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Author Topic: Newly Revised Rapple script  (Read 14217 times)

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Offline Zayfod

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Newly Revised Rapple script
« on: 04 Mar 2003, 15:12:21 »
Hi all,
check out the map. Tell me what you think ;D

EDIT: New rapple script and map is version 6 last thread--testmap available there

This is based on the earlier script made by Xcess and Gastovski. I have not included the rope addon so dont worry about any addons. If u include the addon as per the older script itll look very nice indeed ;D

What I have fixed:

1: only one script now not two

2:doesnt rely on setpos of chopper (this caused issues when the older onerapple.sqs was executed over a sloping hill--many AIs died as a result of this :'(  and the chopper would jerk around at funny angles)

3: the men dont bounce and shoot off at funny angle when they reach 5 metres above ground

4: the men come down the rope in a more rapple looking fassion. This done with switchmove "onchair"--looks quite good.

5.Men actually almost touch the ground before breaking from this pose with out any casualties so far.

6: Doesnt use any global variables , markers, or triggers, or waypoint conditions

7:The guys come down at random speed now, (some guys are better at rappeling than others)

8: They slightly spin left or right at random speeds when descending (as one would)

9:They will absolutely not start descening untill chopper has stopped or slowed enough (using velocity--setvelocity)

10: The chopper will not take off till all men are clear--oh and they will only descend one at a time now and wait till rope is clear--correct me if Im wrong but I think thats procedure?

11:can be used in as many choppers with as many troops as u like ;D

Previous versions of rapple scripts have been suggested to be only useful in cutscenes but I think this may offer considerable tactical advantage now that many of the older limitations are gone.

Code: [Select]
;New Rappel beta v1--By Zayfod. Strongly influenced and built on top of oneRapple.sqs By Xcess and Gastovski
;cheers guys =)

   _grp = _this select 0
   _helo = _this select 1
   _man = leader _grp
   _aunits = units _grp
   _I = 0
   _J = count _aunits

   _helo flyinheight 30
   commandstop _helo

   _height = getpos _helo select 2
   ? _height < 31: goto "speed_check"
   goto "chopheight"

   _xvel = velocity _helo select 0
   _yvel = velocity _helo select 1
   _zvel = velocity _helo select 2

   ?_xvel > 2: _helo setvelocity [_xvel - 0.1,_yvel,_zvel]
   ?_yvel > 2: _helo setvelocity [_xvel,_yvel - 0.1,_zvel]
   ?_xvel < -2: _helo setvelocity [_xvel + 0.1,_yvel,_zvel]
   ?_yvel < -2: _helo setvelocity [_xvel,_yvel + 0.1,_zvel]
   ? _xvel > -2 and _xvel < 2 and _yvel > -2 and _yvel < 2 :goto "start"
goto "speed_check"

   _man = (_aunits select _I)
   _man action ["getout",_helo]
   unAssignVehicle _man
   goto "rappel"

   ?_J>_I : goto"Start"
   ?_I==_J : goto"next"
   _helo commandmove (getpos _helo)
   _helo flyinheight 100

hint "end"


   _chopdir = getdir _helo
   _mendir = _chopdir + 90
   _posrandomdir = (random 3) + 2
   _negrandomdir = 0 - ((random 3) + 2)
   _neg_and_pos_array = [_posrandomdir, _negrandomdir]
   _random = random (count _neg_and_pos_array)
   _random = _random - _random % 1
   _randomdir = _neg_and_pos_array select _random
   _man setdir _mendir
   _behave = behaviour _man
   _man setbehaviour"AWARE"
   _man switchmove "onchair"
   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = getpos _helo select 2
   _drop = (random 0.2) + 0.3
   _posz = _posz - 1
   _man setpos[_posx, _posy, _posz]
   _changedir = _mendir
   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = _posz - _drop
 Â Â Â _man setdir _changedir
   _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
   _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
   ~ 0.001
   ? _posz > 2 : goto"loop"
   _mendir = getdir _man
   _pos = getpos _helo
   _man moveincargo _helo
   unassignvehicle _man
   _man action["getout",_helo]
   _man setdir _mendir
   _man setpos [_posx,_posy,0]
   _man Setbehaviour _behave
   _I = _I + 1; goto "check_j"

Tell me what ya think, any suggestions to make it better?

