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Author Topic: Lost in the Desert  (Read 2510 times)

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Offline ZeekLTK

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Lost in the Desert
« on: 05 Aug 2003, 19:54:35 »
Ok, how about if you are part of a squad that has been fighting in a war somewhere in a desert (because Desert Island is the ideal map for this type of mission) and something happened so that you and a handful of men have been seperated from everyone else and you do not have any radio contact. Your army thinks that you are dead, and if the enemy find you they will shoot you, so you have to try to escape and find a way to contact your base or HQ or whatever. The thing is, that to start the mission you have no clue where to go to do so. You're lost in the middle of the desert without any map, any info on where the nearest town/base is, anything at all. To make it even harder, it's the middle of the night!

There could be a lot of things included in the mission:

- Choppers/Planes flying around. If they spot you they could give away your position to enemy troops in the area and you would be engaged in a firefight.
- A script that makes your men fatigued, tired, frostbitten (it gets cold in the desert at night) etc. Your men could end up dieing from just wondering around in the desert too long or whatnot. I don't know if there are any oasis addons but there could be certain spots that if you find, you can rest/replenish your men. Also you could find food/water in towns that you would have to create using empty objects since there shouldn't be a lot of towns, otherwise it won't be that hard to find your way out of the desert.
- Enemy vehicles driving around in the desert. There could be enemy convoys driving around carrying food, water, ammo, etc. If you get a chance, you could hijack them. If you include the realism/fatigue thing then these might even be necessary to keep your men alive.
- Towns/bases. These would need to be in random places of the map. Some towns might be hostile and even garissoned by enemy troops, others might be friendly and offer to feed your tired men and let them rest or what not. Some might even have phones/radios so that you can contact your HQ and get the heck out of there.
- Sandstorms break out to impede your progress. There is an addon that has a visual of several sandstorms to use, combined with a script this could add a new twist. If you get caught in a sandstorm maybe a couple of your squad members will be killed or something, I dunno, but it could definitally add to the mission.

I just kinda came up with this idea and started typing it. I'm sure there is a lot more that can be added to make this a pretty sweet mission. And it's definitally a lot different than your basic "defend the town", "invade the city", "ambush the convoy" missions. Especially due to the fact that you have no orders, you need to find your way around the map, figure out where things are, and get out of there. There probably shouldn't be a lot of towns. Maybe somewhere between 3 and 5. They should be spread out very far and probably on the edges of the map (close to water). There should also be a few enemy military bases that will be sending out the convoys to each other and what not. Also where the troops are stationed and stuff. Maybe you could have it so the only radio accessible to the player is in one of the bases, so he has to try to sneak in, radio back to HQ, sneak out, and meet at a rondevous point to get picked up. There could be a lot of stuff to make this one sweet mission.


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #1 on: 05 Aug 2003, 20:19:14 »
this would be a hard mission to make. i don't think desert island would be good, should use sometin like des everon or malden.


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #2 on: 05 Aug 2003, 20:52:50 »
I like this idea, but would be rather boring unless there were plenty of firefights.  I agree with SoldierX, I would use a different desert island.


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #3 on: 05 Aug 2003, 21:07:37 »
This could be good if you used the new Afghanistan Island.  Then you could task the squad with doing a recon of the nearest town to find a U.S. occupied one and and maybe hop a ride back to base with the allies.  You could say that you all were in the back of your infantry fighting vehicle when the fighting broke out and it was shot.  They must have thought you all inside died.  When you got out you find that the last few guys to leave the battlefield already got on the last blackhawk out and left.  You may have like...a unit of tanks slowly bearing down on your position so you have to hot foot it to the nearest town and hope its occupied by allied forces.  It's night time as you say.  You go near the towns looking for signs of life to get back to base or the carrier whichever one.  Carrier would be better.  You could offer some challenges like you could come upon a ride home which is an enemy vehicle but you have to figure out how to steal it without destroying it or something challenging like that.  Like, you come upon some soldiers at a tank and you think of using it to get back but if you're not a good enough sniper they'll all three get in before you can kill them all kinda like oil war (an old mpmission comes with flashpoint).  Nice story but with some brain challenges.      


