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Author Topic: (Review Complete) [SP] First Response by schuler  (Read 16297 times)

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Offline johnnyboy

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #15 on: 17 Aug 2008, 01:42:33 »
Hi Schuler,

Finally had a chance to give this a real go.  It was a good urban fight.


I like it better now.  When the car exploded, another car exploded in top right and spun through the air.  Looked very cool.

Question: Was the car spinning in air scripted?  Or did the force of the explosion and the ARMA engine make car spin through air? 

You might want to ungroup the terroist units in the intro so they don't talk during it...


Well done, good links for details.


1. Mini-cutscene worked fine.

2. Mission needs voice acting if possible.

3. I personally don't like messages for getting experience points.  It breaks immersion (reminds you this is a game).  If you want to reward player in game (and add to immersion), have somebody yell "Good shot!" or "RPG Down!  Woohoo!", etc.

4. I see you are using Shark-Attack/Johnnyboy MineBackpackExplode script!  That made me happy!    :D

5. Snipers were well-placed. 

6. I liked the fact that you had to stay with the Stryker.  That made this mission a little different, and more realistic in a way.  I personally don't command them well, so I went on foot, and had the Stryker follow, or ordered it from point to point. 

7. Unarmed civilians act dumb (not your fault of course, its the engine).  I had the same problem with Last Tango in Bagango...guess there's nothing to be done about it.

8. LOL, the safe house was the VERY LAST PLACE I looked in the marked circle area.  Took me forever to find.

9. I never used either support feature (air strike or repair).




Good urban fight.  A little too hard (so many bad guys), so I had to save all the time to beat it.  This is a fun mission, but needs voice acting too stand out.  Plus maybe a surprise or twist (that's not in the briefing), because after all war is unpredictable!
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You: "Only in Bagango."
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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #16 on: 17 Aug 2008, 10:08:06 »
MISSION: First Reponse
v0.92 with addons HiFi Soundmod, Wolfrug's DSAI

In picture, 'first response' is written as 'first responce'

You have 'by schuler' both in text as well as in the picture. Also, for missions other than those in beta I recommend not having the author's name/version number in the overview text.

It takes a while before the intro script kicks in, looks a bit odd seeing the player unit look around. Not sure what is going on, I guess some rebellion by the civilians of Sahrani against other civilians with bombings?

Please add a few paragraphs and made the plan section a bit more structured like a briefing should be. Map layout is pretty good, good to see that you use different than usual markers. You might want to shorten the text of the marker that say something about the safehouses. It's quite long and thereby takes up a lot of space.

Gear selection is enormous, not realistic (aye mario?) but good for playability. Objectives and extra information is clear, I suggest splitting the stuff up into paragraphs to make the additional information easier to read though.


Ingame cutscene is alright, nothing bad nothing spectacular either. Noticed a type: 'luitant' I think near the tent. Was too fast for me to write down.

Guys join me, I board stryker as gunner and order my squad in the stryker ordering #2 to move out to Paraiso. Pretty good job at those fortifications, and the general base layout.

Typo in a radio message: 'BRAVO1 MOING OUT'

Taking a look at my radio options and I notice that I can radio for CAS even though it says that I can only do that in case of armoured contacts? The savegame radio option is fine, though for difficulty purposes you could limited the number of saves by wolfrug's method (look for it in Evil's Last Will thread). Finally, please reconsider the radio name for the repair vehicle, it looks odd not sure if its meant to be like that.

Thank god there is one set of NV Goggles in the Stryker as it's getting pretty dark and I don't think I could get them from the gear selection. Also, good to see all that weaponry inside, damn how do they fit that in the stryker :P. Anyway, I'm out the stryker after the checkpoint, got one insurgent down, #2,3,9 are in the stryker while the rest of 'em is with me in close column.

Proceeding down the road and got 2000 points for a sniper that one of my teammates killed. By the way, I recall reading somewhere that snipers are using AK47s is that smart?

Got further with my squad, take one casualty but proceed nonetheless, shoot like five insurgents and get everyone in the stryker as it is getting too hot out there with all those insurgents in every corner. I'm gunner and shoot several more enemies, including the driver of an ural and a few guys near it. Then suddenly everything goes wrong, oh a minute ago I got my second 2000 points as I killed an RPG sniper. Anyway, suddenly I couldn't shoot as the gun was probably damaged, the ural to my right blows up and the UAZ MG keeps driving towards me. Then, we get out automatically, and the stryker explodes. What was that, IED? RPG? MG? have no idea what destroyed / damaged my stryker.

