[ArmA] The Road to Everon by Ionflux

The Road to Everon by Ionflux

Mission details

Type Multiplayer (Coop)
Player side West
Island Sahrani
Time of Day Dawn
Weather Clear
Playable slots 4
Respawn/Revive Custom
Filesize 682.9KB

Mission requirements

Game ArmA v 1.14
Addons None

Overview - 0
Briefing - 7
Camera - 0
Scripting - 7

User rating


16 Dec 2008





The mission takes place two days after the attack on The East Region, you are a special task force called in for reconnaissance missions.

Review by hoz


The briefing overall is very extensive. There are plenty of objectives and intel on each objective including some decent looking pictures of your targets. Ionflux has really spent some time laying out the markers. You can easily make out the objectives and where you're supposed to go.

There are some mission tips under Notes section, this is an important read, be sure to review it as it explains how the revive/respawn works and how to use the artillery.

In the lobby there are difficulty settings, you can adjust the number of respawns making the mission more difficult to complete.

This mission uses a revive + respawn combination, this was the first time I saw this combination of options, and based on the length of time it takes to complete all the objectives you quickly figure out that the combination really works! In short, this means when you die and no one revives you, you get an option to respawn back at your base, and if you take the AI along with you and they are near by they will also revive you. The author is using Norins revive script and he is really putting it to the test in this mission.

There is little bit of self promotion in the notes section. Personally I like to see this type of information in the readme.txt file, but hey a little self promotion never hurt anyone!


When you sit down to play The Road to Everon, be prepared to set aside lots of time as this can be a lengthy mission. With 3 players each run through was taking us around 1.5 hours. Don't fret at the long play times, you won't be spending much time as a seagul in this mission, the mission contains a combination of revive and respawn, so your not without action for very long at any given time.

This mission starts out with a small jaunt to your remote base, from here you will launch your attack on the first town, you will also use this as your place of respawn. Your equipped with a respawning hummer and a fully loaded ammo crate.

The mission really is about clearing each of the towns listed in the objectives. Throughout the mission there is lots of action ranging from infantry to heavy and light armor and some air attacks. Your tasked with basically clearing every last enemy out of the town before the objective is complete. Thankfully the enemy is almost always nearby and don't stray to far from the town.

At the completion of the first town a squad is dropped in and helps you and your team clear out the last of the enemy. Often this worked well, other times you had already cleared the town out so the squad was essentially useless but if you happen to trigger this just at the perfect time it can turn into a really great scene, one worth sitting back and taking it in... if you dare...

Ionflux has included some custom artillery scripts, they work and they were effective, but overall we didn't bother with them too much. The mission could have used some camera work, since the mission is so long a starting intro would not have been too obtrusive. An outro would have really polished the mission off, the mission is be pretty much completable every time, it makes sense to provide the player with a nice exit scene after a long battle.

For this reviewer the final battle was a bit of a disappointment, after all the mission is called 'The Road to Everon' , this might lead you to think this last battle is going to be a biggie, but it isn't, it's just like the other towns you visited. It was a bit of a let down, I think the last battle could be really improved.


This highlights for this mission were the built up areas, sandbag placement,  bases all helped to provide atmosphere to this mission. The transistion from dawn to day light also added to the immersion, allowing you to play for a short time at night and then some of the mission in fully day light. 

The revive + respawn combination really worked well with the AI, if you kept the AI close to you they would come back and revive you, great stuff!!


Ionflux's Road to Everon provides the player with plenty of immersion and lots of exciting moments. The only downside is the missions tends to drag on a bit. The mission is fun the first couple times you play it, but with the length of time it takes to play, its definately not one of those missions your going to be playing in every multiplayer session. However, if you like long missions with revive and or respawn this mission will be up your alley. A lot of thought has gone into this mission and its layout and bases, so be sure to give it a go!

You can view the beta thread here.

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