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Author Topic: Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!  (Read 6839 times)

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Re:Project MCAR BETA - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #15 on: 06 Jul 2004, 20:22:06 »
Did i mention how much i love this mod? - well i do! especially the terrain following one :D gotta love seeing that hot slug popping down the top of the tank :P

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Re:Project MCAR BETA - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #16 on: 06 Jul 2004, 21:00:23 »
the Real tow(aimable one) it tends to start guiding itself when it gets near targets
Yeah.. We are aware of this, and it has been tweaked...
So the next version will be less 'auto-seeking...'

I think.. ::) hard to remember wth we have fixed and altered because the codes have been re-written on some parts almost completely... :P

Also on the Real Tow - would it be possible to mod the smoke a small bit - so that it doesnt block the sight picture completely on launch? - using that thing you are very dependant on your ability to see the target, so alot of smoke blocking the sight is kinda screwed up
Yes, this annoys me too since I have quite a low-end pc so it also tends to lag up in some conditions...
This will be changing... :P

Altough, there will probably be some 'real' AddOns using MCAR so these test vehicles become quite useless at that moment :P

bit of zoom on the other tow weapons might be a nice thing also  very hard to point out target with the default view.
Yeah... This is all my fault as I somehow managed to funk up the view settings in the config just before the release... ::)
The 'regular' humwees have about half the zoom the 'Real' humwees have...

Did i mention how much i love this mod?
Well, sort of... ->
First of all great addon - superbly made
Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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Re:Project MCAR BETA - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #17 on: 24 Jul 2004, 16:28:56 »

Just an update:

We're still working on the MCAR: BETA 2.5 update, which will include many upgrades and fixes. Unfortunately, most of the MCAR team are pretty busy in RL right now, and so progress has slowed somewhat...

Nevertheless, we're getting there.

In other news: The first addons to use the Project MCAR system are nearing completion. Fischkopp's HUMMWV pack will feature working TOW AT Missile systems, and an Avenger AA Platform.

-Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior
-Psychic Productions


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Re:Project MCAR BETA - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #18 on: 02 Sep 2004, 21:38:28 »
[in the voice of Father Jack Hackett:]
Drrrink! Girlsh! Updayte!

Although there has been quite a delay since the release of MCAR-BETA: 2, Project MCAR is still chugging along nicely, and we are nearing a position where we can release the next version of MCAR, the BETA: 2.5.

Our Multiplayer compatability testing is proceeding well, and we have recently tentatively cleared the core system as MP compatable. Once we have the rest of the minor MP bugs sorted out, we just have to make a few modifications to the documentation, and get the demo missions together, and we will be in a position to release our update.

We are also looking for someone skilled in MP coding. Head to the recruitment depot, or if the article hasn't yet been published, details on the BIS forums.

Also: In case you've been away, the first MCAR powered addons have been released in the form of Fischkopp's HMMWV pack. Go. Get it. You'll like it, really... ;D



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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #19 on: 09 Nov 2004, 13:29:25 »
We are pleased to announce the release of the long-awaited BETA:2.5!

The BETA 2.5 fixes numerous bugs, and adds new functionality to Project MCAR. For full details, please see the Readme file.

Here's a list of some of the most important changes or things you need to know:
-Despite what was said previously, MCAR: BETA: 2.5 is not MP compatible. We are looking for help here, if you know your way around MP editing, please get in touch!

UPDATE: As of the 2.5.1 patch, Project MCAR is now tentatively MP Compatible. Please test and feedback.

-BETA version of documentation/ manuals added, for addon designers and mission editors.
-TOW 2B 'Real' HMMWV added
-Several new AA guidance codes introduced, and demonstrated on the Sa-9 Gakin.
-Kill reporting added to some vehicles. Still not 100% reliable yet.
-3 Demo Missions added, with one more on the way.
-Code added to deal with savegame issues.
-Misc. Bugfixes and upgrades

This list is not exhaustive, but it gives you an idea of some of the things that have changed in this version.

