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Author Topic: [ACCEPTED] 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP  (Read 3891 times)

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Offline Mandoble

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[ACCEPTED] 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« on: 08 Jun 2006, 23:16:06 »
The following script writes text (static or moving) in the space.

Code: [Select]
;by Mandoble
;Write 3D text in the space
;Initial pos, from where the text will be written
;Displacement angle of the text when moves (0-359, 0=N,180=S).
;Initial altitude of the base of the text.
;Horizontal speed of the text in m/s, 0 if still text (text will follow indicated disp. angle).
;Vertical speed of the text in m/s, negative if descending, 0 if still text.
;Angle of the text as it is written starting from initial pos (0-359, 0=N,180=S).
;Text array to be written, each member a character between "" (A-Z, 0-9, period, comma and space supported).
;Size array, each element in meters:
;            [character width,character height,space between characters,size of each character particle]
;Shape for particles, either 2D shape (cl_fire,cl_water,cl_clasic,obrysove svetlo,koulesvetlo) or 3d object 
;If above type is spaceobject or not (true for 3d objects, false for 2D shapes)
;Color array, each menber is a [R,G,B,A] array, you may add as many members as desired.
;Duration of the text in seconds, 9999 for a forever present text.
;Rotations per second of character particles
;Example step by step:
; 1 - Place the player near the coast heading East to the sea
; 2 - Place a gamelogic named lg_pos1 200m East of the player, at the sea
; 3 - Set time of day aroud 5:00 in summer.
; 4 - Execute the following line:
;[getPos lg_pos1,270,10,15,0,180,["H","E","L","L","O"],[10,10,5,5],"koulesvetlo",false,[[0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,0,0]],10,0]exec"mando3dwrite.sqs"
; Text will be displayed East of player, written from N to S and moving West at 15m/s.
; Fonts are 10x10m, spacing between fonts is 5m. Each font particle is 5m wide.
; The text will change from green to yellow as it advances towards the player

_posini = _this select 0
_angmov = _this select 1
_altini = _this select 2
_spdx   = _this select 3
_spdy   = _this select 4
_ang    = _this select 5
_texto  = _this select 6
_sizes  = _this select 7
_shape  = _this select 8
_space  = _this select 9
_color  = _this select 10
_dur    = _this select 11
_rots   = _this select 12

_pos    = [_posini select 0, _posini select 1, _altini]
_wf     = _sizes select 0
_dsx    = _wf/5.0
_hf     = _sizes select 1
_dsy    = _hf/5.0
_sp     = _sizes select 2
_sized = [_sizes select 3]
_rad = 0.0
_type = "Billboard"
?_space: _type = "SpaceObject"

_vel = [_spdx*sin(_angmov),_spdx*cos(_angmov),_spdy]

_errorcmd = "Unsupported commands - "
_errorfonts = "Unsupported characters - "

_nfonts = count _texto
_nfont  = 0
_font = _texto select _nfont
?_font == "A":goto "write_a"
?_font == "B":goto "write_b"
?_font == "C":goto "write_c"
?_font == "D":goto "write_d"
?_font == "E":goto "write_e"
?_font == "F":goto "write_f"
?_font == "G":goto "write_g"
?_font == "H":goto "write_h"
?_font == "I":goto "write_i"
?_font == "J":goto "write_j"
?_font == "K":goto "write_k"
?_font == "L":goto "write_l"
?_font == "M":goto "write_m"
?_font == "N":goto "write_n"
?_font == "Ñ":goto "write_ny"
?_font == "O":goto "write_o"
?_font == "P":goto "write_p"
?_font == "Q":goto "write_q"
?_font == "R":goto "write_r"
?_font == "S":goto "write_s"
?_font == "T":goto "write_t"
?_font == "U":goto "write_u"
?_font == "V":goto "write_v"
?_font == "W":goto "write_w"
?_font == "X":goto "write_x"
?_font == "Y":goto "write_y"
?_font == "Z":goto "write_z"
?_font == " ":goto "write_spc"
?_font == ".":goto "write_pto"
?_font == ",":goto "write_cma"
?_font == "0":goto "write_0"
?_font == "1":goto "write_1"
?_font == "2":goto "write_2"
?_font == "3":goto "write_3"
?_font == "4":goto "write_4"
?_font == "5":goto "write_5"
?_font == "6":goto "write_6"
?_font == "7":goto "write_7"
?_font == "8":goto "write_8"
?_font == "9":goto "write_9"
_errorfonts = _errorfonts + format["%1",_font]

_rad = _rad + _sp
_pos = [(_posini select 0)+_rad*sin(_ang), (_posini select 1)+_rad*cos(_ang), (_pos select 2)]
_nfont = _nfont + 1
?_nfont < _nfonts: goto "write"
_error = false
? (_errorfonts != "Unsupported characters - "):_error = true
? (_errorcmd != "Unsupported commands - "):_error = true

hint format["%1\n\n%2",_errorfonts, _errorcmd]