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #4 on: 06 Aug 2003, 03:26:05 »
i like the idea the evasion and escape stuff is fun..even if it is boring


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #5 on: 06 Aug 2003, 04:58:56 »
How about: A U.S. convoy is moving through the mountains when a devastating ambush cripples the convoy. Unable to move, they call in air support (See the opportunity for BAS's SOAR units? ;)) As part of a CSAR (Combat Search And Rescue) team, you are inserted by a chopper near the stranded convoy so you can treat the wounded and load them into the incoming MH-47s. Most of the soldiers are extracted by the choppers, but as a last chopper comes to the area to evacuate your team and the few remaining wounded, a missile clips the chopper, forcing it to evacuate without you. To your "extreme displeasure", shall we say, you can also hear the clattering of tank treads in the distance. Grabbing the last few wounded, you flee into the desert. You could make this into a mini-campaign, and you could use the weaponpool commands so you could gather good stuff like sniper rifles and use them in later missions. You could face off against things like patrolling tanks and gunships, enemy patrols, and hostile desert nomads. Oh yeah, and you could work in scripts that cause your units to be effected by factors such as dehydration, hunger, frostbite, and terror.


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #6 on: 06 Aug 2003, 05:13:51 »
Perhaps along the campaign you could add in several missions where you work with wandering tribesman in clan feuds,or against the enemy forces,meanwhile you wander around with them(nomads after all shift camp alot)trying to fight off enemy heli patrols(as when fighting guerrillas,a strong enemy will usually scout with choppers,then send in ground patrols once the enemy was found)


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #7 on: 07 Aug 2003, 17:09:42 »
i'd say no to desert island, it's very bloody small. there's no cover, so you'd get seen every time by choppers, use desert malden or somethin. coz the original maps have great town layout, and the desert map is just what you need for a desert mission!


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #8 on: 07 Aug 2003, 21:05:37 »
Why don't you do this mission like the book Bravo Two Zero.
« Last Edit: 07 Aug 2003, 21:06:19 by SoldierX »

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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #9 on: 08 Aug 2003, 15:28:39 »
no offence soldierX but im sick of seeing all those bad "sas" mission, even when they are fictional, i thing only a person who can make excellent mission should consider doing a B-2-0 mission, if a bad mission maker did it, it would just bean insult to the 2 sas men that died during that op

Offline ZeekLTK

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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #10 on: 09 Oct 2003, 15:43:47 »
Yeah I guess Desert Everon would be better but I was thinking that might be too easy since most players would know where the towns are already. The point is suppose to be that you have absolutely no idea where any form of civilization is and you have to try to find it by yourself.

I like the working with local tribesmen idea though, that could be really cool for the mission, and they could possibly point you in the right (or wrong... to mix things up) direction to get to a town and try to get your HQ to send in a rescue team.


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #11 on: 09 Oct 2003, 15:49:28 »
You could use the Mogadishu map, there is a LARGE part of the map that is not used, no towns no names, nothing...And the existing towns can be garrisoned, so no help there...

Offline ZeekLTK

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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #12 on: 09 Jan 2004, 21:36:36 »
Or you could even have it where after you do radio HQ, they tell you that it won't be possible for them to rescue you in the city you are in, so you have to find another city where they can get to you easier. Or maybe they tell you that there is an enemy squad on their way towards the town, so you can either try to escape before they get there, or you could decide to stay and fight them. Lots of thing could happen. :D


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #13 on: 10 Jan 2004, 09:28:40 »
How about the Sinai Peninsula map. It seems like it would be good for this sort of thing.


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Re:Lost in the Desert
« Reply #14 on: 12 Jan 2004, 01:41:29 »
This sounds like a pretty good idea.  Im gonna give it a try.  Itll take a while but ill keep you posted on the progress.  I hope i can do it justice.