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Author Topic: Unknown Territory  (Read 3061 times)

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Unknown Territory
« on: 06 Jun 2004, 11:26:54 »
This is a mission i have been working on my own with. Its based around everon being invaded by the russians (like resistance) but you are part of a marine commando unit sent primarily on a recon mission, that turns out to be more than you can handle

Your team is spotted by a small squad of spetznatz and to your amazement they track you down and they end up taking out half yor squad and your chopper you came in on.

MISSION: Seek out the island and find a airtransport of any description and neutralise all enmy units along the way, but d not give away position too early.

WHat you think ???


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #1 on: 06 Jun 2004, 13:40:42 »
Is this like the beginning of a campaign ?? Cud give a little more detail  ;D . But yeah sounds interesting. Cud make some good cutscenes with it as well.
« Last Edit: 06 Jun 2004, 13:41:41 by Gooner861 »


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #2 on: 06 Jun 2004, 13:45:25 »
Well thats hopefully the plan, i will write more detail later when i have completed decided on what to do.

Which will be in about 20 mins at the rate i am going

Cheers Steve

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #3 on: 06 Jun 2004, 13:57:00 »
Can't the player be a russian instead? I'm tired of playing as a NATO grunt.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #4 on: 06 Jun 2004, 14:33:25 »
i was thinking actually of doing that... so what ur saying is that the group we use is a spetznatz recon team, and we end up being wiped out by a seals team?? or delta/ranger/SAS??

Tbh, that sounds better. but ill keep the same sort of idea just swop the units around

i might have to alter he scripts too.

Cheers Steve

P.S. Recruiting People to help with this, email me at kkdanno@aol.com if interested.


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #5 on: 06 Jun 2004, 14:42:44 »
Dont recruit in here m8, otherwise it'll get locked.


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #6 on: 06 Jun 2004, 14:44:41 »


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #7 on: 06 Jun 2004, 14:45:30 »


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #8 on: 06 Jun 2004, 15:59:49 »
Unknown Territory

In the year 1988 a communist general Husto Friennlinov invaded the island of Everon home to 15,000 U.S. civilians. 150 Russian soldiers stormed the houses of families. Those that resisted to be taken away were shot on sight. 9,000 men were killed just for spite, men that had wives and children, just because they could have formed a small resistance, which could force Friennlinov to call reinforcements.

After three weeks of the island having no contact with the outside world, the U.S. government decided to send a small Special Forces Recon Team. Consisting of the most elite reconnaissance soldiers the world has to offer.

They were flown in, in a Chinook and parachuted out 3 miles outside the small town of Entre Deux. The team moved towards the town later on that night so not to be seen as clear as day. Once the morning came, a Mi17 shows up over the town and a team of Spetznatz, the elite Russian force moved from the chopper.

General Friennlinov was surprised none the least, he was told that that night a Russian satellite picked u the signature of a Chinook flying over this town and that the Spetznatz were to eliminate whoever came out of that helicopter.

The Recon team, took photos of all the units stationed at Entre Deux and moved on to the next town. However, a Spetznatz sniper spotted one of the members of the team. He told his C.O. and they tracked them then after, until the Recon team were out of sight of any other squad.

The Spetznatz sniper took out the Recon teams leader with a silenced shot which hit him in the back of the head killing him instantly. Shocked, the recon team dropped to the floor and quickly started firing in random places hoping to hit someone, but the sniper took out the recon team 2nd in command.

A Spetznatz had a pk and fired at the recon team hitting 2 other men. The new commanding officer in the squad Lt. Peters knew that if they didn't run away into the nearby woods then they would all die.

The team got up and legged it to the forest. The sniper hit one of the men in the leg and he dropped to the floor. The rest of the team turned around, grabbed him and got away into the forest, where they then hid for the rest of the day.

Demoralised, the Recon team of 4 decided they needed to get off the island and back to home camp.

MISSION: Get your team out of Everon using airtransport. Neutralise all enemy targets that could prevent you from accomplishment. Do not leave a living man behind.

Could change it around to fit bth sides, Russians or Americans.


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #9 on: 06 Jun 2004, 16:45:45 »
Thats better, sounds good. One thing though, wot u gonna do with the injured dude, u can't move around with this crippled soldier crawling to each objective.


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #10 on: 06 Jun 2004, 17:18:00 »
will have to see wont you???


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #11 on: 06 Jun 2004, 17:22:45 »
Good mission idea. The injured guy make the mission a challenge. You just can't run to the air strip and take it over. The MARPAT Marines would look great for this kind of mission. One thing would be nice is to have the men dropped in by a scripted HALO jump from high alttitude. That is how a recon team would be inserted. It makes it harder for the enemy to pinpoint where the insertion point is. The russians can still pick up the plane that dropped the team off on radar or somone can see the team land an report it to the russians. Good luck on this mission.
« Last Edit: 06 Jun 2004, 17:26:13 by OrangeLeader »


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #12 on: 06 Jun 2004, 17:56:29 »
THankyou very much |:D


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #13 on: 07 Jun 2004, 15:42:52 »
I agree MARPAT marines would work. And since that addon comes with Russian naval infantry, that would work for the Russian side.

Maybe your first obj or it could be optional is to find a safe place to bring your injured guy to. Maybe a village or in deep underbrush. Then you can leave him or leave one guy with him. Maybe if you can get it in there, the stretcher script so you can carry the injured guy around.
Like you have to be the protection for the two guys carrying the injured soldier.

Good idea. :)


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Re:Unknown Territory
« Reply #14 on: 07 Jun 2004, 16:20:48 »
Well i was going to do that tbh, but thanks for refreshing my memory. Also i was thinking about making two ending scenarios, I was thinknig about the possibility of leaving the injured man behind and making a sad ending, where he get captured and tortured, or also where you get everyone back home, where they recieve medals for courage under fire.

But i dunno yet, its still massively in the preparation stages