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Author Topic: Different human figures in OFP?  (Read 3240 times)

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Different human figures in OFP?
« on: 27 Jun 2004, 12:31:15 »
I was wondering if anybody had already considered creating soldiers (or civilians) with more diversified silhouettes, or different anatomies, or different ages?
I assume that soldiers must be reasonably fit so I don't expect  obese troopers, but officers close to retirement can show sometimes a little extra weight ... And some soldiers are very tall and thin while others can be short and stocky.
And what about civilians? It seems the population on Malden and other islands is only made of slim thirtysomethings? Where are the old people? The children?
For missions or campaigns with peace or humanitarian operations themes, it would be interesting, wouldn't it?
We could create a mission with evacuations of civilians or rescue children taken hostages in a school by activists? that would be great, no?

So has any modmaker already thought of altering the default soldier figure to create new types of characters (or even tried to create new types of human beings from scratch?)

They have even created animals!
But nobody has tried to create children or old people?



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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jun 2004, 14:08:59 »
A bunch of whiny people will have a fit if they put children in, although I guess now there is nothing to stop someone, and in some places you do get child soldiers. I think it's because most mods focus more on the gameplay side of things than aesthetics.


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jun 2004, 14:38:21 »
Not children (I guess).. Just different heights/weights of people

So people are oaky killing horeses/dogs etc, but not children?

Just make em somebody :'(

- Ben

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #3 on: 27 Jun 2004, 14:40:43 »
No one has made them cause there is loads of work in it since you have to redo all the animations in the game from scratch for a single model. Fun.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #4 on: 27 Jun 2004, 16:52:02 »
I understand that it would be hard to make children in OFP, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. If somone wants to make a mission involving child soldiers it's thier choice, noone else has to play that mission. It would add considerably to realism, too. It's a bit stupid to be sent in to clear a town and find that there are only healthy 20-30 year old men and women living there, not a single child or elderly person. :P

Also, I agree that some Officers and civillians should be a little more well rounded. I'm pretty sure that could be done now, I seem to remember there being a Santa Clause addon a while back that included a very round and jolly Santa. It would really add to the effect of an assasination mission to see a pudgy little Bureaucrat step out of his car and get shot by a sniper, it adds a degree of realism (Honestly, how many healthy 20-30 year old polotitions do you know?)


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #5 on: 27 Jun 2004, 22:01:08 »
I know it's stupid, it's like saying it's ok to kill adults but not children. Guess what? Adults are just children that have grown up. I guess people in general are just stupid.


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jun 2004, 21:15:13 »
Okay, I agree children would be hard to make..
But, uh, "wider" people, shouldn't be too hard..?
- Ben


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #7 on: 02 Jul 2004, 05:31:22 »
to make a child you just scale down the entire body, then maybe keep the head to normal scale because you know kids heads.  Anyhow.  Thats how its done.  Hard nothing, you highlight the entire model and zoom.  Anyhow, I can't do it but i know it can be done.  I'm all for kids in this game.  It only gets scarier from there.  Watch someone do some kind of attack of the kids thing or something.  I don't know.    

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #8 on: 02 Jul 2004, 08:15:56 »
No, that won't work. As stated above by myself, you have to redo EVERY animation for the kid to make it work propelly.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #9 on: 02 Jul 2004, 11:08:41 »
children are around, i havnt downloaded that pack, but they are there.


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #10 on: 02 Jul 2004, 21:58:10 »
I just downloaded the pack. The kid isn't great but it's better than nothing, there's only a male model, and all he can do is run (Can't walk, sit down, etc.) It's a good start, if someone could build off of that you could have a pretty decent addon.

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #11 on: 02 Jul 2004, 22:28:59 »
Yea, but then you have to redo the different get in anims, the healing anim, the salute anim, the take/put anim, the pistol anim in all three stances, the primary weapon anim in all three stances, the seconday weapon anim in all four stances and a billion more. :-\

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #12 on: 02 Jul 2004, 23:36:54 »
the bottom line is that the skeleton for a soldier is hard coded into the engine... and there is no way to change that

so you can alter the model to include slightly taller... fatter.. etc..

but if you make too significant of a change the skeleton will end up way off the model ..  

There are a few soldier creation "kits" out there if you will... from the BAS one to the KMM international soldier model .. you can always fool around with one of the models included in there and see what happens..

We (Asmo and I), are  in the very early stages of making a mercenary pack and we're definately going to try to make them more unique looking model wise than your average soldier  ;D


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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #13 on: 06 Jul 2004, 03:45:49 »
You can definately make pudgy or wider ppl or ppl of diff weights, slim fat, that sorta stuff. I know this cause I had to download this addon called "mistress" for some mission and it was a reg person with big errr knockers... :-[ :P (sorry all female ofpec members)

And it was diff from the reg models so pudgy or stocky or slim can be done, although I'm not the person to do anything with addons.... ::)

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Different human figures in OFP?
« Reply #14 on: 06 Jul 2004, 10:18:36 »
I dunno about that, 'cause I heard in a SEB thread that SEB was actually trying to do shorter vietnamiese soldiers, althought even the slightest change such as a couple of centimeters screwed up the animations.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat: