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Author Topic: Burnt Bodies  (Read 2936 times)

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Burnt Bodies
« on: 24 Aug 2003, 21:31:52 »
Ok..this can be a touchy thread (maybe). But I was testing some features with the RAD F-18 v1.3 addon. And in the Add-on includes Nuke Bomb. I was never interested, but I was curious on the feature.  The add-on does create a cloud and only shows in the daytime. Although you do get a white flash, both day and night, holding at a distance from the radius of the blast. But then I went to see the damage. No building were damaged and trees still looking like they were getting water. Vehicles got destroyed though. What would it look like if their was burnt bodies (even in vehicles), vehicles black (or whatever they look like after a blast), building destroyed. It would look so decieving, that it could be very graphic. Game is realistic enough anyway. If this gets locked....It is understandable.
« Last Edit: 24 Aug 2003, 21:45:32 by VisciousDog »


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #1 on: 24 Aug 2003, 22:00:29 »
I just want to say that, after a blast, vehicles would probably be a darkish gray with twisted metal and the rubber would be spewn across the area. Try to picture what would happen to people if they weren't disenegrated.  :)


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #2 on: 24 Aug 2003, 23:54:06 »
I know this makes me sound like an arsenist, but where can you find this addon? It sounds interesting to see. I wouldn't use it in missions though, i would have no need. And why would it be a more a touchy subject than any other where we all play a wargame where the object is to kill people and recreate some of the most devastating battles in the history of the modern world such as Omaha Beach!

Mat Herben

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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #3 on: 25 Aug 2003, 01:22:05 »
Couldnt agree more with ye Fragsta,

I mean, It isnt like we are playing Sesamestreet goes fishing or something, We are talking about Operation Flashpoint, Which motto is.. As close to reality as u ever want to get. That's why I think its kinda weak that some producers/creators say they dont want any dismemberment, Because "It would seriously Ups the gore factor" Same for the Atomic bomb,

PS: Maybe when people play a wargame with serious gore, (Where heads get blown off, or people flies 20 feet in the air when they step on a mine, and blood is all over the place, ) Maybe people will understand the horrors which real life soldiers go through everyday.

Thats my view on the whole discussion.


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #4 on: 25 Aug 2003, 17:05:20 »
i would like to see the bodies for scenes where you come across like artilleried or bombed out areas and there are wrecked cars and bodies strewn about

the best description i can think of is that one road in iraq from the 91 gulf war with hundreds of vehicles and bodies everywhere around them


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #5 on: 25 Aug 2003, 23:14:27 »
they need to increase the realism of the physics in ofp2, like when things blow up they dont just become a smokin wreck that looks like a scrunched up origami model made out of paper, but they should make things blow into a million peices. Also dead bodies need to look better, obviously, and when people crash things they shouldnt automatically die, and the vehicle to some extent should be able to be repaired if it is destroyed badly.

Bucket man

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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #6 on: 26 Aug 2003, 22:46:49 »
Bigdog632 is referring to Highway of Death were thousands of iraqi troops were bombed as they were retreating from Kuwait using one of the two big highways in there. They couldnt get of from the road as sides were mined and there were no crossroads.
And that was after Saddam signed cease fire!  >:(

But now I go back on topic. Someone should do dead bodies as static objects. Would look great in cutscenes and if you want to make bombed village or something then this is what you need to really make the place look like war just popped in for a visit.


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #7 on: 26 Aug 2003, 23:13:44 »
Although I do have Blood turned off in Ofp/Res. People do want realism in a game. "Burnt Bodies, vehicles and other", Put some Psychology into it and not only a shoot em up.


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #8 on: 27 Aug 2003, 07:05:42 »
just weait for OFP4 and smellovision ......wanna talk realism how about smelling a dead body ;D

Mat Herben

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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #9 on: 27 Aug 2003, 18:18:43 »
thousands of iraqi troops were bombed as they were retreating from Kuwait using one of the two big highways in there. They couldnt get of from the road as sides were mined and there were no crossroads.
And that was after Saddam signed cease fire!  

Sure Bucket man, We believe you.  :P


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #10 on: 27 Aug 2003, 19:11:41 »
Well I've never heard that it was after the ceasefire, though it wouldn't surprise me in the least. We all know what honourable people the American Army are  ::). Ever seen close ups of the Highway of Death? Horrible. Ash piles shaped like humans. Let's hear it for bombs  :-\.

I hate games with gratuitous dismemberment, even if it is realistic. Remember that little kids play these games too. My cousin loved Flashpoint when he last visited and he's only 9. Of course, he'd have loved it a lot more if there was heaps of gore and stuff... but hey, that's beside the point. We must protect these 'innocent' children!


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #11 on: 27 Aug 2003, 23:03:33 »
I'm not sure if anyone has seen it, but there is an old film which was released in the cold-war era in the UK on TV. It was called 'Threads' and dealt with the time leading up to and the time after a nuclear war. Very graphic stuff. It was also researched thoroughly by leading scientists of the time with various aspects on how society would cope etc. Some of the scenes show the aftermath of the nukes. If the scenery could look like that after the bomb went off, it would probably be the as real as it could get without actually being in that situation. I do recommend that film to anyone who is curious as to what could happen if ever something like that happened. God willing, it never will though.  :(


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #12 on: 27 Aug 2003, 23:31:18 »
I thought the topic was about added realism to the game, not about one's intestinal fortitude about the American army ;D. I, as everyone else who plays the game hopefully strives to make it better. Lay off the smarta**  remarks.


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #13 on: 28 Aug 2003, 05:16:27 »
I understand Drozdov about children do not need to see realism. Although I am sure, their will be a warning before playing a created mission using the addon.  I do have blood turned off (good feature), I do not need to see it in a game. The character falls down from the hit of a bullet(s) is good enough for me. Then someone came out with a blood add-on which is very graphic. Mission/add-on makers do make a warning before downloading on a page. Then I know, not to get the mission. I have no problem about people making these add-ons. It is their option. What really bothers me, is the T.V. My 5 year old watching and I start channel surfing, and their is a sex scene, something explicit, war or corse language. And this is for a second on the channel.  

I have seen the movie "Threads", about 15 years ago. And wanting to see it again.
« Last Edit: 28 Aug 2003, 05:19:33 by VisciousDog »


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Re:Burnt Bodies
« Reply #14 on: 28 Aug 2003, 05:49:34 »
Ever think about getting channel block?