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Author Topic: Trucka Missions  (Read 1908 times)

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Trucka Missions
« on: 16 Jul 2004, 13:48:08 »
I don't know fi this idea has been used before but you could make a mission were the player is diving a truck full of ammo and has to get from one side of the island to the other, if units are put all over the island the replay value would be mint beacsue you could get ambushed at any time


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Re:Trucka Missions
« Reply #1 on: 16 Jul 2004, 14:55:34 »
It is very easy to die in a truck. You can't get out that fast. And even when you do you usually get shot right away.

How about a mission where the enemy ammo, fuel, and repair trucks are driving all over the island. You have a partial list of routes for some of the convoys on your map(route 3 makerd on map; times trucks will depart and arrive and what type of convoy armed, unarmed, heavily armed). With the partial list you could leave out information like troop strength and stuff like that. It would be interesting. the player's mission is to destroy as many as possible. What you do not know is the escorts that these convoys have. Tanks, APC, UAZ, or just troops. Also after you attack a convoy how fast will the enemy respond and send help.


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Re:Trucka Missions
« Reply #2 on: 16 Jul 2004, 15:49:38 »
Good idea ;D and a MP mode could be made as well so players could be competing to destroy the more important convoys.
(Air units couldn't be made availble to players because that would make it too easy)


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Re:Trucka Missions
« Reply #3 on: 16 Jul 2004, 17:15:15 »
(Air units couldn't be made availble to players because that would make it too easy)
Ah, but not if theres loads of Shilkas about ;) (It that the right spelling, I could never remeber)
- Ben


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Re:Trucka Missions
« Reply #4 on: 16 Jul 2004, 19:06:10 »
I would give them maybe an APCs or tanks maybe. It would be kind of easy if the "rebels" had a chopper. I would say no to rebel choopers, but yes to enemy choppers as escorts or reinforcements.

How I saw this mission was there would several convoy happing over time on different routes. The player would lnow the routes, some of the times when convoys move through, and maybe when info on the armed escorst if there are any. Now all this information would notbe correct. The player might need to recon on his own. Learn the routes check if the info is corret. See if there is an isolated refuel point where they would be best attack for example.

Then when the player attacks a convoy there would be a reponds. If the enemy could get a radio transmission out. That responds would be random. Maybe just more troops or a whole tank colum with a choppers supporting. This makes the player have to prepare for anything or move fast after the attack. Remeber the trucks are the target not the APC or Tanks escorts. So the player would not have to destroy everything to complete the game.

I was wondering if I could help out with this mission. I don't want to take your idea, but I would like to contribute.


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Re:Trucka Missions
« Reply #5 on: 16 Jul 2004, 19:56:19 »
What about giving the player(s) a jeep to start of with, and have some empty APCs/tanks lying around? Maybe an old 1/4 fueled, half-armed A10 at an airport a decent distance away? It's not really much on an advantage, as it's really hard to get to..
But could make a cool mission :)
- Ben


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Re:Trucka Missions
« Reply #6 on: 16 Jul 2004, 21:47:37 »
I figured the rebels would have limited arms. They would have two or three camps in the woods to rearm that would run out eventually. They could steal weapons/trucks from the convoys they attack. There would be a jeep or two, an APC, and a tank. As the player you must choose how to allocate your resaources. If you have reconed a convoy for instance and know that there is a tank or two escorting it, you will probably want to take your tank and APC. But if you do that the reinforcements might have an easier time following you. It will be harder to hide.

On the other hand if there are only three trucks and that is all you might want to go on foot. Also you might try to capture one of the trucks for ammo, repair, or fuel for your soldiers and armor.

As for air ambush, I had an idea maybe we could intel that tells player that there are attack choppers and/or planes that could be hijacked. The risk is the airport will be heavily guared(but not impossible to take) and the possiblity of getting shot down right over an enemy patrol or base. You might just steal a cobra and hide it in the forest, and reserve it as back-up in case you are attacked by a bunch of tanks. The same for the capturing tanks, APCs, jeeps, and boats.

