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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Realistic Combat Patrol  (Read 16666 times)

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #45 on: 18 Apr 2004, 16:00:34 »
lol  ;D

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #46 on: 29 Apr 2004, 19:10:22 »

any campaign updates???

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #47 on: 02 May 2004, 11:40:16 »
General Barron

Would you consider making a simple user mission with your signals script and rto script. Its just to complex for a noob like me to separate the scripts from the other scripts in the mission. Just a sort of user mission template with the two scripts working.   I would really appreciate it. Thanks

Hope the campaign is going well  :)

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #48 on: 02 May 2004, 22:12:27 »

I had a go at seperating the scripts a while ago now and I seemed to be doing pretty well untill i deleted something and it kind of sent it all to hell!
It's a really good idea and I'd certainly like to make a hand signals mission but I don't want to drag you away from your campaign, so whenever you find the time, I would be grateful,  ;D

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #49 on: 02 May 2004, 22:33:15 »
Sorry, but I haven't been working on the campaign much. I've been busy with the ECP, mainly. Anywho, I originally was going to finish the campaign, then release a 'template' mission so others could make their own hand signals missions. That way, any improvements I make on the hand signals engine while I'm working on the campaign, would be released to the public. I don't know, I may release a template sooner though. Thanks for the interest :D
HANDSIGNALS COMMAND SYSTEM-- A realistic squad-control modification for OFP
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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #50 on: 18 May 2004, 19:30:24 »

can't wait for the campaign and that template.    ;D


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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #51 on: 03 Jun 2004, 16:04:45 »

Any updates General?    ;D
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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #52 on: 31 Aug 2004, 02:29:38 »
good mission, i noticed a couple problems though:

 -- if you're going to recommend the player uses the ECP mod, tell him what settings he can use while still being able to save.  i had to restart the mission 3-4 times because of corrupt saves.

 -- i was at Cf54 calling arty on VC i saw at Cg58, and noticed that VC will surrender even if there are no enemy troops around (i was more than 500m away)

 -- the VC call in mortar support unrealistically fast (it seems as though they call as soon as they see you); if you run into the smallest VC group you are sure to have mortars falling on you within 60 seconds.  consider extending the amount of time before the vc call in mortar support, because at this point i always order my troops to charge the VC just to avoid the mortar fire, which brings me to my next point,

 -- when i order my whole squad to do something, my RTO doesn't follow the orders.  i couldn't find my RTO several times because after rallying and ordering my squad to follow me, the RTO just stayed there.  when telling my squad to charge vc squads, my RTO would stay back and die from the mortar fire.

 -- it takes a really long time to order the whole squad to change status; example: i generally have my squad either prone, halted, and holding fire, or standing, following me, and firing at will; switching between these two modes takes at least a minute if not more, and although a minute may seem like a short amount of time, its a long time when in-game, especially if you'd rather be scanning for vc with ur binocs; plz consider making the animations faster

 -- idk how realistic this would be, but being able to have the gunship attack a specific point with rockets would be very helpful

 -- the vc that can be seen patrolling are constantly running, and as you said yourself running all over the place is unrealistic.  patrols in "safe" mode look better than patrols in "aware," and are easier to call arty on too :P

even though it may seem like i hated the mission from all the negative points i brought up, i really am enjoying it (haven't gotten to the village yet)
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2004, 02:39:41 by .pablo. »

Offline General Barron

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #53 on: 03 Sep 2004, 12:28:42 »
Thanks for the comments .pablo! Actually I'm glad you brought up lots of negative points. It helps me improve things much more than people saying what they liked. :)

-- if you're going to recommend the player uses the ECP mod, tell him what settings he can use while still being able to save.  i had to restart the mission 3-4 times because of corrupt saves.
I'm not too sure what combination of settings would work. If you need to save, I'd say to turn everything off except for a few features, like blood and bullet whiz. But the savegame bug should be corrected in the next ECP release, so it shouldn't be a problem in the future (knock on wood).
-- i was at Cf54 calling arty on VC i saw at Cg58, and noticed that VC will surrender even if there are no enemy troops around (i was more than 500m away)
Aren't we observant? :P Man, you put some features in that everyone wants, but noone uses, and what do you get... *grumble* :D J/k. Thanks for noticing, actually. It'll be fixed in later versions. Oh but note that the enemies still run away if no one is around, so those guys would have run away in a minute or so.
-- the VC call in mortar support unrealistically fast (it seems as though they call as soon as they see you);

I'll fix it in the next version. There are also other issues with the AI artillery that I want to address.
-- when i order my whole squad to do something, my RTO doesn't follow the orders.  i couldn't find my RTO several times because after rallying and ordering my squad to follow me, the RTO just stayed there.  when telling my squad to charge vc squads, my RTO would stay back and die from the mortar fire.
Hmm... you sure you didn't order your squad to do something, then use the radio? The rto stops after you use the radio, if I remember correctly.... Or are you out of range? Can you give any more specific details?
-- idk how realistic this would be, but being able to have the gunship attack a specific point with rockets would be very helpful
I'm not very happy with the gunship support either.... unfortunately helo support in OFP just doesn't work well against non-tanks. As hard as I've tried, I haven't yet been able to script it to be more effective. I haven't given up yet though.... Now, as far as designating targets goes: it would be realistic if you were talking to the helo via your squad's radio. However, I can't think of any way to let you designate targets for it that way. Smoke marker grenades would be a workable solution though (harder for the player to use though). But I'm not sure if that is actually done IRL... I doubt it.
patrols in "safe" mode look better than patrols in "aware,"

But only the stupidest armies in the world would patrol with their weapons slung over their shoulders. That's for carrying your weapon around in a safe area (like inside a base); NOT for patrolling a potentially dangerous area... That is actually one of my pet peeves in OFP missions. :P Though it would be nice if I could get them to walk around with their rifles unslung, instead of running.

