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Author Topic: Global Powers- a campaign  (Read 1751 times)

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Matt Walter

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Global Powers- a campaign
« on: 28 Aug 2004, 20:42:31 »
       The background story of my campaign is that Russia (not the USSR, this is a modern campaign) sign an agreement with The Republic of Nogovo to let Russian troops train the Nogovo military and protect to them in the meantime from rival islands. Nogovo is the biggest island in the area of the islands but has the weakest army so the Russians are helping them with tactics and supplying gear.
     The campaign begins as the capital is over run by rebels. The president escapes and tells the Russians about the event. Since no demands where given, it is though to be a. The Russians send two spetznas squads to crush the rebellion. You (Vasily Ivonov) are one of the leaders of the squads. It is an urban mission that takes place in Libany and is a foggy setting, which creates a really cool environment. You have to advance slowly so you don't get ambushed. It ends as you retake the town. It is though to be the end of that rebellion...well it's not- as you might have guessed. Four squads of Russian navy infantry with two APC get ambushed and all die when they had the greater number. The rebellion is far from over.
     Ok, story wise, I pretty much know what to do. But what comes next isn't as easy. Well I had an idea that you march into a town expecting a warm welcome. You go into the town and there are a bunch of people. When you walk closer, gunman in the crowd open fire. The crowd is not only enemies so you have to watch who you shot. After that mission wise... I could use some help.
     The rest of the story is that the rebellion is too big for the Russians in the area, so they ask for help. The U.S., and other "Global Powers" join on the Russian side (The character you are is not always the Russian) ... but at the end, the Rebellion wins Nogovo over and turn it into a fascist government- for those of you who slept though history class, fascism is a very military based government (think WW2 Germany and WW2 Italy... not the Soviet Union) in fact, the Soviet Union hated fascism. The new leader promises to gain more land and become a super power... remember, you need nuke s to be a true super power. One by one Islands fall. The "Allies" can't do anything at the moments except sit and wait for reinforcements. Nogovo sees no reason to strike them now. Both know an invasion on each other would each have high casualties. Other nations see that Nogovo could become a good ally so some nations join the other side. A little event blew up to a major event that could spark WW3. In Nogovo and the conquered islands, fascism is gaining support and the military rises in strength. Once the Allies are reinforced, the defend island, attack conquered lands, and such... you get the idea. (Ok, if you read Tankman's topic about a campaign idea, you see what I told him I am using too, what's wrong with coping your own idea you didn't use yet)
     I could use your help in ideas and could use links to REALLY GOOD foreign units- and vehicles for them too. I need as much countries as possible. The foreign units and I already have are... Finland (FDF mod), Canada (I have no air though), Sweden (I only have infantry), French (Operation Frenchpoint), Switzerland (I only have Armor from Swiss mod), Italy (I only have infantry), Germany (I have some German infantry from the "HK pack"), and some more I forget.  
     One more thing, I have a Russian Spetznas addon I am using, I forget it now but I can find it easy.


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Re:Global Powers- a campaign
« Reply #1 on: 29 Aug 2004, 15:32:48 »
Eeerm...your story (objectively) is full of holes and (subjectively) is crap.

1. Little Nogova sparking WW3-not unless the Chinese were on their side which is doubtful regarding the position of China compared to Nogova. And even then the Chinese would be reluctant to wage war against Russia who supplied them their most recent aquisitions in arms.

The rest of the story is that the rebellion is too big for the Russians in the area, so they ask for help.

Again, highly unlikely, Nogova is obviously in the Russian zone of interest and then comes a matter of pride too
I'm just guessing this but I think you have Chechnya in mind on this one.
Well if that's the case Chechnya differs wildly geographically from Nogova.
You should know what I mean...

for those of you who slept though history class, fascism is a very military based government (think WW2 Germany and WW2 Italy... not the Soviet Union) in fact, the Soviet Union hated fascism.

