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Author Topic: Old Resistance campaign...  (Read 7026 times)

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Offline SEAL84

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Old Resistance campaign...
« on: 03 Oct 2003, 07:01:59 »
*SEAL reaches into his big bag of toys and pulls out an idea from 2001...*

Way back when we were ooohing an aaahhing over OFP 1.3, Radiosilence and I dreamt up this cool idea - a Resistance campaign!  How novel!  Imagine that, taking the resistance units and using them for something!

Then, after we had drawn up the plot and were starting to get people together, BIS goes and releases the official resistance campaign.  Talk about a kick in the face.  We had this all thought up before they announced it...and naturally we dropped it like a hot potato when they did.

But, for the greater glory of OFP, I relate to you the unofficial resistance campaign (at least what I can remember of it!).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So here's the story:  

You're a young 20something journalist, a native of Everon.  Your dream was to study abroad, expand your horizons, and see more of the world than your little country has to offer - so you've been somewhere in the West studying at one of the big journalism schools (Colombia, Syracuse, whatever).  So you finish school, and decide that you're going to come back home to your beloved Everon, but you hang around for a few more years to pay off loans and such.

It's during this time that an oppresive military government comprised of some of the more undesireable characters in Everonian politics takes over, complete with Soviet backing (they want to turn the island into a military outpost or something - they have a vested interest in controlling the region and it's a hell of a lot easier to do it this way) - they're in control but have the muscle of a good number of Soviet troops on the island backing them up.  There are no NATO forces here at all - another interesting twist.  You hear about this, and of course you're pissed off.

But, being a journalist, you decide that you could help out more if you headed down there to do a series of stories for the papers about it - really dig deep and relay the whole tale to the rest of the world, because they have no idea how bad things have gotten in Everon.  Naturally the government puts the squeeze on any free press, so you take it up as your quest.

So you get back to Everon and look up a few local journalist friends of yours and they point you in the right direction - you write up a few in-depth articles without the commies coming after you, but then you get the big break - a local resistance leader has heard about you and has agreed to let you interview him.

Talk about publicity!  So you go to the meeting place (covertly of course) and you meet a contact who gives you more info - using that, you find the leader in a house and sit down to interview him.  But, somehow Ivan found out that this guy was in town and launches a raid to bag him - troops storm the house and there's a gun battle, and you're caught in the middle of it.  

When you come out from behind a desk, you see that everyone is dead, except for the resistance leader - he's been shot up in a major way but he tells you to get the hell out of there, because more likely than not the Russians are coming for YOU next, since you were seen with these guys (whoever their informant was could have told them that).

So what do you do?  Find the resistance and hope they take you in.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In short, that's mission 1.  It could be done in a really long intro, or a mission with cutscenes and suchlike.  It should draw you into the story.  Where it goes from there, who knows.

So you are sort of unwillingly thrust into the role of a fighter and not just a journalist.  We had thought up things like NATO special forces intervention gone awry, raids, sniper missions, all kinds of cool things - more detailed and "guerrilla-like" than your average OFP:R missions.  Things like blowing up the cars of the puppet government's officials, infiltrating a parade held for a city mayor and causing all sorts of mayhem and destruction...etc.

We wanted this to be story-driven, but with plenty of action; more than just ambushing stuff and taking back towns.  If I remember right, the resistance was supposed to be multifaceted as well, and one of the factions that had joined into this loose coalition would go renegade, playing all kinds of hell with things.  There woud obviously be a pretty thick plot in all the intros and outtros - and you'd be privvy to most of it because of your unusual position.

So now I put the question to you, readers: since BIS made the official one, is something like this old news?  Does it interest you at all?

If so I can certainly get more of the details and stuff, but I figured the above is good enough for a general overview.
« Last Edit: 03 Oct 2003, 07:02:25 by SEAL84 »


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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #1 on: 03 Oct 2003, 18:22:08 »
But, somehow Ivan found out that this guy was in town and launches a raid to bag him - troops storm the house and there's a gun battle, and you're caught in the middle of it.

What, one guy called Ivan found out that? And he has his own army? That's a resourceful man!

On with the real points...

