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Author Topic: The OFPEC Community mission!  (Read 3925 times)

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Offline Triggerhappy

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The OFPEC Community mission!
« on: 14 Dec 2004, 23:16:41 »
As most of you know this, died out a while ago. well, me n tyger have been getting ready to put it back up, with the help of some moderators.

I am compiling a list of people who have posted in ANY community mission thread so they can be credited in the readme/outro of the mission. here is the list:
Matt Walter
Tim Pink
1 shot to kill
Stinky Nut Rappa

If you aren't in the list and you have posted in one of the threads (including this one), pm me and I'll add you
I apologize if i missed you.


1) Do not double post. No person can make a storyline post (adding to the story) until 2 others have posted between their previous post

2) Try to use minimal dialogue (voice actors, professional or not, will be needed for dialogue, need we say more?)

3) DO NOT add new characters to the story or ask to be included. (there can be nameless people obviously)

4) Your post should follow the previous posts. The story should flow easily. Do not change to a different part of the mission, as in, "...meanwhile THIS was happenning..."  (exception for cutscenes,intro/outro, but still let it flow  :P)

5) Keep the plot serious. You know what's stupid - don't post it.

6) No non-story posts, if you NEED to say something, pm it to me or tyger. otherwise, stick to the story

7) Colors:
Red is used only for mission details (settings, what people are doing, etc)

Blue is used only for dialogues

Green is reserved for summaries of the current storyline, which will be changed on the first post, and we will let you know when we update it.

Responsible persons

These are the people that will be editing the mission when the story is complete, and the people in charge:

Project Managers:

Thread moderators:


If you would like to join send a pm to me or Tyger stating what you like to do and can do (scripting, basic editing, advanced editing, voice acting, sound editing....)


Sefe - Russian commander
Artak - player and Russian Spec Op
dmakatra - Russian private and n00bie
Homefry - Russian Spec Op and leader of recon team
Noon416 - US commander
KTottE - US intel Officer
snYpir - US Sniper
LCD - Resistance John Rambo bomber
macguba - resistance sniper, on Homefry's recon team
Asmodeus - drug cartel leader
Kaliyuga - drug cartel chief lieutenant
toadlife - Nogovan governor
djackal - navigator of command M113
Wolfsbane - Noon's Advisor


Island = Nogova
Sides =
West (providing support for the government forces against invading Russians)
East (Russians invading Nogova)
Resistance (Russian side communists)

Situation : Russian invasion started 2 days ago, and they are holding the airport to the west and the areas around it, Resistance supporting the Russians, are hiding in some forests around the area

LCD has been captured by the west, and is being held in a small base under very tight security. Artak has been assigned to the liberation of LCD, with a squad of highly trained spec ops.

SnYpir was assigned to support the Base holding LCD.  On the way, he was ambushed, and had to return to a hospital for the wounded/dead.

The Drug Cartel was attacked by US seals, and Kali and Asmo esacaped with 2 other men.

Artak is currently just outside the town holding LCD

the old thread got loaded with offtopic posts and posts that broke the rules...don't do that

finally, we will update the first post with new summaries, so check it whenever we tell you. have fun!

Here is the map of everything important. You open it up in the mission editor
It is just a bunch of markers

« Last Edit: 10 Jan 2005, 23:02:10 by Triggerhappy »

Offline Triggerhappy

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jan 2005, 23:10:09 »
alright, the thread is now open for the mission.
here are some added rules specifically for the mission portion:
1) DO NOT stray from the previous post. The mission absolutely should flow, and shouldn't jump around

2) Use minimal cutscenes,dialog,etc. (Its a mission, let em play it, not watch it  ;))

3) (probably the most important) Don't say what the player does, tell what they have to do, and what events happen when they do something (like hidden objectives, unexpected enemy backup, whatever). because this is where the player decides how it goes, as they are in control of what they (Artak, for those who don't know who the player is) do.

4) Added color: use Orange  to show mission objectives (at the end of your post) so we can easily find them. thanks
« Last Edit: 10 Jan 2005, 23:13:40 by Triggerhappy »

Offline Triggerhappy

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jan 2005, 23:11:47 »
now to start it off with the ending of the intro

Artak Is just outside the town, looking through his binocs as he prepares to attack.

Main objective: Infiltrate US base and rescue LCD
« Last Edit: 10 Jan 2005, 23:14:29 by Triggerhappy »


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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #3 on: 14 Jan 2005, 09:39:49 »
Which town was it that LCD is in again?


(If unknown, i suggest Trosky)


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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #4 on: 17 Jan 2005, 19:44:43 »
Artak rescues LCD after clearing the base. Random chance determines the US counter attack siz if at all. Artak & LCD can stay and fight or flee.

Player must get LCD out alive, stand and fight to give Noon a headache or flee to save LCD and yourself. Keeping the base under your control gives your side some advantage.

Offline Triggerhappy

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #5 on: 21 Jan 2005, 23:07:51 »
*kindly points LooseKannon to rule 6*

so nobody wants to post on the mission? :-\

come on guys, the faster you finish this the quicker you get to the outro where you make more cutscenes that everyone seems to like thinking up.... ;D
« Last Edit: 21 Jan 2005, 23:08:04 by Triggerhappy »

Offline penguinman

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #6 on: 25 Jan 2005, 22:47:47 »
player has a sniper in an ammo crate near him so he can take out the M2s in front of the base.
then he can either atempt to assault from the front or cut the fence on either side of the base with wire clippers(simple script) and sneak in. when he enters a building where LCD is held, if he has set off an alarm when entering then an officer will be standing there behind LCD with a pistol to his head. LCD will be facing the doorway where the player comes in and the officer will be standing right behind LCD in a way that the player must make a very good shot and hit the officer and not LCD by mistake, if he missis and hits LCD then he fails, if he misses the officer and LCD then the officer will shoot LCD and he will fail. so the player must make a good shot. also when the player enters the room, several US soldiers are camcreated right outside the door. aiming at the player,
if the player does not set off an alarm when he enters the base then the officer will be standing next to LCD in safe mod, after the officer and (if the player has set off an alarm prieviosly)the soldiers outside are dead it goes to a cutsceen,