Anyawy, I have enough for now, will continue later on.
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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #17 on: 07 Sep 2008, 14:50:46 »
Bert thanks mate hope to see you in action soon  :good:

Make a clear distinction about the mission area in the briefing.
Get rid of the "last loon" problem.
   Redone briefing should fix both probs there
The last loon is ok because you might not find all of them. In the briefing it states to go to debriefing at the Airbase after the safe house is found or continue with mission and hunt for more insurgents

Noticed a type: 'luitant'.> fixed

The savegame radio option is fine, though for difficulty purposes you could limited the number of saves by wolfrug's method (look for it in Evil's Last Will thread)
Thank god there is one set of NV Goggles in the Stryker as it's getting pretty dark
Its morning I made that more clear in the new version.

I recall reading somewhere that snipers are using AK47s is that smart?
A sniper will use anything he can to get the job done.
         Ps I will look at wolfrug's method

Question: Was the car spinning in air scripted?  Or did the force of the explosion and the ARMA engine make car spin through air?
Timed ~0.5 secondary exploitation

i am still having problems with the stryker guard script and have to PM Trapper
the mission will play good as but the stryker must stay withing 150 meter of play at the moment
thanks to you all, schuler

Semper Fi

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #18 on: 22 Jan 2009, 04:48:44 »
I think I am at a final here! Reviewers should be looking at this one as I have had my fun playing around with this mission.
thanks Trapper,, added heli conflict idea and fixed stryker script
Semper Fi

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #19 on: 29 Jan 2009, 16:22:33 »
If this is a definite review request, you should put (Please review) in the thread title.



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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #20 on: 30 Jan 2009, 00:19:17 »
Hi mathias, I think its ready. I was just hoping someone would beta test it one more time. and saying that who ever thinks they might take the review, to beta test it and use the beta test as part of there reviewing. if there is any bugs. i would be just fixing them and it would not make an impact on the game its self. If you have played it and think its ready let me know and i will mark it please review.
I just dont plan on adding anymore to it, and want to move on to other mission making ideas ;)
Semper Fi

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #21 on: 31 Jan 2009, 01:16:36 »
I played this one yesterday and did happen to find a bug.
The cutscene at the end of the mission that Thanks the player and displays credits never Blacked IN. So I was returned control but could not see anything. I was never able to actually end the mission and thus see if there was an outro.
Other than that, the mission was okay, I played it once Grand theft style and sped through the streets mowing the enemy down with my Stryker.
But the Black IN definitely need fixing.

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #22 on: 31 Jan 2009, 04:35:12 »
ok good to know SBG, thanks, i will fix that and go for a review ;)
Semper Fi

Offline Zipper5

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #23 on: 13 Feb 2009, 13:23:54 »
First Response by schuler

Played with:
  • ArmA v1.14
  • Required AddOns
  • Regular difficulty settings modified to Veteran settings (allows more than one save game)

Contains everything it needs. Nothing to change.

I didn't really care for the image that much, plus it's also squished. It could also benefit from a border around it. A version number would be nice as well.

It took a while for the intro to start so I saw the unit which was assigned as "Player" for a few seconds. I'd suggest starting the trailer through use of a script activated in the initialization line of a unit. That way it kicks in right away.

Contains different sections with useful information. It outlines the mission and breaks it down into two objectives. It also has a notes section and a fairly extensive gear selection. That brings me to my first issue - you can only select gear for yourself. I found it odd to have that much gear selection at my disposal and not be able to assign it to my units. There are also a few typos:

... all are armmor is fighting... -> ... all our armor is fighting...

... good command and wont run into RPG's... -> ... good command and won't run into RPGs...

Though I do like the whistling to the tune of the OFP theme, taken from Blood, Sweat & Tears, no one appeared to actually be whistling it, so it felt a bit out of place. There is a song in ArmA that is a re-done version of the original OFP theme which would probably fit better.

I loaded my men into the Stryker and moved out. As we did, I came across these typos in the radio messages:

Bravo1 moving is moving out! -> Bravo1 is moving out!
... give us a sitrep when possible, copy HQ over. -> ... give us a sitrep when possible, over.

One we got to the town I ordered all my men apart from the driver to disembark from the Stryker. Contrary to what the notes suggested, I put "3" along with "2" as the driver and gunner of the Stryker and told them to simply return to formation. We ended up killing a sniper upon which we got the following message with a typo:

sniper is History -> Sniper is history.

As we moved through the city we encountered and took down multiple hostiles. I must admit, I liked having to keep my eyes open for suicide bombers. We got hit once by one in a Ural but it only took down one of my guys. As we progressed we came to one of the areas marked as a possible safehouse. I didn't really think that these guys would have a BMP, but they did. Perhaps you should state somewhere that they're quite heavily armed. One of my guys took it out, however, and we destroyed the safehouse. I liked the effect of the explosions as I shot the barrels. As we did so, one suicide bomber blew himself up and I got the following error:

And then the strangest thing happened. I got this message, also with a typing error:

safe house destroyed -> Safehouse destroyed.

