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Author Topic: Piss off  (Read 2900 times)

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Offline M!StAkE id11479

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Piss off
« on: 25 Oct 2009, 17:09:31 »
I think ill leave ofp for ever, the ctf/dm parts are fuckeds by cheaters and nobody support coops creators!
Im one of the rare guy making coops with (pretty) real military conditions and i spend lot of time to make beautifull maps with objects/places/situations and nobody care about, i maked a new funny dm but nobody who can want to spend 10 minutes of their life for help me with the easy script to make...
I think ofp 1 is dead, not by players really, but by egoism and snobism (cheaters and snob script makers)... But curiously you can still find people helping others for stupid scripts who will never serve the community or in coops makeds by ignorants of military protocoles (as 99% of the time)!
Long ago i tried to make coops for LOL server and Vetserver, both of these teams are really snobish with me, considering they are great coop makers (sigh, effect and music/camera dont make good coops to me), they never wanted to simply TRYING my maps (vetservers admins addeds a "no way frenchie" to their words :scratch:)!
I know that not a lot of people are walking arround ofp threads now, but dont serve me that no one good scripter had see my posts.

If somebody want the 4 coops (no addons, english/french briefings) i maked last months write to fanofp2002(a)yahoo.fr*

"One step in hell" (guerilla have to stop an US assault in Nogova)
"everon air war" (US pilots have to stop a squadron of Su-25)
"killers in the sky" (US para operation vs guerilla in Nogova)
"road to america" (Spetnatz and engineers opening road of tanks vs US troops in Kolgujev, artillery script viewable only for the user)
I missed some cause no one popular coop servers wanted to try and host them: "the peack" / "breaking the shield" / "in the eagle nest", i will be glad to find them back if by a BIG hasard somebody had it*

If i dont got help its my last maps for ofp, then have fun with stupid missions unrealist and easy to win  :D
« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2009, 17:28:06 by M!StAkE id11479 »

Offline tcp

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #1 on: 25 Oct 2009, 18:23:38 »
Don't worry, I am sure there is a community out there that will coddle you. You're just not looking hard enough or in the right places. In public forums, your complaints are overshadowed by the thousands of other people asking for special treatment.

You are going to have to go to individual squad websites and find out if what they are all about fits your preferences. I doubt any one will pick you up just because you claim you have realistic missions. Which military protocol dictates that you cry about something if you don't get what you want? Change your attitude and maybe you will attract more people to your missions.

Offline Zipper5

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #2 on: 25 Oct 2009, 18:32:13 »
The game's also 8 years old, mate. You have to kind of expect such things in a game that's that old, especially if it's had sequels. It's unfortunate, but I personally only play SP aspects of OFP now, and leave my MP exploits to ArmA II. I'd highly recommend purchasing it, if your PC can handle it. ;)

Offline M!StAkE id11479

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #3 on: 25 Oct 2009, 18:55:45 »

lets me devine : more ill cry about it and less i will have help, thats right?
Then i was only unlucky to have a bad start with the community and now im fucked for ever in your theory?
What we are? Only WORDS on a screen, have i added my pic somewhere or a video where you can see a superior looking in my eyes? Your position are easy and not pertinent, and yes, i considere very important to have peoples ables to make missions with real conditions as this game permit to do...
I wanted only to make peoples happy.
Now try my maps in AAA-rostov server, if you dont see the emmergency to help me let me suggest you to change of type of games or to leave ofp1 comments?  :D
(now ill get a return that my missions sucks when all peoples who played it loved it? Sorry but with that kind of mentality im ready of all types of stupid actings)

of curse ofp is old, but considere all peoples who continue to get help for scripts when they miss important capacitys for making missions that often we never see after they get helped!
My pc is shit for handle arma2, and whatever ofp1 is still a giant game, it just need some generous and simple people to help him to continue his way...
« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2009, 18:57:22 by M!StAkE id11479 »

Offline firegraphite

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #4 on: 26 Oct 2009, 16:28:34 »
Wow.. tell you the truth, I really can relate.. I always prefer having friends and buddies around to share the game experience with rather than have AI to laugh around the campfire with. Hence I am totally inclined to create MP missions both TDM and COOP. And my notion basically is that any squad based mission could always have playable slots. Here I am in these forums, just looking around at first, searching around to find answers when my editing work gets stuck with some command or something but eventually I joined.

