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Author Topic: Stealth mission  (Read 2639 times)

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Stealth mission
« on: 05 Aug 2003, 18:51:18 »
Okay so you're a patatrooper behind enemy lines.  You need to complete objectives and while you're doing it you must bury your comrades who die so that our weapons don't get into enemy hands.    How's that?  


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #1 on: 05 Aug 2003, 19:08:56 »
Can you go into more detail to the storyline?

1. How did you get behind enemy lines?

2. How did your comrades die?
- From a fight?
- From an accident while jumping?
- Did the plane crash and only you made it out?

3. The weapons?
- Are these normal fighting weapons?
- Are they prototypes?

4. The burial would be a good cutscene  ;D

You have a good start and all I stated above is a start for your ideas to expand  ;)

Offline KJAM

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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #2 on: 05 Aug 2003, 19:52:12 »
*has idea*

1. you are being sent, by herculese transports behind enemy lines to scout out a possible forwards invasion base

2. anti aircraft fire rippped the plane apart, and you crashes, your comrades died mostly from being hit by the AA fire, the crash helped too
3.they are normal weapons but this is a black bag operation, if the enemy discovers that your side were there, then the invasion force will go ahead and invade.

just 1 set of ideas for you Bronze


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #3 on: 05 Aug 2003, 21:06:28 »
You are a member of Marine Force Recon, preparing to do some recon in preparation for a landing force.  The country is enthralled in gang warfare, and if you are spotted, you will probably to be killed.  Economic embargoes on the island have stopped all weapons from going to the country, and many of the fighters are running low on weapons.  The few police in the country are frequently being attacked, and are now fighting back, taking more weapons from the rebels.  The rebels are in desperate need of weapons.  The United States (since I read somewhere you, BronzeEagle, only use certain countries addons) announced it would only send in troops if the conflict escalates.  If your team is discovered, it would be a horrible hit on the United States, as well as making the conflict more difficult for the United States to intervine due to lack of trust.  

I came up with this off the top of my head, thats why its not too good of an idea, but oh well.


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #4 on: 05 Aug 2003, 21:29:30 »
 Okay you're a U.S. Infantry paratrooper (RANGER) sent in to kidnap a guerilla leader.  Intel knows this guerilla leader practically live in the jungle/forest with his troops.  He's an expert at unconventional warfare and surprise attacks and all the guerillas follow his leadership.  His ability to be uncaught is why he holds massive amounts of information regarding enemy placements.  He's their key intelligence guy.  He only comes out when he's called and no civillian will even walk near that jungle/forest because its infested with enemy camps containing captives, snakes, boobytraps and all kinds of other stuff.  

Your job is to soften up an enemy held town behind enemy lines as a distraction before entering a guerilla held jungle/forest to kidnap him.  So you parachute in.  You liberate the town.  Then before the reinforcements come you hide.  Guerilla fighters begin coming out of the forest/jungle and you know that's where to head.  You then begin to make your way into an enemy held forest/jungle after they finish coming out.  There are many camps in the forest but the one you're searching for has to have an officer with a beret on or look a certain way.  You kidnap him because killing him will only alert them to your presence and you're surrounded in there.  You then begin making your way out of the jungle/forest with him to an LZ where you will be picked up by radio.  If you're detected during the operation "the forest will cave in on you" so to speak.  It's fair because if you're detected they'll fire on you and once on ak goes off in there, they 'll all come running to see what's up.  His camp is in the center of all the forest/jungle so you'll be surrounded.  

The mission shouldn't lag because the only waypoints will be for the guerillas coming to reinforce and the reinforcements and maybe a few limited patrols moving within the city at the beginning.  Play it anyway you want.  You can engage everyone from the reinforcements to every camp in the jungle or use stealth.  

I'd start the mission from mid-air still in the parachute and have intro music so that when the music stops you hit the ground but it'd be short like thirty seconds and cinematic.  Then you have music for when the city is clear.  Music for when the reinforcements come in.  A track for when the leader is in your squad now.  A track for when the helicopter meets you at the lz.

    So its basically you go in and clear, they come to the city but you're not there, you're hiding nearby.  They come out of the jungle/forest to the city but you're not there.  Once they stop coming out you go into the jungle/forest from another angle and begin looking for their guerilla leader stealthily in and stealthily out with him in tow.  There's always room for a mistake that will be a massive firefight within the forest but if pulled off right will give you a sensation of great skill.  Oh yeah and I'd also script it so that if you're detected he'll escape by calling in a helicopter to evacuate him and his closest bodyguards.  
« Last Edit: 06 Aug 2003, 03:13:07 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #5 on: 06 Aug 2003, 03:22:24 »
tis may sound stupid but how about you are sent in to recover the remains of a C130 or MH47 that hwas sent on a "supply mission" only it had top secret weapons it was going to supply a forward base with you must find it and clean it up lose the bodies and recover or destroy the cargo...depending on how close the enemy is and then make it to the evac point


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #6 on: 06 Aug 2003, 06:43:18 »
That would be good, especially if there were a variable position for the crash site.  I'm not sure how you'd trigger the presence of dead bodies.    
« Last Edit: 06 Aug 2003, 18:01:43 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #7 on: 06 Aug 2003, 20:15:38 »
You could have a squad of US soldiers,with health and ammo set to min.  ,have a Russian patrol in the area(behind them),with a waypoint to destroy the squad,and their next waypoint would be patrol at a different location(ie,you have the Russians make dead bodies,then leave....)