_command = ["U","U","UR","UR","DR","DR","D","D","UL","L","L","L","JDR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","DR","DL","L","R","JDR","DL","L","L","L","JR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","R","D","JD","JD","JD","L","L","L","UL","JDR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","DR","DR","DL","DL","L","L","L","JR","JR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","R","DL","JDL","L","L","JD","JD","JR","R","R","R","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","R","DL","JDL","L","L","JD","JD","JR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","R","D","JDL","R","D","DL","L","L","R","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","D","JDR","R","R","R","U","U","D","JD","JD","D","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["R","R","U","U","U","U","L","L","R","JR","JR","R","DL","JD","JD","JD","R","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","DR","R","U","U","U","U","L","L","R","JR","JR","R","R","JD","JD","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","JD","R","UR","UR","D","JD","JDL","DR","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","D","JD","JD","JDR","R","R","R","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","DR","UR","UR","D","D","D","D","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","DR","DR","DR","U","U","U","U","D","JDR","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","DR","DR","DR","U","U","U","U","UL","JU","L","L","DR","JDR","JDR","JDR","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","DR","D","D","DL","L","L","UL","JDR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","DR","DL","L","L","DR","JDR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","DR","D","D","DL","L","L","UL","JDR","JDR","DR","U","JUR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","DR","DL","L","R","JDR","DR","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["R","R","R","UR","UL","L","L","UL","UR","R","R","R","D","JD","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JR","JR","U","U","U","U","L","L","R","JR","JR","R","DL","JD","JD","JD","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","U","U","U","R","JR","JR","JR","D","D","D","DL","L","L","R","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","JU","U","U","DR","JD","JD","DR","UR","UR","U","U","D","JD","JD","JDR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","JD","JD","UR","DR","DR","U","U","U","U","DR","JD","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["UR","UR","UR","UR","L","JL","JL","JL","DR","DR","JDR","DR","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","JU","JU","JU","DR","DR","D","D","U","JU","JUR","UR","UR","JD","JD","JD","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["R","R","R","R","UL","UL","UL","UL","R","R","R","R","R","JD","JD","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["U","R","D","R","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JD","UR","U","R","D","R","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","DR","D","D","DL","L","L","UL","JDR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JR","R","U","U","U","U","DL","DL","JR","JD","JD","JR","JR","R","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["UR","UR","UR","UL","L","DL","D","JD","JDR","R","R","R"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["R","R","UR","UL","L","R","JUR","UL","L","L","R","JDR","JDR","JDR","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","JU","U","U","U","JDR","JD","JD","R","U","U","D","JD","JD","D","UR","JU","D","JDR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["R","R","UR","UL","L","L","U","U","R","R","R","R","JD","JD","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","JUR","R","DR","DL","L","UL","U","U","UR","R","R","JDR","JD","JD","JD"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","JU","JU","JU","R","R","R","DL","DL","D","D","R","JR","JR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JU","UR","R","UR","UL","L","DL","DR","JD","JD","R","UR","DR"]
goto "writefont"
_command = ["JR","R","UR","U","U","UL","L","DL","DR","R","DR","JD"]
goto "writefont"

_cmds = count _command
_ncmd = 0
_cmd = _command select _ncmd
_cmdok = false
?_cmd == "JDR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JDL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JUR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JUL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JU":_dx=0.0;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JD":_dx=0.0;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "DR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "DL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "UR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "UL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "U":_dx=0.0;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "D":_dx=0.0;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "L":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "R":_dx=_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?!_cmdok: goto "errorcmd"
_rad = _rad + _dx
_pos = [(_posini select 0)+_rad*sin(_ang), (_posini select 1)+_rad*cos(_ang), (_pos select 2)+_dy]
_ncmd = _ncmd + 1
?_ncmd < _cmds:goto "writeseg"
goto "nextfont"

_errorcmd = _errorcmd + format["%1 ",_cmd]
goto "continuarcmd"

Quick and fun example:
1 - Place the player near a beach heading East (looking at the sea).
2 - Set the time to 10:00
3 - Trigger the following code:
Code: [Select]
[[(getPos player select 0)+300,(getPos player select 1)+65,0],270,-10,15,1,180,[".","F","L","A","S","H","P","O","I","N","T","."],[10,10,5,4],"micuda",true,[[1,1,1,0.7],[1,1,1,0.7],[1,1,1,0.7],[1,1,1,0]],20,1]exec"mando3dwrite.sqs";[[(getPos player select 0)+300,(getPos player select 1)+65,0],270,-10,15,1,180,[".","F","L","A","S","H","P","O","I","N","T","."],[10,10,5,10],"koulesvetlo",false,[[0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,0,0]],16,0]exec"mando3dwrite.sqs"

The following script allows you to draw any figure (static or moving) in the space.

