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Author Topic: AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!  (Read 11262 times)

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Ferret Fangs

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #45 on: 30 Sep 2002, 01:15:08 »
Well OK guy... yes, I'm sure Our stealth aircraft are all sh*te, as opposed to all other planes built by other nations, and it's just silly how much money we spend on such a sh*te program...
Man! We Americans are such wankers, right?
Hmmmm. Time will tell, won't it? I mean, history is just totally cluttered with retarded bollocky American wankerisms, like the Nuclear bomb... Super Sonic Flight... Space program... yadda yadda yadda. Hold on, I've got to go outside and shoot down a B-2A Spirit with a spitwad I've been saving...

Ferret Fangs

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #46 on: 30 Sep 2002, 01:19:18 »
Sorry this went off topic.
Did I mention, your carrier is great?
I still haven't got it straight... is this going to be a stand alone addon vehicle such as Retaliation's Mirage Patrol Boat, or an island addon shaped like a carrier?
« Last Edit: 30 Sep 2002, 01:23:52 by Ferret Fangs »


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #47 on: 30 Sep 2002, 03:11:28 »
Well OK guy... yes, I'm sure Our stealth aircraft are all sh*te, as opposed to all other planes built by other nations, and it's just silly how much money we spend on such a sh*te program...
Man! We Americans are such wankers, right?
Hmmmm. Time will tell, won't it? I mean, history is just totally cluttered with retarded bollocky American wankerisms, like the Nuclear bomb... Super Sonic Flight... Space program... yadda yadda yadda. Hold on, I've got to go outside and shoot down a B-2A Spirit with a spitwad I've been saving...

LOL......but seriously, lets not get far off topic, so when' s the projected release date if there is one????


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #48 on: 30 Sep 2002, 03:39:50 »
supersonic flight by the americans was actually acheived by stealing information from the british....

Monkey Lib Front

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #49 on: 30 Sep 2002, 03:40:12 »
Well OK guy... yes, I'm sure Our stealth aircraft are all sh*te, as opposed to all other planes built by other nations, and it's just silly how much money we spend on such a sh*te program...
Man! We Americans are such wankers, right?
Hmmmm. Time will tell, won't it? I mean, history is just totally cluttered with retarded bollocky American wankerisms, like the Nuclear bomb... Super Sonic Flight... Space program... yadda yadda yadda. Hold on, I've got to go outside and shoot down a B-2A Spirit with a spitwad I've been saving...

Lok as he goes into Protect America beatin action, with added kung - Foo chopping action.

lighten up nobody said u lot were wankers, justsaying that americans can be a little to over confident in there machinery.


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #50 on: 30 Sep 2002, 06:52:05 »
It's just that our machines are just so cool and we have done pretty good with them.  

Ferret Fangs

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #51 on: 30 Sep 2002, 07:27:14 »
Confidence in one's own weaponry, leads to victory on the battlefield. For instance, the F-117 Nighthawk pilots actually scored better on strike missions after they had made the initial attacks during Desert Storm, because they realized the stealth technology worked. Thus no losses for the stealth pilots, and excellent sortie records.
Guys, we take it seriously, because we've won wars with our technology and determination. Someday you might need us again, what then?

 ;D And besides, Coolguy452 is abso-fricken-lutely correct!!!


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #52 on: 30 Sep 2002, 14:57:39 »
The aircraft carrier is a great idea! Im happy that some ones going to finish one... but...it needs to get stretched out just a little little. And I hope that you find some nicer textures but I'll download it anyways even if the textures aren't the best. Have you guys seen the Dock landing ship at flashpoint1985 forums it has 7 decks and 2 chopper pads and you can drive in amphibous vehicles in it! Look at those textures and I hope that you'll make it so that you can walk inside your carrier to like in battlefield 1942! me and friends where having close quarter combats on the destroyer and the carrier. btw they've made 2 versions of the Dock landing ship to.
And about the americans and their arms beeing better... yeah sure its true but the've also got many more internal problems in their country like crime and they go bombing poor countries because of they only want their oil and don't like the leaders. I think that some things where better during the cold war when there was 2 equally powerfull nations that outwheigted eachother.. I live in sweden and we haven't been in war for more than 100 years but I think it was noble by the us to Save europe from da evil Nazis in ww2. Im only trying to say that america isn't the best country in the world and I think we should concentrate ourselves on colonizing space than to bomb some starving kids in some 3'rd world country!

Ferret Fangs

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #53 on: 30 Sep 2002, 17:23:32 »
Once more off topic...
People I'm just a soldier/servant of my nation, one of a very long line. I don't make policy, I just enforce it. I never said we didn't have our faults, that the US was perfect. Maybe some of what Commando just said is true. But that's mostly out of the average Americans hands to change. Actually, we can make changes if need be, but are unlikely to do so until a situation becomes problematic for US. And right now such a situation exists... the American people feel threatened, and world opinion seems a bit threatening as well...
When we feel this way, we shift into a higher gear, and take the fight to our enemy. That's who we've attacked, will continue to attack, and eventually will destroy. And woe be to anyone, or anything that gets in our way.
(And Commando, we lead the world in the effort to colonize space. We'll also lead when it comes time to defend space, as well.) "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave"

Now, can we just drop this and get back to the matter at hand?


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #54 on: 30 Sep 2002, 23:20:08 »
I wasn't ebing critical there, i have the upmost respect for the armerican forces and equipment.

I just find it funny we detected it and the flipancy of the call to the US

"...have you lost one...."

Ehehe, apologies

And when can we expect a release?



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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #55 on: 01 Oct 2002, 00:02:13 »
Ok Im sorry if I was a bit flamy over there but I just had one of those days you know.  :-[ Maybe Im right maybe Im wrong I don't care really.. I whis I lived in U.S actually...they get all the games first usually  ;)


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #56 on: 01 Oct 2002, 01:47:58 »
The U.S. Is great, it's Just Dubya that makes Americans Look Bad, anyways... What Kind of AirCraft Carrier is it? Nimitz, or some other?


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #57 on: 01 Oct 2002, 03:27:48 »
We don't bomb 3rd world countries to kill children, we do it to kill the terrorist that kill our children. Rarely do we kill civilians, and the only time we do it is when technology fails us,or someone screws up,but we never do it on purpose ,thats the bad side of advancent, technology isn't perfect and never will be because no matter how far in the future we get there will always be human error....

With that said, lets all go get a beer and ask again, RELEASE DATE!!!!???? :cheers:

End of Britain, America conversations!!!!sorry if I offended someone..... And Ferret Fangs, with you being a soldier, I salute you!! :thumbsup: :wow: :afro: :wave: :toocool:


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #58 on: 01 Oct 2002, 06:32:49 »
Im back.
Well im back after my computer crashing but dont worry im still going to be doing the carrier better then ever we are probably going to start modeling the decks of the aircraft carrier after this.


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #59 on: 02 Oct 2002, 00:13:33 »