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Author Topic: Ideas for Rent  (Read 15945 times)

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Offline XCess

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #90 on: 01 Feb 2004, 21:01:49 »
I've emailed u a zip containing the beginning of the mission and the intro
they're not very clean at the mo.. the intro doesn't even end properly

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #91 on: 02 Feb 2004, 16:24:19 »
Recieved and played ;)

I was busy chewing my fingers off (as usual) watching the Patriots last night 8) ....funny how it always comes down to a field goal... :P

Offline XCess

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #92 on: 02 Feb 2004, 19:39:55 »
what u think of the mission?? Sound like u don't like it :( u didn't put any comments...

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #93 on: 02 Feb 2004, 22:27:44 »

Take 1:

Well, the intro was pretty good, though I had to restart it a couple of times because some putz with an AT4 kept firing his rockets into the trees right in front of himself - seems like it didn't want to move on until that BRDM was kaput.

Then we pan over to a Pavehawk for a few seconds and some AAV7s sitting alongside an LST...one drove away and the other two just sat there....so I ESC'd to the mission.

So I check my map whilst sitting in the back of the AAV7 and I assume I'm supposed to blow away the comms post and make it to the Ranger camp.  We come ashore, disembark, and half my team goes down without me having any idea what's going on.

Turns out there were a bunch of gunmen laying in some bushes, blasting away but only hitting my men occasionally - the music made it impossible to tell where the shots were coming from, and one of those machineguns was alive long enough to do some damage.

So we move inland.  I've got four guys left alive - Rangers with suppressed weapons, so I figure we're okay.  We're walking through the jungle and all the rest of my guys get dropped somehow (the AI are really bad shots, I have no idea how that happened), so it's just me left - I've got plenty of ammo and I haven't been so much as scratched.  I take out the squad walking around the post, I walk into the post and shoot those guys up, then take out the radio and start legging it over to the Ranger camp.  

I didn't see a thing during my trip but I got a message that enemies were moving towards an LZ, but I had RL stuff to do so I called it a day.

I think the intro could stand to be longer (if that shot of the LST is where it's supposed to end) and my loons could stand to be a little smarter (but don't we all wish that).  

Anyway I'm going to play it again and see if it plays any differently.

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #94 on: 02 Feb 2004, 22:44:08 »
Take 2:

Intro plays the same, only this time none of the AAV7s budge.

We come ashore and the APC is blazing away at people on the right side, mowing them down by the dozens with both the machinegun and the Mk19, but we roll to a stop, I order my men to disembark, and we're shredded by an emplaced machinegun at 11 o'clock.

Not once, not twice, but three times.  There was no way any of the people over there had LOS on us because they were about 50 yards back in thick brush, but they killed us all within ten seconds.  

As the camera pulls back from my shattered body, the bodies of my entire squad are piled up on top of me - nobody made it more than 5 feet from the back of the APC.


Offline XCess

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #95 on: 03 Feb 2004, 00:06:30 »
Works fine on mine.. i mean the bit with the BDRM works perfectly every time although sometimes they miss.. and the bush part is a lot easier for me, although maybe i should add a marker telling about the MG post. After the radio camp i need to carry on.. that's as far as I got. and the intro does finsih at the LST although now I've switched it with the USS Nimitz and put some F/A-18 fighters on the deck.

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #96 on: 03 Feb 2004, 01:29:01 »
Might be that I upped my game to Super AI :P  Figured I'd give it a go with some serious badasses gunning for me ;D

As for the Nimitz, I'm not sure what the final word on it is...I'll have to check with Homefry about that.


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #97 on: 03 Feb 2004, 03:23:33 »
Well, if I can find a download link I'll get it and check it out.  What exactly are you going to use it for?

Offline XCess

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #98 on: 05 Feb 2004, 10:54:23 »
Just use the site search in opflash.org (under news) and you'll find it.


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #99 on: 05 Feb 2004, 23:02:57 »
Alright, will do.  

Does anyone else have new ideas about the mission??


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #100 on: 06 Feb 2004, 07:43:28 »
best wishes with your project guys looking forward to it ;)
But what I want to see is a mission or a campaign from the movie Tears Of The Sun.
Could be your next project guys ;)
The Nimitz is avaible, the Seahawks are avaible, the BAS Tonal island is a good map to make this mission/campaign only thing that is not out are the Seals but you can use some other soldiers as place holders  ;)
what ya guys think about it ???


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #101 on: 06 Feb 2004, 15:43:38 »
Yeah, would definetly be a possibility.  I think the Covert Rangers from BAS look a lot like SEAL's anyway.

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #102 on: 06 Feb 2004, 19:20:39 »
Okay a couple of things to sort out...

1.  So we're using the Nimitz now?  How and where?

2.  US units - played the mission as a Ranger.  Is that a placeholder for the USMC addon or are we switching back to regular Army troops now?  I think we should pick one or the other and stick with it because there's no sense in having two huge soldier addons if we can avoid it.

Being a Ranger would also mean there's no need for the AAV7 and we could have you inserted on the beach via Pave Hawk or something.

I think we need those things straightened out before we get too far into the editing and such.


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #103 on: 06 Feb 2004, 21:14:58 »
1. Nimitz? I would like to see it with a cut scene showing F/18 launching from it and then going on a bombing run. Becasue you are making this a long(meaning endless possiblities) mission you have to add things like that to keep people interested. Game play is going to be great, but I like to sit back sometimes and watch action and intead of leading it. And the Nimtz does not have to be only for the F/18. If we chose to use the USMC soldiers they can deploy by chopper from the carrier. I like that to becasue it has not been done. You could still use chopper idea if it is rangers just don't say they are rangers.

2. Units? Adding to what is allready said, we first need to pick what kind of troops. If you just say Marines what do you mean. Are they Force Recon, regulars, special forces, etc. We can really pick either unit addon as long as you tell who they are in. You could say that the BAS ranger addon soliders are the US Army's 10th Mountain Division or Marine's 1st Recon Battalion.
If you going for reality currently there are US Army Rangers acting as advisors in the Phillipines. BUT it depend on the story we have. If US is sending a rapid force to help the Phillipino Government it would be the Marines(look what we did in Liberia). They deploy faster and have shorter deployments. That is the job of the Marines. They are at the discretion of the President and can be deployed anywhere, at any time without Congress initial approval.

We need a basic outline of the story before we can decide on units or any of the other big decisions I think. It does not have to be set in stone, we just need to make sure everyone is on the same page. That is what I would like to see. Post it here or if you don't want to ruin the mission PM me what you have so far.


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #104 on: 06 Feb 2004, 21:56:12 »
Okay, the Nimitz is alright, the best out thus far.

As for the units, I say lets use MARPAT marines.  They are of better quality, at least until the BAS ones are updated.

Orange, we had already established, your a normal grunt, fighting after you get cut off.