And it then cut to the ending credits way out in the ocean. It was slightly anti-climactic and "sudden", I must admit. The objective to clear out the town hadn't even been ticked. Once it blacked out, the mission didn't end, so I had to abort it, thus never got to see the debriefing or outro. Presumably, however, I completed the mission.

Could not see due to aforementioned bug.

Could not see due to aforementioned bug.

A mission with a lot of promise though one I think you should take more care with. It was fun but it was also quite buggy. However, that's the point of these beta boards after all. If you fix these bugs and improve on the changes mentioned by myself and others, I think this could actually turn out to be quite the good mission. Keep it up.

Offline johnnyboy

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #24 on: 13 Feb 2009, 16:35:33 »
Code: [Select]
I liked the effect of the explosions as I shot the barrels. As we did so, one suicide bomber blew himself up and I got the following error:
That error is in the mine backpack explode script.  It seems to happen about 1 out of 100 times, and I can't figure out why...   It happens so infrequently, its difficult to figure out why.
« Last Edit: 13 Feb 2009, 16:47:45 by johnnyboy »
El Cojon: "Do you like to Tango?"
You: "Only in Bagango."
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Offline Worldeater

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #25 on: 13 Feb 2009, 17:11:02 »
My guess: modelToWorld gets called with an uninitialized variable because mando_getpos.sqf returns -1.

Code: (mando_getpos.sqf) [Select]
// Returns 0 for standing up, 1 for crouch, 2 for prone, -1 for unkown.

Code: (mineBackbackExplode.sqs) [Select]
_stance = [_unit] call mando_getpos;
?_stance == 0: _mine_height = 1.2;
?_stance == 1: _mine_height = .9;
?_stance == 2: _mine_height = .25;
_pos = _unit modelToWorld [0, .5, _mine_height];

So _stance can also be -1 (probably when mando_getpos.sqf is passed a dead unit) but this case is never checked.

Solution: set a default value to _mine_height, then do the three _stance checks.

try { return true; } finally { return false; }

Offline johnnyboy

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #26 on: 13 Feb 2009, 18:03:11 »
Damn, Worldeater, you're good!

I'll fix that sucker and re-submit it.  That bug was bugging me forever...

Thank you sir!

Schuler: I'll notify you as soon as I fix the script.
El Cojon: "Do you like to Tango?"
You: "Only in Bagango."
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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #27 on: 14 Feb 2009, 05:18:07 »
Schuler: I'll notify you as soon as I fix the script.
copy mate! i thought the bug was from the heli being inflyheight so i removed that meanwhile i will be working on the other issues and adjust some things
i thing i will add a cut scene at the end before the briefing and work on a few bugs (typo's)
ps Zipper5 thank for finding sniper is History -> Sniper is history. that was to be removed, i didnt know it was there :whistle:
note: if you call on CAS you will get a cut scene and new objective!
cheers gentlemen
ps johnnyboy  i am going to try and add a part where the player has to shoot the barrels out of the way to complete the CAS obj! ( if player is still in stryker, witch is what the mission was made for )
savedbygrace i fixed the bug you found, note all bugs will be fixed (hopefully in next ver, and SBG's bug too, then a review )

@ johnnyboy  >:( just joking  :D
Semper Fi

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #28 on: 14 Feb 2009, 06:50:11 »
One other thing that I failed to mention. 
While leaving the compound and making the turn toward the city, text is flashed on screen and then replaced too quickly to read it. I have not opened the mission up because my pbo tool will not allow me to open it, (I use the old Almafi tool for unpboing things) and so I am unsure how you have the text being printed.

If you are using triggers, and need both lines on screen at the same time in sequential order, you can use the Titletext command for one and then the Cuttext command for the other but use the \n (break) command to force the second line below the first otherwise the lines will blend. Both will disappear in 20 seconds unless you repeat the commands with empty quotes.

BTW, How do i open this PBO of yours?

Offline johnnyboy

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #29 on: 14 Feb 2009, 20:14:27 »
@Schuler: :thumbsdown:,  just kidding!  :cool2:

The mineBackpackExplode script should now be fixed (thanks Worldeater).  Get it from the Beta Thread:


I will have to replay this mission now that I know it contains that incredibly ingenious beautiful wonderful astounding earth-shaking mind-numbing jaw-dropping totally friggin' bitchin' flamin' flagellum burning barrel script!  (He said with great modesty...).
El Cojon: "Do you like to Tango?"
You: "Only in Bagango."
Download Last Tango in Bagango and discover how El Cojon earned his name...