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Author Topic: Mud and Rain affecting unit movement  (Read 705 times)

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Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« on: 28 Jan 2005, 19:32:33 »
So OFP grants us the capability to change the weather but what good is it?
Surely if you add fog, players can't see as well but other than that the weather is only for looks.
Rain and wind don't affect objects unless its a flag.
In my experience when it rains you get mud and when you have mud you have a reduced capacity to move.
What about a script that slows down units and vehicles when it starts to rain or they enter an area where you'de find mud?
Maybe even add some graphics to show legs getting dirty or tracks and tires throwing up mud like they would dust (bigger particles?).
Then throw in the random possibilty that vehicles would get stuck for a certain amount of time (tires spinning but going nowhere, sliding around maybe).
Might work on this but I don't know anything about creating particles and such so if anyone has ideas let me know.


Offline dmakatra

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Re:Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jan 2005, 21:33:49 »
Nice idea, would require a lot of work though. I'd like to see weapons jamming in rainstorms too, due to the mud.

Anyway, my abondoned Rain Drop Effects Script is allways a start: http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse/index.php?board=27;action=display;threadid=18119

Quite crappy, but allways something. Been thinking of updating it, but I can't be arsed. ;D

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jan 2005, 22:33:09 »
Oooh weapon jamming, nice addition.
Can you make a unit drop the magazine it has currently or maybe just do an automatic reload.
Or could you play the magazine reload animation without actually reloading.
This would give you the realistic effect of the ol 'slap-n-rack' method really employed.
Again from armystudyguide.com:

What does the Acronym SPORTS stand for?
Slap, Pull, Observe, Release, Tap and Shoot

This is something that the 'Americas Army' game does well but would be cool to see in OFP.
The jam script could run on an eventhandler and randomly fire on say 10% of the shots(too high?), then run a sound like 'click click DANGIT!' then reload.
I'll download and check out your rainstorm script tonight when I get home and see if I cant add my ideas with setVelociy and maybe a random weapon jam.

Say...is there a way to tell if a unit is in a house or under cover?
This may be getting ahead of myself but what if the effects worsen the longer a unit is outside but the unit recovers speed (slowly) if they go inside or jump in a vehicle?

Hows this for a weapons jam start:
;this AddEventHandler ["fired",{_this Exec "weaponjam.sqs"}]
_unit= _this select 0
_jamcheck = random 100

? _jamcheck < 90 :  exit

playsound "weaponjam"
hint "weapon jammed"
_unit playMove "StandReload" (dont know the move off the top of my head)

Hmmmm...but it think it would be better to use this as an addaction so that the unit doesnt automatically attempt reloading once his weapon jams.
Maybe just remove his current magazine which would force/allow the player to find cover before reloading.
I'll play around with it but it's looking do-able.

Thanks for the idea dmakatra.
Soon it could be
 :beat:**click click DANGIT!.....Gets Shot** :beat:


Offline Triggerhappy

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Re:Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« Reply #3 on: 28 Jan 2005, 22:39:18 »
one major problem with your idea. there is no way to tell what terrain someone is on.


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Re:Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« Reply #4 on: 28 Jan 2005, 23:48:01 »

That's why I had wondered about knowing whether or not the unit was under cover or not, but if that implementation doesnt work the next option would be to simply use a trigger and make some assumptions.
Say, put the trigger in certain areas on the map where mud and such might occur.

Then again I'm not terribly sure it would matter what the terrain if its raining enough.
While your typical military issue M16 does have a fair amount of play in the action to reduce jamming, ANY automatic weapon will jam with the proper application of mud.
As far as dirt is concerned in urban areas...yeah the likelyhood would drop so maybe in those situations we decrease the jam ratio to something like 1%.
There is a really good reason for the M16 having a forward assist, it should be used.


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Re:Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jan 2005, 22:10:02 »
it certainly would be cool to make things in the game change according to weather. i especially liked your idea about bigger particles from vehicles (you could use brown water ones.

the weapon jamming is hard to do i think because you would still have to delete the bullet (doable), change the config depending on whether its raining to change the fire sound (bordeing on not doable), remove the muzzle flash (maybe but probably not doable).

i suppose the question is whether the config can be adapted with weather very easily. even then, we have the terrain issue.

unless there are some real geniuses out there who are up for it, then its loads of work for one guy. it might be something ECP would consider for future versions of the mod. those guys have got the talent and the committment.


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Re:Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« Reply #6 on: 03 Feb 2005, 20:14:21 »
Apperanlty the jamming idea has been thought through many times and tossed about on many threads.
I did try it a few ways using eventhandlers and scripts but ultimatley I believe that this is an idea intended for an add-on.
Something like a new set of magazines which would add HD and jamming capabilities.
A new animation of the unit racking his slide back would be nice instead of using the deadly reload animation.

As for mud, this one shouldn't be too tough, except for the particles...I don't know anything about making graphics in OFP.
I know the terrain is an issue so for now I'll develop it using triggers placed in areas where the mud would be.

Offline penguinman

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Re:Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« Reply #7 on: 04 Feb 2005, 02:01:58 »
i think ecp is woking on some sort of jamming thing,

i think barron told me once


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Re:Mud and Rain affecting unit movement
« Reply #8 on: 09 Mar 2005, 22:48:49 »
Theres a load of weapon jamming scripts around..
I could write one here just now (Using addeventhandler["fired",script]) and arandom number, and if it's over x[/x], play an animation (Mortar reloading is prob best)
Theres other ways too, but that's one way.. Simple enough too
- Ben
[Edit : Just realised someone has posted a script.. ::)]
« Last Edit: 09 Mar 2005, 22:50:39 by DBR_ONIX »