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Author Topic: [Coop 2-10] Runway  (Read 6144 times)

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Offline sardaukar17

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[Coop 2-10] Runway
« on: 13 Aug 2009, 02:19:31 »
Author: Sardaukar17

Version: 1.3

Required Addons: NONE

The Goal: This map is designed to be a simple to understand and easy to enjoy game inwhich the players get to utilize some of the vehicals of the game such as the M1_TUSK and the Cobra Helicopter. There are a couple other vehicals on the map but you get the idea. It is challenging with a small number of players but will get easier as the player count increases due to target to player ratio. The officer of the group should be familiar with commanding AI but it isn't completly required. The basics can be played out with a tank driver and a chopper pilot.. All be it practically impossible to complete in time. My goal with this mission honestly was to design a mission that would attract players to a dead server and build up a player count to begin to enjoy some of the PVP maps out there. I know there are many maps out there that do this similar to EVO and what not. But this will hopfully add some variety. Enjoy!
Mission Description: The mission is a simple race against time to get the Tank across the map to the Docks in a Souther Coastal town where a ship is waiting. The team is split into 2 main groups. The Pilots of the Aircraft and Crew of the tank. The tank crew will be looking to destroy the AA vehicals in order to clear airspace for thier air cover. The pilots will be looking to clear a path for the tank and to guard it from the many ground units blocking the way. There are a couple of features that make the map more than a simple run and gun sort of map. Logistics are very important because the Cobras do not have access to thier main assult weapon the AT homing missles. They have everything else in thier arsenal though. Unfortunatly this runs out rather quickly combating large tanks and other vehicals. So to keep the choppers fully armed. I added a Engineer with the option to create a forward service station and Artillery piece. Both can be redeployed seperatly or together every 5 minutes. I may increase that in the future though. Another addon, If the tank is destroyed it will revert back to a position somehwere within the last 600 meters of it's previous path.  It is always marked on the map and the crew of the tank can always teleport to it. Losing the tank shouldn't be an issue. Getting the tank destroyed is meant to penalize the team by losing time and ground gained.

Special Features:
  • 15 second respawn. No life limit. You will Die a few times!
  • The Engineer can deploy a Service Station and an Artillery piece using the Repair Truck on the map.
  • The Medic can deploy a Field Hostpital using the Humvee on the map
  • The Tank crew can teleport to the tank after it has been destroyed using the Flag Pole near the spawn point.
  • The Officer has the option to disband AI units and force them to respawn at base. There is no choice as to what order yet.. but it is a good tool when your group is spread all over and you want to start a fresh assult.

Known Bugs:
  • When Artillary piece respawns it is not in sync with Module again thus making the targeting system unavailable.
  • Cobras do not have thier larger homing missles. This is on purpose to make the map a challenge.


  • Fixed the Briefing bug so that no longer Repeats.
  • Fixed bug that caused the Service Stations to only be used when Facing them
  • Added a Medical Tent that can be deployed by the Medic using the Medical Humvee
  • Added an Ammo crate that is deployed WITH the medical Tent
  • Add option that allows ALL players the ability to Teleport to the Tank
  • Added Ammocrate weapons list to the deployable FARP
« Last Edit: 11 Oct 2009, 22:01:00 by sardaukar17 »

Offline hoz

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Re: [MP-Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #1 on: 14 Aug 2009, 02:50:42 »
Downloaded your mission and its in folder form. You really need to release it as a pbo ready to go... You should also include a readme and a promo picture in the zip file. Futher to that you should also consider using a version numbers in the file names(and mission name) if you plan to release further updates.
Look forward to trying your mission in the future! Also noticed that you respawn as a crow and this really sucks considering your at night and its pitch black. Might want to use a spectating type solution here.
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2009, 05:28:45 by hoz »
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Offline sardaukar17

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Re: [MP-Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #2 on: 14 Aug 2009, 06:48:47 »
Thanks for the advice. I've never tried to post a map publicly before. Got it to a PBO file now and I updated allot of stuff. The next update will have a version number added to it.

What kind of information are you looking for in the readme that isn't in the description? Maybe an explination of how to modify the scripts to increase respawn times and other similar info?