Zay out

« Last Edit: 11 Mar 2003, 10:12:45 by Zayfod »
"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"


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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #1 on: 04 Mar 2003, 15:22:41 »
Looking good.

A few probs though, the Helo1 choppers rappelers somestimes die.
The others seem OK

Might look better if the rappelers were slightly tilted when going down, fi thats possible?

Overall not bad.

Offline Zayfod

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #2 on: 04 Mar 2003, 15:35:47 »
no kidding? :o

lol Ive just tested it like30 times in a row with out a single death. O well that diff parameters in computers fer ya.

Ace can u gimme more info?

« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2003, 15:38:19 by Zayfod »
"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"

Offline Zayfod

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #3 on: 04 Mar 2003, 15:54:53 »
Might look better if the rappelers were slightly tilted when going down, fi thats possible?

Hmmm yup when abseil u do tilt back a bit dont ya ::)

Yer I thinks its possible

BTW just played it 5 more time without a casualty, only time they die for me is when I speed up time in the editor lol. Lemme know what the story was with u

Was it due to helo1s AI pilot deciding to drop em over one of the buildings at the airport?

Hes done that a few times for me too but the AIs just landed inside the building and ran out thru the walls fine

Zay out
« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2003, 16:13:42 by Zayfod »
"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"


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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #4 on: 04 Mar 2003, 16:52:56 »
I noticed it is often the law soldier or offcier that die.

No the building drops are fine. When I play as one of the rappelers everything is OK, i never die.

It seems to be the AI. Do you think it could have something with the speed of the drop (since it varies)

The "on-chair" command looks great from a distance but not so good closer. Although theres nothing you can do about that, its just another ofp limitation


I just ttsted it again and every single soldier died! And all of them were deadbefore they even hit the ground!
I could tell because they were covered in blood while rappeling.
« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2003, 17:00:28 by Ace »

Offline Zayfod

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #5 on: 05 Mar 2003, 02:29:22 »
Nah Idon its got anything to do with the random descent speed cause the pause in the loop remains the same its only the setpos position thats changes-----not ruling it out completely but I think there may be other avenues to investigate.

AT any rate its going to be hard for me cause I simply CANT kill the buggers on my puter..........

Ive done at least another 30 test not a single death, but ill keep trying till I do.

Ill investigate:

1:Could be the fact that Ive bypassed the old way of having to setpos the chopper just before the action eject. But I would really like u to try these other changes first cause the setposing of the chopper is a major pooo bum

2:Could be I need to raise the height from 2m to 3m before they break from the descent loop.

   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = _posz - _drop
   _man setdir _changedir
   _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
   _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
   ~ 0.001
   ? _posz > 2 : goto"loop" <-----change to 3

3: Could be the fact that I made them commence the descent closer to the chopper than before.


   _chopdir = getdir _helo
   _mendir = _chopdir + 90
   _posrandomdir = (random 3) + 2
   _negrandomdir = 0 - ((random 3) + 2)
   _neg_and_pos_array = [_posrandomdir, _negrandomdir]
   _random = random (count _neg_and_pos_array)
   _random = _random - _random % 1
   _randomdir = _neg_and_pos_array select _random
   _man setdir _mendir
   _behave = behaviour _man
   _man setbehaviour"AWARE"
   _man switchmove "onchair"
   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = getpos _helo select 2
   _drop = (random 0.2) + 0.3
   _posz = _posz - 1 <--------Change this to 2
   _man setpos[_posx, _posy, _posz]
   _changedir = _mendir

