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Author Topic: Zonekiller's Array Builder  (Read 1799 times)

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Zonekiller's Array Builder
« on: 29 Oct 2010, 20:08:03 »
if you like making dynamic missions but hate making the arrays and finding out what is there to use and what addons are required like i do, then this may be usefull to you.

you can run it in a mission or just make a blank mission and run it from a trigger
and paste the arrays into your mission

Just copy and past the code into a Zks_Array_Builder.sqf file and run it from a trigger

or Download it from here

then in the trigger add _nil = [] execVM "Zks_Array_Builder.sqf";

set the trigger to radio button alpha
goto the map and click on the radio button

just add in the factions you want and what class of vehicles and it will make all the arrays for you

change the array name in here  ' bottom line 'copyToClipboard str(extra_addons) ' ' and it will copy it to your clipboard so you can paste it into your mission

it will also find the addons needed for the objects,

have a play , if it can be tweeked please do so :)

Code: [Select]

// Zonekiller's Array Builder

// Script by Zonekiller  -- http://zonekiller.ath.cx --    -- zonekiller@live.com.au --

//Factions to add

_fractionW = ["BIS_US","USMC"];
_fractionE = ["BIS_TK","RU"];
_fractionG = ["BIS_TK_GUE","GUE"];
_fractionC = ["BIS_TK_CIV"];

// Men to add

_allowedmenclass = ["Man"];

// Men not to add

_forbidedmenclass = ["FR_Base","USMC_LHD_Crew_Base"];

// Vehicles to add
_allowedvehicleclass = ["Helicopter","LandVehicle","Ship"];

// Vehicles not to add

_forbidedvehicleclass = ["CruiseMissile1","WarfareBMGNest_M240_base","WarfareBMGNest_PK_Base","StaticSEARCHLight","ParachuteBase"];

// List of the Arrays it will make

westvehicles = [];
eastvehicles = [];
guervehicles = [];
civvehicles = [];

SoldierW = [];
SoldierE = [];
SoldierG = [];
SoldierC = [];

westammo = [];
eastammo = [];
guerammo = [];
civammo = [];


_FactionsArray = _fractionW + _fractionE + _fractionG + _fractionC;
extra_addons = [];
_AddonArray = [];

// Gets the list of all Addons and Objects that belong to them;

_CfgPatches = configFile >> "CfgPatches";

for "_i" from 1 to ((count _CfgPatches) - 1) do
_Patch = _CfgPatches select _i;

if ((isClass _Patch) && ((((getarray(_Patch select 0))select 0) isKindOf "AIR") or (((getarray(_Patch select 0))select 0) isKindOf "SHIP") or (((getarray

(_Patch select 0))select 0) isKindOf "LandVehicle") or (((getarray(_Patch select 0))select 0) isKindOf "MAN"))) then
if ((count getarray((_Patch) select 0)) > 0) then {_AddonArray = _AddonArray + [[(configName _Patch),getarray((_Patch) select 0)]]};


// Gets all Objects in the game

_CfgVehicles = configFile >> "CfgVehicles";

for "_i" from 1 to ((count _CfgVehicles) - 1) do
_Vehicle = _CfgVehicles select _i;

if ((isClass _Vehicle) && ((getnumber(_Vehicle >> "scope")) == 2) && !((configName _Vehicle) isKindOf "Building") && !((configName _Vehicle) isKindOf "Thing")) then

_go = 0;

{if ((configName _Vehicle) isKindOf _x) exitwith {_go = 1;

{if ((configName _Vehicle) isKindOf _x) exitwith {_go = 0}} foreach _forbidedmenclass;

// Makes 4 Arrays of men from the factions

if (_go == 1) then
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionW) then {SoldierW = SoldierW + [configName _Vehicle]};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionE) then {SoldierE = SoldierE + [configName _Vehicle]};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionG) then {SoldierG = SoldierG + [configName _Vehicle]};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionC) then {SoldierC = SoldierC + [configName _Vehicle]};

_ammo = [[(getarray(_Vehicle >> "weapons")) - ["NVGoggles","itemGPS","Throw","Put","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"],(getarray

(_Vehicle >> "magazines"))]];

if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionw) then {westammo = westammo + _ammo};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionE) then {eastammo = eastammo + _ammo};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionG) then {guerammo = guerammo + _ammo};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionC) then {civammo = civammo + _ammo};

// Adds a list of Men Addons which be needed

if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _FactionsArray) then
{if (((configName _Vehicle) in (_x select 1)) && !((_x select 0) in extra_addons)) then {extra_addons = extra_addons + [(_x select 0)]}}

foreach _AddonArray;


_go = 0;

}} foreach _allowedmenclass;

{if ((configName _Vehicle) isKindOf _x) then {_go = 1;

{if ((configName _Vehicle) isKindOf _x) exitwith {_go = 0}} foreach _forbidedvehicleclass;

// Makes 4 Arrays of Vehicles from the factions

if (_go == 1) then
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionW) then {westvehicles = westvehicles + [configName _Vehicle]};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionE) then {eastvehicles = eastvehicles + [configName _Vehicle]};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionG) then {guervehicles = guervehicles + [configName _Vehicle]};
if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _fractionC) then {civvehicles = civvehicles + [configName _Vehicle]};

// Adds a list of Vehicle Addons which be needed

if (getText(_Vehicle >> "faction") in _FactionsArray) then
{if (((configName _Vehicle) in (_x select 1)) && !((_x select 0) in extra_addons)) then {extra_addons = extra_addons + [(_x select 0)]}}

foreach _AddonArray;


_go = 0;

}} foreach _allowedvehicleclass;

// Loads the Addons to the mission and makes them public

publicVariable "extra_addons";

{activateAddons [_x]} foreach extra_addons;

// Change extra_addons to any of the Arrays and paste them to notepad
copyToClipboard str(extra_addons);

hint "done";

« Last Edit: 02 Nov 2010, 04:26:52 by Zonekiller »