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Author Topic: B52 Bomber  (Read 3139 times)

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B52 Bomber
« on: 08 Apr 2004, 16:49:30 »
I searched the forums, but didn't find any reference to one...
It's weird, it could be used on a whole lot of mission, from Veitnam mission, right up to modern day stuff (Veitcong it was used for carpet bombings, and modern day, did any one see that thing at 9 on BBC 1 or 2, about Iraq, with the precision bombings, they used B52's there)

So, does someone want to have a go ad making up a B52..?

There was some worries about how well it could turn etc due to size weight + the game engine.. But Lobo's C130 pack (Think it was called that), has 3 C130's that all fly fine.

Maybe, once the standard model it finished, you could make a few diff version, like a carpet bombing version, one with accurate missiles etc.

- Ben


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #1 on: 09 Apr 2004, 06:24:25 »
The thing is, Plenty of C130s have been made... but B52s are a fair bit bigger. I'm sure it could be done in a addon, but I imagine it wouldn't be very realistic.

 On the other hand i wouldn't mind doing a little carpet bombing myself...  ;D


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #2 on: 09 Apr 2004, 06:35:37 »

Well, for the weight problem, you don't have to put in the actual weight of a BUFF (172,740 lbs. empty, 480,000lbs. MTOW). You could put in a lower weight, with less powerful engines.

In Vietnam, the early model B-52's were different than from today's H-models. They had less electronics, had turbojet engines, and carried only unguided bombs. Today's H-models have turbofans (more fuel-efficient and powerful), and can carry just about every bomb and cruise missle in the U.S. inventory.

For Vietnam missions (and all missions from an infantry point-of-view], you could just make scripts for contrails, because that is all you would see. For intros/outros, you could just make a simple bomber with outside textures only. I really do not see the feasability of making a mission with the player as a pilot/bombadier in ofp...

The only differences would have to be textures, minor shape differences, and external weapory.

Study some pictures of B-52's.

« Last Edit: 09 Apr 2004, 06:36:42 by Avenger29 »


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #3 on: 09 Apr 2004, 07:09:11 »
someone put a beta B52 out
i dont know about its size but it was fun dropped like 138 bombs


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #4 on: 09 Apr 2004, 18:30:26 »
I like the contrail idea, myself...B52's are high altitude bombers, and due to draw-in/fog you just wouldn't be able to see them from the ground (or the ground from the B52 for that matter)

I could do up a script using drop effects for the contrails, and camcreated LGB's for the carpet bombing. I could jazz up the bomb impact effects to make them more appropriate for 2000 pounders.



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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #5 on: 10 Apr 2004, 03:38:59 »
can planes drop more than one bomb at a time?

that was the only problem i noticed with the B52 beta it only dropped one at a time


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2004, 21:40:22 »
If you want to get hold of the B52 they have it on www.atwar.net/download.php    then again they have almost everything their, most files are in rar. format though;I dont know how to convert them 'cos im a simpleton  :P

tHe s4lut3

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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #7 on: 11 Apr 2004, 15:13:52 »
yes planes can drop more than 1 bomb at a time, i.e. the b1-b lancer as an ofp addon or as you can see on www.grouchymedia.com


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #8 on: 12 Apr 2004, 01:11:03 »
Grendel, the scripts would be very usefull, but, aswell more, I would like to fly the B52's :)
Even if it isn't perfectly realistic, as in you don't have to fly at 50000 feet etc
Everything is scaled down in game, I guess :)

Hmm, possibly could download a free 3D studio max file of a B52 and import from that..?
I know theres a lot of 3DS files about (http://www.exchange3d.com for one)

Also it could be usefull in cut-scenes etc :)

I would try, but my modeling skills beyond stuff like fairly simple weapons and static objects is, uh, questionable ;)
I might give it a go though, if no ones else will..
Or.. I could talk who ever release that beta in to letting us remake it :D

- Ben


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #9 on: 25 May 2004, 02:40:20 »
would it be feasible to make a bomb like the Paveway operate like a normal missile, like the maverick with a lock-on system, but with the same flight characteristics? Maybe you could script a bomb-cam in the bombbay to guide the bomb?


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #10 on: 29 May 2004, 21:38:02 »
Hmm, well, yeah.. But the hardest bit is getting the AI to acctualy lock on the missiles :(
- Ben


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #11 on: 03 Jun 2004, 00:32:50 »
Don't need an AI. You could make a MP mission with it. Pop some tanks. ;D


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #12 on: 04 Jun 2004, 20:57:01 »
if you coul actually get it up that high, 10 or so thousand feet would prolley be pretty accurate for a high level bombing mission(or is it meters?) but it would take forever for the stupid things to land


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #13 on: 05 Jun 2004, 12:42:42 »
If your gonna make custom ammo, you could speed it up..?
One thing I seem to have not mentioned..
In the game, everything is scaled down, isn't it.. Like when you run "10km" in game, your covering prob half that.. So why couldn't the plane fly at half that level?

Also, the veitnam ones didn't fly as high (Could see the ground fairly clearly, from the video of the bombing runs.. Dunno, maybe somewhere over 1000foot? Just a very rough guess, mind)

Also... What about a "targeting computer".. Like the satalite script (Can't remeber who wrote it.. It was like an ariel view, with up down left right, and track buttons, and a zoom bar).. Maybe when your the gunner in the plane, you can enemable that view, and track (Which would be replaced with lock target), and a fire button.. You lock the target, hit fire.. Rocket gets fired.. Bye bye target :P
And you could make the view move a bit with the view.. So you get the idea of moving.. Maybe cloud moving infront of the screen etc.. Most of the work is done already, just a case of adding/changing

And a new model for the plane, obv :P

- Ben


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Re:B52 Bomber
« Reply #14 on: 05 Jun 2004, 22:26:21 »
id like to see one set up like the CH47 deadnaught with 2000lb bombs and tomahawk cruise missiles

do lotsa damage