4: could be that he needs to be setposed back to the spot he was at (before he broke the descent loop and was placed back in the chopper) rather than it being ground level ie "0". This will make him appear to hit the ground while in the air but if its gotta be done then its gotta be done :'(

   _mendir = getdir _man
   _pos = getpos _helo
   _man moveincargo _helo
   unassignvehicle _man
   _man action["getout",_helo]
   _man setdir _mendir
   _man setpos [_posx,_posy,0]<------change 0 to _posz
   _man Setbehaviour _behave
   _I = _I + 1; goto "check_j"

ACE recommend you try each one on its own then diff combinations then all together--see what u get ;D

LOL meanwhile I will to continue to try an kill one of these guys, if they were dyin for me like they are for u then I would not have posted this ;)

Zay out

"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"

Offline Zayfod

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #6 on: 05 Mar 2003, 02:53:29 »
The more I think about it the more I reckon its this:

2:Could be I need to raise the height from 2m to 3m before they break from the descent loop.

  _posx = getpos _helo select 0
  _posy = getpos _helo select 1
  _posz = _posz - _drop
  _man setdir _changedir
  _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
  _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
  ~ 0.001
  ? _posz > 2 : goto"loop" <-----change to 3

cause this lessens the chace of him touching the ground during the fall :-\ I tryed setting it to 0 and got heaps of casualties--set it to 1 handful of deaths- set it to 2 no deaths as it s in the script BUT maybe if you set it to 3 itll help solve your issue of deaths.

Anyway try the others above also.

still cant kill one yet lol
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2003, 02:54:56 by Zayfod »
"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"

Offline alimag

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #7 on: 05 Mar 2003, 22:01:55 »
Hi Zayfod,

I use your example mission and modified a few things. Hope you dont mind.


GASUH80Rope.pbo : Only the texture so it looks more like a rope to me. I think the rope could be a little thinner for fast-ropping but I dont know how to deal with p3d files.

rappel.sqs : Accepts multiple groups (see Zayfod sample but with chinook). Informs the rope script when to start and to end. Adds a line insuring fast-ropper health (setDammage 0) because once in a while someone dies on me.

rope.sqs : Creates and delete the rope object. Keep it where it should be (as it was)

The 2 scripts use 1 global variable called rappelRope[]. It serves has a flag for each chopper to know when the rope is not needed any more.

Everything is fine now. Here's your modified sample mission

Thumbs up for the way you handle the fast-ropper!


Offline Zayfod

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #8 on: 06 Mar 2003, 09:41:21 »
Hi AliMag,  ;D

ofcourse I dont mind, thats the reason for my post ;)

Great work on the "multiple groups in one chopper solution"...lol I hadnt even thought about that one.

Adds a line insuring fast-ropper health (setDammage 0) because once in a while someone dies on me.

Unfortunately that only works for AI in a MP situation--if u happen to be a human player and the script decides to(every once in a while) kill u then sure your body will be set back to full health but youll be watching it wave at you as it slides down the rope from the "YOUR DEAD" window. lol

Reason being no trigger or script is fast enuff to set u back to health b4 the game recognises your dead.

But dont worry I have a solution and its in these two lines:

_man addeventhandler ["hit", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}]
_man addeventhandler ["dammaged", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}]

I guess these are processed b4 the game checks on your health because while they are active u (player or AI) are invincible. Cool huh?

Note: Any naughty map makers decide to use these to make invicible players then I certainly wont be interested in playing your map. BUT for script issues just like this its perfect ;D

So there ya go. Anyways once I knew I didnt have to worry about the health of the AI or player I made a few more asthetic changes to the rapple and boy it looks good now.


1:Rappeler starts the rapple slow then speeds up then slows down again before he hits the ground. (as u would)

2: Changed the switchmove pos from "onchair" to "FXfromtable" looks real nice, he leans back and if u keep the chopper height  at 30m he puts out his legs for landing at the right time (almost depending on the random speed of descent);D Legs are also more slighlty apart than the "onchair" look.

