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Author Topic: Counter Strike style OFP  (Read 4480 times)

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Counter Strike style OFP
« on: 26 Sep 2002, 07:59:28 »

I want to make CS style MP missions using the great OFP:HK units,
now what i need is a working hostage script...
(and some other wierd stuff but now one step at once)

Civillians are hostages,
east are the terrors
and resistance is supposed to play the role of counters.

Now i want things happen like that:

Hostage (civilian AI) follows to the first (PC) that comes near to him, if an enemy (other side PC) comes in the "followMe-radius" of the hostage, the hostage takes cover and waits since the moment that only one (counter or terror PC) is left in his "follow-zone", then he will follow the one who is left. If also the only one who is left dyes i want the hostage to stand up and wait for the next (PC) to follow.

(the concept is something like a capture the flag,
only that at the place of a flag there would be a living been, the hostage)

Terrors (east) can not bring hostages at respawn, hostages dye if they enter in east respawn, different if they enter in the counters (resistance) respawn, then, the counters gain some points.

Counter gains points saving hostages at theyr respawn,
terrors gains points killing counters.. (very less of points.. counters gain more if saving a hostage)

If a hostage gets killed, the side who kills the hostage has points loss, terrors hawe lesser point loss than counters if killing an hostage.

Terrors start near the hostages and with good cover-defence possibility,
counters start more away and must assault and free hostages without killing them..

Hostages if resqued or killed respawn at a fix point near of the terrors respawn so that the game does not be long only 3 minutes.

Maximum players on one side will be around 7-8, tactics will be important, not only shooting like mad.

That are the basics... now this post may seem in the wrong section (there is a mission idea section) but its not, i need advanced scripters to doo this.. if someone will help me with this, i will give him credit in the mission intro.. we can work together, i bring the fool ideas (but still realizable ones) and you (those who hawe the ability and skills) script them :D

This would give to ofp a hole new level of gameplay..
We (our clan) are thinking about to rent a server, and then  upload those "CS style maps", and only those, make the server compatible with the HK pack from the Lobo team, and hawe great fun.. the ones that want to help us in this can reply here, i alone cant doo all the scripting and mission building work (i am not very advanced in scripting, but in mission desining and building, i am).

I hawe much other cool (fool.. lol) ideas like this, but since i dont know if i can realize those,
i will first wait for your reply's.

If you hawe read since here this is already great, thx for patience ::)
« Last Edit: 26 Sep 2002, 08:16:57 by mcnils »


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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #1 on: 26 Sep 2002, 18:21:49 »
Just to let the rest know ;D

The next addition to OFP:HK will contain some more non HK weapons - especially ones used by international terrorists!

Offline Davies1

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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2002, 20:01:28 »

um its not a bad idea but why not play counterstrike?
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Offline KTottE

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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #3 on: 26 Sep 2002, 20:19:23 »
Just to avoid the discussion, I will take this one.

He doesn't want CS completely, he wants CS in OFP universe.

There, that's the whole point.

Move it on and help the fella instead, this is not a discussion thread where you debate whether or not this would be good in OFP, it's to get this to work in OFP.

Cheers, KTottE
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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #4 on: 27 Sep 2002, 02:00:44 »

Exactly KTottE.
And thx for your support reply Vipersheart,
its really great to know that my concepts and ideas please also to the makers of the OFP:HK pack.
Im looking forward to this mod who has really improved the experience of OFP.

I think OFP  became the great game it is, because OFP is highly costumizable, you can realize ideas about you ever (as a player) only dream'd off playng other games with given rules from the developpers, OFP also has his limits but i think they are not fully reacht now, there are lots of very qualitative addons, like the OFP:HK pack, why not use them for something more complex than the "normal kind of missions"?  