LCD thanks player then picks up the officers rifle and the mission resumes

player must escape from the base without LCD dying and evacuate him to a truck gaurded by russians where they will get in and then must make it back to there base

Offline Triggerhappy

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #7 on: 25 Jan 2005, 23:15:28 »
artak comes back to the truck to find his mates dead and himself outnumbered. He now needs a new means of escape

His options:
1) steal a jeep and lose any pursuers
2) move on foot
    a) north towards (modrava?) northwest city on coast
    b) south to drug cartels
possibly others

Find a new way out of the base
« Last Edit: 25 Jan 2005, 23:16:11 by Triggerhappy »


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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #8 on: 26 Jan 2005, 03:13:33 »
Artak escapes south to find his old rival, ex-Spetsnaz turned drugs baron, Asmo. Now they have a common enemy, ironically Asmo is the only person Artak can trust to help him.

A short way from Asmo's recently-raided villa, Artak and LCD meet Asmo, Kali and two thugs hiding in the bushes. As night falls, Asmo explains his plan for revenge on the Americans who dared chase him from his home.

Several squads of regular US infantry have secured the villa as it is a useful strategic position. They are moving in stores of fuel and ammo for the battle with the Russians further east. Asmo wants to sneak in and blow the place sky high, but before he can do this, he asks Artak to find the rest of his men.

Evade or kill silently and quickly any US patrols (create randomly via script). Search the nearby village and find Asmo's remaining 4 men.

Artak returns with Asmo's men, but has a better idea - why not capture the ammo and weapons for the resistance? Asmo won't hear of it - he wants revenge.

Artak must sneak into the villa grounds, now a US camp. He can take as many men as he wants out of those available. Does he plant charges or kill the US troops and take the ammo trucks? If he destroys the camp, Asmo will trust him, but the resistance could seriously use those weapons... Either way, it'll get a bit hot as soon as the US realise what's happened. So, find a radio and call the Russians or the resistance...

Either: (1) Plant charges (2) Radio for extraction by Russian forces (3) Detonate the bombs

Or: (1)  Kill the camp guards (2) Radio for resistance reinforcements (3) Hold off the US counterrattack until the ammo is safely away (4) Steal another jeep and RUN FOR IT!

Either way, Kali and Asmo melt into the night - will they affect the course of the battle again? Are they even alive?

The second option is more difficult but the resistance will benefit from much better armament for the rest of the mission if it works.

Ade :)

Offline Triggerhappy

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #9 on: 26 Jan 2005, 05:16:34 »
sorry, ade, your post is great, and i'm sure we can use it in the mission, but remember, this is the actual mission, therefore, you can't decide what the player does (artak) he could take any of the option, or even make his own if he wants, so you can't choose what option for him.

although, this has made me aware of a new problem with the community mission.
I'll have to talk to tyger.

the problem being:
with different options, it'll get mighty confusing
then again, i can make a simple flow chart of the different options and post that as the summary. but I'll get back to you guys on that

Offline penguinman

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #10 on: 04 Feb 2005, 01:59:12 »
i guess if nobody else will?

player can hear choppers in the distance heading twords the stricken base and heres a title text or somtin dat says, enemys will be swarming over this base within minutes, we must get far away.

il do more later


what ever player chosses, he must chose fast.
the helos come and start circling

if he takes a vehicle, he will be faster but  he will be more vulnerable to choppers, if he goes on foot, he will be saffer from choppers but very slow, his choice

common people get involved
post somthing
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2005, 20:55:31 by penguinman »

Offline Infierie Blou

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #11 on: 19 Feb 2005, 15:32:04 »
ok here's my bit :)

player heads way as fast as posible then the player comes across a stinger anti-aircraft launcher next to a dead U.S. soldier (So chose betwen take it in hope of finding ammo or let it be. But hurry if used truck helis are closeing in.) so player hurrys on (with or without AA Launcher).

sorry bit short will make longer later

Offline greg147

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #12 on: 19 Feb 2005, 15:47:09 »
OK, my part  ;)


As he runs, the player comes across a halted convoy (2 Urals) with an ammo truck. It is protected by 1 BMP and a group of infantry. The crew of the BMP are standing outside it, and if the player is detected, they will get in it.
If the player took a truck before, he'd better see the BMP and get out fast. Otherwise, he could either bypass the convoy, or take a chance and strike the convoy. The ammo truck is at the back, so the player could sneak up on it, steal some ammo, and get away without firing a shot.
If he strikes it, there will be Stinger ammo, and if he gets close enough, an empty BMP. If not, then he must continue pass, avoiding detection.

Of course, if the player didn't pick up the stinger, he has no reason to attack  ;)
« Last Edit: 19 Feb 2005, 15:47:52 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Stinky Nut Rappa

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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #13 on: 13 Mar 2005, 21:57:50 »
then he runs further down the road. stolen jeep with spetznaz appears so the player jumps in as gunner. they drive right into an american camp. the passenger gets out and starts shooting. Artak blasts the soldiers who are sitting around a fire. there is a vulcan so he can take out the incoming choppers


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Re:The OFPEC Community mission!
« Reply #14 on: 21 Mar 2005, 05:07:21 »
Removed my post.
« Last Edit: 25 Mar 2005, 23:48:26 by Mr.Pibb »