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Author Topic: BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!  (Read 23844 times)

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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #30 on: 17 Feb 2003, 08:17:36 »
Hey guys, wonderful addon, the best men made for OFP.
But i think that the body of the m24 should be rounded off towards the barrel and what happened to the wonderfully skinned m14 aimpoint? We now have the boring bis m21 without the scope, but i remember a realisticly skinned one on your site.



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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #31 on: 17 Feb 2003, 09:54:50 »
I Haven't had the chance to use it extensively, but from what little I have seen, all I can say is  SIMPLY AWESOME!  Once again, BAS sets the bar for the OFP community just a little higher.  I can't express how much I've anticipated this great addon.  My campaign hinges on the BAS addons, especially the desert rangers and your Marine Corps projects.  Eviscerator might remember I sent him the storyline a long, long, long time ago.  I'm just that much closer to making it a reality now.  Now only if someone would make some decent Iraqi units, Hmmmm, (Scratches his head)..... :) LOL, I especially like the M240 machine gun, as this is replacing the M60 in a lot of units and in my opinion is a much better weapon.  It's certainly fun to put lead downrange with that thing in the game. 8)


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #32 on: 17 Feb 2003, 11:27:15 »
Great addon, superb detail and all. Only things I didn't like were M249 and M240 sounds (fortunately it was easy to change them ;D), most inventory pics (well who really cares actually :P) and AT-4 lacking detail compared to other weapons.

Now I just wish someone *hint* *hint* makes their Russian counterparts.


Just found a graphical bug, not sure if this is mentioned in the readme but anyway. All Woodland Rangers have their goggles very blurred, all other units are fine. Check the attached picture to see what I mean.
« Last Edit: 17 Feb 2003, 12:06:53 by NoRSu »


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #33 on: 17 Feb 2003, 12:16:14 »
And compare it to this.


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #34 on: 17 Feb 2003, 12:31:15 »
 :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :thumbsup:


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #35 on: 17 Feb 2003, 16:40:27 »
What helmet did you base the Delta helmet on. Also looks like you didn't go with the protecs in the end.


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #36 on: 17 Feb 2003, 17:53:40 »
What helmet did you base the Delta helmet on. Also looks like you didn't go with the protecs in the end.

these are so awesome im buzzing more then i have ever buzzed before
iv even had 4 energy drinks in 15 minutes and i wasnt buzzing this much
(although i dont suggest u try this) everything in the pack is awesome i love it so much everything is so dam cool just one question wheres the M24 with the night vision scope???

Ok now to answer some questions!

The helmets we modeled are the SPEAR / MICH TC2000 (Special Operations Forces Personal Equipment Advanced Requirement / Modular Integrated Communications Helmet)   which are the current standard in ballistic protection, as well as the current issue helmet within Special Operations Command, and is replacing the PASGT in the entire US Army. Most US Army rapid deployable units have it already (Such as the 82nd Abn, 10th MTN, and 101st) or are in the process of upgrading.

These helmets provide better fit and comfort to the wearer, have much better ballistic protection then the standard PASGT, and dont interfere with line of sight or hearing. These helmets have a four point chinstrap system which is more stable, and is rated as jump capable without the need for the extra straps and pad that have to be added to the PASGT to jump it. The helmet can also mount communications systems, and well as allow the use of non helmet mounted commo without interference.

The Pro Tech helmet is not much in use, as the newer MICH systems in their various models provide better ballistic protection. The Early Pro Tech helmets had no ballistic protective properties, and were more for the prevention of blunt force head trauma.

The M24 with the night scope was removed from the addon for several reasons, here are a few:

The night vision functionality is not something that can be made to work within the game engine

The scope modeled is not the current version scope used on the M24, and in fact the Leupold scope is also being replaced by the current sight which is called the AN/PVS-10 Day/Night sight.

including the M24 with the night scope on it added unnecessarily to the total size of the addon

-Ballistic Addon Studios-


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #37 on: 17 Feb 2003, 20:09:11 »
ok thanks for letting me kno i think the hole pack is totally sweat anyway
they fucking rock :thumbsup:


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #38 on: 17 Feb 2003, 20:44:51 »
ok thanks for letting me kno i think the hole pack is totally sweat anyway
they f**king rock

Hmm....  kno = know? The hole pack?? Or the whole pack?? Totally sweat??  Or sweet?  

Less OFP more English class!!  ;) :P
« Last Edit: 17 Feb 2003, 20:50:05 by Damocles »


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #39 on: 17 Feb 2003, 23:30:12 »
hate to be a bastard but.....