Code: [Select]
;By Mandoble
;Draws 3D figures in the space using drawing commands.
;You place the pen in the space, then the pen paints or not and moves.
;'J' commands moves without painting (jumps).
;The available movements of the pen are: Up,UpRight,Right,DownRight,Down,DownLeft,Left and UpLeft
;Initial pos, from where the text will be written
;Displacement angle of the text when moves (0-359, 0=N,180=S).
;Initial altitude of the base of the text.
;Horizontal speed of the text in m/s, 0 if still text (text will follow indicated disp. angle).
;Vertical speed of the text in m/s, negative if descending, 0 if still text.
;Angle of the text as it is written starting from initial pos (0-359, 0=N,180=S).
;Drawing commands array to be executed:
;        "U","UR","R","DR","D","DL","L","UL" and
;        "JU","JUR","JR","JDR","JD","JDL","JL","JUL"
;Size array, each element in meters:
;            [Horizontal distance between particles,vertical distance between particles, size of particle]
;Shape for particles, either 2D shape (cl_fire,cl_water,cl_clasic,obrysove svetlo,koulesvetlo) or 3d object 
;If above type is spaceobject or not (true for 3d objects, false for 2D shapes)
;Color array, each menber is a [R,G,B,A] array, you may add as many members as desired.
;Duration of the text in seconds, 9999 for a forever present text.

;[getPos lg_letras,270,10,15,0,180,["U","U","U","R","R","R","UR","UR"],[2,2,5],"koulesvetlo",false,[[0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,0,0]],6]exec"mando3ddraw.sqs"

_posini  = _this select 0
_angmov  = _this select 1
_altini  = _this select 2
_spdx    = _this select 3
_spdy    = _this select 4
_ang     = _this select 5
_command = _this select 6
_sizes   = _this select 7
_shape   = _this select 8
_space   = _this select 9
_color   = _this select 10
_dur     = _this select 11

_pos    = [_posini select 0, _posini select 1, _altini]
_dsx    = _sizes select 0
_dsy    = _sizes select 1
_sized = [_sizes select 2]
_rad = 0.0
_type = "Billboard"
?_space: _type = "SpaceObject"

_vel = [_spdx*sin(_angmov),_spdx*cos(_angmov),_spdy]

_errorcmd = "Unsupported commands - "

_cmds = count _command
_ncmd = 0
_cmd = _command select _ncmd
_cmdok = false
?_cmd == "JDR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JDL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JUR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JUL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JU":_dx=0.0;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JD":_dx=0.0;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "JR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=false;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "DR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "DL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "UR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "UL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "U":_dx=0.0;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "D":_dx=0.0;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "L":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?_cmd == "R":_dx=_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=true;_cmdok = true
?!_cmdok: goto "errorcmd"
_rad = _rad + _dx
_pos = [(_posini select 0)+_rad*sin(_ang), (_posini select 1)+_rad*cos(_ang), (_pos select 2)+_dy]
_ncmd = _ncmd + 1
?_ncmd < _cmds:goto "drawseg"

_error = false
? (_errorcmd == "Unsupported commands - "):exit

hint format["%1", _errorcmd]

_errorcmd = _errorcmd + format["%1 ",_cmd]
goto "continuarcmd"

Enjoy  :D
« Last Edit: 04 Sep 2007, 09:00:14 by bedges »

Offline The-Architect

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Re: 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« Reply #1 on: 09 Jun 2006, 03:40:02 »
Could you explain what exactly is happening?
James Andrew Wilkinson 1977 - 2005 R.I.P.
"If it ain't the friggin' incoming it's the friggin' outgoing. Only difference is who gets the friggin' grease, and that ain't no friggin' difference at all."

Offline Mandoble

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Re: 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« Reply #2 on: 09 Jun 2006, 09:28:46 »
If you mean with the text, it is generated at one point in the space and may move to another at indicated speed. Same with drawings.


  • Guest
Re: 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« Reply #3 on: 21 Jun 2006, 11:58:03 »
I don't think I'll have time to test the script just yet (but will do it sometime in the near future), but I have to say this is one of the coolest and most innovative ideas I have ever seen when it comes to particles...

Offline penguinman

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Re: 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« Reply #4 on: 19 Jul 2006, 23:32:22 »
Could it have a demo mission, cause its a little bit over my head.

Also, is it possible to have a large number of particles shooting at high speed thru an area. I want to simulate the player being attacked as he is retreating but  not be killed so i want to shoot a large number of particles past him. do you know how i could do that.


Offline Mandoble

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Re: 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« Reply #5 on: 19 Jul 2006, 23:42:22 »
About a demo mission, read the header of mando3dwrite.sqs script, you will find there a very simple example step by step.

Not exactly related to this topic, but for the "false bullets" all you need to do is to create small black particles 50 meters away of the player's heading and give each particle a velocity vector towards the player, but adding a bit of dispersion.

Offline penguinman

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Re: 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« Reply #6 on: 20 Jul 2006, 01:12:13 »
well, thats, it, i was wondering if there was some way I could get your script to do that, because i have no idea how to do any of the stuff that you said. 

Offline Mandoble

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Re: 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« Reply #7 on: 20 Jul 2006, 01:22:18 »
For your purpose, it would be much better to use a different script, but you may try with mando3ddraw.sqs giving a displacement angle that aims against the player or the camera and a speed of 300 m/s or more.

Offline penguinman

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Re: 3D text and 3D drawings for OFP
« Reply #8 on: 20 Jul 2006, 01:54:03 »
what? Please, I know almost nothing of drops please make a script or somthing that does that. you could also submit it for beta testing here.

call it  mandotracer.
or simulated mandoattack
or mandomachinegun fire

thank you