Well Ill stick my neck out here--If I dont no one else will --and say im 99.99% sure u cant die during this rapple now.

If u do then----then ----poooo

Check the map,  they look cool now

Thanks again AliMag

Zay out

Code: [Select]
; rappel.sqs                                                                               *
; Original:                                                                                *
; By Zayfod. Strongly influenced and built on top of oneRapple.sqs By Xcess and Gastovski  *
; modified by AliMag and then again by Zayfod =) thanks AliMag!!. - 03/2003                *                                                             ;                                                                                          *                                                                        

   _groups = _this select 0
   _helo = _this select 1
   _aunits = []
   "_aunits = _aunits + (units _x)" forEach _groups
   _i = 0
   _j = count _aunits

   ? (count rappelRope) == 2 : goto "stop"
   rappelRope = [["rappel.sqs", "rope.sqs"], []]

   _helo flyinheight 30
   commandstop _helo

   _height = getpos _helo select 2
   ? _height < 31 : goto "rope"
   goto "chopheight"

   rappelRope set [1, (rappelRope select 1) + [_helo]]
   _helo exec "rope.sqs"

   _xvel = velocity _helo select 0
   _yvel = velocity _helo select 1
   _zvel = velocity _helo select 2
   ?_xvel > 2 : _helo setvelocity [_xvel - 0.1,_yvel,_zvel]
   ?_yvel > 2 : _helo setvelocity [_xvel,_yvel - 0.1,_zvel]
   ?_xvel < -2 : _helo setvelocity [_xvel + 0.1,_yvel,_zvel]
   ?_yvel < -2 : _helo setvelocity [_xvel,_yvel + 0.1,_zvel]
   ? _xvel > -2 and _xvel < 2 and _yvel > -2 and _yvel < 2 : goto "start"
   goto "speed_check"

   _man = (_aunits select _i)
   _man action ["getout",_helo]
   unAssignVehicle _man
   _man addeventhandler ["hit", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}]
   _man addeventhandler ["dammaged", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}]
   goto "rappel"

   ? _j > _i : goto"Start"
   ? _i == _j : goto"next"

   _helo commandmove (getpos _helo)
   _helo flyinheight 100
   rappelRope set [1, (rappelRope select 1) - [_helo]]

   _chopdir = getdir _helo
   _mendir = _chopdir + 90
   _posrandomdir = (random 3) + 2
   _negrandomdir = 0 - ((random 3) + 2)
   _neg_and_pos_array = [_posrandomdir, _negrandomdir]
   _random = random (count _neg_and_pos_array)
   _random = _random - _random % 1
   _randomdir = _neg_and_pos_array select _random
   _man setdir _mendir
   _behave = behaviour _man
   _man setbehaviour"AWARE"
   _man switchmove "fxfromtable"
   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = getpos _helo select 2
   _drop = (random 0.2) + 0.3
   _posz = _posz - 1
   _man setpos[_posx, _posy, _posz]
   _changedir = _mendir
   _dropcheck = 0.01
   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = _posz - (0 + _dropcheck)
   _dropcheck = _dropcheck + 0.01
   ?_dropcheck >= _drop: _dropcheck = _drop
 Â Â Â _man setdir _changedir
   _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
   _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
   ~ 0.001
   ? _posz > 8 : goto "loop"


   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = _posz - _drop
   _drop = _drop - 0.01
   ?_drop <= 0.07: _drop = 0.08
 Â Â Â _man setdir _changedir
   _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
   _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
   ~ 0.001
   ? _posz > 1 : goto "loop2"

   _mendir = getdir _man
   _pos = getpos _helo
   _man moveincargo _helo
   _man action["getout",_helo]
   _man switchmove ""
   unassignvehicle _man
   _man setdir _mendir
   _man setpos [_posx,_posy,0.2]
   _man Setbehaviour _behave

   _man removealleventhandlers "hit"
   _man removealleventhandlers "dammaged"
   _I = _I + 1; goto "check_j"

« Last Edit: 06 Mar 2003, 19:39:19 by Zayfod »
"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"

Offline Zayfod

  • ECP Team
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  • Llama, softest natural fibre in the world.
Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #9 on: 06 Mar 2003, 19:32:44 »


#1: If helo encounters enemy during rapple itll no longer fly away.

