehicles from La Trinite - or at least remove their fuel.  Most of you seem to have fun by scavenging for weapons.  I don't, I just steal the ammo truck at La Trinite when the town is empty.

I am not happy with the fog.  I think I have diluted its impact far too much.  As I think we are all seeing - rain cuts down the player's visibility without seeming to impact that of the AI.  Fog seems to work on both player and AI.  In my run through I finished at about 5pm mission time and apart from the early morning fog it was never an obvious feature.  The fog level should peak somewhere between 11:30 and 14:30 and I never noticed it.  I think my code that reduces the maximum intensity of the fog depending on the loon count of the smallest side is doing its job too well.  The fog is on a 5 to 6 hour cycle, the overcast (and hence rain) is on an approx. 2+ hour cycle.  I plan to change this - I am just not sure to what yet.  I think more fog will make the snipers easier to deal with in a way that the rain does not.

Anyway just a couple of thoughts for comment.

@General Barron:
Welcome.  I will reply shortly I just need to help my other half move multiple bags of compost for the garden.

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #499 on: 09 Apr 2005, 12:25:41 »
@General Barron

Okay chore done.

No updating of the briefing for the 'rescue the parents' sub-mission
The briefing should now have an objective to ‘Search Houdan'  Houdan is where she said she lived.  If not then you have stumbled on a big problem.

Civvies don't wanna get in my truck in the first sub-mission
Entirely my fault.  I use Game Logics to check that the vehicle the player is in has enough space for the civilian group.  But as a result of a typo on my part the GLs are stuck in the vehicle.  Now fixed for the next version.

Some civvies run to safety by foot in second sub-mission, but some of them are also in my truck. Objective completes while I've still got them in my truck
At the mountain lodge you are joined by one soldier and three civilians, after you get the first group of civilians to the lodge you are then joined by one more soldier, then at the second group of civilians you are joined by another soldier.  So at this point your squad consists of: you, three soldiers and three civilians.  The two groups of civilians are not of the fighting variety

I don't want to take civilians into battle with me....
I suggest you do, they are all you have got.  Reports from other beta testers are that Irena is particularly formidable especially as a sniper or as a tank gunner.

On the apparent reluctance of the soldiers to fire on you early on, I put that down to two things:
- fog seems to reduce their ability to react
- infantry do sometime seem to ignore you when you are in a light vehicle (armour units have no such problem)

On the first group of civilians:
as I start pulling away, I notice an enemy squad about 50 meters away!
That I cannot explain.  I have had so many strange things happen in and around Dd46 that I am beginning to think the place is haunted.  

This mission truly makes the most out of OFP, and I look forward to continuing it!
Thank you.  I hope you enjoy it.  

But you will need to do something about that ADD ;)
« Last Edit: 09 Apr 2005, 12:46:36 by THobson »

Offline Pilot

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #500 on: 09 Apr 2005, 16:25:44 »
and also Student Pilot also stopped when he saw Andropov still had one active.
Yeah, the Abrams are tough.  I am sorry I didn't complete it, though.  I do intend to come back and test Abandoned Armies again, maybe when V1.11 comes out.

About the mines, I like option 3.
« Last Edit: 09 Apr 2005, 16:27:52 by Student Pilot »


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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #501 on: 09 Apr 2005, 17:17:53 »
A small update on my minimal progress. I spent an age finding the lodge (again). I thought there was an autosave at this point? I would have liked to seen one act as a good launching place for the rest of the mission. The new cutscene at the lodge is very good. Explains more of the background story and introduces my band of men and women, and explains why I am leading them :thumbsup: . I've been busy at work this week but tomorow should be a good time for me to give this mission a right good work out. More soon


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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #502 on: 09 Apr 2005, 17:56:39 »
Thanks for the comments.  There are no autosaves in the mission.   I did think of putting some in but decided to leave it to the player to decide when to save.  Best of luck this time.  I hope it doesn't break.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #503 on: 10 Apr 2005, 00:52:05 »
When you say don't hold your hand - do you think I am doing that?  

glaringly obvious during mission play that you will not. Example: you miss the info content of a cutscene, you miss a mission,

Therefore I never assumed for a moment you would crass it up by putting this flag stuff n breifing. In my never humble opinion only. Others who want it there would also be righter than right.

the trouble is I really like my current (picture).  

keep your current picture.

I have one (flag) at each base and one for the leader of each vehicle group.  Too much?

I have never seen this technique before. There are many 'techniques' i've not seen before in this mission.

First time I encountered it 'in full' was in a chapoi squad. The effect was General Lee at Appamatox, really did have to check i was playing an ofp engine. More, not less, please.
The significance of which flag is who only comes into play when you decide, among 100 other decisions you can make, to stabilise / destabalise one of the sides. Let me learn.

On that theme, assuming you agree with the sentiment, then flags at the garrisoned towns would be helpful to the player. It's quite hard to know which army is attacking you at any point. Depends on which bit of doodoo you stepped in at the time.

