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Author Topic: "Battle Royale" MP level  (Read 24302 times)

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Matt Walter

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"Battle Royale" MP level
« on: 28 Aug 2004, 08:11:37 »
     Any of you see the highly controversial Japanese live-action movie "Battle Royale." Probably not since it hasn't been release to America for obvious reasons, but I have seen it, so I will enlighten you.
      It is about 7th graders (about 40 kids), stuck on an abandoned island and ran by the Japanese military (the BOH mod soldiers will work). The only way off the island is if there is one survivor. The have collars around there necks so that have a bomb on it, after a number of days (in the game version hours) they all blow up if there are more then one person living. Each person is given a random weapon like a pistol, or an Uzi, or a shotgun -- no assault rifles, or other long range weapons. Also weapons like axes, bow and arrows, knifes, sickles. Then the weapons that suck like binoculars, NV goggles and such. You probably are thinking, why not all ally together and kill the soldier; well there are things called zones, which if you step in, you collar bomb explodes. Zones are added (to shrink the island) ever so often and the kids are warned about them on a megaphone before they are activated.
     In the movie, one student walks out at a time so they can spread out, while you wait you turn-in the game- you could chat with anther players and ask about helping them out. You don't know what weapon you get until you leave. You might not be able to trust your members of you group- if you have one-  100%. There also could be more then one way to win the mission: the obvious way (to kill everyone else), find a computer and program a virus to inactivate the zones and storm the soldiers, and so on.
     A new island should be made, a Japanese feel to it (not tropical like a Vietnam map). It should be a hilly map, not too many flat areas to see an enemy coming. Also units should be made, the Japanese school girl and boy with collar. Go on a search engine and type something like "Battle Royale" (not Battle Royal) to look for pictures and such. I can't make these things, can someone do it?
     No respawning should accrue. I can say more about the movie if you need more info.
     What do you think?


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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #1 on: 28 Aug 2004, 08:31:08 »
what should be done is make a tournament in which there are a couple of rounds with loads of players, and then the survivor from each round goes forward to the next round and so on until you have a final fight to the death.

Lean Bear

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #2 on: 28 Aug 2004, 14:12:46 »
In the "Battle Royale" book, the original (not based on the film - the one inspiring the film; and not the manga), in the opening page the is a great map of the island showing all the major features (the school, the mountains, the habour etc.). I will try and put it up on this topic sometime soon. I had a crack at making it (since all the existing islands - Nogova etc. are far too big) with no avail.
I've been working on a mission format for ages using Malden and it basically works but there are still loads of things I need to work out (collars, escaping).
I have scripts for alarms and soldiers being alerted if you get too close to the school building after the initial launch where everyone leaves.
I am working on the "zones" function. I figure that each co-ordinate (large eg. A3 not Aa33) could be  zone and once activated could be marked with a square red marker.
The trigger would be easy enough to do. Just a square one matching the size of the co-ordinates.
But how would they be chosen randomly?
There's probably a simple script but I don't know it off the top of my head.

Matt Walter

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #3 on: 28 Aug 2004, 17:55:04 »
I don't know how to make the zones come up random. If all fails, we can make them not random... which I hope we can make random.

The map will be great in helping make an island. We don't want the island too big though- the whole Island is available so no Nogovo size maps.

I had an idea for a cutscene, kid of like in the movie. The kids are told what to do, and they panic, a couple kids are killed to show they aren't kidding around, and they are given more rules... but the cutscene would be long and that means less play time. We could just incorporate it in the briefing (and maybe even short cutscene with the kid killings (it doesn't have to be two, but not higher then it).

Everything seems to be on the right track except one thing, the addons. Really we just need two versions - Japanese school girl and Japanese school boy. Having Japanese school boy A, B, and so on would be good for some variety. The weapons we can find from different downloads. If someone could give some good links for some of the weapons I had listed above, that would be nice.  

Lean Bear

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #4 on: 28 Aug 2004, 18:12:04 »
The cutscene is a great idea. I think it would be better if all the rules were in the briefing (I've got a breifing with all the rules in my trial mission as well as a the logo) and the cutscene of the shooting of the kids was just before the mission started.

I am at this very moment trying to fix my scanner so I can post the map. It is a bit awkward (it's over two pages) so I will have to touch it up in photoshop or something.

Some of the kids get melee weapons like baseball bats, golf clubs, knives, bin lids as well as guns. I am struggling with proxys in O2 and as the addons depot is currently down I can't work it out. Maybe someone with better knowledge of O2 can do it. FDF 1.3 has batons and stuff but I don't have it so I don't know what the animations are like or anything.

The girl models could be hard to do since they are different to the BIS models of, say, a civillian man.
« Last Edit: 28 Aug 2004, 18:20:40 by Lean Bear »

Matt Walter

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #5 on: 28 Aug 2004, 20:47:55 »
This mission is getting pieced together much sooner then I expected. Alright, keep up the good work!  ;D


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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #6 on: 28 Aug 2004, 22:23:40 »
So who will be making this map?

Lean Bear

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #7 on: 29 Aug 2004, 12:44:03 »
I dunno. Anyone who is interested in the mission who can use WrpEdit or another island editing tool.

