[Elite] Silent Sweep by TwistedRing

Silent Sweep by TwistedRing

Mission details

Type Multiplayer (Coop)
Player side West
Island Nogova
Time of Day Mixed
Weather Mixed
Playable slots 10
Respawn/Revive Yes
Filesize 15.64KB

Mission requirements

Game Elite
Addons None
Elite tick Elite tick

User rating

Not yet rated

27 Aug 2007





Destroy the enemy AAA capability before investigating the Russian depot

Review by Denz


Reviewed on Veteran Difficulty You and your comrades are a US Special Forces squad ordered to find out just what the Russians are up to in and around Davle, before heading down to one of the southern islands to secure a Soviet operational base. Reading the briefing is a must if you are to fully grasp the situation you have been placed in, as the briefing includes a couple of grid references you will need to investigate to track down the OPFOR AAA and the location of the LZ. The overall structure of the mission is good and some thought has gone into the layout of the objectives and ensuring the mission flows properly. Probably the hardest section of the mission is right at the start, where you are thrown into some murderous crossfire, after which the advantage passes to the player, who, with darkness on their side, should really not struggle to complete the rest of the objectives. There is a nice time limit imposed by the need to rendezvous with a Blackhawk, however should you fail to meet this or do not destroy the enemy Shilkas in time, provision has been made for you to go on and complete your mission. The last segment of the mission is most definitely the weakest. After your arrival on the island, you have a wonderfully nerve-wracking approach towards the base, but it's all over far too quickly, leaving you with nothing left to do but to move into the empty base and reach the Final Destination.




The mission has provided some serious entertainment for the reviewer (and friends). The only problem is that last section, but I think that has more to do with the construction point limit, rather than the author's design. Difficulty rating is medium. Mission duration is roughly one hour.

You can view the beta thread here.

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