The bodies only feature in Stamenov's part of the island.  He is evil, Andropov is just ruthless.

O wow, o wowwwie wow, wow. I NEVER noticed that. Oh fool is me. lifting jaw from table

thinks, pauses, analyzes.... In that case, the cookie cutter must go. I never noticed because one more mash tent anywhere meant another clump of orderly bodies so NEVER LOOKED. Flesh this out, cutscene showing Andropov executing southrons, he's ruthless.


As a player, you leave me with tongue hanging out wanting more. The English accent is a pleasant one to hear for most people, you are using it's best qualities.

deep ocean.

Keep swimming, it's your reward for this mission. Something you can revel in for all the other hard work.

Vain hope maybe.

you are smoking something illegal. However, this should remain your primary goal because every tweak moves the mission into better balance. Imagine the opposite, that you dont care about the Abrahms.


You are biasing your comments on your fondness for getting in the things. My game play experience (would not be alone here) is that vehicles are a mess for your squad to drive. I can see however, the theme of attacking the airport with several of them. Would make that episode less 'unfair'. To take out use-vehicles in this mission would be a crime, not only is it yet-another option for player choice, it's part of the change of theme you are doing so well. You kept me permanently off balance which way I should play this mission.


we need someone here to say what they like about them, rather than all this negativity.

I cannot use the ap, ever. It prevents me from ever going to that part of the map ever again. Others will use that fact to their benefit, i cannot. I will in fact sprinkle them in a town, probably Trinite, next time I play.

I like 2 things about AV, two very important, very fundamental things.

They destroy trucks, which mines won't.

They are a great balance between that awful decision to carry either rpg, or mine (but not satchel).

I am fighting one handed.

One theme you have done is this is standard-issue ofp. The ap/av tips it into addon territory, something you might not have wanted. They are not, standard issue.

Killing this that the other

Am fairly au fait with what the engine will do with each consequence, these were more along the lines of where, if you wanted to, you could expand outwards.

Mad women

what posessed you to take them out!!!

I do like your concept ...

Many people prefer the pyramids un doctored.


A (sandbagged) tank silouette would have the same effect for me. This is southron. But why not have un-aligned troops up there. I may 'learn' to use them.

Just say no to bugz

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #504 on: 10 Apr 2005, 01:06:38 »
I'm skipping through posts because I haven't had time to play and I'm desperately behind.   However, you MUST make MORE of a difference between the two baddies' armies.

I like that you want them to have different characters:  that is unarguabely a good thing for the mission.   But remember what I said about small things needing to be overemphasised and big things played down?    This is a small thing so you need to beat the player over the head about it.   The bodies distinction is good but totally missable, even with the flags.    

When you are in a base, it should be BLATENTLY obvious which side held the base.   Everything about it should SCREAM one side or the other.     One has bodies, one doesn't.  One has nice ordered rows of tents, the other has tents all over the place.   One has the flagpole in a nice sensible place in the open space between the hospital and the (vehicle) net, the other has it who knows where.    One has ammo and fuel stored together, the other doesn't.   Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc..   Either bin this distinction, or make a BIG OSTENTATIOUS deal of it in terms of static objects.    I mean SERIOUSLY obvious to an unusually dim redneck, not a sophisticated Parisien with a PhD in Advanced Observation.

Do everthing you possibly can to make the two sides different.   For example, one side has an officer unit in every squad:  the other never has.    And other things as well.   Maybe machine gunners on one side always have 1 mag short with two grenades instead.   Or they always have binocs/NVGs on one side.    Or LAW/RPG loons always have pistols.     The more stupid little differences like that the better.    In other words, if you are totally lost and for some reason don't see the flag, it should be SPECTACULARLY obvious (if you have been paying attention) to which side a squad or base belongs.     By that I mean EMBARRASSINGLY obvious from any angle, in any weather, in any circumstances, from any distance.   Providing you can see the bulk/whole of the squad/base/convoy of course.    

If it doesn't leap out at you (in at least as obvious a way as the difference between East and West units leap out at you in an ordinary mission) then it's not clear that there is any real value - in pure gameplay terms - in having two sides at all.   Flags are valuable, but as conveyers of confirmation, not information.   Clearly it will take the player a few contacts/CTRs to appreciate the differences, but once he has done it it will add significantly to the feel of the mission.    You really will understand and believe that there is a difference between one side and the other.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2005, 01:16:36 by macguba »
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #505 on: 10 Apr 2005, 01:18:04 »
The way I see it there is only two sides....you and them.

When I played it the first time, I wasn't concerned about which side a squad or a vehicle belonged to, as far as I was concerned either side was the enemy, so, they died whoever their boss was.   ::)

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #506 on: 10 Apr 2005, 01:22:15 »
The way I see it there is only two sides....you and them.
Exactly.    That is how we see it, and that is the problem.    There is enormous scope here for adding a really interesting aspect to the gameplay.   "I can trash this convoy/base/squad, but I'n not going to becuase it's Stamenov's and I want him to beat Andropov."    At the moment you don't think that, you just trash it.

