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Author Topic: Talking  (Read 1732 times)

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« on: 21 Aug 2002, 17:36:45 »
Is there any way to make a soldier move his lips like if he was talking without having a .ogg recorded? I know how to make .lip files (I record a .wav and use the wav2lip program) but I don't want to have my voice in my missions -nobody's gonna understand my english with a strong spanish accent (yes, yes me name are I, yo from Espana, ole  ;D). So any way to do that?
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2002, 17:39:23 by SeAnVeR »


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« Reply #1 on: 21 Aug 2002, 17:45:38 »
U r a perssistant blok ain't u. I mean asking questions and stuff  ;D Well u r welcome.
Yeah there is a way to make him do that. Just.... actually its quiet easy but i can't really remember it. Hey and don't even think about sending me home again for that stupid example mission  ::) :P

Should be like that. U record ur voice, save it as wav, convert it to .lip then put it in the sounds folder and if im not mistaking u also put an empty .ogg file with it. But the names of the .ogg and .lip should be the same. Then u just use unitname say "myspeech" and it should do the trick, the guy will open his mouth but won't say a thing. When i'll get back i'll check it out myself, but the forums don't work there so 'ill be online only tomorrow, cheers ;)

P.S. I also pressume u know the basics of making a description.ext and working with editor, laters if not read this tutorial...... ah! damn bonehead, it has been deleted,  :P guess im gonna have to write all this stuff all over again  ::)


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« Reply #2 on: 21 Aug 2002, 17:49:34 »
I tried it, but it seemed not to work. Anyhow I wanted to check the description.ext tutorial, but it isnt online. Perhaps I'll try to record only silence in a .ogg to see if it works.

I tried it, but it seemed not to work.

And yes, I did make a description.ext file
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2002, 17:51:11 by SeAnVeR »


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« Reply #3 on: 21 Aug 2002, 17:54:42 »
Yeah there was one writen by me, but since the old forums r gone they have most likely been deleted
*wishes that the guys backed it up and all other useful stuff in time*  ::)
Oh well, anyways try it for urself and when i get back home i'll see what there is to do, cheers ;)


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« Reply #4 on: 21 Aug 2002, 18:00:45 »
That's right, thanks for your help. Ill try what i said out

Offline Sui

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« Reply #5 on: 22 Aug 2002, 05:50:50 »
Welcome to the new forums guys,

You don't actually need an .ogg file in there at all... just your .lip file (with the same name of course).

In your description.ext still specify the .ogg file like:

   class IO1
      name = "";
      sound[] = {"IO1.ogg", db+0,1};
      titles[] =
            0, $STRM_IO1

But instead of playing the .ogg file, OFP will just play the .lip file (and your guy will lip sync what ever the lip file tells him to ;))  

So in the example above, I had a file in the mission/sound directory called IO1.lip, and no file called IO1.ogg. My lip file gets played, and OFP doesn't complain about there not being an .ogg file...    


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« Reply #6 on: 22 Aug 2002, 22:01:41 »
I'm not sure about it and only can tell what I heard and what I've found out by myself.

If I look into a mission where the lip syncronisation is used and I open the .ogg it's of course playing the soundfile for the mission (voice of a person).
As I think the .lip (with the same name) is used to make the lips of a unit "move" syncron to the words it says. I think this is done with "wav to lip" (or wav2lip?) what is a special programm I think.