One last idea for the trucks. If the player has to evetually capture them, make it where not all trucks are created equal. For instance some trucks will provide fuel and ammo for tanks and that is all. Others will provide rifle ammo, RPGs, and AAs.
While even others will have nothing but flares and smoke grenades. Also make most of the trucks specific like only RPGs, only AAs, only M16 ammo, only mine, ect. Some can still have a mixture of weapons. This adds a bit of luck to the game. If you want to caputre a truck with RPGs you will have to check them all or take your chances on blowing up all of them but one.

I like the idea of forceing the player to aquire more resources as he goes. It make for good replaybility.


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Re:Trucka Missions
« Reply #7 on: 25 Jul 2004, 07:06:59 »
Sounding great

just and addition to that, maybe you are a spec-op sent from the US, with a couple of civvis to help you? (at the start maybe they just have CZ75's or Revolvers ???); and along the way you ambush more trucks and get more and more ammo and weapons? maybe you could add a script that says if you enter a town (e.g. Le port) You get a few more guys?) maybe some towns might have army guys walking around?? Well, sounding great.

Loosekannon :gunman:      :help:

Offline Roni

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Re:Trucka Missions
« Reply #8 on: 27 Jul 2004, 03:55:11 »
I've been working on a mission just like this for the past six months or so and I'm nearly finished !  :P

The mission uses time dilation so that each day will pass in about 12 game minutes.  You start at night in St Pierre on Everon.  The bad guys start by plastering the joint with cruise missiles and naval gunfire, then show up in overwhelming force and literally take over the entire island - 8 mechanised infantry groups, two armoured groups, an elite parachute group, a helicopter squadron and two support companies (fuel, ammo, etc).

At the start you have to simply run, run, run !  You start with absolutely no weapons so this is all you can do.  The good news is that every building that you pass may or may not contain useful items.  And I mean EVERY building - I just finished a script that will allow you to loot buildings for any specified item that you specify and it even keeps track of which one's you've searched so that you can't loot the same place twice !

Unfortunately, the best you will get from most buildings is simply food, water and maybe the occasional grenade (pool chlorine and brake fluid - natch !).  Every once in a while you will find a pipe bomb (more explosives) and sometimes even a shotgun or a pistol.

Best of all, you may sometimes find new recruits (additional group members).  With respawn to group it is essential that you keep the recruits flowing - once you're alone the next death will be your last ! So long as at least one patriot draws breath the resistance can continue !

For their part, the Russians all have a group restocking script (ie - add back lost units every two minutes) and a very complex tracking script.  Every day they will decide to either move to a base and rest or try to track you down.  The more that they know about your position the better they are at tracking you and they WILL call in their friends !

If a Russian group take enough casualties then it will run away from you.  This is both very good (they stop attacking you) but also very bad (they will start to replenish their losses and come hunting for you again !).

So what you have to do is this - run for the hills and try to lose the pursuing baddies.  Get some recruits and a couple of shotguns or grenades to arm them with.  Hide one or two of your recruits in some woods and tell them to stay put - just in case your band is ambushed and your team is wiped out.

Keep ambushing the Russian patrols and looting their bodies until you're armed well enough to start raiding their bases - once you kill the last man in the group their group's respawn script will stop working.  ;D

But every day that passes more and more of the Russians will decide to hunt you rather than stay in their base.  The mission will be a race between you getting your group built up and armed and the Russians getting their teams mobilised to crush the resistance.

I have finished just about all of the necessary scripts, I am currently testing them out in another mission.  If they work then it will be a simple matter of transfering them across.  Best of all, I don't have to do much mission setting up - once the bad guys are ashore then their actions are all pretty much script driven !

I am probably about two weeks away from finishing this.  Watch the boards !