I would go so far as to say that you should consider making one of the baddies less bad than the other:  you still have to and want to destroy them both, but in moments whe you think you can't win you are clear in your mind about which baddy you would like to be boss of the island.   At the moment you don't care, which means that, as Planck said, the two enemy sides are really just one enemy side with some internal disputes that are no concern of yours except insofar as they wipe each other out.
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #507 on: 10 Apr 2005, 02:09:14 »

best bit of writing you've ever done Mr Mac.

small things needing to be overemphasised and big things played down

this is pinched, filched, purloined, snaffled and stolen into my armory of phrases.

The author is British, his natural inclination is to understate everything. He needs to overdo the small things, the non obvious.


cutscene in grey

a memory flashback to the 3 soldiers he saw being executed. Probably triggered by a walk-over-dead-body. This 'style' is in a brilliant inter-active misson (a Sui style) that i'll point you to as soon as I can find it. memory jog cut-scenes are an answer to your prayers, more cutscenes, copy and paste, less sweat.


Your definitions of army distinction are inspired. One of those "can't quite put my finger on it" problems.

Just say no to bugz

Offline Mikero

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #508 on: 10 Apr 2005, 02:58:27 »
To the tune of rawhide, I shall endeavour to be a redneck. Being a Parisienne with a  PHD in stupidity wont cut it anymore.

How the [flash=http://200,200]hell [/flash] did I miss the message content of what's-her-name civilian being shot in Vigny, not goisse, vigny.

There are some missions that steal an entire genre, they cannot be emulated. This is one, Student Pilot's shows promise, and "Silent Night, Deadly Night" is the other.


I've lost the url. I will take all steps necessary if you don't "know" about this mission. The theme is not yours, the constructs are. I think it will part answer your cutscene issues. Not technically, construct wise. It's Student Pilot's surrender on amphetamines.

Just say no to bugz

Offline THobson

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Re:Abandoned Armies
« Reply #509 on: 10 Apr 2005, 09:48:41 »
So it was Vigny you went back to.  That is helpful for me to know.  I had not expected anyone to go as far as Goisse - that of course is no reason for me not to put some guards there, as I said it was a complete oversight on my part.  The lone soldier you saw I will remove from my ‘Malden is haunted' data points.

Which brings us back to you being unhappy about getting there and finding no one there.  If that was Vigny then this could represent a bug.  After Tatyana is killed a squad of soldiers turns up.  If you start killing them guard units from elsewhere will head for the place.  If you don't kill them all they will hang around the town.  In the Mountain Lodge cutscene there is a shot of Tatyana.  In v1.00 the soldiers could be seen in shot as well and the beta testers rightly objected to this.  I now move any soldiers out of Vigny before that part of the cutscene, but they should come back of their own accord.  I have not checked that they do this: 1. it is not that easy to check; 2. it is something I have done elsewhere and it worked there.

On the ‘only Stamenov's territory has bodies' point there is one exception the little hamlet at the NW corner of the island - I will remove these for v1.11

The author is British, his natural inclination is to understate everything.
Lol.  I can't explain it but I do observe an ‘understate for emphasis' characteristic in many of my countrymen and women, to the point of saying the opposite of what you mean on the really important stuff.  Sometimes.

Many people prefer the pyramids un doctored.
In this case I am the only one that can do the doctoring.   Your comments have been exceptionally helpful in giving me insights into parts of the pyramid that I had not appreciated.  Is your story true about someone making changes to real pyramids because he thought they were wrong?

This is a beta site and the mission is a beta version - in other words I put the mission here knowing that it had some weak areas, many times you all pounce on the things I was doubtful about, very rarely something I was doubtful about doesn't get a mention but also many times you raise things I was not aware of.  That is the real power of this site - also it is fun.  I do regret not putting all my missions here - but then I though beta testing was about bug fixing.

There is a lot here for me to think about.  Some of the things suggested are a huge amount of work, not that that is a problem in itself, I just want to avoid creating bugs with the change.  What I am doing at the moment is fixing the obvious stuff, like the error message fragorl found, aligning a miss-aligned building I found when crawling round trying the get a bead on a black op, etc.  The really big stuff is sitting in the back of my mind soaking.  I am also waiting for others to comment also.

Thoughts I do have on one of the recent ideas are:
- there are a lot of crappy missions about
- at the first sight of something crappy the natural assumption is that it is a crappy mission
- I can't bring myself to make crappy bases for Stamenov's army, only partly because of the above.  
What I will do though it to try and make Andropov's bases better, and certainly different.

Another thought:
Flags (another one of mac's ideas bye the way) - how about one for each group of foot soldiers?  I am not sure the mission could stand the resource drain this would entail so it might come to a choice.

mikero:  Your problems with getting AI to use tanks.  Do you have anything specific?
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2005, 09:55:17 by THobson »