Copied from the readme:
- Warped Goggles when in vehicles. Sometimes the goggles will appear warped when a unit is sitting in a vehicle. We believe this is caused by the treatment of animated objects in cargo proxies but have yet to identify and correct this issue.
- SOFLAM pop-up on AI units. When an AI unit equipped with the SOFLAM readies the weapon for use but before selecting it as the primary weapon, the model will shift from his back to a raised position. This is in fact a change in models since we had to use two different models to get firstly a good position when equipped and secondly a good position when it is stowed on the back. The pop-up is caused by the some delay with the modelspecial game code. The SOFLAM will pop back down when the unit uses the rifle to shoot. No solution has been found to prevent the pop-up at this stage."

Where here does it say thet the goggles stay put when turning your head in 3rd person while aiming up (or down I think)?

I do love the pack, the textures are excellent in the detail department. The sounds are..... well each to their own. And as always the models are supurbly detailed, really sets the standard (Damn you BAS! Now I have to lift my game at the ADF Mod  :P ).

Sorry for bringing it up  :-[ who actually looks around like that in any case?

Guess this is a bad time to ask who I should talk to about possibly using bits and pieces from the pack for my mod?



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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #40 on: 18 Feb 2003, 00:11:19 »
Just found a graphical bug, not sure if this is mentioned in the readme but anyway. All Woodland Rangers have their goggles very blurred, all other units are fine.

I think that might have something to do with the light in the game or something, but now that I think about it the game engine wouldn't be that good, unless it has to do with DirectX or some thing?  :-\

I would also like to add that the Pack is superb, I love the M4 SOPs they look and sound Great!  :D
I noticed a few Bugs that you might want to be aware of, when rideing in the MH6 and you use the eventhandler code to lower goggles, the pilots have bands over their eyes that you can see through the Pilots face, I do have a sugesstion to fix this, you could add a visor to the pilots that can be lowered, or tell people not to use the eventhandler all together  ;), the other thing was the unit patches on the soldiers are barely noticeable and extreamly blurry.

But Great job even with the bugs ya'll ge a perfect 5 out of 5 in my opinion, thanks for doing this for us!
« Last Edit: 18 Feb 2003, 00:20:27 by PunkerSXDX »


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #41 on: 18 Feb 2003, 00:11:21 »
Very good addon but the desert m4 was a bit blurry but it could be my geforce 1 graphs card???
But i didn't find anything else to be anoyed about but im not any military expert... :P But very good work and I think that you guys will fix many of these buggs in the future and I have to say that I gunned down 4 squads of NVA's with the m4''s and i could go on about how good you are but I just have to try them in Lan to this wekkedn maybe or something  ;D
Well keep up the very exellent work!

Monkey Lib Front

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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #42 on: 18 Feb 2003, 01:33:40 »
im getting the bas_mh6185 error when trying to play the missions :(


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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #43 on: 18 Feb 2003, 02:10:39 »
@Wires...sorry about that...you have to extrapolate that whole statement out a little...the goggles in general cause a few problems due to the engine.

What are you issues with the sound and do have any better recommendations?

Which pieces we you wanting to use Wires?

@Commando...the Desert M4 textures need improving..it aint your card.

Navy Captain

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Re:BAS Deltas and Rangers Released!
« Reply #44 on: 18 Feb 2003, 02:36:29 »
Hi guys, I love the addon, but I was a bit dissapointed when I saw there were no US flag armpatches on the soldiers. Also in regards to the goggles, I have the same problem with the Woodland rangers, thier goggles are realy opaque. Not like the Delta or Deset ranger counterparts. Their's are translucent, which the Woodland rangers should be. I assume it would be a problem with the model or somthing, maybe an older goggle model for the Woodland ranger? Well, you should check out that bug. Also on the woodland ranger necks, when you move your head around, the area where the neck and the shoulders are is a tan texture bug, shouldn't it be a cammo pattern around there? Also, maybe an exclusion on weapons, but you seem to have forgotten the ACOG M203 verson of the M4. And by the way, see if you can do something about those units not having US flag armpatches on their right shoulder.  ;D I LOVE UR ADDONS BAS,

PS: to TS it's be BAZ

PPS: About the neck texture bug, you can see a little bit of what i'm talking about in this picture.


You can see, that around his chin strap is a bit of tan around the contact area of his neck and body
« Last Edit: 18 Feb 2003, 02:47:26 by CPT. Bazikian[5thSFG] »