The BETA: 2.5 files can be obtained here. Please use mirrors to download, when they are available.


MCAR Manuals (beta)

Demo Missions

Beta 2.5.1
Extract to your addons directory, OVERWRITING the psy_mcar_config.pbo and psy_mcar_scripts.pbo files. You must install the BETA: 2.5 before applying this patch.



Beta 2.5 - OFP.info

BETA 2.5 manuals - OFP.info

Demo Missions - OFP.info

Additional Information:
For further information on the inner workings of MCAR, please consult these link for sa8gecko's (ongoing) attempt to document the BETA 2.5:

BETA: 2.5 scripts explained

And functions:
BETA 2.5 functions explained

If you have any questions about the inner workings of Project MCAR, please do not hesitate to ask the Lead Developer, sa8gecko, here:
Ask Sa8Gecko

Manual Errata:
1. The README states that the Sa9-Gaskin missiles have a speed that is
reached after about 4 seconds from launch and mantain till 10 seconds. Then its speed will slow down a little (-20 m/s) for the next 5 seconds, then it will explode.
This is not correct. Only the standard Gaskin missile behaves in this way, the others start to decelerate just after having reached max speed (at engine burnout). And they have an endurance of about 19.5 secs, whereas the standard one has only 15 secs to live.

Enjoy the update, and look out for bugs... :p

If you are an addon designer or modder, and you want to either update a released addon, a work-in-progress, or to create an addon based on MCAR: BETA: 2.5, please contact us, we would like to hear from you.

-MCAR Project Manager

EDIT: Added 2.5.1 and updated MP information.
« Last Edit: 28 Dec 2004, 15:29:31 by PsyWarrior »


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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #20 on: 14 Nov 2004, 03:05:04 »
Amazing job guys... even if I'm not an addon maker... I can't wait for some awesome addons to start coming out using this system...

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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #21 on: 14 Nov 2004, 08:31:54 »
Well, there already are... :P

Combat! Humwees use MCAR (actually a mixture between Beta 2 and 2.5, I think...)
Then there're the Fichkopp's Humwees as well...

Hawk has some BRDM class vehicle which uses MCAR, dunno if he has released the new beta yet (the first beta was very very bug ridden)

Don't remember if there were others...
Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #22 on: 15 Nov 2004, 01:17:24 »
Well, there already are... :P

Combat! Humwees use MCAR (actually a mixture between Beta 2 and 2.5, I think...)
Then there're the Fichkopp's Humwees as well...

Hawk has some BRDM class vehicle which uses MCAR, dunno if he has released the new beta yet (the first beta was very very bug ridden)

Don't remember if there were others...

Excellent, I didn't even realize it... thanks mate.

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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #23 on: 24 Nov 2004, 21:25:49 »
Next up in Project MCAR developement:

In the (somewhat crappy) pics above you can see a M151A1 Jeep with 106mm Recoilless Gun obliterating enemy targets, first an armored target with HEAT round, and then some enemy infantry with APERS round...

Note that the weapon fires 'real' shells (currently HEAT, HEP and APERS), not explosive bullets...

This will be released shortly with the intention of demonstrating that MCAR is not just for missile use... ;)
« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2004, 22:04:01 by HateR_Kint »
Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #24 on: 22 Dec 2004, 22:04:55 »
Well, 'shortly' is a bit relative term, but anyhow ::) :

M151A1C released.[/b]
Grab it here

Includes a demo mission.
Consult the readMe.txt for information.
Requires the Project MCAR Beta 2.5

This is also a multiplayer beta, so all reports on that particular behaviour are welcome...
!!NOTE: The 'multiplayer compatability beta' is available only for this Recoilless Gun Jeep, NOT for the earlier MCAR Beta 2.5 vehicles!![/b]
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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #25 on: 25 Dec 2004, 18:55:31 »
Ok, here's a small patch for Project MCAR Beta 2.5
MCAR Beta 2.5.1

This fixes a few issues that made the TOW 2B humwees completely disfunctional ::)
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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #26 on: 25 Dec 2004, 19:41:01 »

If you downloaded the patch before this post, please redownload...
The file was a wrong one...

