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Author Topic: Help needed.  (Read 1472 times)

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Offline Bontz07

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Help needed.
« on: 06 Oct 2010, 17:42:45 »

First, I want to know, how can I set trigger work only for one unit, that I want? You know, Russian guy goes to the trigger area, and then he activates it, not that all Russian guys activates it.

I also have problems whit sounds. So, for example I want to Amrican guy say something over the radio, how can I do that? I haven't understood ofpec tutorials. (Mine english understanding isn't very good   :( ) I need to do description.ext file,put .ogg sound files to there and so on. I have used Chris' Ofp script editor wizard thing to do that. Can anyone explain more? :D

And last (almost forgot :O ) I want make objective, where I need to locate tank. How do I do that like objective? Locate obj.

Ah, and one more. How can I make enemies seek me and other soldiers, when I have been located once. Sometimes enemy soldiers just stand, and dont do anything, whitout their mens are dying. Any script?
« Last Edit: 06 Oct 2010, 18:09:33 by Bontz07 »


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Re: Help needed.
« Reply #1 on: 06 Oct 2010, 22:53:06 »
1. Russian Guy trigger
   In the Mission Editor press F2 'Group', then click-and-hold on the Russian guy. Now drag a bright blue line from the guy to the trigger and release the mouse button. The line should remain connecting the two. If you edit the trigger, you will see that it is now activated by a 'Vehicle' - this 'vehicle' is the Russian guy.

2. Sounds
   It's difficult to guess which part you're having trouble with. If you have managed to create a description.ext, post it here using (Code tags - the # button above the smileys) and we can go from there.

3. Locate objective
   Have you created a briefing.html? If so, add to the bottom of the Plan section something like this:
Code: [Select]
<p><a name = "OBJ_1"></a>Locate the tank.</p>
   Edit the tanks properties to give it a name, such as targettank.
   Create a trigger and change its size to 0 by 0 - this way it won't have a ring around itself, keeping the Mission Editor more clear. Edit the condition from 'this' to:
   (player knowsAbout targettank) > 1
and write the following in the On Activation line:
   "1" objStatus "DONE"

4. Enemy dummies
   Scripting is moderately advanced, instead start by considering their Waypoints. If they don't do anything when shot it is probably because they have been told they are 'Safe'. Try to avoid this mode if at all possible: generally 'Combat', rarely 'Careless'. Rather than just having groups stand in an area, give them a waypoint to 'Guard' it.

Offline Bontz07

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Re: Help needed.
« Reply #2 on: 07 Oct 2010, 19:25:08 »
Well, I just downloaded one random sound from sound library, and changed it into .ogg file. Then I used Chris OFP script editor to create that sound file. I created it in description sound wizard. So, then I saved it into my mission/sound folder. In editor I created man [player] and wrote inz. line; Jack sideradio "name of file". It didn't work. What can be wrong?

I also tried Jack say "name of file"


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Re: Help needed.
« Reply #3 on: 07 Oct 2010, 23:13:40 »
All sorts of things could be wrong, usually related to syntax: unmatched brackets, misspellings, wrong characters, etc.

If you have got a file in the mission folder called description.ext, open it with a text editor (such as Windows NotePad) and post the contents here. It should look like:
Code: [Select]
class CfgSounds
   sounds[] = {MySound};

   class MySound
         name = "Big Audio Dynamite";
         sound[] = {"noise.ogg", db-10, 1.0};
         titles[] = {0, "Blah blah blaahh"};
   You'd make use of the above through: Jack say "MySound"

Description.ext should be in the root folder of the mission, ie:
      <Mission name> . <Island code> \ description.ext
      <Mission name> . <Island code> \ Sound \ description.ext

The way to check if you have configured the sound section correctly is first to give the sound a name in description.ext (Big Audio Dynamite in the above example) and once you load the mission, place a waypoint and edit its Effects. Your named sound should be at the bottom of the list of Sounds: Anonymous.

Note: You can make changes to description.ext if you Alt-Tab out of OFP, but you will have to quit the mission editor and reload the mission to see the effect.

Offline Bontz07

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Re: Help needed.
« Reply #4 on: 09 Oct 2010, 09:34:45 »

Here it is. I hope it helps to solve this!  :confused:

class CfgSounds
   // List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
   sounds[] = {scream_fire};

   // Class definition needed for each sound
   class scream_fire
      // Name to display in mission editor
      name = "scream_fire";
      // Sound path, volume, pitch
      sound[] = {\sound\scream_fire.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
      // Sound title text (set to no text)
      titles[] = {0, ""};


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Re: Help needed.
« Reply #5 on: 09 Oct 2010, 21:53:42 »
As you might see from the attached, that config works fine.

If scream_fire does not appear for you in the list:
   - check that Windows has not added any added unnecessary suffixes eg. description.ext.txt
   - that earlier entries in the file have all their brackets closed

If scream_fire does appear but does not play:
   - it does actually produce something audible when you use Window Media Player or whatever
   - you are using the correct path - not \sounds\ or \sound\sound\
   - try using an unencoded .wav instead - you may have used some compression that OFP cannot handle

NB. This is for 'Sounds' to be used with the Say command. Once it is working, it should be a formality to switch it to Radio.

Edit: image removed
« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2011, 17:56:58 by Walter_E_Kurtz »