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Author Topic: Different Sound Volumes in Radio Trigger and Area activations  (Read 2875 times)

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Offline Variable

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I am creating a mission where a truck driver is supposed to "talk" to the team by playing a sound file.
The sound file activation is triggered by an "Independent present" trigger. When the sound is played (When the truck passes through the trigger area) the volume is too low. However, when I test the desired sound via "Radio Alpha" activation, the sound volume is just great!

I tried to mess around with the db values on description.ext for my sound files but it seems like they have no effect on the sound volume. On this note I would love to hear from experienced editors how to handle these db values- what is the maximum, what is the minimum etc., and why I see no effect over the sound volume...

Does anyone know why the different sound levels are caused with the different activations?

Edit: One more finding- The low sound level is caused by the player presence in the truck and not by the different trigger activation methods. When I sit in the truck and activate through "radio alpha" the level is also too low.
« Last Edit: 31 Mar 2010, 09:28:44 by Variable »

Offline Wolfrug

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Apparently the old sound bug from ArmA is still there in Arma 2 (or maybe it's a feature?). How are you playing the sound? Probably via "say", right, since the driver is talking? Well, the fun thing with "say" is that, when in a vehicle, it's not the units "saying" things, but the truck itself  :dry: (you can probably test this by going into 3rd person/standing outside the truck - it'll be chatting happily to itself - but anyone INSIDE it will hear it muffled).

I'm not sure if it's going to help, but use playSound instead (if you're being advanced, you can make a silent sound file with attached lipsynch created on the actual sound file, but few people actually bother to make the .lip files so...). Hopefully that will play it as loud as necessary.

However, since this problem does -not- occur in BIS missions, I'm going to have to assume it's something we're doing wrong. Maybe if you use BIS's own conversation system (BIF link) that'd solve it, somehow? But it's hardly worth it for just one line of dialogue, and I'm myself not sure how complicated it actually is.

Oh well. Good luck!

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline Variable

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Thanks for the reply Wolfrug. I am indeed using the "say" command, I tried switching the playSound and it indeed solved the problem. Seems like the say command ignores the intensity values set on description.ext :)
« Last Edit: 31 Mar 2010, 21:15:35 by Variable »

Offline Variable

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Apparently, the problem is not with the Say command itself. When it is activated when the player is in the open terrain it makes no trouble, However, when it is played when the player is inside a truck, the volume will become very low and the db values of the description.ext file will not affect it.

There is a similar problem with the ArmA 2 directSay command. The volume is OK, but sound breaks and stops for no apparent reason. What seems to affect it is the position of the moving truck when the file is played! When I repositioned the activating triggers I noticed that the stuttering is changing, I kept moving the triggers until the stuttering was at its minimum. I hope this will help some more people out there... Some more details could be found on my Bitter Memories mission thread, here: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=34806.0