Last year I'd have a bunch of friends around to test/play my missions over LAN. I got 7 MP missions thus far. Although, none got totally completed. My curse is that, even if I find no bugs or errors, I keep getting new ideas to add. LoL. These days my friends have been rather busy with their own lives, work, stuff like that. Me also, though I still enjoy tinkering with my missions now and then. And they're all intended for MP, awaiting the day our little band reunites..

But despite the missions were made as MP, they're very much playable solo, except TDM which I never really enjoyed playing againist AI opponents. That's an advantage I found with MP missions. SP missions couldn't be played with any pals without having to edit. So with the guys all busy and stuff, I though I'd post the missions in the beta section. I was only able to post my first mission. Never got any comments even though I mentioned that it could be played solo. I figure just about everyone here are just into SP missions. And perhaps they wouldn't try anything with MP on it since they probably got no one to play it with. And they wouldn't be able to check on the MP aspect of the mission.

Well, at first I was disappointed too. Then, I thought what the heck.. Gotta understand everyone's got other stuff to attend to. My mission is my own. So I just let it go. Currently I'm still working on my missions. But I'll just have to wait for my buddies for the beta tests. But tell you what, I'll try to play your missions when I sort things out with work matters... Just left my old job and currently moving to a new location hopefully to a better job. LoL! Story of my life  :p
But mind you, I'm not too good with scripts. I'm still pretty much noob at it. But if there's anything familiar to me I'll be sharing it. And if the buddies get together again soon, I'll let you know.

« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2009, 16:39:17 by firegraphite »

Offline M!StAkE id11479

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #5 on: 27 Oct 2009, 03:47:48 »
Really i dont look who will use my maps, i just want to use lot of ofp possibilitys and to make missions close as wars are really, im fan of military stuff since im child, and ofp is one of my wishes on Earth : playing small soldiers with real simulation of shooting insteed of throwing balls on little plastic men, and today im very well familiar with modern war, after years of passion about this subject...
Where im pissed its that i spend maybe 50 hours for make a mission (really), for placing soldiers, calculate angles of shooting, placing objects, synchronising events etc etc, but i make it playable...
By exemple in my last map i add an artillery script you can use atwill, then its easy to destroy ennemy, BUT if you spend too much time at it winning the last objective being very hard, cause its about cleaning a wood of ennemys when night and fog are coming quickly (and artillery too far for use it on)!
Then when - after trying alone for hours - i ask something easy for lot of guys i see no help coming and that i see other guys who make missions in 2 hours helpeds immediatly i get a bit disapointed  :confused:
I have already lot of friends in ofp, i dont make it for appear as a kool guy but for show a way that lot of people who make missions ignore and giving fun, lot of map makers are youngs (im 37 old) or/and totally unexperimented at modern war protocoles ; i saw beautifull maps with nice camera effects and sounds, nice addons and cool places, beautifull intros etc etc, but sorry, i have never see a realistic ofp mission (same from Bis), and i considere its important in the best war simulator we had see, as its possible to do in...
Its too pity that map makers dont care about and dont document themself more, this simulator dont have the using he desserve.  :(
(i can make a tutorial about what to do and not do for make realistic missions, if somebody wants i willl do it)

Offline bedges

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #6 on: 27 Oct 2009, 09:06:08 »
i ask something easy for lot of guys i see no help coming and that i see other guys who make missions in 2 hours helpeds immediatly

I understand your frustration - we've all been there - but this is just a wee bit unfair. Who's to say your problem is 'something easy'? Perhaps it's because it's not so easy that you're getting no responses.

Additionally, as Zipper5 pointed out, the traffic through the OFP sections of the site has dwindled significantly over the last year. The majority seems to be focused on the newer games. That's not to say there aren't members editing OFP, but there are certainly fewer so it will take more time for questions to be answered.

Finally, creating multiplayer missions is more difficult than making single player missions - I for one still don't understand even the basics of MP scripting, and I consider myself an able scripter. The few members who are still editing OFP may not have the necessary expertise to answer your questions.

