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Author Topic: Is it possible to make units blind and/or deaf? Reinforcements are acting up.  (Read 2198 times)

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Offline Griff

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(Okay, I have three topics in a row here now, I feel a little silly. As long as it's alright, I'm gonna keep asking questions in separate topics, since the subjects are unrelated, but if you guys think I post too many topics, please tell me. :))

I have a couple of OPFOR trucks. When the players reach a certain trigger area, the trucks (about one kilometer away or so) will move towards the players, stop on a hillside and unload.

The reinforcements are mounted in the truck via "this moveInCargo [truck];", except the  the leader of the group who has "this moveInDriver [truck];".

Now, this works fine if I activate the trigger with no BLUFOR present, but if there's a fight near the trigger area (which is quite likely considering there's about twenty soldiers around in the first place), the reinforcement will do strange and annoying things.

By placing a few groups of BLUFOR right in the middle of the trigger area (thereby alerting the aformentioned twenty soldiers) and then observing the trucks as an OPFOR soldier, I've seen them do two specific thing which I'd like to avoid:
1. The group might decide to just get out of the truck altogether, alerted by the gunfire in the distance I guess. This means they will just walk down to the trigger area instead, which takes too much time.
2. If they don't get out of the truck, like 1., they will in most cases drive erratically, apparently trying to avoid the trigger area. this means they might get stuck somewhere, drive down a completely different road or just do something else that ruins the whole thing.

So basically, I want to force them to drive right down to their designated waypoints and get out. After that they may do as they please, as long as they at least try to shoot at the players that is.

It's pretty important to the mission that the reinforcements arrive when they are supposed to, so any help with this is highly appreciated.

Offline hoz

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(Okay, I have three topics in a row here now, I feel a little silly. As long as it's alright, I'm gonna keep asking questions in separate topics, since the subjects are unrelated, but if you guys think I post too many topics, please tell me. Smiley)
Don't worry about the number of questions, although I hope your searching before posting. :)

Edit: I moved to General Editing since its more a general question.
« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2009, 19:56:01 by hoz »
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Offline Mandoble

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You may try to put them initially in "never engage"  and "careless", then change the combat and behaviour modes just after disembarking them.

Offline Mr.Peanut

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Two other suggestions to be used if above does not work or in addition to above:
Set their skill to 0 until they get out, so they will not notice enemy
yourSquad enableAttack false;

Offline Griff

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Well, I tried all three of those sugestions, and while they help with the erratic driving, the squads will still exit the vehicles after a while.

I can show you the layout of the whole thing, maybe it will help.


Here is the little town with the trigger. The players assault the town from the north, and must attempt to get within the trigger area (yellow). The trigger is a downed blackhawk, entering the trigger area starts a "dialogue" (to the left with the Game Logic, I'm sure you're familiar with it) which is basically a percentage counter for a "file transfer". BLUFOR needs to keep one man within the trigger area at all times, or the dialogue will pause. When the transfer is complete, an objective ticks. All that is relatively unimportant, it works perfectly fine anyway.


Here are the trucks (red). They are set to do the following:
0: MOVE, NEVER FIRE, CARELESS and "yourSquad enableAttack false;"
2: SEEK AND DESTROY, OPEN FIRE, COMBAT and yourSquad enableAttack true;

The first waypoint, MOVE, is synchronized with a dialogue waypoint, this means that the trucks won't drive for the town until BLUFOR enters the trigger area and starts the dialogue, and by linking them to different dialogue waypoints (ural1 is linked to the first dialogue waypoint and ural2 to the second), they won't ram each other in the hindquarters when they move.

The skill for the trucks are set all the way to the left. Since skill is specific to each unit alone, the soldiers will still retain their own skill rating, so I don't need to fiddle with triggers and such for that.

So it all boils down to this really:
Make the units somehow ignore enemy fire, enemy presence or enemies in general, until they reach [waypoint]. Gah...

Don't worry about the number of questions, although I hope your searching before posting. :)

I do, so no worries there. Just couldn't find any answers for these questions.
« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2009, 22:39:58 by Griff »

Offline johnnyboy

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The reinforcements are mounted in the truck via "this moveInCargo [truck];", except the  the leader of the group who has "this moveInDriver [truck];".

I see you are using moveInCargo and moveInDriver.  Are you also using AssignAsCargo and AssignAsDriver first?  I think Assign makes the AI more married to the vehicle and more likely to stick with it.

Not sure it will help.  But it might.

You might also try disableAI "target", which I believe prevents AI from engaging (breaking formation).  Then use enableAI to re-enable it later.
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