
By kalasnikov471

What will I need?

To create an image with the alpha channel and be able to use it in OFP, ArmA or any other game from BIS (Bohemia interactive Studio) we will need to download a small program which will convert our image to a format that is understood by the game. This program is called TexView, it comes in 2 flavors (versions), TexView 1.1 and TexView 2. If you are planning to make a texture (image) for OFP it is recommended that you use TexView 1.1 and if you're planning to make a texture for ArmA use TexView 2.

Download links:

TexView 1.1, can be downloaded from this page or downloaded from OFPEC Editors Depot

TexView 2, is included in the BI Tools pack which can be downloaded from this page or from OFPEC Editors Depot

We will also need an image editing program, in this case we will be using Photoshop® CS4 (version 11.0) but you can use any other program that you want as long as you know it well enough to keep up with this tutorial and also make sure that it supports alpha channels.