Turns out I can't get a good enough driver for my scanner so I will have to find another way.

Don't worry! It'll be up soon! ;D

Except with a little delay :P

Lean Bear

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #8 on: 29 Aug 2004, 13:03:57 »
Hey, about the random forbidden zones script. Well... I've kinda got about halfway but I don't know whether I can get any further. Maybe someone can help me? ???

This is what I've got so far:-

//Using the "Random" command, I can specify how many zones there will be (grid squares).

Random maxNumber

//In this case I could use say 9 as the number. Then if each number linked to and activated a different variable I could set it so the coresponding trigger would turn on making that zone forbidden- whoops!! I don't think numbers can be used as variable names.

Can someone work it out?

I found off another post a script which might help and I modified it:-

_FZONES = ["zone1" ,"zone2" ,"zone3" ,"zone4" ,"zone5" ,"zone6" ,"zone7" ,
"zone8" ,"zone9"]

_r = random (Count _Fzones)
_r = _r - _r %1

_[//don't know what to put here?//] (_Fzones select _r)
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 13:16:51 by Lean Bear »


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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #9 on: 29 Aug 2004, 14:04:09 »
The last line would be something like
zonemarker setpos getpos _FZONES select _r

I think.. Not that sure though
Oh.. Look for a script, bomb sqaud (In forum).. It has some code that does exactly this.. I.e a random placing for the bomb (Like in the 2nd floor of a building, or under some bushes etc.. The positions are all in an array)

Gd luck
- Ben
(Edit : Erm - When you say " live-action movie " - You mean real... ??? I doubt it, but the word live tends to imply that :hmm: )
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 14:05:28 by DBR_ONIX »

Lean Bear

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #10 on: 29 Aug 2004, 15:26:12 »
Hey thanks, I'll try that.

Problem about the bomb squad thing - I can't find it!

If I did I dunno if it would be the right thing.

Here's the latest version of the code:-

_FZONES = ["zone1.sqs" ,"zone2.sqs" ,"zone3.sqs" ,"zone4.sqs" ,"zone5.sqs" ,
"zone6.sqs" ,"zone7.sqs" , "zone8.sqs" ,"zone9.sqs"]
_r = random (Count _Fzones)
_r = _r - _r %1

[] exec (_Fzones select _r)

goto beg
 //I'm trying to get it to loop after a certain amount of time [~300 being 5mins], but I don't know
how to do it so that it doesn't randomly select the same zone again.

Using your line of script it would be:-

_FZONES = ["zone1.sqs" ,"zone2.sqs" ,"zone3.sqs" ,"zone4.sqs" ,"zone5.sqs" ,"zone6.sqs" ,
"zone7.sqs" ,"zone8.sqs" ,"zone9.sqs"]
_r = random (Count _Fzones)
_r = _r - _r %1

zonemarker setpos getpos (_FZONES select _r)

goto beg

And no, it isn't a real live-action movie.
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 16:36:10 by Lean Bear »

Lean Bear

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #11 on: 29 Aug 2004, 15:37:30 »
Here is a map of Okishima taken from the film. Hard to make out but good enough to get and idea. I will post the better map later.
brmap1.jpg ::: is an overall map top down
brmap2.jpg ::: is a map showing the hills and mountains

hmmm... the links to the pictures aren't coming up. ???
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 15:53:20 by Lean Bear »


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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #12 on: 29 Aug 2004, 16:22:02 »
And no, it isn't a real live-action movie.
Yeah, just checking ;)
What you could do to stop it picking the same one twice is remove it from the array, and put it in a second array..
Then in another script, after a delay, add it back in..?

You need to either attach the pictures to a post, or upload them to some web-space somewhere

Ah right.. Ignore my code.. I didn't realise you wanted to run a script from an array.. Your code looks alright

The only problem I can think of is that the random command can return values like 1.534 - Which I dunno if it would work.. It might just pic the nearest number, though

I'll see if I still have the scripts on the computer for you
- Ben
(Edit : Nah, can't find it, only an old version that didn't have the randomness stuff.. Sorry :()
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 16:25:31 by DBR_ONIX »

Lean Bear

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #13 on: 29 Aug 2004, 16:27:00 »
Well, forget the pictures. I found a killer one!!
Way to big to attach though (that was the problem with the others). So here is the website address for anyone who is interested in making the map.


If you need help with the Japanese just ask me. (It says what is where and stuff)


Thanks for trying. I've almost got it figured out. One more thing. How can I have a marker appear (say a red square) when the trigger is activated and not have it there before?

Also, I don't need the "zone n.sqs" to be put back into the array. Once its activated it won't be used again.
« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2004, 16:34:50 by Lean Bear »

Offline Planck

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Re:"Battle Royale" MP level
« Reply #14 on: 29 Aug 2004, 16:35:53 »
It would be nice if you could provide a version of the map with translations for the japanese text.

Also there is no indication as to the size of the island....i.e.The width and length in km or miles.

Making the island from scratch would be a long tedious process without proper elevation data for the island.  It would involve a lot of quesswork.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.