Why drop a Resistance campaign just because BIS released one? They released an American one as well... but that wouldn't stop anyone, would it? This idea bears little resemblance to the official one, so why not make it? Personally I wouldn't be interested, but that's just because I like the Soviets and not the Americans (*points at signature*). But it's a nice detailed idea which could be done very well. Although it's unlikely you'd have the money to go to an American university

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #2 on: 03 Oct 2003, 18:45:04 »
Obviously Ivan was used as the collective form for Russians  :P

We dropped it for the main reason that we had no idea what BIS was cooking up.  Work on this plot started about a month before Resistance was even anounced, but we stopped because we didn't know the story that BIS was going to use.

In retrospect we could have done it without problems, yes, but we just didn't know at the time.

As for points about the story:

There would be minimal American involvement here, and then only special forces "advising" you.  NATO would have no real reason to step in and counterattack, and so it comes down to the resistance and the resistance alone.

As for the point about the university, well, I couldn't come up with any English journalism schools off the top of my head.  Besides, there are plenty of foreign students in my classes right now - in fact a girl from the Ukraine is in one of them, and she's from a rather humble background, it seems.  Apparantly there was a government program to send a certain number of students here etc etc etc.

But anyway...the big questions are these:

1.  Yes its different - but is it different enough?  Some people might just gloss over it and write it off as "just another campaign."

2.  Would you (meaning anyone reading) be interested in a campaign with a lot more emphasis placed on story?  Sure the missions would be action-packed, but there would be lots of attention paid to the bigger story in intros, cutscenes, and outtros.  A good number of people get turned off by this and just want to blow stuff up.

Other reactions?


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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #3 on: 03 Oct 2003, 20:43:26 »
Not another resistance campaign. I mean, no offense, but there's multiple ones in progress already. Drozdov's, Bulletsfire's, plus the inevitable parade of them once BAS gets its collective butt in gear and releases the Lost Island. Maybe a Russian campaign, with no corny plot twists where the player's character betrays the Russians for the Americans (Cough, cough, Red Hammer, cough, cough, cough ;D ). Why not a nice Spetznatz campaign instead?

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #4 on: 03 Oct 2003, 21:15:05 »
Exactly the reaction we anticipated when we heard BIS was making one.  ::)


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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #5 on: 03 Oct 2003, 23:01:09 »
Hmm, I would like it.  Just because there is already resistance campaigns out there, none offer the same story-line or missions.  There are hundreds of West missions as well, or spec ops, but who's complaining.  If it was well done I would get it.  I'd rather play something kind of like something I have played, rather than play the same type of mission over and over that is done okay.


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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #6 on: 03 Oct 2003, 23:39:58 »
 There is definately a lack of good missions out there for as long as the game has been out...

so any well thought out/planned mission would be appreciated by the community I would think ;)

 Besides I vaguely remember a rescue a downed pilot  mission that SEAL did way back in the day that I beta tested and it was a nice mission.

so I say go for it

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #7 on: 04 Oct 2003, 02:05:21 »
Oh man....did you by any chance hang onto that Beta?  I know it was a long time ago but if you still have it, that would absolutely kick ass, 'cause I got a new computer and somehow the mission was deleted off the old one.

And thanks for testing it, even if it was back in the olden days.

Anyhow...I think this campaign could be damned cool, plus it would be a departure from the usual OFP fare.

I'll try and tackle this myself...if anyone has any other ideas or wants to collaborate on a story, feel free, do it right here.  

Of course this will have to wait until I finish Operation Cutthroat first!  ;D

Captain Winters

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #8 on: 04 Oct 2003, 03:19:21 »
Well, I do say we might have struck a winner! For two years I've been writing screen-plays and using OFP to make mini-movies and full fledged missions and what not- and when I was done reading your post I was in awe.

The potential shown here is amazing. Have you ever written anything before?
  • The main character is innocent and has no wanting in a war.
  • He's naive enough to not know much about politics (until he meets up with his friend)
  • Having him as a journalist expands the way the story can be branched- (ex.: being sent to cover a story on political turmoils and learn information from his future enemies).
  • Many fruits can be thorwn in since the character is friends with other chararcters who are civilians as well. All Civilians get scared...
  • We can send the player on missions to take pitcures, write articles, drive to friends house and interview and question ect. ect.[/size][/color]
Not only these things can be added- but many more. Hell this stroy has potential to become an official BIS campaign. All we would need would be voice actors, and cinematographors, and screenwriters!!  :o :P