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #8 on: 06 Aug 2003, 20:34:16 »
What do people mean by secret weapons? Plasma rifles!? How about the chopper was simply carrying a large load of Stinger missiles. Nobody would want guerrillas to get Stingers, so they'd send in a team to secure the crash site, then maybe destroy it with explosives.


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #9 on: 06 Aug 2003, 21:05:28 »
For the random position, you can just use the placement radius function for the plane and setpos bodies around it. The bodies would be made with the setdammage 1.0 command.


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #10 on: 06 Aug 2003, 21:44:07 »
I'd like the random positioning of the crash site every time you play the game.  That'd be dope.  I've seen it before on an insertion for a group of soldiers on a mission on trinity island i played once.  Everytime you start the guys are in a new spot.  Maybe everytime you play this map the crash site is in a new spot.  How about you're on the way there and you're shot down?  hehehehe.  
« Last Edit: 06 Aug 2003, 21:47:11 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #11 on: 06 Aug 2003, 23:18:10 »
What do people mean by secret weapons? Plasma rifles!? How about the chopper was simply carrying a large load of Stinger missiles. Nobody would want guerrillas to get Stingers, so they'd send in a team to secure the crash site, then maybe destroy it with explosives.
OICWs? perhaps the boys in the pentagon were going to trylimited live combat testing to see how it stands up


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #12 on: 07 Aug 2003, 17:03:04 »
Here's another idea for a stealth mission.  How about your unit of Rangers is sent in at night to be helicopter inserted in an LZ, landing insertion, then to walk about fifty miles to an objective to do some recon and engage if possible.  So you get dropped off and you start heading for the place.  A Hind flies over your heads and you all duck down.  Shortly thereafter the crew says they've been shot down.  Then you have to decide do we go back and try to stay with the crew or continue on our mission?  You'll get enough time to get to the crew but if you don't get to the crew they'll report in saying they're under fire.  They will eventually be captured if you don't come.  Once you clear the objective the mission was meant for, you'll then be ordered via radio to find out where the crew was taken to and if its possible rescue them.  If you do get to the crew, you'll have to bring them along to the primary objective and keep them alive.  Either way you'll have to complete the primary objective real fast or the crew will be executed and theres no telling how long till that is but the countdown to his death shouldn't start till they at least reach where he was taken to or something.  Maybe at that point rescuing the crew will be a bonus if you reach the crash site.  You'll get a mission update once you get there.  But if you don't get the crew you'll just call in another chopper and head home.   The only risk is running out of ammunition.  
« Last Edit: 07 Aug 2003, 17:07:31 by BronzeEagle »

Offline KJAM

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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #13 on: 07 Aug 2003, 17:16:08 »
a thing you could add to this is:
during your last op a few days ago you lost 2 guys (or however many guys are crew in the crashed helo) so your going in there 2 men short, rescue the pilots first and they join you thus giving you a full squad and you can asault the primary objective with more firepower.
dont rescue them first, and you complete the primary obective faster, but as we all know, sometimes faster isnt better.


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Re:Stealth mission
« Reply #14 on: 07 Aug 2003, 17:23:39 »
what the hells goin on! this story's all over the place. and to bigdog, the only thing that sounds stupid about it is that it doesn't have to have top secret weapons on it, because they're to be destroyed if they can't make it back home, unfortunately, chances are that planes would do it if they could. how about this, using the basic idea you gave at the start.

paratroopers work in groups to large to be forward observers. who often come from artillery and the like. they're in quite small groups, say 5 or so. other groups that would do similar jobs are special forces groups and assault pioneers, who are combat engineers basically. anyway!
you need to get in, they'll probably do it from air because it leaves no tracks on the ground, chopper or plane is hard to decide. i'd say c-130, if your having problems with speed and ejection, just use an MH47E made by the good folk at BAS. right, so your in and your on the ground, i'd say that you need to give them transport so that they're not sitting ducks, i'm guessing u want bloody yanks so give them a DPV, FAV, chenowith, whatever your calling it. don't worry about seeing it drop from the air. if you can't get it right then just place it on the ground, and have someone go, hey, the chenowith's over there. use it to get to your LUP, laying up position. then have some cutsceneof you hiding during the day, and when night comes, get out the chenowith and move your ass to whatever position you need, then ditch it out of view and walk up to the target. then u can view it, get info and all that shit. then u get spotted by a patrol that u didn't see because it was hidden in a wadi or something (assuming its in the desert). you see them and shoot as many as u can, but someones already raised the alarm (alarm goes off) and you get bombarded with sarin or somethin, just a smoke bomb would probably do. but have someone yell GAS!!! about 10 seconds before it hits, that way you can move away. then after that do a cutscene of you running to the chenowith, u turn around to make sure your mates are following u, but u see them dying in the gas, you know the NBC suits are in the chenowith and there's nothing u can do for them, so you leave to save yourself. u get in the chenowith and cheese it to your LUP to hide out till night. then when night comes, you've got to get back in, destroy the camp with explosives from the chenowith, find the bodies, and then after all your objectives are done, you get a mechanised group of baddies chasin you to the evac point. the evac point is a mh-47e with an AH-1 gunship for support. u get in and the mission is over