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Author Topic: Afghanistan  (Read 2014 times)

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« on: 08 Jul 2003, 23:00:03 »
A good idea would b 2 base a mission on what happened at the mots i sarif compound- sorry 4 the spelling cant quite remeber how it was spelt- anyway a load of al quaida members were rounded up, 2 CIA were questioning them when 1 got killed when the al quaida soldiers stormed them any way iam sure u know the rest anyway. That incident should b on the curtscene and then the mission should b the large fire fight which followed the player should b able to play the role of the SAS who where filmed whilst in the middle of the fire fight. I tried scripting and didnt succed so was wonderin if any1 else also thinks this would b a good idea and create the mission plz reply Rob


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« Reply #1 on: 09 Jul 2003, 04:54:42 »
make it a hostage rescue...slightly inncaccurate but it adds to the mission...or make i a similar but different event fictional


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« Reply #2 on: 09 Jul 2003, 18:36:55 »
does any1 think this would b a gud idea who actually has the know how and will b able 2 create the mission


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« Reply #3 on: 10 Jul 2003, 07:57:05 »
majar i sharif, something like that, and that's exactly how it's said.


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« Reply #4 on: 10 Jul 2003, 13:40:20 »
Well first you would have to create the prison. A tall order but at least we have a desert island to play with.

What's the story of the mission.

It sounds like you have a very good idea about setting up the senario however the mission is not really described at all.

You need to plan this out first.

e.g. you spawn on the outside of the compound and begin fighting your way through al quaida. Eventually you kill them all. More arrive and you kill them too. Then you kill some more and drive somewhere.

It's not really very inspiring. Needs a bit more story.

Keep at it though



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« Reply #5 on: 10 Jul 2003, 15:28:17 »
me thinks aazell wants to be some kind of a guru in this forum, more power to you mate.

i would say i know a fair bit of what happened, well i did, i dunno how much i can remember. but i'll try. please read through to the end, i'm sure bits will be boring.

there were two CIA men at a prison called mazar i sharif.
there were something like 200, possibly even 300 POW's in the prison, about 50 were outside, crouched on their knees, with their hands bound to their body's with their jumper's or somethin. Afghani troops were walking around with guns pointed at the men as one CIA agent (dunno what they were officially) interrogated each man. the taliban POW's, thinking that they were about to be executed, turned on their captors, killing the few men guarding them and beating the CIA agent talking to them. As this happened, the other agent fled, shooting behind him as he went, until he reached a nearby building where a camera crew were filming the ordeal. He ran in, panting, telling them what had happened, it didn't click with them straight away, but once it did, they were pretty worried, they moved to the roof with what soldiers were there. At the same time the POW's moved into the compound taking all the weapons and ammunition they could from the armory, it was about now that the military was called, and pretty soon the SAS and 1SFOD-Delta arrived on the scene in nice white 4WD's. They took up positions, firing on the self-liberated POW's. This went on into the night. I remember seeing an reporter ask a Delta Op if C-130 Spectre Gunships were coming in, he said "i can't talk about that". The fighting went on into the night, and the Herc's pounded the fucking place. The next morning, they finished the fight, closing in on the remaining Taliban, everyone was killed, and it was a god damn massacre, loads and loads of dead Taliban. I don't care, but i'm sure someone does.

Anyway, that's what happened. In my opinion the mission should be have a cutscene prologue, showing what happens, and ending when the SF are called in. Then you play a team leader, who will most definately be a Sgt, and then u play them, the mission is saved regularly, just simulate the gunships, then move in the next day and clear it out. done, it's your basic assault mission, pretty basic anyway. u just need the prison, which will be hard, coz it looked pretty funky.

that's pretty damn accurate, i can remember all of it happening, if anyone thinks otherwise just reply


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« Reply #6 on: 10 Jul 2003, 15:51:39 »
yep thats pretty much what happened except for a few more incidents but i am sure a v exciting and complicated mission could b made of it. Because when they called in sum airstrikes the yanks firstly ended up blowing what the coalition had just made there HQ+ the yanks dropped a missile on the Northern Aliance tank. So the mission could have quite a few twists in it. And the compound they were fitting in was quite small so its really CQB stuff.  :)


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« Reply #7 on: 11 Jul 2003, 15:41:21 »
CQB=(Close Quater Battle)
Does any1 else think this would b a gud mission


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« Reply #8 on: 11 Jul 2003, 16:39:23 »
Sorry I do tend to preach a bit.

I will watch my preachyness in future.



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« Reply #9 on: 11 Jul 2003, 18:59:54 »
Thats all right but do u think this would be a good mission 2 create. I would try and create it my self but i tried scripting and didnt get very far so if there is any1 out there who does think its a gud mission and is willing to create it plz reply


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« Reply #10 on: 11 Jul 2003, 19:02:56 »
i wasn't having a go at you mate, i was just trying to say that your very enthusiastic. There's nothing wrong with that.

CQB would be good (though the Q should have it's own forum), if done right, the only way I can think is outside, not inside because of game physics, but outside. You can make area's feel smaller with lot's of sound, helicopters and vehicles moving around the place.

Rob_SAS, I think it would be a great mission to play, not create, because to be honest I'm not interested enough to create it. Don't you think it's a bit silly to start a topic and then as if someone else can make it for you, this isn't a request forum.


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« Reply #11 on: 11 Jul 2003, 19:09:06 »
yeah your right sorry mate i will keep this idea 4 when i learn to script