I think it could make a good mission. I think a SP mission would be amazing, but I have no ideas at this moment... but I do have MP mission....
Everyone starts off a civilian and maybe some soldiers...What you do is try to rally the civilians together and start a revalotion...but here is where the major scripts come it. You can join up with an players and create a malita/gang/whatever, there could be malitias suporting comunist rule, and there could be some malitias suporting Nato-UN. But those are not the only sides that could be formed. for example, the could be like 5 side against eachother. Malitias could sign treaties with othe malitas, go to war, and such. You could steal steal money to buy better guns and veichals or just steal them from a nato base. to add even another eleament to the game, you could even have a drafting center(s) for the Nato forces...you would then become a soldier. I don't know what sould happen when you die...re spawn, become a neutral civilian again, just die, or whatever. Also, ther could be certain areas you nead to take over to gain countral of the whole island, for example cities. when you malitia gets really violant, Nato can come and try to save the day. This level could be a long running level... which also would be hard to make, but with time put into it would make an amazing level.