#2: If rappelers encountered enemy during rapple you would see a split second of them in prone position at end of rapple--this has been fixed.

#3: If any of the rappelers are killed in the chopper before they start to descend then they dont rapple down as a dead body now--they stay dead in chopper.

#4: If any of the rappelers gain any dammage during flight before they rapple then they maintain that dammage after rapple and are no longer magically revived from the script.

#5: Sometimes the switchmove "FXfromtable" would finish before he hits the ground and u would see him stand up in the air--this has been fixed.

*******UPDATE AGAIN************
Ive noticed that quite a few of the guys yell "ARRRRGH" when they hit the ground(even tho they suffer no damage) this has now been fixed and added to this attached map-- New rapple v4.

   _man switchmove "fxfromtable"
   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = _posz - (0 + _dropcheck)
   _dropcheck = _dropcheck + 0.01
   ?_dropcheck >= _drop: _dropcheck = _drop
 Â Â Â _man setdir _changedir
   _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
   _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
   ~ 0.001
   ? _posz > 8 : goto "loop"

   _man moveincargo _helo      <-----added
   _man action["getout",_helo] <-----added
   unassignvehicle _man            <-----added
   _man switchmove "fxfromtable" <-----added


   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = _posz - _drop
   _drop = _drop - 0.01
   ?_drop <= 0.07: _drop = 0.08
 Â Â Â _man setdir _changedir
   _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
   _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
   ~ 0.001
   ? _posz > 1 : goto "loop2"


Zay out

New version 4 attached

Code: [Select]
; rappel v4.sqs                                                                               *
; Original:                                                                                *
; By Zayfod. Strongly influenced and built on top of oneRapple.sqs By Xcess and Gastovski  *
; modified by AliMag and then again by Zayfod =) thanks AliMag!!. - 03/2003                *                                                             ;                                                                                          *                                                                        

   _groups = _this select 0
   _helo = _this select 1
   _aunits = []
   "_aunits = _aunits + (units _x)" forEach _groups
   _i = 0
   _j = count _aunits

   ? (count rappelRope) == 2 : goto "stop"
   rappelRope = [["rappel.sqs", "rope.sqs"], []]

   _helobehaviour = behaviour _helo
   _helo setbehaviour "careless"
   _helo flyinheight 30
   commandstop _helo

   _height = getpos _helo select 2
   ? _height < 31 : goto "rope"
   goto "chopheight"

   rappelRope set [1, (rappelRope select 1) + [_helo]]
   _helo exec "rope.sqs"

   _xvel = velocity _helo select 0
   _yvel = velocity _helo select 1
   _zvel = velocity _helo select 2
   ?_xvel > 2 : _helo setvelocity [_xvel - 0.1,_yvel,_zvel]
   ?_yvel > 2 : _helo setvelocity [_xvel,_yvel - 0.1,_zvel]
   ?_xvel < -2 : _helo setvelocity [_xvel + 0.1,_yvel,_zvel]
   ?_yvel < -2 : _helo setvelocity [_xvel,_yvel + 0.1,_zvel]
   ? _xvel > -2 and _xvel < 2 and _yvel > -2 and _yvel < 2 : goto "start"
   goto "speed_check"

   _man = (_aunits select _i)
   ? not (alive _man): goto "dead_check"
   _man action ["getout",_helo]
   unAssignVehicle _man
   _dammageman = getdammage _man
   _man addeventhandler ["hit", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}]
   _man addeventhandler ["dammaged", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}]
   goto "rappel"

   ? _j > _i : goto"Start"
   ? _i == _j : goto"next"