Sry for any inconvinience...
My bad...
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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #27 on: 27 Dec 2004, 20:47:21 »
Coming up next:

Hi Res

M1025 HMMWV with Mk19
Powered by Project MCAR

Features this far:
- Fires 'real' grenades instead of explosive bullets
- Custom grenade model
- Simulates the grenade arming range (grenades explode/are lethal only after reaching a certain distance...)
- Empty grenade casings and chains are ejected from the weapon... (this is the crap you see on the passenger side of the vehicle in that pic ::) )

Humwee model by FischKopp
Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #28 on: 28 Dec 2004, 00:52:24 »
Ok, I'm 'flooding' our own thread, but anyhow:

I just received a word from our MP testing 'horde' and we are having greenish light on MCAR Beta 2.5.1 in MP... (so the latest patch is needed)...
The light is 'greenish' because no insanely extensive testing has been done (I mean no redicilous amount of players etc etc etc) but the basics are covered...
So this does not guarantee 100% functionality...

Also, no respawn behaviour has been tested but this should not pose a problem if init eventHandler is run (by OFP engine) when a vehicle is respawned...

The missile guidance code are quite vulnerable on lag/desync, and the 'Real' variant Humwees as well as the various Gaskin codes are very heavy and may cause that lag/desync themselves as OFP netcode is probably not meant for moving that much extra calculations all around... ::)

So we are eager to hear all the bugs that may (and most likely will) lurk in MP realm, so do test this...
(pretty please ;D)
Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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Re:Project MCAR BETA (2.5) - Cars with working guided missiles!
« Reply #29 on: 18 Jun 2005, 18:07:16 »

Due to RL issues the developement has been in hiatus for a long time and will be so for some time into the future so we decided to release this now..

CHANGES from previous
- Fully MultiPlayer compatible
- All scripts overhauled; some Gaskin variants behave completely differently than in 2.5.1
- HMMWV TOW 2A 'Real, Human Player' added
- Two different MP Friendly Gaskin 'variants' added (code variants), all MCAR vehicles work in MP but these are more lighter
- numerous bugs fixed

- On almost all Gaskin code variants: In MP last valid target will be reported by the gunner in vehicle chat even if the target is destroyed and the
   weapon is fired at no target. Aesthetical problem, does not affect the vehicles functioning in any way.
- On the Humwee 'Real' code variants: Kills are recorded in SP (appear in the statistics sheet) but not in MP.
   (note: The 2A Real and 2B real do not always record their kills, but do it most of the time. The Real Human Player variant does record every kill)

We call this still Beta because the multiplayer aspect is a new feature (the earlier statements about MP aspects pale in comparison with this ;)) which means there must be other bugs laying around than those mentioned above and thus calling this final would be a bit 'Microsofty'...
Also the final 'system' will be re-written to be more user friendly for AddOn makers...
Read the readme (emphasis on that) for further details on the different code variants (different vehicles).

For those who may have been waiting for the Gecko, I have some baddish news:
Sa8gecko is too busy IRL to work on it right now so the Gecko will not be accompanying this Beta 3 release.
Of course if someone would like to finnish it and re-texture it we would appreciate and accept such an gesture... :p ;)

The M151A1C Jeep is also updated to fit the new MCAR Beta 3, and is now in it's version 1.1
FIXES since 1.0:
- Multiplayer tweaks...
Also, not so related to MCAR, but if you missed the M1025 HMMWV with Mk19, check it out ;)

- MCAR Beta 3
  (7 day mirror, not tested whether it works at all :p)
- M151A1C
  (7 day mirror, this tested neither..)
Files are in *.rar format, packed with 3.42 version so some older versions may have trouble unpacking them...

The biggest thanks above all go to our MP testers :) :
- Hit_Sqd_Zulu and the Hit_Sqd gang && Fraghaus
- raedor and the gang
Not to mention the MP god, Killswitch...  :-*
Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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