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Author Topic: AI interaction with setpositioned objects  (Read 2176 times)

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Offline savedbygrace

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AI interaction with setpositioned objects
« on: 19 Jul 2009, 18:51:26 »
Okay, I'm just trying to get some insight here on what I can expect with Arma2 pathfinding. In Arma, you can not setposition any object and expect the AI to interact with it. It completely kills so many story lines that I have created because there is no way to build my own custom structures with editor objects and have AI use them to create a realistic environment. Does this crappy feature carry over into Arma2? If not, is there any way to fix it...like reclassifying the objects as street pavement and pboing it as an addon so the ai will walk on them?

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Re: AI interaction with setpositioned objects
« Reply #1 on: 19 Jul 2009, 18:57:59 »
Need more info, what exactly are you trying to do and what exactly is failing?

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: AI interaction with setpositioned objects
« Reply #2 on: 19 Jul 2009, 20:29:35 »
Nothing. I do not even have the game yet. I am just trying to discover if anyone has setpositioned, let's say a section of sidewalk or one of those plesto stlye objects(large block) in the air and tested wether or not the ai will interact with it by walking on it such as a cycled waypoint patrol.
     In arma, the AI will not interact with setpositioned objects which is why they do not interact with cities like Paraiso very well. I am just wondering if the same thing occurs in Arma2? If so, can something like that be remedied by depboing the object, changing the config so that they recognize it as a street or whatever and offering it as an addon for folks to use.

EDIT:It would seem that AI do not interact with the concrete docks near harbors and they tend to get stuck quite often. I can assume at this point that they will not be able to interact with setpositioned objects such as walking on a scaffold or elevated building.
« Last Edit: 07 Dec 2009, 23:43:18 by savedbygrace »