CS for example is much to "static" for me... CS is not flexible as OFP
and maybe a bit lesser realistic..
Well i love OFP (like we all doo here i think), i hawe taken CS only as an example,
its the counter terrorism and terrorism scenario that i want to bring in OFP, not the exact copy of CS :)
« Last Edit: 27 Sep 2002, 02:14:45 by mcnils »


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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #5 on: 30 Sep 2002, 06:59:11 »
Ok, I'm no OFP guru, but I think you could do it on a mission by mission basis like this:

THIS SOLUTION IS NOT COMPLETE. Someone with better scripting skills than me will have to assist to make it work properly - just a few ideas for you. I also just wrote it, so it probably doesn't work quite right..

you can use resistance man man1, man2 etc and setCaptive true to stop the terrorists firing on the hostages until you want them to, then use a trigger to setCaptive false when (eg) the alarm goes off, or west is in the vicinity, or when the hostage first tries to make a break for it ("sneak" - see below). That way, from the time the hostage runs, they're 'fair game' for the terrorists, but you don't have to force the terrorists to fire on civilians (since they are normally neutral characters)

either way, you need a unit to be hostage
name: hostage1
Init: ghostage1 = group this; this setCaptive true

You need a civiliancontrol.sqs (eg)
For each hostage have two triggers to control following / taking cover behaviours.

West detected by civilian
Range = whatever follow range you want the civ to have
Condition:         trigger1E != 1
On Activation:   trigger1W = 1;["sneak", Hostage1, ghostage1] exec "civilancontrol.sqs"
On Deactivation trigger1W = 0;["squeak", Hostage1, ghostage1] exec "civilancontrol.sqs"

East detected by civilian
Range = whatever duck & cover range you want the civ to have
Condition:         true
On Activation:   trigger1E = 1;["freak", Hostage1, ghostage1] exec "civiliancontrol.sqs"
On Deactivation trigger1E = 0;["peek", Hostage1, ghostage1] exec "civilancontrol.sqs"

Now comes the complex stuff (where other much smarter ppl can help hint hint hint)
Note that civiliancontrol.sqs takes two arguments (would also send it the soldier setting off the trigger if I knew how to)

The arguments are behaviour and civilian to execute behavior. Behaviours are
"sneak" follow west. Keep low, stay alert
"squeak" no west to follow, or east and west in vicinity. Keep low, danger
"peek" no west, no east in area. Keep low, scan horizon
"freak" east in area, no west. Get Down, Stealth
_followclose is the distance the civilian will try and maintain (5m in example)

_mode = _this select 0
_who = _this select 1
_group = _this select 2

_followclose = 5

;RESET TRIGGERS in case they're in the wrong spot or civilian has moved.
Trigger1 setPos [getPos _who select 0, getPos _who select 1]
Trigger2 setPos [getPos _who select 0, getPos _who select 1]

?(_mode = "sneak"): goto "sneak"
?(_mode = "squeak"): goto "squeak"
?(_mode = "peek"): goto "peek"
?(_mode = "freak"): goto "freak"



?(_who distance _target > followclose): _who doMove [getPos _target select 0, getPos _target select 1]
_group setBehavior ["AWARE"]

?(Trigger1W != 1): Exit
?(Trigger1E != 0): Exit


Goto "sneak"


_group setBehavior ["DANGER"]

?(Trigger1W != 1): Exit
?(Trigger1E != 0): Exit


Goto "squeak"


_group setBehavior ["AWARE"]

?(Trigger1W != 0): Exit
?(Trigger1E != 0): Exit

Goto "peek"


_group setBehavior ["STEALTH"]

?(Trigger1W != 0: Exit
?(Trigger1E != 1): Exit


Goto "freak"


Ok. That's a really dodgy solution. Hope that helps. Also, couldn't figure out how to force get down / go prone / stand up.. But you can achieve some of what you were saying with simple scripts.

Can edit any of those behaviors or add more less etc to provide for different events or mission types (eg, while hostage is still captive will follow closest East - perhaps use addaction "Follow Me" to call follow and pass unit - could addaction to a game logic object in the same location as the hostage? That's a lot more complex though, but then could call different follow scripts for east or west activating action.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Interesting puzzle..


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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #6 on: 01 Oct 2002, 08:41:25 »

wow! thats a nice piece of work you done here :D
I will try to implement all this stuff in a test mission and get it to work...
(well i dont know if i can fix the part of the script that is still missing.. but ill try anyway!)

