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Author Topic: Supressing Fire by enemy AI  (Read 3361 times)

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Offline Wadmann

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Re:Supressing Fire by enemy AI
« Reply #15 on: 09 Jul 2004, 17:31:46 »
Here is a topic by Blanco at the Official Forums that is a modified suppressive fire script. I have not tried his version but it does look promising. I know that there are other (I have them on my HD at home) but I cannot seem to locate them at the moment. I will start posting them to my site when time permits.

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Re:Supressing Fire by enemy AI
« Reply #16 on: 09 Jul 2004, 18:55:01 »
Well I can think of a half solution to our problems now.
What about sticking with High Dispersion magazine and clips? The enemy isn't as accurate and yet you can still have the bullets popping all around you. Its not suppresive, but like in SEBNAM the HD clips make it that much more interesting since the AI doesn't have laser accurate M16s and AK74s.  :P :P

Ahh well I tried...
Hopefully ofp2 will address this in the core engine when it comes out... :)

Offline Wadmann

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Re:Supressing Fire by enemy AI
« Reply #17 on: 10 Jul 2004, 03:35:07 »
HD clips make it that much more interesting since the AI doesn't have laser accurate M16s and AK74s

I'm with you there GRK! I swap out default weapons all of the time to increase the length of firefights. But there are no HD mags for fixed or mounted weapons.

This script made by GeneralCoder could solve it for all. Although I do not remember where the original post was located, here it is with script included. I may start using it myself with some Marine Assault Pack missions so I can keep their detailed weapons and still have a prolonged battle! ;)

Maybe you can use a temporaly fire dispersion script... They shoot but they don't hit anything.At least that's how I should solve the problem.

Put this in your V80's init :
This addeventhandler ["fired",{_this exec "fd.sqs"}]

And this in a init.sqs

dispersionoff = false

When you want to stop the dispersion script put
dispersionoff = true
in a waypoint, trigger or script.

Here is fd.sqs by GeneralCoder

_shooter = _this select 0
_projectile = nearestObject [vehicle(_shooter), _this select 4]

?dispersionoff : _shooter removeEventHandler ["fired",0];exit
?(_shooter == player): exit
?((_this select 2) == "throw"): exit

_vel = velocity _projectile
_speed = speed _projectile

_disp = (_speed * (0.03 - (skill _shooter)/100) )
_dispX2 = _disp*2

_projectile SetVelocity [(_vel select 0) - _disp + Random(_dispX2),(_vel select 1) - _disp + Random(_dispX2),(_vel select 2) - _disp + Random(_dispX2)]

If you want more dispersion change 0.03 in this line
_disp = (_speed * (0.03 - (skill _shooter)/100) )

...in a higher value

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