As far as the crow thing and the middle of the night... It's supposed to be day time with 10-12 second respawn. In all my tests online I have not run into that. Sure that wasn't a setting that got changed after download? If anyone else runs into that let me know.. That would be a pretty extreme change from what I have experianced with other folks online. But I am always the host so who knows.
Perhaps there is something I should be entering in the init or description to lock the time of day for the map.

Offline hoz

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #3 on: 14 Aug 2009, 07:09:10 »
My apologies I posted about the wrong mission for that last bit about the crow. :)
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Offline sardaukar17

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #4 on: 17 Aug 2009, 10:35:38 »
Alright fixed allot of bugs this round. The map should be quite playable. I expect to hear about the repair truck and the FARP maybe but, we have managed to get it workable atleast. I don't feel it is perfect yet. Tell me what you think.
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2009, 03:57:24 by sardaukar17 »

Offline sardaukar17

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #5 on: 21 Aug 2009, 03:59:03 »
Map Updated and tested online. We do FINALLY have a playable version of this map. The only thing missing is the Briefing.. Which I cannot figure out. Going to make some posts in the other forums to try and figure it out. The briefing is in the file if anyone can figure out why it isn't working.

Offline hoz

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #6 on: 13 Sep 2009, 06:17:39 »
Theres a new method of doing briefings. I haven't looked at yours yet, are you still using the briefing.html?
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Offline sardaukar17

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #7 on: 16 Sep 2009, 22:24:10 »
no the html stuff doesn't work anymore. I DLed the new breifing manager but still couldn't get it to work. I put it on the side burner for now and started another map while I wait for more info in other strings. thank you though.

Offline hoz

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #8 on: 17 Sep 2009, 05:22:09 »
try posting in the ED about it if you haven't already. There are lots of people willing to help.
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Offline sardaukar17

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #9 on: 01 Oct 2009, 02:54:51 »
Breifing works now. Pretty sure we have a finished map. The artillery resync issue is not going to be fixed so don't let it get blown up :P  Have fun. My other map Platoon is taking all my time now. And is much bigger and vastly superior to this map. It was inspired by the old Evolution maps.

Offline hoz

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #10 on: 01 Oct 2009, 05:22:07 »
Got to play this tonite, it's especially good since we can now read the briefing. There is still a problem of the briefing repeating itself it seems like after respawn.
I saw this in the error report...

Code: [Select]
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\briefing.sqf, line 30
Error in expression <etVariable ["mk_briefingEH",true];
};il {player getVariable "mk_briefingEH"}) th>

Tank didn't seem like it was respawning properly. it was always respawning back at the very first  service center we created. So we always had to go back to that spot. My understanding is it should respawn back at the newest service center.

Overall not a bad mission, I felt we were severely outnumbered with just two players, but it was our first real run through and I think we could improve that over time.
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Offline sardaukar17

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #11 on: 01 Oct 2009, 22:12:51 »
I just noticed that today with the Briefing.. Having same problem with the new map too. I'll look into it. Thank you though. If anyone wants to check this map out or Platoon, I set up a temporary server in the other room :P. Just search for Gibson and you will find it.

Hoz You probly don't get enough thanks for what you do in this part of the forum so I am thanking you again.

Fixed the repeating Briefing problem
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2009, 03:15:35 by sardaukar17 »

Offline hoz

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #12 on: 02 Oct 2009, 15:35:09 »
Did you fix the issue of the tank not moving to the proper last known position?
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Offline sardaukar17

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #13 on: 02 Oct 2009, 19:47:50 »
the tank is followed by a game logic that jumps to the the tanks position every time the tank gets 600 meters away from it. this game logic is the respawn point for the tank. so i kind of cheated... if 600 meters is too far it wouldn't take much at all to shorten it up.

Offline hoz

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Re: [Coop 2-10] Runway
« Reply #14 on: 08 Oct 2009, 16:33:05 »
We downloaded the latest mission but I'm not entirely sure we were running the correct mission as the file name didn't change(proper versioning).We still had the repeating breifing bug. Over all its a pretty difficult mission for 3 people  to complete in an hour but we are working through it. I think that the frap/service center radius should be increased a tad and that all people can teleport to the tank. Just allowing the tank crew to teleport really puts the engineer in  tough spot to do alot of the running. You should also create a description for the MP lobby for the engineer, something like Frap Builder or something.
Xbox Rocks