Litle problem is that the OFP:HK counter units are on resistance side,
but thats not a real problem, i can change this from the mission.sqm file.

The addaction thing is a very good idea,
in this way you hawe more control over the hostage AI..
since i think its not always good if a hostage does follow you.
(but i dont know how to use addaction.. i know how to add it in the players menu,
but not how to take it again away lol)

To make an AI go prone,
this is a switchmove thing, you loop the switchmove as long
you want the AI to be in prone position..
i dont know exactly how this is done cus im not very advanced in this..

And hey CareyBear very thx :)
I already thought no one is gonna help me in this  :-\
I will keep you all updated posting advancements in this topic..
If you hawe any other ideas or solutions dont hesitate to post it :)
« Last Edit: 01 Oct 2002, 08:52:40 by mcnils »

Offline benreeper

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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #7 on: 03 Oct 2002, 23:28:17 »
The only problem with these CT games is that no one ever rescues the hostages.  The round is usually won by eliminating the other team.  If you can win by killing a side isn't that deathmatch?  This makes the entire premise unrealistic.  These games do not have to be realistic (and they aren't) to be successful but OFP is (realistic).  I think the key for your idea should be that objectiive is the only outcome.



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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #8 on: 07 Oct 2002, 03:08:47 »

Yeah i know what you mean with this,
my idea is that you can still gain points killing enemys, but the GREAT part of points, the points that will decide who winns, will be dependent on what a side reached the mission objectives..


*Game begins*
Terrors do 10 kills in 2 minutes,
Counters hawe a really hard job to free a hostage,
but after some efforts and team work they succes,
and with one hostage resqued, they are again in lead..

This is the idea.. it is to see if it really works like i want it to...
problem remains still the missing part of the script that CareyBear worked out...


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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #9 on: 07 Oct 2002, 09:48:52 »
I warn you though.. that script is fulla bugs..  ;D

Much better idea I had re: this..

Use addAction on each hostage to create a "Follow Me" action. Then, when the counter is within (I think 5m) they can tell the hostage to follow them.

Passed params for addAction called scripts are: unit action is attached to, unit calling action, action ID#.

You don't need action ID number, but the other params would also allow recapture of hostages.

You could still use the enemy detected / behaviour subroutines etc.

Oh, here's a thought - you can add a "Wait Here" action as well (hostage hides).


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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #10 on: 07 Oct 2002, 15:02:28 »
This seems intresting! I've always wanted ofp vehicles in counter-strike! But now I have it the other way..hehe please post the beta or something like that so that we can try the mission. ;)

Im a big fan of both ofp and c-s.


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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #11 on: 08 Oct 2002, 05:02:18 »

A beta would be nice..
but all this is still in concept phase.. so no betas  :-\

uhmn... add action stuff... uhmmmm... i know the basics,
but only these..

uhmn i cant doo this alone..
cuz i hawe the ideas, and i also know how to make them work..
but i dont know the exact sintax of scripts...

Well CareyBear your idea is good..
why make it complicated when its also possible to do in a (relatively) easy way?
The idea is here, it waits just to be developed and lather then played :D

Offline Davies1

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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #12 on: 08 Oct 2002, 22:21:22 »
hey i only made a cheeky comment I seriously hope you go through with it and even get someone to host it on a MP server.
Tactically it would be superior to CS as you have a wider scope for the maps.

Much planning may be involved.

There is a map on the Server 'Stoners House of Pancakes' that has a bit where you have to rescue a woman and take her to the resistance camp b4 proceeding to finish.

Ask the boys at www.stone-keep.com on their forums, they may be able to help.
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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #13 on: 10 Oct 2002, 04:28:43 »
Been working solid for the last two or so months, I forget how long, and I have a "CS" themed ofp mission... at least, that's how it started out. Then I fixed the CS style of gameplay. =)

Lots of fun. Check OFP news page for more information. Beta server goes live in about two weeks, would love to have the beta mirrored on other servers.

