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Author Topic: new voices - how to test without using voice.pbo  (Read 440 times)

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Offline ScouseJedi

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new voices - how to test without using voice.pbo
« on: 02 Aug 2004, 15:02:34 »
Im working on a new set of voices atm and I want to test them.

I would ideally like to make an addon with them built in like a soldier or something but the only way I can hear them in game is if I build them into voice.pbo.

This is far from ideal as I want to add some of my own sounds (things like vehicles\unicycle etc and some of my own objects - objects\fairground etc)

To add new sounds I need to have a cfgVoices in a config somewhere. Now I've tried adding this to a model config and placing the new voice in a subfolder... eg


            alphabet\    alpha, bravo etc
            direction\ north, south etc
            numbers\  all, one, two
            etc, etc

Code: [Select]
class CfgVoice
   access = ReadAndCreate;
   // different speakers
   voices[]={ scjMatt };
   voicePlayer = scjMatt;

   micOuts[]={micOut1, micOut2, micOut3};
   preview = "isayagain";

   class Words

      // numbers - to add variants _one and one_
      all[]={\addons\scj_sMan\numbers\all,\addons\scj_sMan\numbers\everyone,\addons\scj_sMan\numbers\rightlads}; //missing sound
      allGroup[]={\addons\scj_sMan\numbers\all,\addons\scj_sMan\numbers\everyone,\addons\scj_sMan\numbers\rightlads}; //missing sound
ie trying no path (numbers\one) and the full path (\addons\scj_sMan\scjMatt\numbers\all)
then I try to call this folder in my description.ext

speaker = "\addons\scj_sMan\scjMatt"

but it just defaults to 'Adam' I think...

Any thoughts?
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Offline ScouseJedi

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Re:new voices - how to test without using voice.pbo
« Reply #1 on: 02 Aug 2004, 17:41:23 »
Its simply really - you just DL FDF 1.3 and cut and paste your voice files  into their file structure.

FDF for some reason have not .pbo'ed their voice\etc so it makes it really easy to test the .wss files Im making

That way I can test all lI want

Sorry for the huge thread OFPEC :)

'The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.'
Albus Dumbledore