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Author Topic: Crimson Tide  (Read 3294 times)

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Crimson Tide
« on: 19 Sep 2003, 20:51:11 »
It was no ITV2 last nite so i watched it. Great idea for an OFP mission, storyline:

 Its not exactly the same, I changed some for added drama


The USSR hasnt yet fallen but is on the brink of it, on the edge about to fall. Most of the russian military havent been paid for months and munity is coming . . . . an attempted coup happens and succeeds. The rebels (made up of Russian soldiers and just plain 'rebels'   :P ) seize power and a Russian Nuclear ICBM complex on the Eastern border. There are massive defections to the rebels cause, and soon enough they have a large army, including 6 Soviet Armoured Divisions. The rebels seize Leningrad and while Loyal Russian troops bravely attempt to push the rebels away, allied artillery aids them by pounding the city. Soon rebel attacks become frequent on towns and civilians.

The newly elected Russian president, declares that for everyone russian citizen dead, he will kill 900,000 of the rebels. And isnt afraid to use nukes. He orders other 'friendly' nations to stay out of it and if they do the consequences will be dire. Soon enough British and US subs and other covert units are out and about doing their thing. US subs are set  to DefCon4. Rebel forces invade China. And the world holds its breathe


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #1 on: 20 Sep 2003, 21:10:25 »
Okay, that sounds a bit odd. He would use nukes in his own country? Wow, what a smart guy. He's willing to contaminate (for several thousand years) the land he wants to take back. Umm, yeh.  ::)

And what do you mean by 'allied'?

What's DefCon4?


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #2 on: 20 Sep 2003, 21:43:51 »
DefCon1 is it sorry, is when US military units go into war mode.


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #3 on: 21 Sep 2003, 00:02:41 »
DEFCON 5 Normal peacetime readiness
DEFCON 4 Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures
DEFCON 3 Increase in force readiness above normal readiness
DEFCON 2 Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness
DEFCON 1 Maximum force readiness.

DEFCON is defense condition.  EMERGCON's are when ballistic nuclear missiles are in the air. During a EMERGCON all forces are placed on DEFCON1.

The rebels go into China, so what does China do?  If they retaliate with nukes, then how would the U.S. be involved?  Unless the rebels attack the U.S. with ICBM's, then nothing would really happen.  Here's my little modification:

     Same as above, except the Russian leader will not use nukes in his own land.  The rebels Hold most of Western Russia, and they push into the Fulda Gap.  NATO immediately responds, preparing to fight back.  The rebels also soon become united with the North Koreans.  The North Korean's invade South Korea, pushing through the DMZ and on to the capital before the U.S. can respond.  The Russian government ask's for NATO's help, and the United States begins targeting the rebels WMD capability.  Most of them are destroyed, and the war has so far remained conventional.  South Korea is now controlled by the North, and the Rebels have pushed into Moscow.  More defections occur with the promise of money, the same empty promise offered by the government.  
     Most of the United States government have decided that something must be done, but they are unsure of what.  The UN is also divided.  Negotiations fail, and the rebels cross the Fulda river and proceed into Germany.  The Rebels, now calling themselves the RLM (Russian Liberation Movement-translated of course), capture the main Russian airbases, as well as the naval bases at Severomorsk, Kaliningrad, Sevastopol', and Vladivostok.  The Akula SSBN (NATO desig. Typhoon) are sent to sea under rebel control.  The Russian nuclear triad is now under rebel control.  It is now up to NATO and the remaining Russian forces to crush the rebels.  

Ah, what do you think?
« Last Edit: 21 Sep 2003, 00:50:33 by Homefry31464 »


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #4 on: 24 Sep 2003, 18:59:30 »
nice story  ;D thats good, permission to steal it?  ;D


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #5 on: 25 Sep 2003, 00:27:57 »
Sure.  Not a problem at all.  It may need some more details, but I can make it better if need be.  Glad you like it.  ;D


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #6 on: 25 Sep 2003, 03:14:31 »
for every 1 person they will kill 900,000 rebels wow imagine them blowing up a school
they have a nice looking nuke out now
it would be interesting if done well


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #7 on: 28 Sep 2003, 00:00:24 »
      I really like this and homefry's idea, but maybe think about this scenario.  :D

Maybe call it "Masque of the Red Death" or something lol... :P

Keep the basis of the story with Homefry's additions somewhat the same, up the year to 1998 or so and have the unhappy, communist rebels invade Chechnya instead of China. The communist, rebel leader would certainly threaten to use nukes there. This would spark a NATO response. Maybe even add a little "ethnic cleansing" like in Bosnia to the story, too.  :'(  

Also, you could bring N.Korea, China, or Bosnia (or other Balkan countries) onto the "reds" side or even other muslim countries to help out the Chechens.

It would be up to NATO, the loyalist Russian troops, and the remaining Chechens to fight off the new, red threat.

Sound any good?  ???


« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2003, 00:10:23 by Kueter »


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #8 on: 28 Sep 2003, 00:54:40 »
Yes, sounds good.  Or a compilation, like the rebels attack both Chechnya and China.  That would be a world war.


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #9 on: 28 Sep 2003, 14:36:37 »
Umm, why would Communists be interested in ethnic cleansing? Communism is about equality; this includes all ethnicities. I can't think of a less appropriate group to perform 'ethnic cleansing' (well, apart from the Care Bears and whatnot). Why would they undoubtabley threaten to use nukes? Do they have a nuclear fetish? And why would Muslim countries want to help the Communists?


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #10 on: 28 Sep 2003, 20:05:59 »
Umm, was it not the former Yugoslavia (once part of the Communist Bloc) that had concentration and rape camps for Muslims? Did they not eradicate hundreds of people with their ethnic cleansing? Why didn't the Communist theory of equality prevail there?  And what about the Soviet GULAGS? Do you honestly think that Jews and other ethnicities were not persecuted in "the land of social bliss?"  I suggest you get a revised copy of your history book.  :P

As far as other muslim countries aiding Chechnya, it could happen. Don't you think muslim terrorist groups are helping them now? Don't you think the muslims haven't forgotten the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

Bah, I done.
« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2003, 20:19:52 by Kueter »


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #11 on: 28 Sep 2003, 21:21:10 »
Lol  :D I'm afraid Kueter got you there Drozdov, sorry i havent replied recently got hooked on Vietcongs MP mode.


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #12 on: 29 Sep 2003, 17:58:52 »
Please, keep away from political posts.  I really like this idea and don't want it locked.  Feedback would be good, but not arguments.


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #13 on: 29 Sep 2003, 19:55:35 »
No he doesn't, I think he needs to follow his own suggestion.

Umm, was it not the former Yugoslavia (once part of the Communist Bloc) that had concentration and rape camps for Muslims? Did they not eradicate hundreds of people with their ethnic cleansing?

Milosevic is the only person I've ever heard assosciated with Yugoslav ethnic cleansing. I've never heard him referred to as a Communist. Are you talking of earlier events I've not heard of?

And what about the Soviet GULAGS? Do you honestly think that Jews and other ethnicities were not persecuted in "the land of social bliss?"

Err... everybody was persecuted in the GULAGS. And can you cite any examples of Jewish/'ethnic' persecution in the USSR? Almost all the founders of Communist thinking were Jewish.

And I misunderstood what you were saying about the muslim countries... thought you meant they were fighting for the communists. I'll give you that point.

But overall, there is no way that any true communist would care for ethnic cleansing. It's entirely against their principles. And since they are rebelling due to their government heading rightwards, we can assume that they are hard line communists. Thusly the only reason for including ethnic cleansing is ignorant bigotry  ::) . If you're going to reply then we should probably keep this to IM. I would have sent this message privately but I had to make a public defence of myself  ;) .


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Re:Crimson Tide
« Reply #14 on: 01 Oct 2003, 15:12:01 »
But overall, there is no way that any true communist would care for ethnic cleansing. It's entirely against their principles.

*Komuna claps* ;D

Hmm... This story is a bit confused... former SSSR rebels attacking or invading China? We know that russian pseudo-Communists never liked the Chinese pseudo-Communist methods, but why an invasion (Well... A desperate alliance? Maybe. At least sounds better.).

Now, the Chechens. Indeed, Chechenya, such as Kosovo, are not sovereign states; besides, history tells us they don't have economic or historical conditions to be independent... As Chechenya has a great muslim influence, it's very reliable to say they could join another muslim state... Therefore, simulating this conflict in 1998, this story would have several, maybe many fronts: the Muslims, the so-called "Reds", the West, etc. It would create a large scale war...
Are you sure you want to simulate it in OFP??? Not even 3.5GHz "Hyper Treading" can handle islands with more than 52Km x 52Km, and such conflit wouldn't gather islands with less than that... ;D. Unless we're talking about Hawai ::)

However, we can still make a small conflict involving the SSSR "decayment"; for those who like that. Notice that, in 1917, the West side had really heavy influence on the Revolution. They were on the capitalist side VS the people's will, trying to save the world from the dreadfull "Communism" [Yes, I eat babies at breakfast]. In a more recent conflict, the one that gave birth to this topic (1990), we could have, once again, a very similar theatre:

Gorbachyov and his ministers mined several soviet instituitions [this is history, guys] in order to create a small and powerfull group to lead the soviet power away from the government and proceed with an aproach to the capitalist ideal. However, a better organised faction, within the CPSU structure, lead by Yetsine, took advantages from the "institucional mining" and proceeded with the destruction of the regimne... The army could only follow orders from these traitors, and so they were forced to shell the "DUMA".
Now, in your version of the story, you could put a revolucionary group of generals that wanted to avoid the killings of many citizens inside the parliament. And so they organized themselves to pull back the reaction force (lead by Yeltsine). The USA would play their role here, to assure the reaction would tryunph (as it did, according to Gorbachyov's will). And so on... until "democracy" was stablished (*cough*).