Well, it's not a beta... yet... still in alpha phase because of goddamn bugs. *curses OFP MP syncing*

Goes in stores early december as part of an unofficial campaign package, will be releasing islands in the future, only uses original flashpoint & resistance weapons/vehicles (up to 1.85) because of balancing reasons. LOTS of fun.

Feature list:

 The Ultimate Terrorist vs. Black Op. Multiplayer Battleground  
 Team oriented, class based online warfare  
 Gameplay: Earn funding for equipment by making kills, completing objectives, and winning scenarios  
 Scenarios: Play Five minute rounds grouped into themed scenarios, with custom ten minute finale missions with unique objectives  
 Objectives: Defuse/place the bomb, capture/rescue hostages, VIP assassination, steal inteligence, and more!  
 Mission Generator: Creates randomized scenrios on the fly for the ultimate in replayability  
 Classes: Six unique player classes: Officer, Commando, Recon, Sniper, Heavy, Demolitions  
 Equipment: Purchase all flashpoint weapons and vehicles: Berettas to jeeps to grenade launchers  
 Abilities: Set up machine gun nests, call in laser guided air strikes, parachute behind enemy lines, snipe from helicopters, purchase and lead convoys of vehicles  
 Dynamic Updates: Instantly download updates, keeping game balanced and adding new features constantly.

Doesn't require ANY addons, so once beta rolls around, all you have to do is connect to the server and play! =)

With the objective based missions, a team gets more cash if they complete the objective in the round's time period, whether or not they eliminate the enemy team first. The only time a kill ends the round is if one team kills both the enemy team's leaders.

Anyone up for some beta testing? *grin*

Oh, and vipersheart, I'd LOVE to integrate your HK pack, it kicks some HUGE HUGE ass, however I need to get everything balanced with original OFP weapons first, plus, there's the whole legality issue of selling addons, which I won't get into. However, maybe I could link to your pack as a free-to-all patch post release, if the legality issues were cleared up?

If that's possible, my only task is to balance the OICW with some terrorist weapon. =)   That's some powerful shit.

Also, anyone use the P90 addon? I forget who by exactly, all I remember is the addon is called pld_P90. However, it makes the P90 a handgun! I seriously hope you do this, Viper, for the next HK pack, because in game the animation & model work almost flawlessly, actually looks like you're holding a P90...

Considering doing any M4's, or do you think Fliper has that covered?

Also thinking about insignia-less CT units?

And your terrorists/bad guys OWN.

So does the G22/AWP, now that I think about it.

A few things I'd like to see in the future (okay, shoot me, I know you worked hard to get all that in there, but I can't help want a little more...)

-P90 Handgun? (not many people have the other addon, though extremely cool)
-A Saw, perhaps?
-Insignia-less CT's in black/urban camo
-M16 variant sniper rifle. I think the LB have one already, you could pretty easily include it or a similar one
-Shotguns. Lots of shotguns. Semi auto, pump action, bullpup, full auto, and maybe a masterkey (okay, Fliper did that already... but they're so cool!)
-Something to balance an OICW that terrorists might have access to. I don't know what, but that gun is really damn powerful with the zoom, M16 rounds full auto, and that semi auto grenade... thing... *drools*

LOVE THE HK PACK! More weapons than I know how to deal with. =)... I have to keep hurting myself to prevent from coding them in.

"No, self, you have to get the original weapons balanced so anyone can play the beta!"
*whines to self* "But the HK pack is soooo-ooo cool!"

And you already know about the bugs, so I don't need to repeat them. SL8 ammo nonexistent, MP5/n has MP5-A5 selector switch... etc

I swear, about the only thing it doesn't have is a minigun, and GFX707 did that already...

*hugs vektorbosen for his dialog tutorial*

Go on, vektor, get that fuzzy feeling. You deserve it.
« Last Edit: 10 Oct 2002, 04:49:29 by TheCaptain »
The Captain


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Re:Counter Strike style OFP
« Reply #14 on: 11 Oct 2002, 05:03:24 »

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 11 Oct 2002, 05:08:01 by mcnils »