...Hey guess what!!? I do the last two!  ;D. I'm now working on a screenplay ('Riding The Bullet')- an upcoming movie. In november I'm going to work on OFP 2 with BIS- but's it's only part-time. Until then I have nothing else to do! You need some help with missions? cutscenes? dialouge? music selection? screenwiriting? cutscenes? overviews (of the entire story)? organization? ect. ect.- almost anything movie producing related- I can help you. Plus the OFP stuff? Whatchya say? Let me work on this screenplay and campiagn. I'll guaraentee it'll be a gem!  :)

(If you'd like to see some of my work email me (captainwinters@msn.com)- I'll send a sample agreeded under the NDA, to view).

I think that's about it!

Tanks!  8)
« Last Edit: 04 Oct 2003, 03:19:58 by Captain Winters »

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #9 on: 04 Oct 2003, 03:38:47 »
Heh, you would have loved it had you been around when Radiosilence and I practically lived in this part of the forum!

He's a writer, long since left the OFP scene, and right now I'm working on a book that - surprise! - is actually in idea he and I came up with for OFP!

Haven't finished though - and a good deal of credit goes to him for thinking this stuff up.

This has a lot of story in it, yes, but there's going to be plenty of action when you have to take refuge with the resistance - judging by your response, that amount of story is a good thing.

I say this sounds like a plan, that's what I say!  ;D ;D

*and if I rember right, you tested the same mission for me that Kali mentioned  :P*

This could become a team project, all I really wanted when I posted this was to get this long-dead idea out again.

Captain Winters

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #10 on: 04 Oct 2003, 04:49:01 »
Yes it could become a team project! infact we're gona kind of need one  ;D

Tanks! 8)

btw- yes still on of the best missions ive played  :)

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #11 on: 04 Oct 2003, 06:15:08 »
do you sill have it, by any chance?

it was not that good, seriously, but if someone happens to have it then i'd like to take a look at it again.

As for the current project, I'm going to ask radio if he still has some of the materials for it tucked away somewhere.

Offline LCD

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #12 on: 04 Oct 2003, 08:53:06 »
hey seal remember me ? :wave:

i think u shudnt think bout it like dat (nd dat goes 4 all da oder mision makers) after all we all played 1000s of misions 4 resistance da U.S nd mebe lil less4 da east side but we all playedem as well - da thing bout makin a mision is not if ppl wil want 2 play it - dey wil play it if da review sayz its good ;) :P - da thing is how can i make it good :P

just think bout it ;D

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #13 on: 04 Oct 2003, 17:37:51 »
Obviously Ivan was used as the collective form for Russians  

Well, yeh, but it shouldn't be. You wouldn't call the Germans 'Fritz' would you? It would be thought of as mildly racist.

with no corny plot twists where the player's character betrays the Russians for the Americans (Cough, cough, Red Hammer, cough, cough, cough )

Quite right, I stopped playing Red Hammer after this I was so disgusted.

Don't worry about any 'similarities' with my campaign, there aren't any. My Resistance are fighting the Americans.

and when I was done reading your post I was in awe.

Umm... don't go overboard! It's good but it isn't the world's best or anything.

And I think campaigns that focus on story are far better, as long as the story is good. My campaign will focus on story far more than action, though obviously there has to be a balance. And obviously it means a lot of cutscenes and voice acting.

Captain Winters

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Re:Old Resistance campaign...
« Reply #14 on: 04 Oct 2003, 18:20:40 »
Well, yeh, but it shouldn't be. You wouldn't call the Germans 'Fritz' would you? It would be thought of as mildly racist.Quite right, I stopped playing Red Hammer after this I was so disgusted.

Don't worry about any 'similarities' with my campaign, there aren't any. My Resistance are fighting the Americans.Umm... don't go overboard! It's good but it isn't the world's best or anything.

And I think campaigns that focus on story are far better, as long as the story is good. My campaign will focus on story far more than action, though obviously there has to be a balance. And obviously it means a lot of cutscenes and voice acting.

1. From a writers perspective ( ;)) that plot has enough potential to become a movie  :P
2. What does your campign have to do with this? Or did you miss type and mean this one? Yes it will require A lot of work- all quality missions and campaigns do  ;) ::)

Tanks!  8)

btw- nah i aint got it layin around nemore. I had to reformat my system since the last time I saw you around here  :(