   _helo commandmove (getpos _helo)
   _helo flyinheight 100
   rappelRope set [1, (rappelRope select 1) - [_helo]]
   _helo setbehaviour _helobehaviour

   _chopdir = getdir _helo
   _mendir = _chopdir + 90
   _posrandomdir = (random 3) + 2
   _negrandomdir = 0 - ((random 3) + 2)
   _neg_and_pos_array = [_posrandomdir, _negrandomdir]
   _random = random (count _neg_and_pos_array)
   _random = _random - _random % 1
   _randomdir = _neg_and_pos_array select _random
   _man setdir _mendir
   _behave = behaviour _man
   _man setbehaviour"AWARE"
   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = getpos _helo select 2
   _drop = (random 0.2) + 0.3
   _posz = _posz - 1
   _man setpos[_posx, _posy, _posz]
   _changedir = _mendir
   _dropcheck = 0.01
   _man switchmove "fxfromtable"
   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = _posz - (0 + _dropcheck)
   _dropcheck = _dropcheck + 0.01
   ?_dropcheck >= _drop: _dropcheck = _drop
 Â Â Â _man setdir _changedir
   _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
   _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
   ~ 0.001
   ? _posz > 8 : goto "loop"
   _man moveincargo _helo
   _man action["getout",_helo]
   unassignvehicle _man
   _man switchmove "fxfromtable"

   _posx = getpos _helo select 0
   _posy = getpos _helo select 1
   _posz = _posz - _drop
   _drop = _drop - 0.01
   ?_drop <= 0.07: _drop = 0.08
 Â Â Â _man setdir _changedir
   _changedir = _changedir - _randomdir
   _man setpos [_posx, _posy, _posz]
   ~ 0.001
   ? _posz > 1 : goto "loop2"

   _mendir = getdir _man
   _pos = getpos _helo
   _man moveincargo _helo
   _man action["getout",_helo]
   unassignvehicle _man
   _man switchmove "combattocrouch"
   _man setdir _mendir
   _man setpos [_posx,_posy,0.2]
   _man Setbehaviour _behave
   _man removealleventhandlers "hit"
   _man removealleventhandlers "dammaged"
   _man setdammage _dammageman
   _I = _I + 1; goto "check_j"

« Last Edit: 07 Mar 2003, 00:43:23 by Zayfod »
"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"


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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #10 on: 06 Mar 2003, 22:03:15 »
Awsome looking script.... I am new to scripts so I want to try it out but I am not sure what info to change to apply it to my characters.


Offline Zayfod

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #11 on: 07 Mar 2003, 00:55:02 »
 :joystick: hmmm well some of em still do cry like babies when they land but its a lot better.

Anyone know how I can shut these guys up? :hmm:

Zay out
"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"

Offline alimag

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #12 on: 07 Mar 2003, 11:14:06 »
Hi Zayfod,

Each of them is screaming like hell and to be honest, I prefer the version where they dont slow down at the end (at least not so much).
The thing I like in this version is the crouch position that they take on touch down.
I would suggest that you just add the crouch position to the earlier version. The more time they spend in the air the more they scream.


Offline Zayfod

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #13 on: 07 Mar 2003, 11:38:45 »
Yer cheers dude,
make sure ya got the latest edition. That should have helped a bit. If still got em screaming then consider it a work in progress.

RE: touchdown speed--Ill look at those parameters again and reconsider em-- perhaps make em touch down a lil quicker ;)

Thanks heaps for your help

Zay out
"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum......an I'm all outta bubble gum!"

Offline LCD

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Re:Newly Revised Rapple script
« Reply #14 on: 07 Mar 2003, 13:43:05 »
da script looks kool ;D

and dey didnt scream 4 me ;D

but u need 2 change it lil cuz en i shot em dey dont die  :o - mebe remove dat _man addeventhandler ["hit", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}] cuz it works only wen he is shoted @ and make it so dat if he is shoted he dies or somin like dat ;D

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