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Author Topic: Building base, and attacking another one  (Read 1454 times)

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Offline Yasirotta

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Building base, and attacking another one
« on: 19 Aug 2008, 19:43:46 »
What im going to ask, is little hard to explain. ( And know my English it goes worse  :-[ )

I had vision, what is closer Command & Conquer games. Idea is, that you can play intensive 2 or 3 player multiplayer. So, player have own base to make greater defence, but also make other players life worse  :D So, problem is that how to make units apper, put them position where you want to, and give commands as "get down" and "engage at will". This is easy to do, but how i can put that AI soldier there and leave him there whitout stress that hes one of my group ? Otherwise, i could make good defence but i cant take much guys whit me if i want attack to another players base ?

So, these questions i have in mind:

1. Make creating units factory, make 1 unit every 5 minutes. Change to give commands to join me, or leave that to position and leave him there as part of defence ? (remove from group)

2. Chance to deside what unit i want to be created ? LAW soldier ? Soldier ? Machine gunner ? Medic ? etc etc.

3. And same thing to vechiles. Those should be created whit crew, and desided do i want to created M113 ? M60 ? etc.

If this is too big mission plan, or someone else is created map like this, please tell me. Just trying to make good 2 player map what isn't cooperative.

Offline Scrrrrp

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Re: Building base, and attacking another one
« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2008, 19:45:43 »
Already done, we call it CTI