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Author Topic: For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E  (Read 2212 times)

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Ferret Fangs

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For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« on: 29 Sep 2002, 02:18:55 »
I'm sure that the title probably decribes the pupose of this post...
Now that Oxigen is now available, and Ballistic Addons is back in business, I was wondering if we might be able to see these two aircraft in OFP?

Decent source of information here: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/ac-130.htm
and here: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/mc-130e.htm
While I'm at it, I'd also be very happy to see the PC-14 Tornado Coastal Patrol ( SOCOM) and Mark V Special Operations Craft, as well.

These are found here: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/pc-14.htm

and here: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/mark_v.htm

Considering how sucessful Retaliation Team was with their Mirage Patrol Boat, this isn't an unrealistic request, is it? Of course, I understand Ballistic is already busy, these are potential next projects, perhaps?
This would really kick it up a notch, and would be the utimate set of addons for SPECOPS in OFP.


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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #1 on: 29 Sep 2002, 02:49:29 »
I believe it is not possible to have guns on airplanes that shoot another directions besides forward.

I've heard that many times.

Ferret Fangs

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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #2 on: 29 Sep 2002, 03:33:13 »
OK, I haven't heard this before, but would it not be possible to configure the .cpp as a helo with a different model? We all know a helo can fire weapons in whatever direction is needed. The flight dynamics could be written as to allow the aircraft to behave more like a plane as opposed to a helo.


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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #3 on: 29 Sep 2002, 09:44:52 »
no, the simulations for each vehicle are written by bis and are hard coded, they have special selections coded into each to make the wheels turn on cars or rotors on planes etc, now bis only coded what they definately needed and a little of what they didnt, so helicopters cant have landing gears and planes cant have turrets, also all weapons that use bullets can only be fired from one point, rockets have two to make ripple effects but they can only point forward, also this is why vehicles cant fire smoke/flare grenades, there are a lot of things that arent supported, anyway the mc-130 as either a transport plane or refueller sounds ok but i dont think there are any models we could use, imho im not really keen on capt moores model it looks too rough, but i suppose tigershark decides :)


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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #4 on: 29 Sep 2002, 21:38:13 »
"Mid afternoon when there all F :) :) :)ed up on Khant, no SPECTRE GUNSHIPS, Day light instead of night, What's not to like?"

Ferret Fangs

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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #5 on: 30 Sep 2002, 00:48:31 »
Ah yes... Black Hawk Down...
You know, words to that effect have probably been  spoken by many operators during many of the past conflicts in recent history. I know for a fact that many Navy SEALs could have been saved during the attack on the airport in Panama during that conflict, if they had been able to contact the Spectre assigned to overwatch their operation.
And if I'm not mistaken, Spectre's may have saved a few operators during Operation Anaconda at the battle of the Shah-I-Kot Valley, had they been utilized earlier in the assault.

Of course, there will be updates and udpgrades to the AC-130's that will keep it on the cutting edge of lethality for at least the next 10 years, when the Heavy Tilt Rotor comes online.
The A/C/MV-44 will be the ultimate replacement for the current Spectre gunship, in the AV-44 varient, as seen here:


"Spooky" indeed!


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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #6 on: 01 Oct 2002, 01:18:09 »
I Thought Rangers Took Air Fields "Washington, In all it's Wisdom, Decided against This" ::)

Ferret Fangs

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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #7 on: 01 Oct 2002, 02:30:45 »
Yes. PunkerSXDX you are correct, and the same was true back then as well. The SEALs were assigned to destroy Noriega's private jet. The airport was expected to be lightly guarded and no real danger to the operators. Unfortunately, intelligence underestimated the Panamanian forces present during the attack, and radio problems prevented the team from contacting the Spectre assigned to support them. They were compromised early into the op, the enemy forces flanked the teams and ambushed them when in range. The SEALs sustained several casualties, and requested support. Unable to raise friendlies on the radio, they held their ground and advanced to the hanger where the Lear jet was parked, destroying the target with a LAW rocket. IIRC, at least half of the two dozen SEALs were wounded, several critically with permanent disabilities, several were killed.
Had they been able to contact the Spectre, they could have remained behind cover, and let the gunship destroy the target and enemy forces.
Sounds like a great OFP mission, right? Any mission makers want to take this on?


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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #8 on: 01 Oct 2002, 07:29:27 »
The official casualty count for the Patilla Airfield raid in panama was 4 dead..8 wounded...FYI

Ferret Fangs

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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #9 on: 01 Oct 2002, 10:16:17 »
Thanks for the info... it's been a while. What a mess that op was...! Fortunately, we learn important lessons emphasized in the loss of our men.
This was another case that USAF Combat Controllers were attached to the SEALs during a mission, and shows the versatilty and importance of AF SPECOPS. Also, another reason to have them in a addon.


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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #10 on: 02 Oct 2002, 04:15:43 »
The AC-130 Spectre is still a plausible OFP addon, but it would have to be used in conjunction with a script simulating the bombardment.  This is not impossible just difficult.


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Re:For Ballistic Addons, AC-130U and MC-130H/E
« Reply #11 on: 02 Oct 2002, 22:23:13 »

American tax payers bought that plane for noriega. Thats
why the order was to DISABLE the plane as opposed to
destroying it. ( Cut the tires so that he had no chance of escaping in it ) once again, BULLSH*T POLITICS at the cost of 4 fine men. Anyone remember Vietnam? ( 50.000 plus )

Back to the AC-130. GFX707 has converted a VERY reallistic
minigun for ofp. ( bunkerpack-5, at ofp.cz or his site ) Since
a plane can only fire forward, hang this minigun out the side of
a JOLLY GREEN GIANT. ( just replace the 50. with it ) Realistic? No. Fun?              HELL YEAHHHH!


« Last Edit: 05 Oct 2002, 03:19:31 by EX_GRUNT »