In short, don't let yourself become dispirited. You are not being singled out here, no-one is saying "Hey, there's that French guy, let's not help him!"  :P

I would recommend taking a break from the mission-making. Write that tutorial, it sounds pretty interesting. After a while you may find fresh inspiration which will help you move forward.  :good:

Offline M!StAkE id11479

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #7 on: 27 Oct 2009, 16:58:04 »
Ah, for sure for the next maps ill make i will use no mp scripts or complex stuff...  :o
Im perfectionist (dunno if its the right word in english, i mean i try to make everythings i create as perfect as possible), and the prob is that now i have an mp map on 2 different servers with a fucked script and im sick to considere it lol (the one with the artillery prob in mp)
I will make that tutorial, but first i need to repare that script, if ofpec cant help me about or only months later can you tell me another site name where i have more chances to find help about it please? (i have probs to register in Bis forum, ill try again once)

wow, i won the Bis forum registration for once!*
Maybe help coming, after it i will make that tutorial, be ready to correct my bad english in lol

[I found that comment in a special Bis thread about realism in missions, and i am totally ok with what that guy say:

"One thing that has always, always amused me is that everybody screams for realism in their addons but next to nobody goes for realism in their missions. 99.2% of all the missions I've played in OFP (including the BIS missions) are totally fanciful from a military standpoint. You're either an elite special forces operator trapped behind enemy lines going against a total hodgepodge of enemy forces or you're a member of an elite special forces squad dropped behind enemy lines going against a total hodgepodge of enemy forces.

The missions I make for my little MP group are, I think, pretty realistic. One of our favorites right now involves a US Tank Company (14 tanks, reinforced with 2 M-3 CFVs plus the company support element) moving to contact an Iranian reinforced tank battalion (31 T-72 tanks plus a BMP infantry company and battalion scout platoon). It's awesomely fun, and charging across the desert areas of Tonal (for lack of a more appropriate desert map) in the commander's hatch of one of King Homer's M1A2s is a fantastic feeling and it's totally multiplied when you've got an entire company of tanks on-line and firing away.

I realize that not everyone has served in the military, let alone a combat unit. But I think that the resources are out there for any mission maker produce realistic missions just the same as there are resources that allow addon makers to produce hugely detailed and realistic addons.

It seems to me that mission makers are more concerned with cinematics and over-the-top action than they are with realism. I say to you: REALISTIC MISSIONS CAN BE FUN TOO!

This TDG idea is brilliant - if one or two or three mission makers start churning out a TDG once a month or so I think we'll see the quality of missions increase dramatically as more people are exposed to realistic military situations. There's a massive back catalogue of these TDGs and nearly all of them involve small unit tactics, which is perfect for OFP. Surely someone can find an interesting scenario they would want to make."]

Maybe they got already some tutorials but the thread is big, i dont know, if i make one for Ofpec whatever it will be one easy to understand and adapted to ofp/arma world*
« Last Edit: 27 Oct 2009, 17:49:56 by M!StAkE id11479 »

Offline tcp

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #8 on: 28 Oct 2009, 23:19:48 »
Just a word of advice, "Piss Off" wouldn't be an appropriate greeting when you make your first post on the BI forums.

There are squads out there that would make the average player sick with the extremes they take realism in this game to. You may find a squad that adheres to realism even more than you expected.

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #9 on: 08 Nov 2009, 07:15:50 »
I do not play multiple OFP anymore but I love trying the SP missions that people create. Don't stop doing things in ofp just because you get no responses. You shouldn't be creating missions for others anyways but rather because you love to do it. Afterall, thats what causes us to adhere to quality...when we strive to put out the best that we can despite what other crap is out there. When you receive feedback for it, rather than get pissy, embrace it and improve it that much more. In the end, its for the love of the game that you do what you do...thats why you are still doing it after nearly 9 years now. Just adjust your mission type to target the audience that is still the heaviest...SP. We are still looking for new projects to test around here in the SP area. We just do not have the capability to test MP missions. Sorry.

Offline zwobot

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Re: Piss off
« Reply #10 on: 09 Nov 2009, 17:51:06 »
If somebody want the 4 coops (no addons, english/french briefings) i maked last months write to fanofp2002(a)yahoo.fr*

"One step in hell" (guerilla have to stop an US assault in Nogova)
"everon air war" (US pilots have to stop a squadron of Su-25)
"killers in the sky" (US para operation vs guerilla in Nogova)
"road to america" (Spetnatz and engineers opening road of tanks vs US troops in Kolgujev, artillery script viewable only for the user)
I missed some cause no one popular coop servers wanted to try and host them: "the peack" / "breaking the shield" / "in the eagle nest", i will be glad to find them back if by a BIG hasard somebody had it*
I'd like to try your missions. Any chance you attach them here in the forum?
"Executing tactics in real combat is the hardest thing one can ever do...well I've never given birth but..well whatever."