Thanks again for the comments :)
HANDSIGNALS COMMAND SYSTEM-- A realistic squad-control modification for OFP
kexp.org-- The best radio station in the world, right here at home! Listen to John Richards!

Offline .pablo.

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #54 on: 03 Sep 2004, 20:48:27 »
Oh but note that the enemies still run away if no one is around, so those guys would have run away in a minute or so.

yeah i did notice that, i just thought that them surrendering in the first place was weird.

The rto stops after you use the radio, if I remember correctly....

yeah that must have been it; you might wanna consider putting that in the briefing, it could save players a lot of frustration.

edit: if it were up to me, i would have the RTO return to his previous status once the player drops the radio (in formation when it's safe, stopped when it's a battle, etc)

But only the stupidest armies in the world would patrol with their weapons slung over their shoulders. That's for carrying your weapon around in a safe area (like inside a base); NOT for patrolling a potentially dangerous area... That is actually one of my pet peeves in OFP missions.  Though it would be nice if I could get them to walk around with their rifles unslung, instead of running.

well my point was that if you were trying to capture the overall image of what a soldier would look like when on a patrol, the "safe" mode animations are closer to reality than the "aware" animations.  even the "aware" walking animations are less realistic than "safe" mode, because people don't walk around hunched over when on a patrol, they stand up straight and walk normally.

also, putting the ai in "safe" mode could act as a counter-balance to their unrealistically fast ability to take aim and fire at an opponent.  idk about you, but i have often seen ai running full speed perpendicular to my position stop on a dime, turn towards me and aim RIGHT AT ME, fire off a 3-round burst, and kill me from ~150-200 meters, all within a few seconds.  call me crazy, but i think having the ai react a little slower might be both more realistic (being ambushed causes a state of confusion in real people, causing them to react more slowly, but not with ai) and less aggravating.  just my 2 cents.

also, you may wanna check out the wire tower/castle tower bug (i'm too lazy too :P) that's plagued me and the other dude to post his thoughts on your mission.  i detailed it in the post, so check ur mission's review page
« Last Edit: 03 Sep 2004, 20:51:41 by .pablo. »

Offline General Barron

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #55 on: 05 Sep 2004, 07:38:23 »
Thanks again for your thoughts. I'll take your thoughts on 'safe mode' into consideration, although I still don't like the idea of a "patrol" that acts like they are walking around the block. But I do understand your concerns.

also, you may wanna check out the wire tower/castle tower bug (i'm too lazy too ) that's plagued me and the other dude to post his thoughts on your mission.

I just tried it with both EUs, and I never had that problem. I dunno what is going on, but I guess you have some other addon that is conflicting with the tower classname. Do you have any other editor addons? Gunslingers? Objects1/2? Resistance object patch? There are also a couple other EUs floating around out there... What ones do you have?
HANDSIGNALS COMMAND SYSTEM-- A realistic squad-control modification for OFP
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Offline .pablo.

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #56 on: 05 Sep 2004, 08:31:44 »
these are any addons i found in my addons folders that looked like they could be eu's



 - if u could provide the addon names for any other eu's i may be missing that would be helpful (what are the names of objects1/2?)

 - i didn't have the res obj patch, but the readme said i didn't need it to play missions with the objects it added, only when editing the mission

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #57 on: 05 Sep 2004, 09:25:37 »
Where did you get all those EU's, anyway? Jeeze, what a mess... anyway:

That is the 'standard' EU (Kegetys).

I believe that is gunslinger's EU, which does not work with resistance. But I doubt this is the problem, because Kegety just added onto this EU; he didn't change any of the classnames.

These are what I was talking about ("what are the names of objects1/2?"). They are old Kegetys upgrades that pre-date gunslinger's EU, and shouldn't be used anymore. They should be the problem either, because I have them on my comp too (with the objects hidden though, so I don't clutter my editor).

I have no idea what this is, though I've seen it before... funny, I don't know of any "objects3.pbo". ??? This could possibly be the problem....

This is another one that I don't really know what it is, but sometimes missions use it. I think it could be the first version of gunslinger's EU, before v1.02. If thats the case, it shouldn't be a problem, unless some classnames got switched around.... so it just might be...

Another one I don't know what it is, though I've seen it on some non-english sites. I wonder if it has any objects that Keg's EU doesn't have. ??? I guess this could be the problem too.

This is just the objects that come with Resistance.

So try removing these addons and see if it works:


Also, let me know where you got these, so I can get them too, if you would please.
HANDSIGNALS COMMAND SYSTEM-- A realistic squad-control modification for OFP
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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #58 on: 05 Sep 2004, 11:14:11 »
No, no, no.     Remove all these editor addons and put them in a dark cellar with cobwebs and damp stone walls.     Wht General Barron is too modest to mention is that the ONLY editor addon you need is the one by General Barron himself. :thumbsup:    

I had an EU mess nearly as bad as yours and that solved it in an instant.    If you're just playing missions, rather than creating them, then technically you don't need to upgrade from Kegetys to General Barron's, (which is why he didn't mention it) but IMHO it's still desirable as GB's makes the solution to all these conflicts obvious as it's the only EU you'll ever need.  *Winces at cliche.*

Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

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Re:The most realistic OFP experience EVER!
« Reply #59 on: 05 Sep 2004, 11:29:28 »
Wht General Barron is too modest to mention is that the ONLY editor addon you need is the one by General Barron himself. :thumbsup:

Suck up  ::)


Nah it is the best Editor Update out, I use it for all my missions.

So are you continuing with the campaign?

The Unsung Campaign Team Leader