Soviets never had direct contact with fascism, more like nazism...
Military based government means that the military is in charge...not how it happened in Germany and Italy.
And prior to WW2 Soviets were very keen on offering the 3rd Reich land and air space to train the Wehrmacht and future Luftwaffe.

4. I sincerely doubt that nazism and/or fascism would be allowed to grow in any "pseudo European" country.
IE the country would be subjected to sanctions immediately etc...If you haven't slept through the recent history (~2years) you would recall what happened with Austria when right wing Jorg Haider party came to power.

5. But as always...best of luck, happy editing and don't let this discourage you. ;)

P.S.:Good thing this immagination thingy, isn't it? ;D

Just saw this little jewel
Other nations see that Nogovo could become a good ally so some nations join the other side.

Who on earth would back up Nogova against NATO and Russia?  ???

« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 15:39:33 by rOk »

Matt Walter

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Re:Global Powers- a campaign
« Reply #2 on: 29 Aug 2004, 18:55:12 »
Thanks for the good criticism, once I think about it, you are right, my story is crap, that's what I get for creating a story in five minutes...when I was tired. I think I should change the story a lot; maybe WW3 already started and the island are a deferent front from the main conflicted. Or I could just say Nogovo is in a big area of islands which are all under one flag...I don't know, since I don't have country maps (except Finland-Russian Boarder… and some really cool middle eastern map with a bunch of cities.) it is hard to make a world conflicted. That is partly why my story sucked. I usually good with stories but I just wanted a world conflict mission so bad… could someone help me with making an accurate story that a lot of nations get involved in- Russia and the U.S. should be on the same side, people need to get over the Cold War... we won, know the U.S. and Russia are not enemies anymore.

...I do have I WW3 story line that is accurate and real technical, but it just wouldn't work for Operation Flashpoint. It is real complicated and political- and it took more then five minutes… a lot more.

Note: I did know about the Nazi relationship with Russian before the war to help Germany build up there military under post WW1 restrictions on Germany. They also signed a back and all too, then Hitler betray them by invading them. I was talking about the post WW2 view of fascism.
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 18:57:35 by Matt Walter »


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Re:Global Powers- a campaign
« Reply #3 on: 29 Aug 2004, 20:46:36 »
Hope you didn't find my post too offensive...wasn't meant in that way

You could always take China as the bad guy...

For instance...

If they ever launch an attack on Taiwan, that could really spark WW3...or at least US against China...

For a bit more intrigue you can always throw in "Chinese march towards the oil fields of the Middle East" =>(totally ficticious  ;D)... overrunning the Americans (and everyone else) in Afghanistan, possibly Iraq...

Throw in N.Korea on the side of the Chinese and you already have a basis for a strong confrontation...

I'd imagine Australia would join pretty quickly, it's their backyard after all...
All of this is pure speculation, though not completely unlikely.

-Good thing about this is that all the addons needed exist.
-Bad thing that this would have to be a campaign with a lot of work thrown into it to make it good.

...build further on this if you like it...

What it always come down to is how much editing skills a particular person has.

Happy editing ;)
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 20:47:10 by rOk »

Matt Walter

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Re:Global Powers- a campaign
« Reply #4 on: 29 Aug 2004, 21:59:36 »
Thanks... by the way, you know where to find Chinese and N.Korea units.


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Re:Global Powers- a campaign
« Reply #5 on: 02 Sep 2004, 18:23:40 »
Hey Matt,

maybe you would want to join the Civil War Campaign team. It has the Global Powers element - NATO backing up the Republic and USSR backing up the Socialist Extreemists + it takes place on Nogova

Check out the thread of the same title in the mission ideas forum.

If you are interested, I'm on MSN under naglikt@hotmail.com

Thanks mate



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Re:Global Powers- a campaign
« Reply #6 on: 23 Sep 2004, 14:10:15 »
Hey Matt,

I think your mission/campaign plans sound cool.
I know some other german units if it helps.

Try at: http://www.k-dvd.de/

To use them you also need: